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Martin1 11-29-2016 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by SoberRobster (Post 6224720)
Keep strong Martin 41 days is a massive number - don't lose it !!.

All the best Rob

Thanks for the support Rob. A while back, I would have been a couple of weeks in and thought one would be OK but I'm a little further in than that now and feel a bit intimidated to drink again. I don't want to feel the way I did again.

Originally Posted by HelenofTroy (Post 6224852)
Good morning folks.

SSOH that is great that you got some writing done!

Martin I was so glad to see you say you weren't going to drink last night. I have no advice other than that alcohol will only make you feel worse. I am hoping things look a little better today for you.

I definitely feel better than I would have done had I drank.

The reason I was feeling a bit low is because I have a bad injury on my ears, I may have posted about it before. I had to get passport photos taken last night and felt bad looking at them. It really gets to me, there is no way to try and hide it either. Every time someone has seen them (which is rare because I always wear a hat) I will get a comment.

I'm busy packing for a weekend getaway. Hubby has a conference in Toronto. I was also a delegate when I was still working so we have been doing this conference for many years. We have made a tradition of hitting a few favourite restaurants and one of them is an Oyster Bar. Mr. Troy really wants to go but I am worried about it being triggering. It's the only opportunity we have to get out for raw oysters and they are usually accompanied by a skinful of wine on my part. I will need to do some planning.

Have a good one everyone.
Sounds really good, are there any other places you could go to? I'm sure you will get through it, as always we are on this thread if you need to post for support. :You_Rock_

SomeSortOfHuman 11-29-2016 01:38 PM

Hi there Martin - 41 days is brilliant - we all know how tough it is to get there.

I don't know if this is helpful, but I used to run a lot (need to get back into it!) and I was thinking the other day about some of the similarities between marathon training and sobriety. (Sounds weird, but stay with me...!)

When I got to a steep hill, or just felt knackered after a longer-than-usual run, I used to remind myself that the really tough bits were the bits that were making the difference - the whole point of the run was to get myself to that really hard bit, and pushing myself through it would make me fitter and stronger for the next run. I think sobriety is similar - not picking up a drink when you feel low is the really important bit, as each time you do that, you're strengthening that sober muscle (or willpower or resolve or whatever it is) - so those very low points where it's really hard not to drink are actually your best training session when you've got yourself through them! The experience will make you strong enough to stay sober in the future.


HelenofTroy 11-29-2016 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Martin1 (Post 6225249)
The reason I was feeling a bit low is because I have a bad injury on my ears, I may have posted about it before. I had to get passport photos taken last night and felt bad looking at them. It really gets to me, there is no way to try and hide it either. Every time someone has seen them (which is rare because I always wear a hat) I will get a comment.

I can understand feeling uncomfortable about something about your appearance that you have no control over. Having said that, no one usually sees your passport pic except a customs agent, and other than the brief moment dealing with them you are free to go about as you are comfortable - with your hat.

Originally Posted by Martin1 (Post 6225249)
Sounds really good, are there any other places you could go to? I'm sure you will get through it, as always we are on this thread if you need to post for support. :You_Rock_

Yes there are a few restaurants we try to get to while there, so we wouldn't have a problem finding somewhere else. I am going to play it by ear. If I'm feeling that it is going to be too much of a challenge not to drink there Mr. Troy would have no problem going somewhere else, but I do want to make the effort because I know he really enjoys it. It is the one time a year where we get to enjoy raw oysters as there aren't any restaurants around where we live that serve them. I'm thinking they would still be tasty with a sparkling water and lime instead of wine. :eat

I just realized that I can go with Mr. Troy to the sober social event! (he helps to organize it) I usually pass because I am too busy off drinking somewhere. Not this year! :D

HelenofTroy 11-30-2016 04:14 AM

Good morning folks.

Just a quick check-in. Got a very busy day ahead. I won't be on here much if at all until next week as I'll be leaving later today for my weekend getaway. I am committing to myself to check in here if I run into trouble. I've told the cheap bastard in me that if I go over in my phone data because I am checking in here it is still cheaper than a single glass of overpriced wine in the hotel bar lol. In the clear light of home I know that I don't want to have to start over again, and I don't want to progress any further down the rabbit hole. I've read too many horror stories here to think I can go back to drinking unscathed, and I know it will be harder to quit again if I do. I need to keep that front and centre in my mind.

Have a good week everyone. :wavey:

SomeSortOfHuman 11-30-2016 11:10 AM

Have a great weekend. Helen! Sounds like you have a strong plan in place to make it a sober one - means you'll remember it better too!

Today is 3 months for me - can't quite believe it! I still miss the ritual of wine (Britis pubs are so cosy and inviting at the time of year!) - but in a lot of ways I am grateful for my sobriety. I have my moments, but I feel that overall I have been calmer and more "even" without alcohol.

Dee74 11-30-2016 02:29 PM

I hope your confidence will come back Martin. Thwe more things I accomplished sober the better I felt about myself :)

Bon Voyage Helen - have a good sober weekend

Congrats on 3 months SSOH!

hiya phoenix :wave:


Martin1 12-01-2016 05:24 AM

November 2016 has been my first sober month in maybe five years.

43 days now.

Dee74 12-01-2016 02:49 PM

great going Martin :)


HelenofTroy 12-02-2016 05:36 AM

Good morning folks.

This expensive hotel with the overpriced WiFi is now giving it out for free. Woohoo! So I can check in here to my heart's content!

Martin a sober November for me too! Yay us!

Had a nice dinner out last night with Mr. Troy and we shared a large bottle of Perrier. We talked some more about the Oyster place. I think it will be a problem if we sit at the bar as we usually do there so I will make reservations for tomorrow night to make sure we have a table instead. Then I should be fine.

Have a good one everyone :)

HelenofTroy 12-02-2016 06:22 AM

SSOH I hear you on missing the rituals. Last night our waiter brought Wine glasses with lime for our bottle of Perrier and that felt really nice. Also at home I've been making a point of using my nice glasses for my drinks instead of drinking out of the can and it makes them seem a little more like grown up drinks. Little things but it is helping me.

Also I hear you about your moods being more even. I am finding that too. Also I am really liking the subtle positive changes in my appearance. Well I was until I used the ultra magnifying mirror in the hotel here to do my makeup yesterday. How is my mom looking back at me? Lol But all in all the longer I am not drinking the more I am seeing reasons to not drink. Hope your writing is coming along.

SollytheGolly 12-02-2016 06:41 AM

A good idea Helen - using the, now redundant, wine glasses to drink other things from. Never crossed my mind......

On another note, are you aware of the SI unit 'milli-helen'? It's defined as - The amount of beauty required to launch one ship.

SomeSortOfHuman 12-02-2016 09:23 AM

Helen - I am in fact drinking ginger beer from a wine glass right now! About to go and see some stand up comedy - something I very much associate with bottles of beer. Hoping they have alcohol free lager, otherwise will be requesting soda water with ice & lime.

bikube 12-03-2016 03:56 AM

Happy weekend September class! Hope everyone has a good one.

Just checking in, 75 days sober and feeling good at the minute. I ran 5k through the forest with my dad this morning and got a new best time! I only started running a few weeks ago so it's still a struggle for me to keep pushing for the whole route and not stop to walk. My dad is an experienced runner who does marathons so it's nice that he slows his pace to stay with me and encourage me to keep going.

I hope to get out and do some photography later today.


HelenofTroy 12-03-2016 04:25 AM

Good morning folks.

Solly, a milli-helen - that's funny! Lol

SSOH how was the comedy show?

Bikube I love that you have that relationship with your dad. And I also love reading about your running progress. 75 days is great!

We went out with a bunch of friends for Chinese last night. We met at the bar for a few drinks first and one friend had to ask me three times what I wanted to drink - I don't think he could wrap his head around me drinking soda with lime lol. I didn't offer any explanations, I just smiled and repeated my drink order. That seems to work at not having a discussion about it. I had a lot of fun. In fact at one point I was laughing and feeling giddy in that way you do when you are drinking with friends. I didn't think I would feel that way without alcohol and it was a warm fuzzy feeling realizing that I have that capability in me sober. In other news it looks like the Oyster Bar is a non-issue as they are packed and I can't get reservations. Should have done that a week ago. Oh well.

Have a good one everyone.

Martin1 12-03-2016 06:34 PM

Just a short post as I'm on mobile. Today is day 46. I am very proud of how well I am doing. I've had a couple of moments recently where I've thought about having a beer but I'm doing OK. One day at a time.

Sounds like you had a good night Helen, glad you enjoyed yourself :)

HelenofTroy 12-04-2016 06:07 AM

Good morning folks.

Hey Martin! I'm glad you are still here, I think you are doing great! So that means I must be at 45 - halfway to 90 :)

I have been having a good time this weekend. I think one of the big fears of going sober is that we won't have fun anymore but this weekend has been just as fun as when I was drinking with the added bonus of not making an ass out of myself or dealing with hangovers. As a drinker I never would have thought this but going sober can be quite liberating.

Have a good one everyone.

SoberRobster 12-04-2016 09:49 AM

Checking in as we approach the end of the weekend. Day 72 and feeling pretty good. Well done bikube on your 5K run.

bikube 12-04-2016 03:12 PM

Helen, it's great that you had so much fun without drinking! Glad you're enjoying yourself. Martin and SoberRobster, congrats on your respective tallies - you have every right to be proud. :You_Rock_

I'm just home from a meeting. The speaker had a very harrowing story and he isn't in a good place at the moment. The meeting was a very peaceful one though and I hope he found some comfort in it.

Knackered now so off to bed with me! x

SomeSortOfHuman 12-05-2016 12:23 AM

Hi Helen - the comedy show was good, and I wasn't too concerned about not having a beer in my hand. I ordered a beer for my husband and soda water for myself, and was surprised that I didn't feel too much of a pang. Also, drinks were EXPENSIVE, so we saved a bit by me not drinking.

I know what you mean about sobriety being liberating. I tend to swing between really missing booze one moment, then being so relieved the nextthat I don't "have" to drink. Alcohol had become something that I was constantly having to "deal with" one way or another - Buying it... Hiding it... Drinking it... Worrying about running out of it... Dealing with the consequences of it... It took up so much energy!

Hope everyone's doing well. The day counts are mounting up!

PhoenixJ 12-05-2016 12:29 AM

1000 ships- good for you having the mind shift.

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