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stargazer016 01-08-2017 02:15 AM

That's great Amp. I definitely had difficulty for a while in social situations. I just made certain that I had something in my hand at all times. If folks see you are holding something to drink, they generally won't be pushing you to have a drink.

Inc, it's funny that I don't even look for police while driving anymore. It used to be a preoccupation, though I seldom drove after drinking, thankfully. Go ahead and test me, I am as sober as a door knob.

Good luck with the conversation Inc. You got to get this ball rolling.

Have great day all!

OMD 01-08-2017 08:12 AM

Hi everyone,
Good to see everyone doing well. I too had a sober NY. In fact, I just returned from an extended break, paid for by my drinking money, which I still religiously put to one side. Got to spend some quality time just with my daughter, which was great. First time ever I think. And, I didn't need to slope off to get loaded. Just a great time.

I think drinking will probably be part of me for some time yet, the number of times I though hmm - that would be good. You know, nice looking bottle, the right atmosphere, etc. But I am not actually interested in drinking because I know I can't just have one. Duh!

Anyway, back to normal now, am feeling a bit ambivalent towards 2017 given what is going on in the world, but I have some personal goals I am looking forward to trying to accomplish.

Looking forward to staying in touch with everyone as we continue this journey through this year, even with all the bumps in the road we're going to hit.

Best wishes

Incontrol15 01-08-2017 11:45 AM

OMD.. Thats so cool your saving the cash like that!

I just noticed the PM's you sent. First reaching out for support then Xmas. Just didn't want you to think I was blowing you off. I sincerely appreciate them. I attempted to respond, but your inbox is full abd unable to receive messages.

stargazer016 01-08-2017 11:48 PM

Hi OMD! Putting aside your drinking money is a great idea. It's a positive affirmation of what quitting brings to your life every month.

Have a great day everyone!

amp123 01-09-2017 12:57 AM

Hey guys! Back to work today so just a quick touch base! Good to hear from you OMD! Glad you're keeping well! Wish I'd put my drinking money aside too. Maybe I'll start doing that as a new year's resolution! Thanks for the heads up on my mailbox, Inc! Need to delete some stuff!

Have a good one, all!

stargazer016 01-10-2017 05:49 AM

This time of year is just hard on the soul. Brutally cold temps here and it seems the whole world is sick. I wish I could join Cauli in Mexico for a few days of R & R!

Have a great day all!

amp123 01-10-2017 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by stargazer016 (Post 6284872)
This time of year is just hard on the soul. Brutally cold temps here and it seems the whole world is sick. I wish I could join Cauli in Mexico for a few days of R & R!

Have a great day all!

I'd sign up for that!

Incontrol15 01-10-2017 11:48 AM

Sounds like a plan to me SG. Let's all go to Mexico!!!

Man... I typed up a long post yesterday, but looks like it didn't go :/

Shirt story... No talk yet. Couldn't shake her clingy youngest daughter.

Today is my 50th birthday. I was feeling down for a couple days about it. Real disappointed with where I am in my life at this age. Lots of shoulda, coulda, woulda's.

I'm over it today. Although I do need to spend some time on it. I want to snuff those thoughts out and have more of a focus on the future.

stargazer016 01-10-2017 01:33 PM

Happy Birthday Inc!

Time to make the second half of your century one that you will cherish and remember!

amp123 01-10-2017 01:53 PM

Happy birthday Inc! Make your 50th year the best one yet!

OMD 01-10-2017 02:20 PM

Happy Birthday, Inc! I hope you have a very happy and successful year.

Do you all know how quickly the money racks up if you save your drinking money? Insane. Enough to pay for a trip to Mexico before you know it :)

I hope you all have a great day, whatever you're doing.

Best wishes


Dee74 01-10-2017 04:16 PM

Many happy returns Inc - I hope you can make this year a turning point :)


stargazer016 01-11-2017 07:00 AM

Any further plans on having the talk Inc?

Incontrol15 01-11-2017 12:51 PM

Initiated the tall with my fiance today. Ended up doing it on the phone. I couldn't wait any longer for an opportunity to arise.

There's more to talk about. And of course she's understanding. Probably more than she should be, and probably showing more than what she's thinking.

Feels good to get it out in the open though.

OMD 01-11-2017 03:13 PM

Good man, Inc. Got to start somewhere. Tomorrow never comes. And remember, make it one day at a time, one hour at a time, whatever.

Amp, I still need to go back through this thread and find the link to your song April.

Right, I am overworked (but that's a nice problem to have) so I'll be off again.

Stay safe


Dee74 01-11-2017 03:21 PM

I'm glad to hear that Inc :)


stargazer016 01-11-2017 05:23 PM

Great job Inc finally taking that difficult and embarrassing first step. We can't heal until we come clean with ourselves and our loved ones.

Dee74 01-11-2017 06:14 PM

Join us here for part 12:


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