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Duffster 02-20-2015 03:33 AM

Brrrrrrrr...I'm from New England but I've never seen it like that before!!!!!!! I'll be spending a few days this summer in Scituate and the first Scituate house looks just like our friend's. I just emailed her to see if it is theirs. She texted me pics and videos and it looks just as freezing as these photos - the windows were blown out during the first storm.

Well, I just woke up to a balmy 39. You know, here in South Florida, the Sunshine State! I have to play tennis at 9:30 (sigh) we are going to freeze our tushes off.

Babs, congratulations on 1 month!!!! That's so great. I'm sorry about everything else going on right now.

North, have a good flight tomorrow!! The weatherman promises it will warm up...just for your arrival :)

Marcher13 02-20-2015 03:36 AM

V I can't either, it absolutely blows my mind. Did you see the news where they showed Niagara (sp?) Falls? Where the water goes over it was frozen except for the edges (which I have seen before) but in The Atlantic photos my jaw kept dropping. The workers made a "snow farm" which I think means the snow was all pushed to a certain place like putting rubbish in a tip. What happens then? Do they push it somewhere else? I imagine it thaws eventually but it would make a flood if it just stayed where it was.

Last year North explained about the ice melting after the really cold weather and the water getting into people's attics and then freezing again and causing all sorts of problems.

Over in Grats I was fascinated when Uncle Holmes mentioned a remote to start or warm the car before he started it. I suppose it must be like a TV remote but I'm not sure how it gets the engine going/warming.

Frankly I can't get my head around how people keep their houses warm. I hear about furnaces, central heating etc., but if your house isn't new doesn't it have gaps where the air comes in?

I suppose though, we know bushfires and storms. It's all quite fascinating.

Saskia 02-20-2015 04:00 AM

Those pics of the snow are definitely the way it is! In this part of the US towns have plenty of snow plows and experience. The big challenge this winter has been where to put all the snow. There are shopping centers which have so many huge snow piles that you wouldn't know there was a shopping center there at all. They don't normally dump snow into the ocean because, of course, there is stuff under it and in it when there have been multiple storms and we don't want to pollute the ocean. This year I heard that they were considering it.

On to happier things ....

(((Babs)))! I'm totally delighted to congratulate you on your 1-month soberversary :a122:
I'm glad to hear you have a supportive doc! Please do share your joys and sorrows with us whenever you feel it helps.

venuscat 02-20-2015 04:04 AM
on 1 month sober darling Babs!!!! :) ♥♥♥

Saskia 02-20-2015 04:08 AM

Marcher, all houses including new ones have gaps - they need to in order to avoid breathing in stale air, carbon monoxide, etc. The trick is for the gaps not to be too big. That does increase heating bills, however. Older homes usually were not as well-insulated as some newer ones. It's very common to have some chilly "breezes" in the house :-(

Gilmer 02-20-2015 04:09 AM

Congratulations, Babs!

:bbj: :bbj: :bbj: :bbj: :bbj:

Soberjoy1 02-20-2015 04:30 AM

Wrong thread!

1Dayatatyme 02-20-2015 06:51 AM

Happy One Month Sober, Babs!!


1Dayatatyme 02-20-2015 06:58 AM

Marcher: Those pictures are like the scenes I watch on the national news shows every morning.... unbelievable. We have our own dear Sass back there in the thick of it all to confirm nothing has been photoshopped!

Babs1234 02-20-2015 08:03 AM

helloooooo Marchers--
You guys make me feel so good ! ! ! ! I can't tell you how Happy I'm today ---
I've been here before but this time ---I really do want to move on----and you guys are helping me do this. and I'm going to listen to you this time and come here when I get weak. thank you again for being you----I love you guys----
HUUUUUUGS-----Have a great week-end---

Gilmer 02-20-2015 08:08 AM

You, too, Babs! :)

Saskia 02-20-2015 10:57 AM

(((Babs))), I'm so glad you are feeling good and that you're coming here when you need to! I hope you know that we care about you and want you to succeed along with the rest of us. For me the support here on SR and Marchers especially has been critical to my staying sober through this life transition. Due to the snow and my lack of comfort with driving at night in my new home, I haven't made it to AA meetings yet though I plan to. Coming here has been a life saver!

Marcher13 02-20-2015 02:16 PM

Good morning Marchers :) Babs you are a star!

Well North must be flying south or in the south, Ken I hope you are putting on good weather for him.

Have a good day peeps.

BuddinK 02-20-2015 02:33 PM

It's getting there Marcher, we had record cold this morning. 48F/9C. Should be back to normal tomorrow

Gilmer 02-20-2015 03:15 PM

I got my copy of The Shack in the mail today. I look forward to starting it tomorrow.

Duffster 02-20-2015 03:28 PM

Ah, Gilmer, will be interested to hear your thoughts on it. I read it when I was in labor with my first (it was a long labor lol).

Gilmer 02-21-2015 02:22 AM

I am grateful and content this morning: I live a rich and happy life.

Saskia 02-21-2015 04:36 AM

Originally Posted by Gilmer (Post 5215084)
I am grateful and content this morning: I live a rich and happy life.

Awesome and have a good one :-)

digdug 02-21-2015 06:18 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Congrats, Babs!

I'm hanging in there. Have to work all weekend...again. It's really starting to wear on me. I keep telling myself that I put myself in this situation. I missed over 4 months of work in 2013 for rehab and surgery, so I've been spending the last year+ proving that I'm a reliable employee. I keep telling myself that I only have to make it until May (our performance year ends April 30). But it's getting tough.

I'm not stressed out or anything. I don't feel stress like I used to. I just try to concentrate on what needs to be done today without worrying about tomorrow. But I am tired. I am running on empty. I've billed the second most hours in my entire group of over 100 people. The better I do at work, the more people ask of me. I am paid well, and thankful for that, but still grossly underpaid for what I am actually doing. A partner even made a joke about that last week. "No one treats you like an associate, D, but I'm sure you're used to that." Hah Hah. :rolleyes2

So I am trying to do the little things for myself. I'm cooking more. Plated has been a godsend. Here's the miso-crusted pollock with chinese broccoli and potatoes I made on Monday:

Attachment 26299

So some of the recipes have wine in them. The above included. They literally send you a tiny bottle with like a tablespoon of wine. My sponsor was a bit concerned when I told him I had alcohol in my house, but it is not tempting at all. I have no desire to drink a tablespoon of wine. What is the point? lol.

But I understand his concerns so I am monitoring my thoughts and feelings when I cook and when I eat. So far, so good. Tonight is mustard glazed pork with carrots and spaetzle (no wine in the recipe).

OK - back to work.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Gilmer 02-21-2015 06:21 AM

That looks beautiful, DD! Plated so wonderfully!

I hope you get the payoff and recognition you deserve in May.

Hope all else is well in your life. it's good to hear from you!

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