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stargazer016 01-29-2016 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by amp123 (Post 5767235)
Looking at it from this end, it sounds easy. 6 or 7 months hard slog and then you're pretty much free of the curse.

2 things.
First: Hard slog doesn't even come close to the psychological mine field that ditching the drink has meant. Just look at how many of us are left here now and how many started. Most of those who started out like us were seriously committed too. We must never under estimate how hard it was to get here.

Second: We are not free of the curse but we are in remission. We may never relapse but we must always be aware

Anyway. Just a thought for the day...
Take care guys!!!

Good points Amp! I remember reading that only about 5% of people who attempt quitting drinking make it 90 days without drinking. The numbers stay bleak until one hits four years sobriety. People can and do survive this addiction. I agree that we will never be free of the curse, but we have built up the tools over the past nine months to make it to this point and beyond!

OMD 01-29-2016 12:02 PM

Yes, I agree Amp. It wasn't easy and we have a lot to be grateful for. I do think about it but fundamentally I am not mourning the loss of alcohol in my life. I am celebrating freedom, a more positive mindset, and a bunch of other things that are so important.

Have a great weekend everyone!


stargazer016 02-01-2016 02:06 AM

Good morning all!

Been crazy busy at work over the last week. People have been descending on the store like locusts. Feeling rather low energy, but I can blame most of that on being exhausted physically and mentally from my job. Otherwise, all is going well with no thoughts of drinking. In fact, I can't imagine myself dealing with this level of stress with a hangover to start each day.

Have a great day everyone!

amp123 02-01-2016 03:06 AM

I have felt low on energy too, Sg. I'm relying on sugary foods to get me through which is always short term gain, long term loss and just not a good idea. I'm having trouble cutting down on sugar and need to give it some real attention. I thought it was just a reaction to giving up alcohol and it would fade but I need to get a handle on it. I bought a 250g bag of chocolate coated peanuts on Friday night and nailed the whole lot in 12 hours. Half Friday evening and half Saturday morning. It's not just that I did that but it's how I did it. I went out to do the weekly shop at the supermarket and nailed half the bag in the car on the way back. I knew I wasn't going to share it. It felt too similar to something else I used to do... Kind if scary...

Cauliflower 02-01-2016 07:20 AM

Good Monday morning.

SG, I can relate to your earlier post about all of a sudden wanting a drink. It is HALT. This weekend has been incredibly exhausting, stressful and emotionally draining. It's too much to go into, but it's been rough. I did have a moment of drinking thoughts last evening, but I am very proud of my skills in pushing the thought out of my mind. Drinking would not solve a thing, and I am so grateful to be sober, and healthy this morning. I will never drink again, it doesn't matter what life throws at me.

I have been practicing staying in the present moment these days, and it really, really keeps life in perspective. It's the only way to live.

Amp, you need to wean yourself from sugar. It does take time. One thing you can do is eliminate the hidden sugars from your diet, things that are easier to stay away from, bread is an example. I would continue to keep treating yourself to chocolate, maybe dark chocolate, which is healthier. Also, google greens to alkalize your body and quicken the detox. There are products out there that will help, as well has homemade green drinks.

Cauliflower 02-01-2016 07:30 AM

Regarding relapse, I suggest reading the newcomers forum - 8years and blew it. It is eyeopening. We should never forget.

Later my friends!

Incontrol15 02-01-2016 08:44 AM

Sugar...yup. I am eating like there's no tomorrow too.

I'll get a decaf after work and will have to stand there and rip open 12+ packs of sugar. Or I'll get a hot chocolate and shake a couple table spoons of those little dried marshmallows into it. Not to mention I work the hot chocolate machine so it doesn't pour just hit water into my cup.

Then I'll eat a bowl of cereal before bed or a PBJ. Last night, I had 3 servings of upside down cake.

Seems like the more sugar I eat, the more I want. Hmm....sounds really familiar.

OMD 02-01-2016 02:18 PM

Hi all,
Ok so I said I needed to look at sugar too, Amp. I found this, which all makes sense:

I need to figure out to deal with this now.

Have a great week!

Ps sorry you had a tough weekend Cauli, but well done for making it through sober :)

stargazer016 02-01-2016 04:34 PM

I have put on 14 pounds since I quit drinking. Funny, most people lose lots of weight once they quit. My sugar consumption is out of control. Great article OMD. Guess that is the next addiction we need to conquer.

OMD 02-02-2016 05:03 AM

Well SG 14 pounds is a small price to pay I'd say. But check this out:

Sugar and Alcoholism

I had no idea. I need to get my head around this. I thought I was free of addiction as I previously defined it, ie as distinct from obsession!

What's interesting is how I didn't think this was addiction, just sugar substitution from lack of alcohol. And just imagine SG how quickly that weight will drop if you cut most of the sugar.

Anyway, at least I am now starting to understand what I am dealing with.

But by the way - before we get any further down this road, there is NO WAY am I giving up coffee. Jus sayin.


amp123 02-02-2016 05:17 AM

I second OMD's coffee commitment. No way. The coffee stays.

OMD 02-02-2016 11:51 PM

Thanks Amp. Knew we were in this together :)

stargazer016 02-03-2016 01:46 AM

Mmmm, coffee. I'm definitely not ready to give that up yet!

stargazer016 02-04-2016 09:35 AM

Day two of tracking my food with a phone app. My next challange in my life of self improvement.

Incontrol15 02-04-2016 10:09 AM

Thanks for the sugar links. Very informative and motivating.

SG...what app?

stargazer016 02-04-2016 01:58 PM

I'm using LoseIt! It seems a little simpler to use than My Fitness Pal. I am not worrying about integrating a Fitbit, or Apple Health Kit with an app, I just need an easy way to track my food intake. I lost 25 pounds using this app a few years ago.

amp123 02-04-2016 10:40 PM

I lost a lot of weight with myfitness pal a couple of years back. This kind if apps seem to suit obsessive personalities!!!

Incontrol15 02-07-2016 02:23 PM

Lord knows I'm obsessive.
Now I obsessed with sunflower seeds since stopped smoking and dipping.

Next on list...

stargazer016 02-08-2016 06:24 AM

Though I was working until midnight last night, I realized I went through another former big drinking day sober- The Super Bowl. I think that only leaves St. Pats day as the last unconquered drinking holiday of my first year.

Have a great day everyone!

Incontrol15 02-08-2016 07:53 AM

Yeppo. Wasn't a big deal either.
Maybe it would have been hard if I was at a party.

Party or not...the Super Bowl gave a "legitimate" reason to drink. No reason to hide it on that day.

Once again, I had a peaceful evening. Today, I am fresh and ready. Absolutely love it.

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