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Soberwolf 03-11-2015 05:30 AM

Maybe speak with Dr first sisterbobby ?

Exellent job on 5 day shy of 2 months

DeannaM77 03-11-2015 07:33 AM

Checking in at day 52. Almost 2 months and things are finally starting to look up. Although it's still a long road ahead of me. Staying sober makes it worth to walk in this path. Have a great day everyone.

Soberwolf 03-11-2015 08:26 AM

Congrats Deanna

OnMyWay7 03-11-2015 08:33 AM

Hi guys,

Checking in as good and plodding along. Still dealing with family issues and trying to see if my marriage can be saved. If she gets on anti-depressants and goes to therapy I might be able to hang in there - at least for 6-12 months more. We haven't really spoken to the kids but the mood in the house is tense. I am proud and happy that I'm still sober and not caving in to the occasional cravings.

The weather is starting to get nicer and today I was only in a leather coat - it's nice that it feels like spring.

Jojo1965 03-11-2015 08:59 AM

Hey guys!

Day 53 here.

Teebee, I sure hope things work out for you and yes, you should be very proud to be sober. I can't imagine being in an environment that is tense while trying to maintain sobriety. Things rarely get tense around here and I'm grateful for that.

I'm doing very well. AV is still scarce these days. In fact I can't tell you the last time I dealt with it. I'm a creature of routine and I have my routine firmly in place and that's how I deal with things best. I get up, work out, and go to bed at 10:30-11:00 and have plenty to fill in the rest of the day in between.

I work today 2-10 and then I go on days off. I'm looking forward to it. I just hope that I can stay focused and actually get some stuff done on these days off. lol

Have a great day everyone!


LiveLikeGold6 03-11-2015 11:34 AM

Enjoy your time off jojo!

Congrats deanna!

Keep going wayward!

saoutchik 03-11-2015 12:08 PM

Well done for staying sober Teebee, I hope things work out for you

Congratulations Deanne and Wayward

Enjoy your days off Jojo

I think today was the last nice weather days - London back to its usual cloudy self this afternoon

I know it can be difficult with partners/spouses/SO's but I think it is probably significant that all the people left on this thread have partners except me (which is a bit disconcerting)
I think I am right about that - apologies to anyonewho is single

Soberwolf 03-11-2015 12:11 PM

Hope you guys had a nice day today roll on thursday

JamesSquire 03-11-2015 02:01 PM

9 weeks = 63 days
Had the worst day of my 9 weeks yesterday. My wife questioned me about the can of Guiness in the garbage. What did you think I used to make the oxtail and Guiness stew with, I said. Oh!
I can't remember when I have been so angry. I was angry for a whole day, couldn't even concentrate at training last night. Woke up at 2am with a tension headache, had a cup of tea.
Even though I was so angry i didn't feel like a beer.
I never told her I was giving up because I know what she's like. She take it as her mission to be the alcohol police. She'd just about wait for me at the door with a breathelizer. She must have just assumed I'd given up.
I actually told her that 'I'm dammed if I do and I'm dammed if I don't', so I'm going to drink when I choose to and for her not to be on my back.
Woke up this morning still a bit peeved, actually feel like I got a hangover from the tension and lack of sleep. Heaps of paperwork to do but I need to get out of the house.
Hhhhhhaaahh!, I feel better now that I've vented!

Hope everyone else had a good day. Thanks for listening.
Best of the day to everyone!

lovehoops 03-11-2015 04:13 PM

hi everyone,

James, I'm sorry you are feeling upset. when I originally got sober 10 years ago, I lived like that for a long time with my husband...constantly "waiting for me to fall" so he could catch me! I was TOLD that it will take time..much time...for him to trust me again. Him being suspicious was a consequence of my poor choices(sneaking, lying, screwing up my family, driving drunk with kids, etc, etc) and that I had to earn that trust back. I was Pissed!! here I was working hard to stay sober and HE was going to check on me?
I will say it did get better. ANd to his credit, everytime I have started and stopped drinking since then, he has been initially mad but more understanding and supportive.

I certainly get how you are feeling..stay strong. It takes time...

waywardson8260 03-11-2015 06:11 PM

Hey JamesSquire I have a great barbeque sauce recipe made with Guinness beer, but I don't think I should buy a can and risk it right now even though we all know once you cook it the alcohol is gone.

But one can in the trash certainly doesn't deserve the third degree if you use it for cooking. And yes, this is certainly the place to vent!

The important thing is staying sober.

I thought my wife was getting out of the hospital today but the doctor is keeping there for another day, so hopefully tomorrow.

It is nice to have some days off right now. The best thing is I have no serious thoughts of having a drink now. That is real progress for me.

JamesSquire 03-11-2015 08:31 PM

Originally Posted by waywardson8260 (Post 5253408)
Hey JamesSquire I have a great barbeque sauce recipe made with Guinness beer, but I don't think I should buy a can and risk it right now even though we all know once you cook it the alcohol is gone.

But one can in the trash certainly doesn't deserve the third degree if you use it for cooking. And yes, this is certainly the place to vent!

The important thing is staying sober.

I thought my wife was getting out of the hospital today but the doctor is keeping there for another day, so hopefully tomorrow.

It is nice to have some days off right now. The best thing is I have no serious thoughts of having a drink now. That is real progress for me.

Thanks to you and Lovehoops for your responses.
One good think medicine is, is that they're good at backs and hearts. They'll want to get your wife up and walking asap, and that's a good thing!

Soberwolf 03-12-2015 02:49 AM

Have a nice day everyone

Sisterbobby 03-12-2015 09:15 AM

Deanna-congrats on 53 days today...
yes us soberians are traveling down the right path. One thing I like about sober life, I do not have to stop after a hard three 12 hour days of work and buy a bottle of gin to relax. Nice...

Teebee- i get it, my husband and i are more like roommates. I will not get a divorce, again. Time will tell what happens to us. good luck with you and yours. hang in there...

Jojo- i have a sister named Jojo (nickname), i like it. You are an inspiration. Happy to hear AV is behaving.

Saoutcick- some day after retiring i am going to visit London, rain and all. Hope you find the love you deserve, if that is what you want...

James-this is the best place to vent, let it go. Hope the stew turned out great. My AH, at times claims to stop drinking and i know darn well he is sneaking, i go on hunting trips for stashed bottles. I know its wrong and I totally feel like a hypocrite, but one peeve of mine is lying. My first husband was a habitual liar, again, I totally feel like a hypocrite. This merry-go-round we call life... I too get tension HA.

Lovehoops-hope you have a wonderful day.

waywardson-hope your wife gets out today and i know you will take great care of your patient...

soberwolf- thanks for being here.

Dee-thanks for being here.

I have a birthday party today, I know there will be wine. Ill be okay. I'll fake tummy problems or something and hope to escape early. She has a pool table so ill practice my shooting.
I still plan on going camping tomorrow and saturday, back on sunday. No wifi i believe...

Sisterbobby 03-12-2015 09:37 AM

I took 3/4 th of sleeping pill last night and slept well. the pill is not enteric coated so it was ok to chop up. I will gradually wean myself off, thats my plan. Thanks soberwolf for the concern. I will speak to my PCP.

Soberwolf 03-12-2015 09:40 AM

Well done on day 54 JoJo

saoutchik 03-12-2015 02:40 PM

Evening everyone,

9:15pm here and I've only just go home. It's going to be busy now right up until Easter.

I was offered £8,000's worth of Turkish Lire for £2,000. I took what I can only call the least bad option and turned it down. They were the kind of people who don't really appreciate a refusal. I don't think anything will come of it but I expect I'm off their Christmas card list

I hope your wife's back is sorted when she comes out Waywardson. Bad backs can be very annoying

Must be irritating for you James not to be trusted- well done for not using it as an excuse to actually drink though. Maybe when you have quit for a while longer she'll be convinced

Hope you have decent weather for your camping trip SisterBobby. Are you taking Moe?
Oh and enjoy your party tonight

Sisterbobby 03-12-2015 06:20 PM

party started at 1pm, left five hours later. Most of the food had dairy of some kind in it, even the cake... this lactose intolerance is tough. do not like it:c004::c004::c004: had a few sour cream chips and already two trips to the john

Yes, i'm taking Moe, he is small enough i can sneak him in. i just have to make sure the raccoons dont get him!

Sisterbobby 03-12-2015 07:06 PM

when everyone was getting their initial drinks, it was tough, but after that, my pink grapefruit drink blended in just fine and i was fine and everything was fine...played some fun

Jojo1965 03-12-2015 07:14 PM

Had today off... Great plans.

Ended up dusting 2 pieces of furniture and then messed about, and ran around town buying stuff I don't need...

So here I sit in a grey sweatshirt that use to fit, and my scooby-doo pants and they use to fit too. Now they just hang. lol Oh my sweatshirt is funny. I'm a Calgary Flames fan, and so it has FLAMES in big letters across the front of the sweatshirt, but since I've lost weight the beginning and end letters, F and S are in my side/armpits, so now it says LAME. hahaha!

I'm having a decaf tea and I'm trying to figure out how I can cram 2 days of crap into 1 day, as in work that I neglected today.

Oh well, I'm sober and happy. Life rules!


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