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FBL 09-18-2016 03:45 AM

Suze, if you somehow find yourself in the Milwaukee area, look me up and I'll treat you to some frozen custard (no coffee though, I can't stand the stuff).

venuscat 09-18-2016 05:03 AM

Off to look up where Milwaukee is....

Really. ♥

EDIT.... :( It doesn't look like I'm going to be in that part of the country. Shame; I would so love to meet you. :hug:

FBL 09-18-2016 05:34 AM

Thanks okay, Suze...just means more custard for me:)

Kris47 09-18-2016 06:08 AM

I'm 5 hours from Milwaukee in the stix.

Florida wintertime.

venuscat 09-18-2016 03:03 PM

3 weeks and 3 days to go.... :biggrin:

saoutchik 09-18-2016 03:16 PM

I drink french press too, the oilier the better. There is a type of coffee available that first has to pass through the digestive system of a cat. Hipsters love it

Bill you are definitely not square more like a Renaissance man I reckon

wpainterw 09-18-2016 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 6140694)
I drink french press too, the oilier the better. There is a type of coffee available that first has to pass through the digestive system of a cat. Hipsters love it

Bill you are definitely not square more like a Renaissance man I reckon

What kind of a cat? Is it a decent cat? Maybe British? The kind of cat I should know? As for me, I'm not square. If I'm at all Renaissance, I'm a Renaissance Cube. DaVinciCube if you will.
I think that the Peruvian Indian (Quechua) ladies chew something before they put it in beer (chicha) served out in buckets with foam floating on top. Bon appetit!

venuscat 09-19-2016 12:10 AM did we get here exactly.... ;)

Another fantastic day, massive amounts achieved, including the US currency I now own....oh my does not look real....people say it looks like Monopoly money; I have to agree.

Dee74 09-19-2016 12:13 AM

If it's all different colours, you've been hoodwinked Suze :lmao


venuscat 09-19-2016 12:30 AM

^^^ He he he.... :biggrin:

Gilmer 09-19-2016 01:36 AM

What was the process for getting the money, Suze?

Did you just walk into the bank? Did they have to special order it for you to pick up?

venuscat 09-19-2016 01:46 AM

I just walked in and bought depends I guess; it was only a small amount so that I can have some cash on me. I tried to order it online, but the print function wasn't working for the receipt today I popped into the bank and walked out with this funny money about 30 minutes later. ;) :)

Gilmer 09-19-2016 01:53 AM


Now I'm wildly curious about how many different currencies my US bank has!

I think I'll ask today!

And you say you can print US cash online?

I wouldn't have thought it possible, because our bills have traditionally been a paper and cloth mixture.

venuscat 09-19-2016 01:56 AM

ORDER online love, not print.... :)

Gilmer 09-19-2016 02:02 AM


wpainterw 09-19-2016 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by venuscat (Post 6141133) did we get here exactly.... ;)

Another fantastic day, massive amounts achieved, including the US currency I now own....oh my does not look real....people say it looks like Monopoly money; I have to agree.

Yes, it looks that way because that's what it is. America is the land of money and monopoly. The land of fast foods and fast driving. Where "selfie's" reign, photographically, intellectually (assuming "intellect" is a valid description) and spiritually ("If I get to heaven will there be anyone there I should know? Will there be rock music? Will they serve 'smoothies'? What should I wear- are jeans and sandal shoes O.K.? Will I get a chance to go shopping before my funeral? If it has to be wings I take a Size 14")

Seriously, I would not carry around "massive amounts of currency". :deeWhat ever happened to credit cards, or, in the old days, travelers' checks?


wpainterw 09-19-2016 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by LillianGish (Post 6139277)
I just looked up Petite Auberge ~ how wonderful it looks! I can TOTALLY see you staying there. Seems like a lovely place to have a cup of tea in the afternoon, reading some poetry.

I stayed in that area once and remember everywhere I wanted to walk seemed to be uphill....LOL! How can that be?

So excited for you Suze!

Does the road wind up-hill all the way?
Yes, to the very end.
Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?
From morn to night, my friend...

W. (As I said earlier, if you're a cube or at least a tetrahedron you're less likely to slip back down the slippery slope of relapse as you might be in the early stages where you're merely a sphere. Losing weight does not help since Galileo proved at the Tower of Pisa that thin people fall at the same speed as fat people (the latter actually may fall slower due to wind resistance).


wpainterw 09-19-2016 10:40 AM

P,S.To my earlier post about credit cards, etc. It's safer to have two or three, since mine got swallowed by a sidewalk ATM in London a few years ago and a replacement was not sent to me until I arrived back home.
Of course you can always use the "Change" window at the airport or rail station (the latter I guess only if the station has international trains). I tried to use one in Lima, Peru, having been paid $100 for a lecture with a one or two million Peruvian "Sols" in a paper bag. The "Change" man said they were "out of U.S. dollars", but I suspect he was seeking a bribe. Since I was still drinking at the time I should have bought some Peruvian Pisco brandy but somehow neglected to do that and, when the flight left near midnight ,no drinks were served en route. Got off briefly in Panama and had a quick beer. It sure is wonderful not to be dependent on a substance! After 28 years of sobriety I think it would be safe for me to travel alone but I'd have to be extra careful. If you're only with your AV you've got the wrong kind of company!


Soberpotamus 09-19-2016 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by wpainterw (Post 6141295)
Yes, it looks that way because that's what it is. America is the land of money and monopoly. The land of fast foods and fast driving. Where "selfie's" reign, photographically, intellectually (assuming "intellect" is a valid description) and spiritually ("If I get to heaven will there be anyone there I should know? Will there be rock music? Will they serve 'smoothies'? What should I wear- are jeans and sandal shoes O.K.? Will I get a chance to go shopping before my funeral? If it has to be wings I take a Size 14")

Omg, I am dying over here laughing, Bill. :)


wpainterw 09-19-2016 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Soberpotamus (Post 6141778)
Omg, I am dying over here laughing, Bill. :)


If you're laughing yourself to death, you'd better go shopping right away so you'll be decently dressed for heaven. Are the men still unshaven and sloppy looking up in Heaven or do they get sent directly to Hell? My wife and I stayed in a ferociously expensive hotel in Positano, Italy, several years ago The women were all looking elegant but their billionaire husbands looked like garage mechanics. I suspected that some of them smelled. I would not even let my dog lift his leg on those men!:dee He's English by the way. Going to get him a little doggie rolled up umbrella. Toff dog!


Soberwolf 09-19-2016 02:42 PM

Have a nice day today Suze x

LillianGish 09-19-2016 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by wpainterw (Post 6141324)
BY CHRISTINA ROSSETTI Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day’s journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend... W. (As I said earlier, if you're a cube or at least a tetrahedron you're less likely to slip back down the slippery slope of relapse as you might be in the early stages where you're merely a sphere. Losing weight does not help since Galileo proved at the Tower of Pisa that thin people fall at the same speed as fat people (the latter actually may fall slower due to wind resistance). W.

Ha! Well, even Sisyphus caught a break and was able to push the rock downhill every once in awhile. I suspect he was never in San Francisco.

On our money is the saying "E Pluribus Unum." A fine motto for SR. 😀

I didn't know we could print our money though - that's exciting! I'm headed to go get some new green and black toner cartridges.

Gilmer 09-19-2016 03:32 PM

Ahem--I've been informed that it's ORDER, not print!

Too bad!

LillianGish 09-19-2016 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Gilmer (Post 6142114)
Ahem--I've been informed that it's ORDER, not print! Too bad!

Darn!!! And I suppose you're going to tell me next that to order up some money, the bank needs to believe you actually HAVE the money in your bank account.

Boo. No fun.

venuscat 09-19-2016 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Soberwolf (Post 6142048)
Have a nice day today Suze x

Thank you wolfie love. ♥

venuscat 09-19-2016 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by LillianGish (Post 6142135)
Darn!!! And I suppose you're going to tell me next that to order up some money, the bank needs to believe you actually HAVE the money in your bank account.

Boo. No fun.

Yes my darling, this is in fact true. Don't waste your money on the ink cartridges.... :lmao

venuscat 09-19-2016 03:55 PM

♥ And I need to talk to you Lillian my love....only 3 weeks and 2 days until I leave, based in San Francisco for two weeks from Nov 21....

Actually, how nice is friend upstairs, Cassidy, Is from Modesto and her mum loves me (she is pretty awesome herself :)), and gas invited me for thanksgiving with their family. And they are going to come and get service door-to-door. :) And they are not big's going to be so lovely I think. ♥

venuscat 09-19-2016 05:05 PM

Another magnificent sunset photo from Goat: ~

Kris47 09-19-2016 05:08 PM

Beautiful, Goat.

venuscat 09-19-2016 05:08 PM

Sorry about the typos before, and yes, I know I'm the only one who cares.
It's ego, and I kind of like how it keeps popping up for me....always reminding me that my recovery work is paramount, as important a part of my day as eating and showering. ♥

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