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LuLu13 03-20-2017 03:55 PM

Home from work, which was tough, I felt awful and still am not very good at this job. Then I started drinking to ease my very upset stomach, sigh. Hard to believe I had two years at one point. Thank you all for the support and encouragement.

resolute50 03-20-2017 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by Leshar (Post 6374759)
Hello all,
Day 10 without my trigger foods, ice cream and chocolate and I've lost 2 lbs, which is good.

My sister arrives this evening, so wish me luck. She buys her own wine when she visits and brings her scotch from duty free, a litre bottle. She drank it all in one week last visit! She's been anxious and depressed, and says she wants to cut down but can't. For the first time, she emailed "good for you for quitting booze". That was appreciated. I'm busy with finding, making props so I hope I don't get too anxious this week.
I say a prayer every morning when l look in the mirror at my thin hair, and I'm not religious, but it seems to calm me.

Lulu, don't stop posting please. The drinking you is not the genuine you.
How's it going Ladybug?

Nothing wrong with prayer.
And how awesome to get a compliment like that from your sister.
You know Leshar. You sound much better and more confident.
Can tell by reading your words here.

resolute50 03-20-2017 05:50 PM

I'm doing some new,health kind of drinks and natural supplements.
Been drinking a mixture of apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and lemon juice. Also at night I drink a tea of dandelion root. I'm trying to detox the liver and lose some weight. Get on the ecliptical machine and walk daily.
I managed to drive my glucose level down with healthy eating and these elixirs.

SnoozyQ 03-20-2017 06:13 PM

I'm doing well thanks. True to my word I have not had a drink since Angie had her breast off on the 9 th of March. I need to be present in case she needs me. She has ALWAYS been there for me bless her.

We got the results from the surgeon on Friday. It's unnerving when your doctor gives you a hug and says " it's bad news " I'm sorry :-(

She was sooooo positive that it had not spread & they got the cancer out with her breast having been taken off . But there was NO cancer in the breast.

They found 3 positive lymph nodes in the first op. So they took out another 13 . There was cancer in a further 9 :-(

I felt sick. I think Angela was in denial as she got her phone out to show the surgeon her pets...and kept talking as if she hadn't heard her. It's very hard to keep it together but I have to.

I'm trying to be positive but it's very hard. Angie rang me this morning and said she doesn't want to go through with chemo. She doesn't want to get sick and die anyhow. She has to start tomorrow and have treatment every 3 weeks for 6 months.
As well as radiotherapy. :-(

I've asked her to just give it a try , just for a month even , if she doesn't want it , at least she has tried. But that's my selfishness because I don't want her to die.

I didn't sleep a wink last night as I was just imagining this invasive bastard of a thing sweeping through her body via the lymph nodes.

You would never believe she has it as I've never seen her look so well.

Thanks for asking Ladybug & sorry I went on a bit, I really needed to purge that I think.

I'm going to have a shower then head up to Gawler River to surprise her && do all her housework.

Ill make dinner & I'll sleep there tonight as she has an apt with the oncologist at 11 am xxxx

Suze can I please send you a pic to upload for me here darling one.

Thanks in advance cos I know you will xxxx

SnoozyQ 03-20-2017 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by LuLu13 (Post 6375247)
Home from work, which was tough, I felt awful and still am not very good at this job. Then I started drinking to ease my very upset stomach, sigh. Hard to believe I had two years at one point. Thank you all for the support and encouragement.

Oh Lulu I'm so sorry. This cycle is horrific.

Have you seen your daughter recently lovely xxx

venuscat 03-20-2017 07:14 PM

Wendy love ~ I understand how much you love Angie.....I really me love means acceptance. Of all that is. And maybe Angie needs to do this in a way that is hard for you....if you can baby, let her do what she needs to do. I know that's hard. Sigh. I really do know....but life sucks sometimes, and giving support to each other in the darkest times is not always easy. But it is what we can do; it is the very best we can do. :hug: ♥ much going on here at the moment....Lu Lu.....your tummy needs to heal. Lots of hot water and light food. And we will help you every step of the way.

I'm afraid I'm too tired to remember what else right now....just so much love dearest Julyers. :hug: ♥

Dee74 03-20-2017 07:18 PM

Hugs for everyone - there's been some great advice here in the last few days.
I can't better it, really.



LuLu13 03-20-2017 08:04 PM

I see my daughter most days as she lives here, even if she makes more than me :-) So trying to get help but, insurance, ugh, and that's what I do for a living.

venuscat 03-20-2017 08:10 PM

(((LuLu))) ♥

LuLu13 03-20-2017 08:19 PM

Thank you.

venuscat 03-20-2017 08:33 PM

I know.....that wasn't actually very helpful.
But I guess I just wanted to let you know that we are really here for through whatever you need to talk through.....perhaps we can put our collective heads together and work out a way to get you the support you need in the expensive medical world. :hug:

SnoozyQ 03-20-2017 08:42 PM

Suze how will you go with the insurance over there ?

SnoozyQ 03-20-2017 08:44 PM

Suze :kiss:

Perhaps you could share with us ( your friends ) what you are going through also love. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Hope you and Nick are settling in nicely into your new place xx

venuscat 03-20-2017 08:53 PM

I have travel insurance covering me for a bit, and then I am taking out student insurance in April, and then later on when we get married I will be on Nick's insurance. We spent many hours working all of this is a mine field over here.

Um....I have talked about this (what was going on with me) a bit elsewhere....but not much Wendy love.
It wasn't really my stuff to talk about without disrespecting Nick, which I wasn't going to do.

It was pretty rough for me when I got here....there was a lot that wasn't what I thought it would be. And then there were some pretty hard issues to deal with, again, not my stuff exactly, so not really feeling like it's right to get it all out there....Nick very bravely talked about it the other night in our thread. I was very affected emotionally by his honesty: he really is a wonderful guy, and he has a beautiful heart and the very best intentions. We just needed to do things together, in person. And we have, and we will continue to do so. :)

PhoenixJ 03-20-2017 10:18 PM

good one suze

Ladybug2 03-22-2017 10:40 AM

Hi all, hope everyone is doing well.

Lulu, how are you today?

Snooz, my heart just breaks hearing about your friend. Praying for her ... and you.

Day 20. One day at a time.

venuscat 03-22-2017 10:50 AM

Hey darling Bug. :) :hug:

Day 20 is awesome are rocking this. :)

And I LOVE your avatar!!

Soberwolf 03-22-2017 02:44 PM

Big congrats Ladybug x

SnoozyQ 03-22-2017 10:00 PM

Ladybug you're a star. I'm so inspired by you to keep going too. 20 days is HUGE !

Leshar good on you for getting to where you are now without the choccies and ice cream etc.
I put some coconut oil into my hair last week as I was shedding a lot.

It's really shiny and healthy at the moment , feels really soft too. I rubbed it into my scalp gently for about 2 minutes then left it on overnight.

I haven't had a drink for 2 weeks . I'm feeling great.

We all seem to be back on track :-)


Love you ALL XX

PhoenixJ 03-23-2017 12:29 AM

good one sq

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