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Dee74 04-18-2014 05:37 PM

One Year and Over Club Part 16
we continue from here:


tootsl1 04-18-2014 07:02 PM

LDT I am so sorry for what your community will be feeling. You are in my thoughts.

tootsl1 04-18-2014 07:16 PM

IP I agree, that at some point we have to grow up and stop blaming our issues on our parents, it certainly sounds as if you have done that. If your mother can't or won't, then perhaps you need to decide whether continuing contact is good for you.

Drake, I love that you were a 'singer ringer'! Haha

DG you're right of course, we could all slap paint on a canvas, I think my issue with painting was that an art teacher actually mocked my attempt. Kind of put me off trying again. I realise how silly that is, and I will give it a go sometime!
I hope you all have a great
Easter weekend, we have the marathon on Monday, so I will find a good spot to watch that, otherwise, no specific plans.

Jeni26 04-19-2014 12:00 AM

LDT...I'm so sorry about what has happened in your community, it is shocking. I hope everyone can pull together and find comfort in each other.

V...oh I'm sorry you're feeling so miserable. Lean on us and your other friends here for support. :grouphug:. Wish you didn't all live so far apart, I'd invite you round for a cup of tea and a chat in the garden. Don't reckon there's much we couldn't fix if we were all together :) xx

DG..having the confidence to be creative? Not needing to be perfect? That all sounds pretty sound advice. I'm going to think on that one. I love music and actually come from quite a musical background. Both my parents were accomplished musicians, and as a kid I played violin in a regional youth orchestra. But those memories are so tainted with childhood yukky stuff I've never really pursued it into adulthood. I'm getting on a bit now, probably too late to learn..but maybe...the guitar does appeal.

Toots...interesting job! So what accent do you have? English? Scottish? A bit of an American twang? No-one would want me reading books I tell you, I sound cockney. I shouldn't think there's much of a market for politics read by Eliza Dolittle :)

InPar...aah, parents...yup sounds familiar. I've found the whole thing with my family the hardest to come to terms with in sobriety. I think now, I'm probably the most at peace with it. We don't see each other much, but I do try and phone once a week. I am now totally accepting of the fact they are both very sick people, as much a victim of circumstance as I was, but if I have too much contact...I start slipping back to old ways of thinking. One day this week I got a text from my sister which was enough to get me anxious and resentful, and I have to keep taking little steps away to preserve my sanity. Now I'm thinking, that if I can do the right thing for them, while remembering to do the right thing by myself, I will have truly cracked it! One of my brothers is 47 years old, still lives with them, lost in drugs and alcohol. The hardest thing ever was for me to accept that I cannot help him, my parents enable his addiction, and I have no influence. He knows where I am. Maybe, one day. Oops that suddenly got really heavy's a silly egg to lighten the tone ...:egg2:

Well...H is at work today, and the kids no doubt will be busy, so there is no excuse for me not to get on with some school work to prepare for next week.

Happy Saturday everyone :) xx

venuscat 04-19-2014 12:26 AM

Jeni ~ I love the dancing egg!! :)

And thank you...I'm still planning on coming round for fish and chips on a Friday night!
But for now, sitting in the garden with you having a cuppa and a chat sounds like heaven.

About your brother? He heard you recently when you talked to him; all you can do is be a power of example. Which you are love. (((hug)))

I have a lot on my mind, I'm under a lot of family pressure, and I took on what has turned out to be a pretty hard job. (Physically). And I must persist with it; I need the money desperately. And I need to be a bigger person than this.

I had a nap for a little while, and I feel so much better. Next time I get all miserable, tell me to go to bed. Please!

Love V xx

Jeni26 04-19-2014 12:43 AM

V..I have 2 brothers. The one I spoke to I refer to as my baby brother (I was 15 when he was born), he came to me at Christmas and admitted an alcohol problem. He's a lovely kind-hearted gentle man and I would do anything I could to help him. He's the one that breaks my heart. My other brother that lives with my parents has been lost in addiction for many years and is unapproachable. I haven't spoken to him about anything much for a long time. I wish I could help both of them...but denial is a strong thing. I posted my story in the stories of recovery forum. It sort of explains the whole family fiasco as was/is.

Glad you're feeling a bit better, and sorry your job is so hard. Take care of you now. Xxx. And I'm still on SR because I'm avoiding getting up to do my work..ugh. Must get going...

FBL 04-19-2014 03:15 AM

I'm hittin' the road to spend Easter weekend with the family.

Have a great weekend, overs!

Rusty Zipper 04-19-2014 03:43 AM

ltd, i'm sure mayberry will rally around you all

venuscat 04-19-2014 03:51 AM

(((Jeni))) Thank you for telling your very honest story. No words. Very emotional.

Enjoy your family time FBL.

V xx

LDT 04-19-2014 06:07 AM

The sun is shining, doors are open, coffee is on, zucchinis and peppers are waiting to be planted, dog is waiting for his walk by the lake, son is home from college for the weekend, H is preparing to start cooking for Easter lunch tomorrow ........ Life is very sweet today, Overs!

Have a beautiful day ( and night ) Everyone! :grouphug:

tootsl1 04-19-2014 09:17 AM

Oh Jeni, just read your story. My heart breaks for that sweet child and everything you have had to overcome. Thank you for your bravery in sharing. (((((Huge hug)))))

DG0409 04-19-2014 09:34 AM

Hi Overs.

I seem to have come down a bit sick. My throat feels like it's on fire. So, my plans for the day are to drive to the store and get some cough drops and then laze around with a cup of hot tea.

V- I think there are few things a nap can't fix!

instant 04-19-2014 02:51 PM

Hope everyone is enjoying Easter. Nothing to report other than I am enjoying life, and have the whole weekend off. Towards the end of my drinking I dreaded the weekend at some level as I would drink more, bad hangovers, get nothing done, lie around and get fatter and more bloated- meanwhile life went on without me.

Yesterday I rode through the hills for a few hours on my bicycle having done a long ride the day before. Seemed like another pleasant day and I thought nothing of it- the comparison to three years ago is quite stark.

feeling-good 04-19-2014 03:22 PM

Hi everyone :) My thoughts are with everyone going through hard times right now. Good day today, although tiring! Happy Easter when it comes.

tootsl1 04-19-2014 03:48 PM

DG get well soon honey, and spoil yourself, Dr Toots orders!

FG good to see you hon, how are you? I think you are due a visit from a big yellow ball in the sky. Be not afraid, but don't sit outside too long! Lol

Instant I'm glad life is so good you have nothing much to say!! :)

tootsl1 04-19-2014 04:09 PM

Jeni I speak fairly Estuary English too I have picked up Scottish words and phrases rather than accent, and if I begin to sound like Lloyd Grossman drop me mid Atlantic-please!! Lol
I also have a hint of brummie in there, as I originated in the midlands.
The guys at the studio like my voice so I'm happy!

LSC1 04-19-2014 04:19 PM

Happy Easter Everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!


venuscat 04-19-2014 10:11 PM

toots ~ I did not understand one word of your post until I got to the last sentence. Too funny.

DG ~ Feel better honey. (((hugs)))

instant ~ Thank You!! I love hearing that. I love knowing that I will keep getting stronger, and that my life will continue to take me to new adventures. So glad you are happy! :)

Happy Easter LSC and everyone here. ♥

Hello feeling-good. :) :)

Love to all,

V xx

Jeni26 04-19-2014 10:48 PM

Happy Easter Sunday everyone :)


I'm off to see my family today. Always a real mixed bag of emotions this...but I get to spend time with my nieces and nephews and that's good. Sometimes the more of us there are, the less intense it is and I can flit from one person to the other without being drawn in. I will go and have a chat to my Grandparents first as they are buried in the churchyard on top of a hill with the most beautiful views across the countryside. There will be lots of chocolate, lots of children laughing, and I get time with my little brother (all 6 ft 2 of him), and I can't wait to see him.

H is at work so my son is driving me and my daughter.

Easter always seems a significant time of the year to me, and I'm not a religious person. A time for growth and new beginnings.

I feel very lucky to have what I do in my life right now.

Love to you all :) x

Michael66 04-19-2014 10:55 PM

Happy Easter everybody!

I'm rather envious of people having Easter eggs. I signed up to try a vegan diet for 40 days so milk chocolate is out.

MythOfSisyphus 04-19-2014 11:03 PM

Hello, everyone! I mostly post in the Newcomer's section because every day it feels like I'm still new to sobriety and learning. But truth be told I guess I'm around a year and a half or so sober. The not drinking part is actually the easy part. The whole figuring out my life part is trickier!:lmao

venuscat 04-19-2014 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by MythOfSisyphus (Post 4602481)
Hello, everyone! I mostly post in the Newcomer's section because every day it feels like I'm still new to sobriety and learning. But truth be told I guess I'm around a year and a half or so sober. The not drinking part is actually the easy part. The whole figuring out my life part is trickier!:lmao

Hello MOS, lovely to see you here...and you too Michael...unless you have been here for ages already (oops).

Except for the :lmao part MOS, I'm right with you...figuring out my life is a big task. One day at a time. :)

Love V xx

MidnightBlue 04-20-2014 03:25 AM

Hi, Overries)

I am still here, still sober, still kicking)

I felt a big wave of anger arising in me today. Still anger about a lot of staff in my past. I decide not to let it ruin my dy, so hit the gym quite early and just destroyed my legs with 50 kg squats and 60 kg deadlifts.

Now planning a long walk, enjoying a good weather and dropping for cup of coffee at McDO where I can sit and write. The red tape with renewing driving license will proceed next week, so I need some time to recharge batteries.

Welcome, MOS! Great to see you here.

And you, Michael, too)

Jeni - Sending positive vibes your way while you are visiting your family.

I am not religious either. I treat Ester like a light sunny holiday when people can share some kindness. And today I am trying to be kinder to myself.

Happy Easter, Overries!

tootsl1 04-20-2014 03:32 AM

Michael what a time to pick to go Vegan! I will consider it my duty to eat an egg for you. I wil bear than mantle.

MOS, totally agree, I'm beginning to realise that is what year 2 is all about.

VC how are you feeling now? If this job is more physician than you realised make sure to keep looking, it does get easier to apply for jobs if you are already working.
I've thought for a long time we ought to have a thread here where folk could perhaps offer their skills and if anyone in their area knows of a job could suggest them! 'Refer a recovering drunk' !
Yes my post was aimed specifically at Jeni, knowing she would understand the accent I was trying to get across,-mongrel and certainly not cut glass!

Jeni, sounds like you know how to ensure you get the best fb rom today and dodge the worst. I hope it is a good one for you.

DG I hope you are feeling better now

LDT in sure your Sunday service will be a poignant one. Thoughts are with you all

To all my other Overrie friends, have a wonderful Easter.. Xx

tootsl1 04-20-2014 03:33 AM

HimMB, good to see you here, I'm not surprised at your anger, there is a lot for you to be angry about from your past, I'm glad you are now beginning to correctly externalise it, believe it when I say that is a real move forward. It is frustrating too that you cannot direct that anger at the specific target, so gym work will help. Don't feel bad about feeling angry, for you it is a positive feeling, you will learn to let it go, but for now, feel it, understand it, and let that punchbag absorb it all. Xx

Rusty Zipper 04-20-2014 04:00 AM

Happy Easter overs

no gluttony please! lol

DG0409 04-20-2014 10:07 AM

Myth- I agree that there is much to learn when it comes to living life.

MB- Good to see you here. Way to go on deciding to not let the anger ruin your day, hitting the gym and trying to be kind to yourself.

I am still sick so I plan on taking it easy today.

I've never cared much about Easter, but this is my first year not celebrating 4/20. I'm pretty proud of that.

Dee74 04-20-2014 03:54 PM

Welcome Mos :)

Hope everyone had a good Easter :)


DrakeCKC 04-20-2014 06:18 PM

Easter and all the singing over. I am voiceless now. Did a lot of neat stuff, but too much. Sang for services Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sunday. Big Easter brunch at a friends. The Bloody Marys looked good, but I passed and had a spicy Virgin Mary (or three, who was counting? and did it matter??)

Hope all the Overs had a great weekend!

Jeni26 04-21-2014 12:49 AM

Morning guys. Hope you feel better soon DG.

My day with family was ok. It was lovely to see my baby brother. We don't get to see each other often, and we've arranged to go out for a meal just the 2 of us, in a few weeks. He's got 2 little boys of his own now, and he's such a great Dad to them, I'm so proud of him. He didn't drink at all yesterday so maybe he has sorted himself out.

I had a bad night though, lots of nightmares and I am the tiniest bit (well, a lot) frustrated over this. Today is a new day, the sun is trying to shine, and I must go do a few hours of school work before I run out of time as I'm back tomorrow.

Happy Monday everyone :) x

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