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joandmelandhan 05-08-2016 12:38 AM

Morning all. It seems that Saturday in the UK was a hurdle which many have defeated so a big well done! Just one day to go and we can go back to work with our heads held high. Have a great day!

joandmelandhan 05-08-2016 12:43 AM

Is anyone else fretting about stage 2 (as I've called it). You know when the physical withdrawal/cravings have worm off and your AV is screaming that you're "better" and forever is too long??? I've NEVER tackled this properly. One day at a time is working nicely for now but somehow I need a better plan for when the painful memories so much admiration for the long time sober on here. Again I'm probably rushing my thoughts (got no patience at all!). Anyway so far so good just putting it out there......

ben83 05-08-2016 12:49 AM

Well hear is my plan for today. I've got back from my little "feeling sorry for myself drive" now I'm focused I'm filling the paddling pool up.for the kids and I'm cooking a mini hog roast on my spit in the garden. Sorry to any vegetarians but my love for the salty swine is even greater than my love for beer.


lemonade at hand swine ready for a roasting and happy kids in the pool. Let's see how this pans out

ben83 05-08-2016 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by joandmelandhan (Post 5943662)
Is anyone else fretting about stage 2 (as I've called it). You know when the physical withdrawal/cravings have worm off and your AV is screaming that you're "better" and forever is too long??? I've NEVER tackled this properly. One day at a time is working nicely for now but somehow I need a better plan for when the painful memories so much admiration for the long time sober on here. Again I'm probably rushing my thoughts (got no patience at all!). Anyway so far so good just putting it out there......

Yes! I don't think im Ready to think about that yet still struggling with each day. Hoping for bed time so I can tick it off

Dee74 05-08-2016 02:30 AM

Jo I spent at least the first month just focusing on not drinking. That was more than enough for me :)

As the weeks go on, you'll find you change and grow a little more capabale at calling out that inner voice as a liar.

If you commit to posting here before you do anything rash I think you have the beginnings of a good plan :)


joandmelandhan 05-08-2016 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 5943712)
Jo I spent at least the first month just focusing on not drinking. That was more than enough for me :)

As the weeks go on, you'll find you change and grow a little more capabale at calling out that inner voice as a liar.

If you commit to posting here before you do anything rash I think you have the beginnings of a good plan :)


Thank you Dee. It's true for me. Not drinking today is my plan. It's still at a very basic stage. I even see a daily shower as an achievement. Diet is comfort eating. Smoking has increased. That aside I'm not having that first drink ANY day and that's enough for me for now. Positives arey children are already happier I can see it and my house is slowly getting back in order. I can't rush this or I'll put pressure on myself and mess it up.
Thanks for reassuring me I can take my time. I'm no superwoman lol 😊

SoulShine8 05-08-2016 03:56 AM

I have problems with thinking everything should be worked on at the same time and perfectionism. And the comparisons of simple things that overwhelm me don't others. So I also need to talk nicely to myself about taking time I need. Kudos jo.

Time2Focus 05-08-2016 04:00 AM

Starting day 8 here. The past couple of days have been tough, but I'm managing. Concentrated yesterday on getting things ready for mother's day today. Had a good time making a homemade flower vase with my 4-year old son for "mama" and he was very excited to give it to her. Taking my wife and mother out for a fancy brunch in a few hours - I was proactive and made the reservation over 2 months ago. I remember before I starting my drinking career, this is how I used to be - thinking of others, planning things in advance, creating special memories, etc.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day :) Stay strong friends.

Chickenlady06 05-08-2016 04:26 AM

Woke up to a sunny and beautiful day 3 here in Florida. Happy Mother's day to all!! My kids made me pictures and a bracelet and I ate pizza for breakfast. Funny thing, I really expected to wake up feeling shiny and new, instead woke up feeling hungover, dehydrated, and super tired. I had some yoga planned, and the mantra today is I choose. Definitely fitting for my 3rd day. So, I choose to stay sober today. I choose to decline the vast amount of drinks that will be at my disposal. I choose to own my recovery. I choose to not let my AV take over.
So fueled by yoga, pizza, coffee, and plenty of water, here I go.

Lightning Bug 05-08-2016 04:43 AM

Happy Mother's Day.. I woke up starving! Mama wants breakfast in bed. No? I have to make my own breakfast? Big bummer. I am ordering take out. The corner shop makes an awesome taylor ham and egg sandwich. if anyone is from Jersey you will know what that is. I live in FL now, grew up in NJ, and that little breakfast shop began in NJ. Lucky me!

Hope you all have a great day! Afternoon to you Englanders.


Simplicity4114 05-08-2016 04:49 AM

Happy Mother's Day All!
Welcome Chickenlady06! Best of luck with the family outing! "You Choose", thanks for the mantra, it feels quite powerful!
Welcome And! Glad to know I'm not the only perfectionist on the board. Everything is always black and gray, no balance. I'm working on balance and adjusting my expectations.

Simplicity4114 05-08-2016 05:02 AM

So....Day 10 here! So happy to have made double digits....I have not been sober for this long in over a year! This fine Mother's Day began with me missing the dog bowl and spilling dog food all over the floor (here's where the incredible news flash is) when I bent over to pick it up, my head WASN'T pounding from a hang over!
I realized in a flash of a second that I am taking my sobriety for granted. I'm choosing to see this in a one sided way; dwelling on my insane AV, my cravings, the anxiety (and boredom) , & future worry of failure! Well today I'm going to try to focus on all that is going right! I'm not waking up with a headache everyday, slapping on a second coat of deodorant because I passed out the night before fully dressed and don't have time to bath before going to work.
Thank YOU God!

KarenOskie 05-08-2016 05:40 AM

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I am Karen, I've been in the April group but relapsed after 23 days and now am on day five. I have been trying to stay sober for most of the year. I'm hopeful though, because now I have a sponsor I call every day, and I'm going to meetings and starting step work.
I have an awful cold but feel better today than yesterday so I'm on the mend. I'm grateful to be off work today. I plan to focus on recovery all day.

Eagle108 05-08-2016 05:48 AM

Day 7 here and first weekend in years that I have not had anything to drink...feels good!! Worked Steps 1-3 yesterday with my sponsor and really enjoying the meetings and working through some things. For those that can or have the willingness to go to AA, I highly advise it.

Ready for a beautiful Sunday. Happy Mother's Day to all the special Mom's out there and especially the ones on here. I'm sure your kids are excited to celebrate a great day with you...SOBER!!

CountryGal123 05-08-2016 06:00 AM

Welcome to all our new SR pals :)

Woke up feeling anxious. Still scared and beating myself up A LOT.

Did put together my first puzzle in about 8 years. So I did stay dry. Day 3 here now.

Scared about my job... Don't know what will happen if I do lose it.

Wishing all a great day!

Lonelywombat67 05-08-2016 06:03 AM

I want to be positive this morning but as it happens I'm struggling for two people now. I also never realized how much I relied on alcohol to cover up things like arthritis pain and I'm hurting today. Progress is very slow and I'm feeling low.

Eagle108 05-08-2016 06:19 AM

Originally Posted by CountryGal123 (Post 5943946)
Scared about my job... Don't know what will happen if I do lose it.

Same boat here waiting to find out if I still have a job but just try to focus on what you can control and let the chips fall where they may on the rest. We put ourselves in these situations with our drinking problems and have to be prepared to face the consequences...things will work out as they should in the end is what I believe.

Concentrate on making it through the day sober and try to enjoy your event with your family.

1needhelp 05-08-2016 06:25 AM

Good morning to everyone here. I just to declare to everyone here that I can't drink anymore. My marriage is on the rocks, my career is in jeopardy. I am choosing to steer my life in a different direction. I'm looking for support here and want to be of support to everyone here.

ben83 05-08-2016 07:17 AM

Originally Posted by 1needhelp (Post 5943986)
Good morning to everyone here. I just to declare to everyone here that I can't drink anymore. My marriage is on the rocks, my career is in jeopardy. I am choosing to steer my life in a different direction. I'm looking for support here and want to be of support to everyone here.

Good for you mate. ! Welcome to the forum.

bblackbirdflyy 05-08-2016 08:03 AM

Today makes 10, plans are to have picnic lunch with my kids and then go for a four mile run. I over ate big yesterday. And feel kinda Blech today but staying sober.

Wishing you all the best. Keep reaching for it!

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