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FarToGo 10-05-2016 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by gleefan (Post 6160743)
FTG - When I need help letting go of the outcome, I ask for it. The key for me is to listen for the response the universe sends my way.

Thanks gleefan, this is something I'd really like to hear more about.

Gilmer 10-05-2016 12:02 PM

Congratulations FTG and InPar!

Mags1 10-05-2016 12:23 PM

Evening overs.

FTG , I hope all goes well at work: X

Sassy, I'm pleases sassy kitty is on the mend. Hope all works out for your daughter X

:grouphug: and :flowers1: all x

Treerat66 10-05-2016 11:35 PM

Good morning Overs.

Have a terrific Thursday everyone.

Saskia 10-06-2016 01:24 AM

Good morning, Overs!

Have a tolerable or tremendous Thursday (at least it's sober, whichever it is). :-)

Treerat66 10-06-2016 03:51 AM

Mower number three should now be operational. Who'd thought mice or rats eat fuel line?!

FBL 10-06-2016 04:12 AM

Have a Thunderous Thursday, overs!

Rusty Zipper 10-06-2016 04:49 AM

love the play by play toots!

tootsl1 10-06-2016 05:43 AM

Looks like Matthew might be our wildest ride here! Though someone commented we might get winds up to 60mph here in Kissimmee. Daughter replied "60mph? That's summer weather in Scotland"! She's right!! A couple of days close to the villa not knowing what to expect from the weather.

Have a thunderous Thursday folks!

Gilmer 10-06-2016 06:23 AM

I am currently reading a book called To the Hebrides; it contains two separate travel diaries from Samuel Johnson, who continually ragged on the miseries of Scotland, and his biographer, James Boswell, a cheerful and proud Scot.

I look forward to seeing if Johnson actually enjoyed his stay in spite of himself,

stargazer016 10-06-2016 06:27 AM

This will be the last time we let you into the country Toots! Always causing trouble...

Hopefully, this will pass quickly and you can get on with your holiday!

Have a great day all!

IWLSAST 10-06-2016 09:07 AM

Hey O's,

Not so happy about my namesake of a hurricane about to unleash on the eastern seaboard of my new home state. Looks like the gulf coast will only get some rain. What else is new for this hurricane season...rain almost every day. Right, Toots, about 60mph winds mid-state...perfect golf weather for a Scot. Stay safe in that villa.

Oh, yes, Carlos is my nickname when golfing with my friends, blogging and/or playing some bad a** air guitar. :)

Glee, as you so often do - a great way of describing the asking for help at letting go - acceptance. My process exactly - ask for help (I do it out loud) then try to stay as alert as possible for next step signs. Haha, for sure not something that will ever come EASY - but it does become easier with practice.

Just had a biggie that I was not sure of the outcome and it had me totally wrapped up at first. I pulled a chest muscle while working know, right there where my heart is. Having had a bypass surgery 16 years ago, any pain there puts me on high alert. I'm pretty keen to what a heart issue might be and was pretty sure it was just a pull. The pain was local and sharp and mostly when I breathed in - not pressure. I kept working out at like 50% to be sure there was no shortness of breath from exertion or movement of the pain to my left side arm, jaw or shoulder. It lingered, even getting worse for a few days, but it finally has gone away in total and I have been working out at full tilt for the past few days.

Anyway, I was scared to death - but, I just kept putting out there that I want help, strength, and courage at accepting whatever the cause and outcome might become. By doing so, it lessened the anxiety and obsessing that I was feeling.

Hey, this was a biggie with a good outcome. Some things don't turn out as well - but turning them over to the universe has always been a great help with the process of acceptance.

Have a good one, O's.

Carlos (kinda) :)

FarToGo 10-06-2016 12:52 PM

Thanks Carlos (kinda)
Interesting stuff and something I want to try. I get the feeling it will help with the "tying myself in knots" situations.

Gilmer 10-06-2016 01:39 PM

That was so rational of you, Carlos. You analyzed the data and acted upon sound conclusions. You did not let fear run away with you.

I am very glad it all turned out fine. :)

Itchy 10-06-2016 06:28 PM

What a nice set of posts. Everyone is chugging along, those who need to work are, and then some for IP.

I won't initiate any contact with my oldest. He is lost right now and into meth I believe. But we love him, despite how difficult he was while we were responsible for him until 18.

Should he need some non monetary support to get clean and sober, as family we will help but not carry, comfort him but not to where we are unable to feel secure in our own lives. We were caring for parents, now just one, who earned our respect, and vice versa. Even when drinking we never had issues with family or the law, nor acted out at them. Our children should be earning enough to not only stand on their own, but take care of us in our autumn years. My youngest wants us to move there to be there for our grandson, and so they won't have to care for us long distance. Sassy, I know how you feel and you know you're not alone.

My aunt is in Boca Raton in the direct path. My cousins just behind Ft. Lauderdale. I spoke with my aunt last night and they refuse to evacuate. I fear for them. Nothing I can do, no anxiety just a prayer into the ether that the universal force might be less deadly than the storm might be.

All the military planes and choppers from FL have been flying into our base here all day. The flight line is packed with aircraft. We have a spare bedroom and will see if they need billets for some troops.

You are a hoot. Keep your head down and indoors if the winds start blowing debris.

Everyone else, we are here for you too. I have been tied up with dumping and spreading three dump truck loads of gravel. My friend who brought his dump truck full of gravel and trailer with his medium track hoe and 550 Deere bulldozer to do my driveway water culvert, dirt work, and moving our carport back where it belongs. We got tired of waiting for a year. We have our parking back! I'll post some pics tomorrow. We have been goin and blowin until dark for two days now and will finish up tomorrow or Saturday if the rain holds off.

Bushed, nite all!

Dharma33 10-06-2016 07:35 PM

Hi, Gang!

IP, the new apt. sounds great- congrats... and wow, sounds like such busy and exciting work, too!!

Toots, we recently did Seaworld and Disney. I might be the only person on the planet who doesn't have a soft spot for MouseLand.... in fact I really, really didn't enjoy it in the least. But that's just me. :) Universal seems much more modern. Glad you are staying closer to home with the storm, though.

The line between lazy and needed relaxation isn't easy for me to see. Glee and Carlos (kinda)- this is so interesting! I think the same is very true for me. Something to chew on, for sure.

Well, a big fundraising shindig that has been taking a decent portion of head space is tomorrow night.

I feel grateful my obsession to drink has been lifted. However, I have to stay vigilant. Today the familiar restless and irritable feelings have visited.... honestly I think it is just good old fashioned nerves; the success of the night is important on many levels. I'll remember to enjoy the evening and very much enjoy the next day not having to bury my head in the sand (oh- because in the old days maybe I would have taken the mic from the MC to sing Patsy Cline ;), or some other embarrassing stunt. So, there's that!!!

Much love to all Overs, and stay safe, all of my southern friends.

Mags1 10-06-2016 11:15 PM

Morning overs

Dharma, all the best at the fundraising. You'll be great!

Toots, stay safe! Just watching your weather on the news.

Cracks me up how the weatherman stands in the middle of the road getting blown about, to show us how bad it is!:dunno:

Carlos, guessed that wasn't your name, but you know what, it suits you!

Talking of lazy and relaxation, I have some days, doesn't happen often, where I just need to be on my own! I take a holiday day from work and do what I want, but it doesn't involve other people. It's like I just need 'me' time. Feel better for it, too.

Itchy, I think you have a healthy way with your family. You handle everything very good.( that word seems so lame for how I'm trying to explain myself), you have my respect!

Hope you all stay safe from hurricane Matthew, our friends over the pond.

Have a good 'fractious-free' Friday, overs!;):You_Rock_

Treerat66 10-07-2016 12:32 AM

Good morning Overs.

Take care storm dodgers.

Have a fabulous Friday everyone.

FBL 10-07-2016 03:39 AM

Sassy, congrats on 2 years and 2 months today!

Toots, stay safe.

Dharma, best of luck with the fundraiser. You'll do great:)

Rainy and warm here this morning...but colder weather on the way for the weekend. I'm still wearing my shorts, but that will change soon enough.

Have a Fantastic Friday, overs!

Saskia 10-07-2016 04:02 AM

Thanks, FBL!

Just lost a long post and am not even going to try to re-create it ....

Have a fabulous Friday, Overs :-)

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