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Midwest1981 10-28-2016 05:17 AM

great job Kopfan!

Hi Suzie!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

I am really proud of our class!!! :grouphug:

Tati and Ring- check in when you can!

Midwest1981 10-28-2016 04:13 PM

I hope everyone had a nice day.

I stayed busy....I didn't stop all day.

Tomorrow I am going shopping with my friend and out to lunch. It will be good to see her. I haven't in a long time.

kopfan 10-30-2016 02:50 AM

Good Morning Sober People!

Midwest1981 10-30-2016 06:24 AM

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!

Belier 10-31-2016 12:46 AM

Just wanted to say hello to all of you wonderful people!

Midwest1981 11-01-2016 05:16 PM

Hi everyone!

I went to my family's for a few days. I am going home tomorrow. It was fun but will be glad to be home. Almost at the 5 month mark!

kopfan 11-02-2016 12:43 AM

Morning Everyone!

Wow Midwest it seems like just yesterday you "slipped" and now you are back in the race! Looking forward to you posting up your milestone!

Have a great day everyone!

suzie89 11-02-2016 02:47 AM

Hi everyone. Good morning.
Midwest, wow I agree with Kopfan. Almost 5 months..congrats!

All well here. Just a repeat of each week being so busy as the changes at work continue. Not getting a lot done other than the bare minimum. I'm still not working on my recovery the way I would like to, but I'm trying...still going to one meeting a week and reading on here when I'm able. But I guess the good thing about being busy is I'm not really thinking about drinking much at all and I haven't put myself in many social situations where I have to be around drinking...except my husband of course who has his 2 beers pretty much every night (I go I to a different area of the house when he drinks as I don't like to be around it). Thanksgiving we will be with my sister in law and brother in law and it will be pretty obvious I'm not drinking. Not sure if I'm going to be truthful beyond the fact that I'm not drinking anymore they are not the type to push the matter if I say no.

I hope everyone is doing ok. Has anyone heard from Tati? Tati, is you are reading this, we would love to hear from you.

Dee74 11-02-2016 02:51 AM

we sure would Tati :)


Midwest1981 11-02-2016 10:47 AM

Thanks Suzie & Kopfan! :)

The 5 months have flew by. I am grateful to be at this point in my sobriety. It really starts to click and feel normal. I feel a lot better. I really don't want anything to do with it. I am accepting I won't ever drink again and that doesn't bother me anymore like it used too. I feel like I am connecting with people a lot better and making friends. I don't feel so awkward....but still do at times. lol.

I would love to hear from you too Tati! Let us know what is going on. :)

charliesworld 11-03-2016 06:27 AM

Hi :)

Just wanted to check in and say hello. I'm doing good. I've been really busy which is why I haven't logged in for a while. The (what seems to be sudden) change in temperature and dark has made me feel really tired. That and I've taken on some extra work as well as dealing with the kids by myself while my OH is mega busy. It's bonfire night on Saturday which means the countdown to Christmas kind of starts after that. I'm not ready for it this year - not in the mood yet and usually I love Christmas. I do find it hard though with cravings and usually I give in at some point over the holidays so I'm kind of dreading that happening. I'm hoping to get some things planned so I have a distraction. The holidays are really funny this year. The kids don't break up until the 23rd December and then they are off until the 9th January. That's really late for us.

Massive congratulations to all the milestones. Well done guys!!

josec77 11-03-2016 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by kopfan (Post 6183123)
Six months today!

Congratz Kopfan!!! :You_Rock_

josec77 11-03-2016 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by kittycat3 (Post 6185509)
Congrats on 6 months Kopfan!!

I hit 6 months myself last week :) sorry I've been scarce all. My app no longer works and it's harder to get here. Sounds like a terrible excuse I know. I'm doing ok, a little antsy due to some transition at work. How is the sober fight going for y'all?

Congratz KittyCat on 6 months...:You_Rock_

josec77 11-03-2016 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by kopfan (Post 6186299)
Thanks Guys.

Winslow - thanks for your encouragement. I'm sure you'll get to six months fast time goes really quick! Is it really six months ago wow!

The juicing thing wasn't a good idea as my AV played up big time so I'm going to have to make sure I don't get hungry.

Have a great day everyone!

Just an FYI -Smoothies that are high in fiber take hunger away. They make you feel full longer.

josec77 11-03-2016 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by kopfan (Post 6191253)
Good Morning Sober People!

josec77 11-03-2016 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by Belier (Post 6192295)
Just wanted to say hello to all of you wonderful people!


josec77 11-03-2016 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Midwest1981 (Post 6195187)
Thanks Suzie & Kopfan! :)

The 5 months have flew by. I am grateful to be at this point in my sobriety. It really starts to click and feel normal. I feel a lot better. I really don't want anything to do with it. I am accepting I won't ever drink again and that doesn't bother me anymore like it used too. I feel like I am connecting with people a lot better and making friends. I don't feel so awkward....but still do at times. lol.

I would love to hear from you too Tati! Let us know what is going on. :)

You are a warrior in my book, you fell, you GOT back up, and kept on fighting. :c011:

josec77 11-03-2016 08:42 AM

Good Morning All,

Day 210, still just 48 pounds down, Damm cookies. There I said it. Those one to two cookies after dinner are killers. Boy, I eat good all day then have those cookies and I don't loose any weight, I actually gain. I then cut them out and I start to loosing weight again. lol

I am feeling good, head clear, doing my daily routines. Nothing new to report. Except, I dreamed of drinking a six pack. In my dream, I was feeling happy carrying a six pack of beer and it just hit me like a boom. I started to think all the time I pilled up being sober. I felt bad carrying the stuff. I woke up. I started thinking of the holidays coming up. I have to be really careful.

Before that dream I was starting to forget were I was 210 days ago. Time has a way of putting those memory far away. I had to remind myself and bring back those awful feelings of those bad times. Remind myself, That's not me anymore. Remind myself of the fall. My defenses are back up.

We have to be careful during these holiday times.

Stay Strong, Stay Sober, Choose life !!!

Midwest1981 11-03-2016 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by josec77 (Post 6196270)
You are a warrior in my book, you fell, you GOT back up, and kept on fighting. :c011:

Thank you very much Josec! Congratulations on 210 days! Time is going by so fast. Good job on not gaining any weight back. I think it is great you are holding your own there. You are right. The holidays are a time we could all let our guard down and slip. So lets all stick together! :)

Charliesworld- the time change will be hard for me. I don't like it getting dark that early. Good idea about planning somethings to stay busy. I think I will have to do that too. I am excited about Christmas though... :)

Josec was mentioning how it is easy to forget how it was when we were drinking 5 or 6 months ago. I have had a reminder this week because my husband has been drinking. It started when I was out of town with my family. (Like it always does) He is pretty sick. He is sleeping now. He called me the B word yesterday because I didn't baby him. HA! not fun.
Anyways I am not letting it get to me. I am staying busy. I just did 3 miles at the gym.

Midwest1981 11-03-2016 06:57 PM

goodnight guys. :)

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