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Treerat66 10-08-2016 08:56 AM

Dharma it's great after an evening like that, when you know you didn't run off at the mouth and say something stupid :emb:

FarToGo 10-08-2016 09:20 AM

Hi All,
Intended to stop by for 5 minutes, about an hour ago!
I got into the mindfulness link posted by Itchy and same as Mags have signed up for the mindfulness reminders. Good stuff and big thanks, this will help I'm sure.
Well done Dharma, sounds like you did a great job.
I've had a lovely catch up talk and walk with my lovely daughter (and lovely dog) this afternoon. Gym work out this morning and lots of housework done. All good, though I also bathed the dog and she's sulking:puppy_dog

Dharma33 10-08-2016 07:52 PM

Andy, isn't that the truth!!!

Mags1 10-08-2016 11:46 PM

Morning overs! Looks like it's going to be a nice Sunday, weatherwise!

It's our 23rd wedding anniversary today, we went out for a celebratory lunch yesterday, may go out for Sunday lunch later. Amazingly but I've only been properly present for the last 3 years or so.

Hiya wolfie!

Have a great day today:grouphug:

venuscat 10-09-2016 01:07 AM

Good morning Mags, and love to all of you....I have had a crazy few days....and I am WAY behind. :grouphug:

May I selfishly say that in four days I leave for the US, and in a few weeks I will be two years sober and living my dream exploring America and visiting people I love?

Can you believe this? Me? Really?

Sobriety, SR and the friends I have made here are the most wonderful gifts I have ever been given. :) ♥

amp123 10-09-2016 02:47 AM

Morning all! Looking like a lovely day here In Andalucía too!

Got a translation job coming up on Tuesday at a food fair. I'll be translating show cooking and also wine tasting!!! Not feeling phased by that so far! Just keep my professional hat on and get the job done...

Hope you are all keeping well!

Gilmer 10-09-2016 04:01 AM

Happy anniversary, Mags!

Good luck Tuesday, Amp. I am sure that you'll pass this test with flying colors because your will is well-set ahead of time.

Saskia 10-09-2016 04:17 AM

Mags, have a lovely anniversary :hug:

Amp, sounds like fun and I know you can do this.

Hi Gilmer :wavey:

Suze, you expressed my sentiments perfectly!

Have a super Sunday to all.

Gilmer 10-09-2016 04:30 AM

Hi, Sass! Have an excellent day!

FBL 10-09-2016 04:38 AM

WTG, Dharma! Told you it'd all work out:)

Happy Anniversary, Mags!

Suze, can't wait to hear about your trip.

Have a Super Sunday, gang!

stargazer016 10-09-2016 04:47 AM

Happy Anniversary Mags!

Way to go Inc! Amp, just another small challenge that will in the end not be a big deal. You got this!

Glad things went well Dharma!

Have a great day all!

feeling-good 10-09-2016 05:49 AM

Mags - yikes - super glue / fabric / skin combos - never good!

Suze - wow, that countdown has come around very very fast!! I'm thinking of you :)

Good thoughts for a friend who is coming to her second AA meeting today - I really hope she 'gets it' :)

Rusty Zipper 10-09-2016 05:52 AM

happy anniversary mr & mrs maggs!

and good for you vee (suze)

Mags1 10-09-2016 06:10 AM

Thanks for the congrats.

Suze, that's come up quick, you must be so excited and over the moon! Have a fabulous time. Please let us know how you're going on in USA. And celebrating row years soon, unbelievably flown by! Brilliant xx

All the best with your translation day, amp! I'm sure you won't be phased by the wine tasting, you have all your tools to hand.

amp123 10-09-2016 06:30 AM

Thanks for the support guys! Feeling pretty good and think it's going to go well.

Enjoy a great day all!

FarToGo 10-09-2016 07:33 AM

Hi All,

Another lovely walk today (minus my lovely daughter), me and the lovely dog. So I'm loving it, I do live in a very beautiful part of the world and feel very lucky, I'm thinking I'll try and ask the universe for a gift towards my spirituality and personal development. I do just that and then let it go, got chatting to another dog walker or something.
I get home to an email from my friend letting me know about another mindfulness day coming up........................... wow!
Ok, maybe this could've happened anyway, but I'm choosing to have faith as it feels wonderful.
Happy anniversary Mags.
Venus, that sounds so wonderful, dream coming true, enjoy enjoy.
Happy day all.

Mags1 10-09-2016 10:07 AM

Evening overs

FarToGo, I believe in having a little faith too. It does seem to make things happen.

Dharma33 10-09-2016 10:29 AM

See, FBL- you were right!! :)

Amp, you've got this!

Lovely to see everyone on this beautiful Sunday.

Suze, I hope you enjoy all of the diverse areas of the USofA! So exciting!

Itchy 10-09-2016 04:46 PM

Glad you liked the link. I am a big believer in RET in sober life. More so in recovery. His mindfulness and RET are very much like my own eclectic approach as a counselor and life liver.

Happy 23rd anniversary!:You_Rock_

Great that your affair went well. I had a wonderful mother who was also a slob. I had an oasis in my room - spotless and squared away. I learned that it doesn't matter what maelstroms and mess existed around me, I created a safe space in my control, and carry it with me wherever I go. It is within after all.

Amen. Nice to wake in one peace.

Hope your trip is all you wish!

Good luck! Which way do you translate SP-Eng, or Eng to SP?

I know there is power within and without. They reflect each other.

Hi Sassy, Gil, Wolf, FBL, Zippy, FG, and Star!

Well, I am done with the heavy equipment work and now have a new gravel drive and a new Culvert to stop the standing water here. My friend with the Track Hoe and dozer left it here for a few days. In the last week we moved the pile of dirt to the house finish grade and sloped all the drainage for the drive including a new 18" culvert that we installed and did not hit the gas lines. Graded the yard to drain all the water away and verified the drop of an inch every 20 feet with a laser level/transit. Then dropped three loads of SB2 gravel on the newly graded surface of the main drive and spread it perfectly, comp[acting it into the dirt with the dozer. I have some shovel and hard rake work that is wearing but I am determined to do now while I can before my surgeries in four weeks. I also need to sow grass seed to stabilize the soil. Next I'll be forming up for concrete around and leading up to the culvert mouth. We have a weeks worth of dry cool and rain free weather for me to git r dun!

Have a great Columbus day week overs! :grouphug:

Treerat66 10-09-2016 11:45 PM

Good morning Overs.

Happy anniversary Mags.

Venus have a great trip.

Have a magnificent Monday everyone.

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