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Dee74 06-01-2015 08:27 PM

Welll obo I'm still friends with one of my former partners - and the drama this woman creates for herself (and still tries to drag me into) is unbelievable.

and the current Mrs Dee?
lets just say she's not a fan... :tapping


obosob 06-01-2015 08:42 PM

Ha! Poor Mrs Dee.......

freein14 06-01-2015 11:47 PM

Obo, have you spoken to Mrs Obo about this situation?

Sometimes we just want to know that we're forgiven, and that there's no guilt or animosity in our hearts towards ourselves or others.

I'm learning that forgiveness is such a crucial part of our journey.

I've just deleted a whole page worth of ramblings about my thoughts on this, but none of it was helpful, except forgiveness, it all centres around true forgiveness.

freein14 06-01-2015 11:49 PM

I've ordered a yin yoga DVD which should come today, it's by Kim Eng, who is Eckhart Tolle's wife. I can't wait to try it. I'm hoping my clapped out laptop can cope with a modern CD.

Have a great day all.

obosob 06-02-2015 12:23 AM

Freein: I would have liked to read your thoughts, want a woman's perspective...
I agree it does all revolve around forgiveness.
I think that's what she wants, to be forgiven........ I forgive her and have told her that.
Yes Mrs Obo knows about all of this.
I'm not keeping any secrets these days....

She says it's up to me.
But that wouldn't it be nice if little Anna was friends with her boyfriends (I'm starting to feel sick... and angry!) throughout her life.
To which I agree......
It's an ideal though.......

Just thinking about it this much and having confusion whether any action is right or wrong, answers the question itself I guess. I don't need to be rattled by anything at the moment. I've just got this sneaky feeling it's all in my head and accept contact would be a nice thing with no real issues....

Maybe next time.........

Great Yin DVD Freein, good stuff!

stay tuned......................

ChickChick 06-02-2015 08:29 AM

Good morning fools! I think you will be seeing more of me. I'm feeling the need to stay as connected to SR as I can. I really, really, really don't want to go back to drinking.

Obo congrats on your new little one! Cherish every little moment because they grow up entirely to quick!

I think if you are that stressed out about being friends again with your ex it probably isn't worth it right now. Of course you know best.
I can tell you that if it was my husband and I just had a baby I would be pretty darn emotional about it. I would more than likely tell him it is up to him..... but being woman I would likely really hope that he would choose not to. I know that's selfish of me, but in all honesty that's what I'd be thinking.
Just my 2 cents! Please take it with a grain of salt.

I hope everyone is having a great day. :hug:

ChickChick 06-02-2015 08:32 AM

Free let us know how the dvd is! I need to get back to yoga, it's not a priority at all when I'm drinking. I've been walking more the past week, but I think it's time to do more to get back in shape. I've gained about 5 lbs in the past few months that I lost when I was sober oct-feb. It needs to go! ;)

freein14 06-02-2015 09:12 AM

Chickchick, you'll soon lose the 5lbs. It's great to hear you've committed yourself back to sobriety. How's the chicks?

Upward2Enlightenment 06-02-2015 09:19 AM

Hey fools.

I'm here obo. Shrug
Maybe your ex just wants some kind of closure. The important thing is that you have to do what's best for you.

I'm wondering if I should try yoga.

SolitaryThinker 06-02-2015 09:53 AM

My reply will be short and sweet
-my exes are still exes and have no desire to be "friends" it ends horrendously...I recently added my last ex back on Facebook and although I am nice to her and send supportive comments, I'm keeping my distance, even physically she's 600 miles away from me lol...I'm not gonna tell you what to do obo but I know what my crazy ass would...

SolitaryThinker 06-02-2015 09:54 AM

Chck- try 50!!! I feel like such a piggy lately :)

SolitaryThinker 06-02-2015 09:55 AM

Freen, up, D everyone else, hope everyone is ok and hanging in...I'm doing well, mood is up this week, a lot of work that's all in the "office" and outside of it as well...but doing it :)

freein14 06-02-2015 12:18 PM

That's great news ST!

UP, yoga is definitely worth a try. I know I'm a bit fanatical about it, but it really can help our bodies, minds and souls. I'd love to hear what you decide to do.

I'm about to sneak off to the bedroom to try out my Yin yoga CD before bed.

freein14 06-02-2015 12:19 PM

Tops, how's things? Hope all's well.

obosob 06-02-2015 07:22 PM

Morning Fools,
at the desk......

Chick: Awesome....WELCOME BACK... very happy to see an old face back...

I try and stay connected everyday.... If you had have asked me about checking into my computer to remain sober 14 months ago..... I would have laughed, whilst pouring a drink!

UP: Yoga is really good for many different reasons. IMO you need to find your own path in it. Some practices are for some others not. Horses for course type of thing. There's a sequence called sun salutations, or surya (sun) namaskar (salute). A swami I met years ago told me if there was one thing to take from yoga, in a physical sense, then that was it. It's the other practices, meditation and breathing, which when coupled with any physical practice really brings quick results.
Yoga means Union in a sense, It's like trying to bring everything together.
A LOT of stuff comes up emotionally as a result....
I think there are far too many insincere teachers and students (I'm usually not on the yogic path, rather sitting on the side eating donuts...!) going around. It's become a fashion and people like the identity without doing the hard yards...
I think it would be perfect for you.....

Thanks for the advice on the ex wanting to be in cahoots again....

Chick: excellent advice.... I agree too....... Mrs Obo doesn't need an ex around. Neither do I....

Hope all are well out there.....:grouphug:

stay tuned..................

obosob 06-02-2015 10:25 PM

Topspin: Hope you're well mate!!!!!!!!!

freein14 06-02-2015 11:15 PM

The sun salutations is my favourite "before work" practice, even if I only have time for a couple of reps, it makes such a difference to my mind set.

I've found that the Yin yoga is ideal before bedtime, it seems to relax me too much in the morning.

UP, if you're totally new to yoga it would be a good idea to find a teacher/ class, rather than practice on your own via the internet. It's better to get some feedback on how your individual body needs to practice. We're all so different.

I have a day off work today, and the sun seems to be out, what more could I ask for?

Lucrezia 06-03-2015 09:33 AM

Hi everyone!!!!!

OMG. So, I made a new account a week or so ago, for a fresh start, but now I just feel like a fraud.... I want to keep posting on the new account though. But do I have to delete this one?? I don't want to... it's with a different email and everything. Hm.

Anyway!!! I missed you guys!! I had actually made it to almost 5 MONTHS SOBER!!! But just before 4 months, I went into hospital for problems with bile duct, gallbladder, liver, etc... lots of lots of drugs. I mean like dilaudid IV drip and stuff. And more pain meds after. But even after that, I didn't drink....but then my therapist was off sick (same time I was - and still is off sick) so once I eventually recovered from my stuff, like after a couple months, she still wasn't back, so I was feeling lost and alone....still am really....I miss my therapist... but I still didn't drink. Then, on the morning of my birthday, I found out that a friend of mine died. Then, after the a week and a half, the shock wore off, and I cried and cried....and what do you know....a couple days later... I decided to just have "once glass of wine with my T1's" so........I guess my relapse actually started before I even took the drink. Boo.....(when I was down to not many pain meds left, I would take a couple at a time, then three at a time....percs....then I only had T1's, I would take like 5....oh and I also had bought cough syrup.....another no by the time I had my first glass of wine, I would be kidding myself if I said that's when I relapsed. That's just when I had alcohol again)

But it's been about a month and a half of trying to get out of this relapse, and I think this could be it - I'm on day 8 (well, it's been 7 and a half days?) my cravings are strong again....aaaahhhh.... I never ac tually envisioned myself relapsing!!! Because I was scared I couldn't get out of it. So now my addict mind is like "just have one last binge drink of wine" because the last time I did that was before I quit last November. hi everyone. I just missed you all so I couldn't stay away. I didn't come here while sober, 3, 4 months sober...I was like "no way do I want to be triggered!" but. Now I'm having issues again. A horrible combination of events + pain meds in my system. Wow, bad combo....everything in the last few months have seemed like a kind of limbo (I mean the month or two before relapsing) so.....argh. I still don't even know if my therapist is ok. There's something seriously wrong. :(

Anyway, hi..........sorry for all of that. This time I want to get to 5 months, and then beyond. last wine......aaaaaaaaaagh.

SolitaryThinker 06-03-2015 11:03 AM

I'm pretty sure two accounts is against the rules here

SolitaryThinker 06-03-2015 03:20 PM

Why don't you delete your new account you made and keep this one, you can freely post anywhere you like there really isn't a restriction ya know? Just my advice...sorry about your relapse, I know how horrendous legal medications can be on you I have had my own journey thru the medical field...I hope you can get back on track <3

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