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trudgingagain 07-14-2014 09:07 AM

Lots to share...unfortunately no time....what happened to my BIG, LONG, UPDATE....FROM YESTERDAY???? LOL.....

WhoDey 07-14-2014 09:26 AM

JL ... congrats on 30 days. Big milestone. Keep on truckin'!

Fishy ... your trip sounds wonderful. Did you backpack or car camp? I visited RMNP years ago and had a great time. Lots of day hiking. I'm glad you weren't in danger from the lightning. Scary.

Fact of the Day: In Japan they have square watermelons.

Click here for details!

fishoutawatta 07-14-2014 05:20 PM

I car camped. I wanted to hit a lot of different fishing scenarios (i.e., have flexibility). And, of course, I don't have a backpack; that made the choice easy. But I camped in a Forest Service "overflow" campground -- low facilities (no water, ports-potties, etc.). it was fine for what I needed, and almost like back-packing. I'd forgotten how much I love that parti, and how close it is to home.
I learned of the lightning strikes by email alert, but I didn't know where they happened until I got home. Both of them were on Trail Ridge Rd (the "top-of-the-world-road"). I was far from there . . . until Sunday morning when the weather was lovely. So I drove by both strike zones, blissfully ignorant.

WhoDey 07-15-2014 08:18 AM

Fishy ... I hiked up Longs Peak and they were very clear in warning to summit and then get down below tree line ASAP. No I see why.

Everyone ... Now that baseball is over and football is about to begin (early August), I started my 13 year old son on a conditioning program. Lots of fun! Last night was strength ... tonight is sprints/agility training.

Today's Fact of the Day:
Carrots were originally purple in color and changed to orange in the 17th century.
Click here for more details!

Bonus fact: my above mentioned son, fell victim to eating too many carrots when small and turned orange.

DoubleDragons 07-15-2014 08:26 AM

I always tell my kids for good health they should eat like my daughter's guinea pigs and their mouths are always orange from carrots. ;)

WhoDey 07-15-2014 08:51 AM

DD ... I've always thought that a great way to get rich would be to develop and market a fad diet. Seems like there are scads of people always on the look out for the next magic diet. I think you're onto something with the Guinea Pig Diet. Admittedly, turning orange may be a turnoff to some people, so you may want to tweak the carrot intake a bit.

Things have been quiet in Tober Land lately. Could be because everyone is busy with "real life". Plus summer can be a busy time. I hope that's the case.

I have a day counting app on my phone ... which I viewed often early in sobriety. I just checked it and I've passed 265 days which means that I'm a little less than 100 days from making it to one year! And make it I will.

trudgingagain 07-15-2014 09:23 AM

OK...well, left step-mom's yesterday...NO ONE deserves to be treated the way I was being treated. So packed up and left right then and there. DONE BEING ABUSED. Stayed in a lovely Hilton last night. On to my sister's IS GONNA GET BETTER!

DoubleDragons 07-15-2014 10:28 AM

Trudging, I read on SR lately that accepting abuse is the same as self abuse. So good for you!!!!

WhoDey, I thought of it first, so I get rights to the Guinea Pig Diet book. ;) I have no doubt that you (and I, for that matter) will make it to one year sober!! :)

WhoDey 07-15-2014 11:18 AM

Trudging ... I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself. It sounds like you, literally, went the extra mile. I know you wanted to help, but sometimes people are not in a place where they are capable of accepting help.

And, yes ... it is gonna get better! Sounds like it already has ...

Cynderino 07-15-2014 11:36 AM

Hi friends! I can't wait to make it to the one year club too!! 281 days for me today.

Trudging - good for you! The Hilton sounds like a much better choice. :)

Is it Friday yet???

I want in on this Guinea Pig Diet scheme!!

WhoDey 07-15-2014 01:54 PM

Cynderino ... Welcome on board, but The Guinea Pig Diet is not a "scheme". It is a proven, science-based weight-loss plan.

DD developed the diet and used it with great success with her family. Realizing that she had a solution to the current obesity epidemic, she decided to share the diet with the world. This isn't about making money. It's about improving people's health.

I have a call into the Dr. Oz show to see if DD can make an appearance.

Stay tuned, Tobers!

DoubleDragons 07-15-2014 06:07 PM

Whodey, I'm available. If it will save the world, I'm available. If it will help me retire early with a luxury yacht, I am all about saving the world. ;)

DoubleDragons 07-15-2014 06:09 PM

Speaking of guinea pig diets, down Trudging's way, guinea pig is considered a delicacy. They are called cavies down there. Poor little piggies.

WhoDey 07-16-2014 06:37 AM

How would one prepare guinea pig? Probably tastes like chicken ...

Today is Bonus Wednesday and there are two motivational quotes:
If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney
Goals determine what you're going to be. - Julius Erving
I think this is very important, especially early in recovery when the distance needing to be covered seems daunting. A clear goal coupled with determination will go along ways towards making recovery a reality.

At some point in my past, I developed the habit of every so often crafting my obituary. During particulary difficult times, I would actually put pen to paper. Most often, I just go through the exercise in my mind. At first take, the exercise may seem depressing, but it is actually life affirming.

Write your obituary. What was your legacy? How will you be remembered? What did you stand for? Did you die an alcoholic or were you successful in recovery? What will your family remember about you?

What will you leave behind?

Carry on, Tobers.

LittleSparrow 07-16-2014 07:24 AM

WD, writing my obituary sounds like a fascinating exercise. Hmm, now you have me thinking.

I didn't get a chance earlier to congratulate JL on hitting 30 days! Excellent! Keep up the good work, JL!

So I'm still around, but lately I've just been able to read posts and have been too tired to post myself. (I read right before bed and then doze off!) I hit 9 months on Monday, which was also my 7th anniversary with my hubby. It was a good day.

Over the weekend, I went to a party with a lot of people I didn't know and kegs of beer. It wasn't a challenge at all for me to not drink--my friends made sure I had plenty of nonalcoholic drinks. There were two funny moments, though. First, someone was saying (and I don't know the context because I wasn't paying attention), "It's like when you don't drink for 4 months and then go back to drinking, and you have no tolerance." Another guy said, "But who doesn't drink for 4 months?? That's just crazy!" I turned around and said, "Me! No drinking in 9 months! And no, I'm not pregnant and I didn't just have a baby." A few of my friends were surprised (in a good way) that I had quit drinking because I never make a big deal about it in front of them. The first guy was impressed, saying that usually people who quit drinking are very loud about it. I told him that actually it seems like people either are loud about it or try to hide it, but in my situation it didn't matter because I just don't drink and that's that. I wish I could've seen in the past that my friends wouldn't make fun of me or kick me out of a party for not drinking. Second funny moment: much later (and when everyone else was very, very drunk), the same first guy asked me if it was difficult for me to stay sober while everyone around me was drinking. I told him it was easier and more entertaining because this way I get to watch everyone else make fools of themselves! Ha! And oh, it was bad. People spilling beer everywhere, slurring, talking at me instead of with me. Normally I'd be annoyed, but I was getting quite a kick out of the fact that it finally wasn't me acting like that.

Cynderino 07-16-2014 10:34 AM

I am guessing Guinea Pigs taste like bacon!

DD - if you need a part time maid on that yacht of yours let me know! LOL

WD - another very though provoking post. I try to put out good energy into the world but some days it is tough! I do believe that you get out of life what you put into it and with as many years as I have wasted drinking away the days, I try to pack a lot of positive into each day now in hopes of making it up a little each time. It's really strange that you brought this up today. I was laying in bed last night (which is when I tend to worry and fret). I was watching the news and a 9 year old girl died this last week due to a brain eating amoeba. I immediately go to my kids and start thinking about all the what-ifs. Ugh. But then I thought what if I died? I know it would be hard for them but I do think I have left positive marks on my kids' lives. I think they each have an individual relationship with me that they could think back on. I hug on them and tell them I love them tons. I think it would be okay at this point. I don't know if that makes sense but I felt peace with that thought whereas before I would be begging for more time to make things right before I died. *sigh* woah sorry for the heavy post!

Sparrow - I have come to enjoy being the sober one in those situations as well. Definitely entertaining. Good to hear from you!!

DoubleDragons 07-16-2014 11:20 AM

LS, 9 months - awesome!!!!

Whodey, I have given the funeral a thought or two over the years, too. I don't want any good thing that I have done to be negated by the fact that I was an active alcoholic. "DD raised a lovely family, BUT she was a raging alcoholic." Or, "DESPITE the fact that DD was a destructive alcoholic who drank herself to death, she was kind of nice, OTHERWISE." LOL

DoubleDragons 07-16-2014 11:21 AM

Yes, Cynderino and on this yacht, you can be a real maid ~ no barmaids allowed. LOL

WhoDey 07-16-2014 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by Cynderino (Post 4783367)
But then I thought what if I died? I know it would be hard for them but I do think I have left positive marks on my kids' lives. I think they each have an individual relationship with me that they could think back on. I hug on them and tell them I love them tons. I think it would be okay at this point. I don't know if that makes sense but I felt peace with that thought whereas before I would be begging for more time to make things right before I died.

I think most parents have similar thoughts ... I certainly have.

I "think" my kids would be okay if I was no longer here, but I do worry about things I want to show/share/teach them ... but that I haven't gotten around to.

One thing I do know, however, is that I am so thankful (like DD mentioned) to no longer be an abuser of alcohol. What a terrible image I was putting before my kids. I'm glad that's in our rearview mirrors!

LS ... Congrats on 9 months! Awesome.

fishoutawatta 07-16-2014 04:22 PM

Loved the thoughts about self-obituary-ing! I've done it every so often too; maybe it's time again.
Cyn -- guinea pig would probably taste like bacon if it was bacon-wrapped!:c041:

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