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Dee74 04-04-2017 08:35 PM

Class of March 2016 part 45
Last part here:


CaseyW 04-04-2017 08:38 PM


Edited to add: Did you know if you type "SHOTGUN" all by itself in capital letters that the forum will automatically convert it to lowercase letters for you? Thanks for the new digs, Dee.

Just finished my before-bed meditations. Really going to sleep now. Gotta be up early in the morning as my favorite used bookstore is starting their twice-yearly 75% off everything sale at 9 in the morning and I want to hit it up before work. Because I need more books like I need a hole in my head.

immri 04-04-2017 08:44 PM

Goodnight Casey. I just bought an obscene amount of books myself, I too have a problem.

samantha14 04-05-2017 03:15 AM

Morning! Had a pretty rotten work day yesterday so I went home, had McDonald's for dinner and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I am feeling a little better this morning and knowing that today is my last day before three days off certainly helps. :)

Thanks for all the love yesterday - I wouldn't be anywhere without all of you. I hope you know how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you.

On my way to work now - it's chilly out and I feel the beginnings of a cold coming on (maybe) - scratchy threat, cotton-ball head...meh.

Well that's it for my sad and depressing morning post. I am going to meditate, write down a few things I am grateful for and then hopefully find myself in a better headspace.

Love you all!! ❤❤

Applekat 04-05-2017 03:38 AM

Good morning!!

Sam - I had MCD twice last week. Sometimes you just need something bad and to me a quarter pounder is better than a bottle of wine.

Casey - enjoy your "early morning" book sale. I chuckle as I've been up half the night, but I guess the kids were my choice haha. Are you looking for anything specific? I borrowed Lit by Mary Karr this week and just can't get into it! I think it's the way she writes. Oh, wanted to say glad your apartment is quieter this time around!

Have a good one everyone!

beerbgone 04-05-2017 05:12 AM

Mornin' Marchers. Sippin' startin' fluid contemplating the weather. Gonna' be really nasty here today. Whirly boogers and hail predicted by our weather guesser!

KiKi0615 04-05-2017 05:24 AM

Morning everyone. Not doing so great this morning. Still sober but had a fight with my husband last night and have a heavy heart and feel like crying. The thought of drinking has crossed my mind several times today and it's only 8:20 am! I won't drink though!

I'm at the dentist with my daughter and when I get home my #1 priority is going to be to find a marriage counselor.

Gotta go. Not feeling well. Sometimes I think my emotions are going to KILL me! :-(

Autumnlover19 04-05-2017 05:26 AM

Hi Matchers,
I'm sippin' startin' fluid too. I have the day off and a dear friends end is in town with her little boy who is a month older than mine. This should be fun! Two two year olds meeting up again!

Things are good on the homefront, because the ex has left the premises. Of course all his stuff is still here so hopefully he has a plan for that. I plan on selling this house so soon it will have to be out one way or another :)

Work is going good, SMART recovery is awesome! I have 3 months probation for my domestic assault on the ex. (He has the same charge). But it will never be on my record if I follow all the probation stipulations. Which I fully intend on doing!

All in all, everything is working itself out.

Thinking of you all and thankful for this wonderful class and SR.


KiKi0615 04-05-2017 05:27 AM

P.S. I just realized that I should change the name "drinking" to "numb my feelings".

So when I say "I feel like DRINKING." I am really saying "I feel like numbing my feelings!" Weird that I just realized that.

Applekat 04-05-2017 05:28 AM

Thinking of you Kiki. That's a good priority. One thing at a time. Remember you definitely don't want to go back to day 1. The worst!

KiKi0615 04-05-2017 05:30 AM

Hey Autumn, I'm glad you got rid of your ex and you are doing better! So great to hear. :-)

KiKi0615 04-05-2017 05:31 AM

Thanks AppleKat. I never want to go back to day 1. You're right! I needed that reminder!

CaseyW 04-05-2017 06:15 AM

Day 6. Rhymes with fix. Which is what I'm trying to do with my life right now.

I didn't want to wake up this morning but did it anyways. Eating bacon and eggs now and then headed to the book sale. And then work. Probably go to an AA meeting tonight but I might just spend the evening at the house. We'll see how I feel later.

Obscene is my favorite amount of books, immri.

I had McDonald's for lunch on Monday, Samantha. Probably the first time I've been there in a year and it was amazing. So unhealthy, so basic, so just what I needed. Hope today is a better day for you. Congrats on 101! It's a palindrome day!

Yeah, Applekat, it was rough only getting eight full hours of sleep last night...sigh... nah, just teasing. I only slept for seven hours and 45 minutes. I'm not looking for any books in particular, just whatever tickles my fancy. I have a copy of "Lit" that I bought at this same bookstore a couple of months ago but haven't tried reading it yet.

I hate when the weatherman predicts whirly boogers, Beerbgone. Stay warm and safe today.

A drink ain't the solution to your fight with your husband, KiKi. It won't even numb your feelings, it'll just give you something else to be mad at yourself about. Stick close, post often, get to a meeting, don't drink please.

Glad things are going good on the homefront, Autumnlover. I'm jealous you have the option of SMART meetings. I've always wanted to give them a try but there are none here. Enjoy your meeting with your friend.

I'm not gonna drink today. How about you?

Applekat 04-05-2017 06:17 AM

Not drinking, Casey!!

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 06:39 AM

Good morning, guys!

Sam - Have a better day.
AK - A Quarter Pounder is sounding yum right now and it's only 8:36AM!
BBG- be safe.
AL- Have fun with your friend today. Sounds like fun. Glad the ex is out.
Kiki - I'm so sorry about your fight with your husband. Seeking a marriage counselor sounds like the best recourse. Drinking sounds like the worst.
Casey- enjoy the book sale!

Have a terrifically terrific day, guys! I will too!

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 06:41 AM

Phoenix - Good evening! Hope you had a great day.

PhoenixJ 04-05-2017 06:56 AM

Hi B, another deep day. Mind me- every day seems deeper than the one b4.
Today's insight was about child-h memories- and working out stuff. Also went to e meeting 2nite- close to where my home is/was. Instead of judging people now with the info I gleen about them- using people watching skills, I feel empathy and sadness for them.
Iwaited outside to only dunny (always busy0 for a goodly while for it to be vacated. A lady in her 40's, thin 9some would say petite), short trendy hair, matching coat/shoes/lipstick (red) came out- averted her eyes and moved away. She forgot to flush. Very- very conc wee (the nurse in me), the hair had been arranged to hide hair loss and she had lost a lot of weight very recently.
I figured she was very new from serious drinking. Confirmed- 12 hours. Something not good . I spoke with her and directed her to people - at her request who may help her. Not app. of course for me to do so- wrong gender.
Another guy- 22, huge abrasions on his knees- 12 inches long, infected. Last weekend drank 3 X 750ml bottles of gin in 4 hours. Plus others. Sigh.
Art is so much better than drinking. My avatar is draft 2 for blood rose mp.

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 07:07 AM

Glad you were there to lend support. You could always claim genderless. I have a crap ton (maybe less than a butt ton) of hair and was starting to notice hair loss. My hairdresser said it was stress. I knew better. That's pretty devastating.

Your masterpiece is going to be awesome. Maybe tomorrow can be a little more lighthearted for you. Hugs.

ManInTheArena 04-05-2017 07:44 AM

Whirly Boogers?!! That sounds terrible!!

Sam, McD's can be great therapy in the right context - hope it helped.

Kiki, I get your "numb my feelings" thought. I hope things get better for you.

Good to see everyone checking in - and I hope everyone has the awesome day they deserve.

Don't drink ......

ManInTheArena 04-05-2017 07:49 AM

Bobbie, your new tag line reminds of that line in Scarlet Begonias - "Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right."

I love that song.

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 07:51 AM

Hey MITA!! :wavey:

CaseyW 04-05-2017 07:53 AM

Welp, only took me 20 minutes to fill up my handheld basket with books. Decided to call it quits as the sale is going on all month. I'll go back when they're open again Saturday. $17 well-spent this morning:

I'm going to have to buy a new bookcase soon. That'll be #7.

Hope that woman gets in touch with the help you recommended, Phoenix.

To quarter pounder or not to quarter pounder, Bobbieka, that is the question.

Wonderful to see you, ManInTheArena.

Time for work. I'd say yuck but it's a short shift and I'm trying to be grateful for my job today. Trying.

Wishing everyone the best!

KiKi0615 04-05-2017 08:06 AM

Hi again, home from the dentist with my daughter and my day got worse after I posted this morning. After posting I found out a friend died of cancer. She's been battling it for 7 years. I hate cancer! THEN....the dental billing lady was a total B-tch and because I was already upset I was B-tchy BACK! Then I stormed out of the office yelling that we were switching dentists after 18 years and embarrassed my daughter.

What was my FIRST thought again??? DRINKING! Ugh. First thought wrong! I told my daughter to wait in the car and I went back in to apologize to the dentist office worker. I cried and told her I was having a bad day and I was sorry that I took it out on her. She apologized too. Ugh.

I dropped my daughter off at school & immediately called my sponsor crying. I forgot to mention that my toxic mother showed up at my kid's track meet last night which is probably what caused a fight with my husband last night (he says I'm always b-tchy for a few days after I see her)....which led into today.

Anyway....after 45 minutes on the phone with my sponsor I feel a little better. I crawled back in bed and am gonna sleep! I'm over-tired and I need to be gentle with myself. I think today is one of those days that if the ONLY thing I accomplish is to stay sober then it was a good day!

So gonna sleep & then maybe spoil myself with Chipotle tonight.

P.S. Just found out our insurance doesn't cover marriage counseling so I need a plan B! Any ideas?

Love you guys.

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 08:11 AM

Aw - Kiki, Hugs. Good for you for apologizing. I'm so sorry about your friend. You're right, cancer sucks. As for marriage counseling, I know some churches offer it for a lot less and sometimes free. Maybe look into that. I hope when you wake up things will be better.

CaseyW 04-05-2017 08:12 AM

Good job getting back in that office and apologizing and then calling your sponsor, KiKi. Progress, not perfection, right?

So sorry for the loss of your friend. Hang in there and don't drink. We're here if you need to keep venting.

PhoenixJ 04-05-2017 08:16 AM

thinking of you KK. Be well.

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 08:17 AM

Casey, I just donated all of my books. Hundreds and hundreds. I read electronically now. Trying to declutter. It was really hard. Your stack makes me kind of jealous.

Bobbieka 04-05-2017 08:18 AM

PHX - cool avatar. I like the colors.

Caramel 04-05-2017 08:19 AM

Brave KiKi :hug: xx

CaseyW 04-05-2017 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by Bobbieka (Post 6397886)
Casey, I just donated all of my books. Hundreds and hundreds. I read electronically now. Trying to declutter. It was really hard. Your stack makes me kind of jealous.

Ten years ago, I had somewhere between 8,000-10,000 books that I sold after moving for the third time in two years. I swore at that time I'd never buy a book again as they were too damn heavy but would instead rely on libraries, etc.

That resolution lasted longer than most that I've made but I've lost it over the last 2.5 years or so. I just can't help myself. I love books and I love bookshelves. It's kinda my decorating style. A potpourri of books and weird old junk.

Really going to work now. Really. Trying. Really.

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