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ScooterBoo 01-04-2015 03:03 PM

Very thoughtful, thought-provoking posts today.

I wish our other team members would post to let us know how they are doing.
ClearEyes? Chris? Glandon? Max? Cute? 1Step? KNB? Ph7? Grateful? Mvngon? Penkins? TX? Apple? anyone else I may have left out? Please let us know how you are.

sthlondonab 01-04-2015 03:10 PM

Lovely posts there Pink and Choobie! Full of gratitude and serenity

Dang that mobile reception on trains eh pink? My phone signal goes in and out like a fiddlers elbow every time I travel north! Sounds like you had a great day here and to surprise your mum is magic. Have my mum coming down in a few months for her 60th so you might just have given me an idea :-)

Good to see some check ins! As Scooter just posted love to see some more of Team A and see how you are doing.

Choobie 01-04-2015 03:27 PM

Yay for 5 months, London! Wooooooohoooooo!

determined99 01-04-2015 05:30 PM

Choobie and pink, loved your posts! Great to hear from you clear eyes!

Gotta sign off early to get some sleep for tomorrow. Smiling proudly as I feel exactly how I wanted to feel at this time after the holidays and Sunday night before work. Sober and damn proud of it.

More tomorrow. Love you guys.

rah555 01-04-2015 06:03 PM

Today is day 64!! I slip in 99 days!!

doingsomething 01-04-2015 06:07 PM


Been off-line for a few days. New Year holiday was uneventful and I hit the road on the 2nd with a side trip to attend a funeral for my aunt's 3rd husband. Technically my uncle but I barely knew the guy. It was good to see extended family (dysfunctional tho they are). Twin aunts are 80 this year and are the sweetest ever.

Now, 630 road tripped miles later, I find myself solo, in a new town, starting a new job tomorrow. It's a little hard for me to reflect on anything right now because I'm just feeling tee'd up for what's to come. A whole lot on my plate right now. Maybe once I settle in and find my groove in a couple of weeks, I'll have more to offer. For now, focused on the tasks at hand with an eye on my 6 in case that AV tries to sneak up. It's blipped a few times on my radar so it's out there looking for an angle. Jammed many tunes on the road trip down and found any Widespread Panic song brings boozing to mind. I suspect there's a strong association there. Seen many a show and they're all pretty blurry.

Happy to hear from those who made it through the holidays relatively unscathed. Seems like we're possibly entering another phase - or maybe it's just the turn of the new year with all our goals in front of us. Hope to hear from other team members.

Happy Sober 2015 Team A :c017:

Grateful11 01-04-2015 10:22 PM

Hey everyone!

Just checking in at 12am...I just finished all of my lesson planning for the new quarter that begins tomorrow. Have not had a minute to myself today. Also was really anxious all day today, can totally relate to what you said London!

I was sick during Christmas then got the flu over New Years so was not able to post here (or do anything else!) Frustrating to be sick even though I am sober but at least there are no feelings of shame and I got some much needed sleep. Also had enough energy one day to completely clean and organize a couple of closets which included throwing away some items from my past. Felt really good to purge and feel a fresh start.

I will post my holiday reflections and 2015 goals tomorrow. I must get some sleep!

glandon 01-04-2015 10:30 PM

Hi guys
Determined thanks for doing this roll call- we need to check in and reconnect regularly.
Choobie Great post earlier. I loved it
Rah This issue regarding your husband, and his desire to socialize at bars, has been going on for a while if my memory serves. Sounds like it's the only thing he can think of to go out and meet new people? Well, while his wishes and plans aren't new, something else is: YOU. You appear to be making really solid progress in your sobriety. This may have been suggested by others, but what's to stop you from going to the bars, dancing, meeting new folks, all the while enjoying a great non-AL drink? I am pretty sure that with your length of sobriety your will power should be pretty strong now.

And, what I am suggesting is something that I and I am sure others here have been doing- that is: enjoying our time in an AL environment and feeling no need or desire to imbibe.

As 2014 ended, I was thinking to myself about ALL the AL-laden situations I was since I'll be 5 mos AF for me tomorrow. You guys have heard the story's, it's been crazy; cycling in Switzerland for 10 days in close quarters with drinking buddies, a week on a sail boat in the French West Indies with some wine connoisseur friends, a cycling training camp in Tucson with a bunch of after-ride drinking cyclists, a Century bike race (100 mles) in Moab, UT, with a huge post ride party, PLENTY of Holiday parties (heck, I was helping to mix drinks for some folks at one party!!!), just got back from a few days around New Years, at a ranch near Wyoming with plenty of drinking going on. A kind of a similar analogy: I am a very happily married guy. I could be around all kinds of attractive women, and frequently am, but what's it matter? I made a vow to my wife (similar to my vow for sobriety). So, for me, these women are just simply other human souls. Not even the most remote thought of anything untold, it just simply doesn't enter my mind. Just like any thought of AL doesn't enter my mind. That's the power of an irrevocable vow.

Point is- if we REALLY mean it, when we vowed we were through drinking, then any "tempting" situation under the sun, doesn't really matter. We just don't drink.

glandon 01-04-2015 10:52 PM

Pink sounds like you are killing it, stay strong my friend.
Dryout ditto on the shout out to Dee.
SthLondon Hope you enjoyed the Disney!
Scoots congrats on the 18 lbs. I wonder if our UK friends can tell us how many stone(s) that is?
Ultra I am anxious to hear how things go as your training gets underway. What was the date of the Ultramarathon again?
Doing keep us posted on the new job.
Grateful I've been sick to last few days. My wife is loading me up with alka-seltzer Plus, seems to work pretty well.
Cleareyes I totally agree with your observation " a new year is a great time to reflect on what we've all undertaken". Well said.

ScooterBoo 01-05-2015 04:33 AM

Good morning,

Congratulations to those reaching five months.

Glandon, I like the idea of sobriety being an irrevocable vow.

Pink, Episode One of Downton Abbey was on last night; left me wondering what is going to happen this season to many of the characters. What a great series!

DoingSomething, good luck at your new job today. It does seem like we are entering a new phase. I think I read somewhere that many people feel a big change around the six month mark.

It sounds like quite a few of us have been battling a cold, a virus or the flu. It is that time of year. Grateful, it must have been weird to have those symptoms and not from a hangover! When I woke with a sinus problem a few weeks into sobriety, my first thought was, "Oh, no! How much did I drink?" It sure felt like a miserable hangover to me.

It would be great to hear from other members of our team.

I am off to the Y, then to read the shelves at the library. Have a happy, safe and sober day everyone.

Grateful11 01-05-2015 06:47 AM

Hey TeamA!

Im on the train to work. It is -4 degrees F right now. Last winter i was very depressed about the weather as i have no car so i often have to stand outside waiting for buses and trains. I need to come up with a plan for dealing with it this winter so it does not become a trigger.

Thanks for all the great posts! I was just reflecting on how i always resist taking any medication but i had absolutely no problem pouring liters of poison into my body to self medicate. The first month i was sick i refused to take any medicine. have been feeling better now that i am taking some over the counter meds. Thanks for the tip Glandon, i will try alkaseltzer plus next. I took a theraflu tea this morning to get through the work day!

Be well! Xo

penkins 01-05-2015 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by ScooterBoo (Post 5117055)
Very thoughtful, thought-provoking posts today. I wish our other team members would post to let us know how they are doing. ClearEyes? Chris? Glandon? Max? Cute? 1Step? KNB? Ph7? Grateful? Mvngon? Penkins? TX? Apple? anyone else I may have left out? Please let us know how you are.

I'm here. Honestly. I'm Doing terrible. Stupid Monday with a hangover. When will I ever get this together???

calichris 01-05-2015 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by ScooterBoo (Post 5117055)
Very thoughtful, thought-provoking posts today.

I wish our other team members would post to let us know how they are doing.
ClearEyes? Chris? Glandon? Max? Cute? 1Step? KNB? Ph7? Grateful? Mvngon? Penkins? TX? Apple? anyone else I may have left out? Please let us know how you are.

Hi Scooter! (and everyone!) -- Chris here/present!!!!

I have barely held my head above water lately with the holidays and work and home stuff and looking after my 84 year old parents who live a couple of miles away so I am constantly over there. Barely a time to catch my breath but I just wanted to say today is day 150 and I am here and proud to be with you all !!!! Alcohol is just simply not an option. Has it crossed my mind? Yes. Have I given in? NO! I just run the tape forward and see how gut wrenchingly miserable it would make me and all of the ones that mean the most to me.

Praying everyone is well you are always in my thoughts!! I will continue to post whenever I can :)
Love and hugs to the A-Team !!!!!

PS- Funny story. New Year's Day I had brunch with my wife and daughter and there was a table of folks drinking Mimosas to get over their hangovers (yeah right!), and they looked so worn and tired. I overheard some of them say they did not remember midnight. Oh how good it is for us to be set free from that terrible prison !!!!!!!! I told my wife this and she toasted me with our fresh squeezed orange juice. Great way to start the New Year and solidify that the decision to stay sober for life is the right one in so many endless great ways !!!

pinklinzangel 01-05-2015 09:39 AM

Chris was a great new year story, I'll raise my orange juice to that! Glad you got through it, stay strong buddy x

pinklinzangel 01-05-2015 09:40 AM

Scooter it's a good series! You're going to enjoy it ☺ xx

ClearEyes24 01-05-2015 10:37 AM

"Include a brief reflection on your holiday and the thing you noticed most about the new you over the break. This is for extra credit!"

Reflections on the holidays and the "new" me….hmmmmm- Like others have remarked here, buying presents for loved ones was actually done with thought and preparedness this year. I thought out a budget, researched and bought on-line and was done by Dec. 15th. unheard of for me- I had been living day to day and cocktail hour to cocktail hour for many years. I didn't have the clarity to plan ahead- that was a great feeling this year. I think the early months of recovery we tend to marvel at the physical upsides to sobriety (or at least I did…), clear skin, eyes, energy, sleep, etc….but I'm noticing my brain seems to be clicking and whirring at much higher speeds than I'm used to as well. I also "feel" kinder- if that makes any sense and am actually capable of patience and empathy-two traits which I thought I missed out on.

I'm also exploring if the "boring" feelings that I've been experiencing are what others call "peace". I don't think I have ever experienced inner peace before and perhaps I'm mislabeling it as "boredom". I need to cogitate on this theory a little more however…I will let my August friends know as I soon as I have a breakthrough ; )

Goals for 2015 (inspiration credit goes to London….)

1) remain sober for the year without a slip/relapse
2) AA speaker meetings twice a month
3) Read one of the "classics" before June (suggestions anyone?)
4) Hike Presidential Traverse with my oldest in the White Mountains this summer
5) Get down to fighting weight of 180 lbs.

ClearEyes24 01-05-2015 10:43 AM

glad to see you Chris and Penkins! Great job on 150 Chris! I too, think about a drink from time to time and playing it forward is very effective. The drink turns into a drunk is my mantra.

Penkins- I think it was Dee that said that we "get it together" when quitting becomes more important to us than drinking…so simple but so true really. It finally "clicked" for me last summer after a couple of years of knowing and wanting a change. I wasn't ready for the life change that had to happen but I eventually became miserable enough.

Applekat 01-05-2015 11:43 AM

I've been hanging out in November, guys! Day 37 right now. A great, sober Christmas!

It makes me so happy to see y'all doing so well. :)

pinklinzangel 01-05-2015 01:55 PM

Apple kat so good to hear from you, 3 days is awesome!
London, 150 my man.......just wow! You did that, you did all of that, we'll done xx
Clear eyes, great goals! I too struggled with boredom, before I realised it was what others call relaxing!

I have 50 aspirations this year, I make a bucket list every year, and fail to complete most of it! There is some serious stuff, some silly stuff, some personal stuff and some public stuff. I'm pleased with the list, and keep going over i i think this year every item on my list is achievable which is an awesome feeling. I look forward to reviewing it at new year.

Take a photo every day
Try s new food each week
Do something new each month
Laugh til I cry
Call my mum every day just because I love her
Wear more hats
Give blood
Have my wedding dress made into angel gowns (I never went to the wedding anyway! Long story, previous relationship)
Compliment somebody genuinely every day
Take 10 minutes each day to do exactly what the hell I want
Make the last word of the day a good one
Waste less food
Get a new tattoo
Run insane terrain
Be more organised, update my calendar and address book
Continue to be lovely, and just a little bit crazy
Use my slow cooker
Be thankful for my job, even on the bad days
Write more poetry
Complete my patchwork quilt
Build a bird nesting box
Have another colour hair style
Read wind sand and stars
Read inside out
Watch pulp fiction - possibly the only person left to watch it!
Go to my local pub and enjoy a soft drink. Haven't been there since sober and I love that place. There's no reason I shouldn't be there.
Get my wellies muddy
Visit a new place in the UK
Visa a new place outside the UK
Go to a cookery class
Hug, kiss and love more
Smile. Just because.
Complete another module of my degree
Complete my scrap book
Post on Sr every day
Learn to bodybuild
Eat more fruit
Go to the dentist (haven't been in 3 years as they terrify me)
Listen to more jazz instead of pretending to like stuff I don't
Take part in the scarecrow festival in my village
Join the Wi
See my friends more often, we deserve it
Send note cards of thanks
Be more punctual
Get my car serviced, it's been 3 years......
Be honest
Be kind
Be thankful
Complete my tennis coaching course
Grow my own veg
Grow a sunflower, and put it in the vase on my dining table, a big smiley flower to remind me how good life is
Do good things for people, for no particular reason at all

It's not exhaustive e, but I want to achieve these things this year!

Biggest news here? I signed up today to do insane terrain running in April. Check out the Web video. Yes I'm crazy, yes it will probably kill me. So tomorrow I join fat club, again! And hit the gym, again! And this gingerbread man in my hand? Yep, that's my last one. I hope I can do this, and don't end up sitting in a puddle sobbing along the way! I'm not fit, I'm not active, I'm not thin. I look like a penguin if I try and run, and have the balance of toddler. It's going to be an interesting event!

Choobie 01-05-2015 02:01 PM

That is a GREAT plan, Pink! You can't help but have an awesome year with those goals!

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