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Ladybug2 05-07-2016 11:09 AM

Thanks, bbg :)

CaseyW 05-07-2016 11:31 AM

You're one good person with a problem. A problem that you're acknowledging and want to solve. Keep trying and you'll find that solution. I firmly believe that today. Figure out what you could have done differently yesterday, add it to your plan today, and keep moving forward. You can do this. We all can do this.

Autumnlover19 05-07-2016 11:49 AM

Ladybug and FABL,
We have all been there. Don't give up. I want you both to have sober vacations. You deserve it. Remember how many of us shared how many vacations we have ruined by drinking. I cringe when I think of mine. You have the opportunity to make these wonderful, sober happy memories!

Good job Applekat for staying sober through your Disney experience. There is always something non-alcoholic to drink that is delicious!

Thinking of you Keets.

I went for a long walk with my son and my good friend. She is working on sobriety too. Then her and I went for a nice sober lunch.

Meanwhile, my baby's father (my ex, who still lives with me for 25 days) is drinking and being a jerk. He came in with Four Loko at like 9 am and I said "really, please no." They make him, well more loko than he already is. He said, "oh what have you been sober for all of 5 minutes?" Then told me there was some in the fridge. Also called me a b**** and said I was holier than thou cuz I said I don't drink anymore.

Man. 25 days. 25 days. Deep breath. Don't engage.

Thanks for listening.


clearlyheaded 05-07-2016 12:06 PM

Ladybug - I know exactly what you mean when you say you feel like 2 different people. Glad you didn't hide away and came back right away. I hope everyone is healthy soon.

Jemma - deep breaths. 25 days. You can do this.

CaseyW 05-07-2016 12:29 PM

Four Loko at nine o'clock on a Saturday mornings sounds like an awful way of life. I can add that to my list of things I haven't done in my drinking "yet". Let's hope I never get there.

Good on you for staying strong, Jemma. Keep counting those days down. We're here if you need to vent. I'm proud of you for continuing to do the right thing.

Eating early dinner/late lunch now. Work after that. I'm working again first thing in the morning so I'll probably be scarce around these parts for the next 24 hours or so. Hang tough everyone! Don't take that first drink no matter what! Ask for help when you need it. Help others when you can.

beerbgone 05-07-2016 01:08 PM

I hope you make lots and lots of money Casey!

Keets 05-07-2016 01:57 PM

Day 40 woohoo!
I'm feeling a little better today working on a plan to get a schedule in place for myself for sleep and wake times. I told my therapist I would try it out to se if it helps me sleep better. I figured if I can go 40 days without dinkimg I can go to not ithout a phone or iPad and just keep my bed for sleep only. Also need to get better habbits going on for my wake times. Hopefully I can retrain my brain to get this fixed.

LoftyIdeals 05-07-2016 02:26 PM

H? No...A? Not really...L? Naw....T? Definitely!!! Danger Zone! Need a nap so I dont take a nip.

beerbgone 05-07-2016 02:27 PM

Keets I read somewhere that if you'll make yourself go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning that within a short period of time you will be sleeping those hours. Dunno' if it's true or not but might be worth a try!

beerbgone 05-07-2016 02:37 PM

Hang in there loftyideals. Alcohol is not gonna' make anything better. You'll hate yourself tomorrow if you drink today! Believe me I know.

Purplrks3647 05-07-2016 03:57 PM

I love having the opportunity to check in here with you guys ~ at the risk of sounding like a broken record, thanks to you all for being here! :grouphug:

forabetterlife 05-07-2016 03:59 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome back guys.
Today hasn't been the best, I ran this morning and tried to get housework and food shopping done, but I'm just so unfocused . Not really hungover, I think I ran that off, but definitely day one brain and mood. Sucks. Every time I "decide" to drink, I think it can just be one night. But by the next night, it's almost automatic, and before you know it I've strung together 5 nights of drinking. More reasons why I shouldn't drink. Ever.

beerbgone 05-07-2016 04:15 PM

I'm exactly the same way fabl. One six pack turns into a two week bender!

LoftyIdeals 05-07-2016 04:41 PM

Ahhh...a power nap helps everything. And awoke in time to see Danzing Candy win the Derby.

Dee74 05-07-2016 04:54 PM

Welcome back Ladybug and FABL - Some wise words to you guys here :)

Glad all is well applekat :)

Hope everyone had or is having a great day :)


Keets 05-07-2016 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by beerbgone (Post 5942964)
Keets I read somewhere that if you'll make yourself go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning that within a short period of time you will be sleeping those hours. Dunno' if it's true or not but might be worth a try!

I don't know if it's true it her but it's not going to hurt to try it out. I have gone 40 days without drinking I can't imagine retraining my brain for sleep would be any harder. I think if I can go without drinkimg I can change other things in my life as well. We shall see I will let you guys know if it helps any or gets better.

Purplrks3647 05-07-2016 05:04 PM

OMG All About Eve is just starting...I love Bette Davis....."Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy night" ~~~ LOL I'm such a dork! :herewego

ManInTheArena 05-07-2016 05:13 PM

So I was trying to hang some pictures and knick knacks and having a tough time - just needed an extra set of hands. I asked my wife to help, which I guess was a mistake. She'd had a few drinks and we were not able to get one of the things hung up. I was a little frustrated, but not at her - it was really a piece that was just not cooperating. Anyway, when she's been drinking and I get frustrated, she always assumes I'm mad at her. As I finished putting stuff away, she hopped in the car and headed out somewhere. She's not hammered, but she certainly shouldn't be driving. I hope she comes back soon.

I should know better than to ask to her help when she's been drinking. It rarely ends well.

Up until this point, its been a pretty good day.

Thanks for listening.

ManInTheArena 05-07-2016 05:52 PM

Ok - she is back now, so that is good. We've kind of settled into neutral corners. Neither of us really handles these situations particularly well. We've never been big fighters or arguers - just kind of wait for things to blow over.

beerbgone 05-07-2016 06:01 PM

Good night everybody. Gonna' lay down and watch Big Bang Theory.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 06:05 PM.