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Croissant 04-24-2014 02:39 PM

Oh yeah Snoozy...I'm more baffled, not too worried about the sleeping.

Yes, William and Kate were going to attend the service in Canberra as part of their schedule. There was no fuss as the day is not about them, which is good.

Yes, it's funny, I noticed a few Gen Y"s getting a bit fidgety during the service. Clearly they never had to suffer a long school parade every morning and singing God Save Our Queen each day! But, for the minute of silence it was absolutely dead silent...I could have imagined I was there alone. Everyone was so respectful.

Yeah, I get emotional during the last post. A man in front of me was crying also, really moving.

I'm glad your daughters went. We live in a great country and just the simple sign of supporting each other is so important to me and part of why I'm proud of our country and to be Australian.

NorCaliGal 04-24-2014 04:49 PM

Hi All -

Super quick post to say I'm still here, still sober (and the BF is too!) I've been totally swamped at work - plus we moved offices so I had to pack and unpack. I've been taking work home nights and weekends to try to get through the crunch.

Don't have time to read all your posts so my apologies for not commenting on them. Just wanted to let you all know I miss you, and hope to be back to posting more soon!


Leshar 04-24-2014 04:51 PM

Snoozy and Croissant, your heartfelt posts about the Anzac services brought a tear to my eye. Let us never forget.

Croissant, how frustrating that your sleep pattern is still awry.

Well, what a load of cobblers that "therapy" session was! I was just put in front of a computer screen with squiggley patterns whirring about whilst "relaxation" music, which I found anything but, was played through headphones with none too clean coverings on the pads. I kept thinking about cooties jumping from them onto my scalp!
I gave up after about 15 minutes, it actually made me tense and irritable. I paid for this one session and got a refund for the other sessions I paid for. Ah well, it was worth a try. Perhaps now that the weather is better and I will be out and about walking and biking, my sleep will improve.

Another drinking dream last night. Oh well, it was but a dream!

Leshar 04-24-2014 04:52 PM

Hi NCG! So glad to hear from you! Thanks for the update.

resolute50 04-24-2014 05:51 PM

Hey everybody.
So glad to hear from you NCG. Was wondering where you went off to.

Oh and this American guy loves the folks from Australia, and thinks of you all on your day of remembrance.

My sleep pattern is stay up late and get up tired. And wake once a night with a very dry mouth, I keep a glass of water by the bed every night.

resolute50 04-24-2014 06:53 PM

I don't know if they play this commercial in other countries.
But, every time this comes on I have to chuckle.
Reminds me of Dee.

The Muppets Toyota Highlander No Room for Boring Song commercial - YouTube

Dee74 04-24-2014 07:38 PM

someone sent me the link Bob - it's a good one! LOL


Croissant 04-24-2014 10:43 PM

NCG. Lovely to hear from you!xx

Thanks Bob and Leshar for your kind words re the ANZAC service. I even finally took myself off to Church after the dawn service too.

Then slept, ha!

Leshar, for some reason your experience at the therapy session reminded me of the tv scene in Willie Wonka.

Like you, I would have been obsessing over dirty ear pads. Glad you got a, a sofa? Or spending money for Madrid? What date do you leave?

SnoozyQ 04-24-2014 11:12 PM

Leshar , that's a disgraceful cop out . So what was the psychiatrist doing at this point ! A friggen crossword?

That sounded ridiculous's like putting a kid i front of a tv when you cant be arsed looking after them . I don't think you should have paid for that one , but im so glad you got a refund , what a farce.

Loved the commercial Bob lol .

NCG its so good to hear from you lovely ;-) I'm so glad things are going well for you :-))))

I know what you mean Crois , i cry when i see the old veterans crying . Xxxx

Leshar 04-25-2014 12:39 AM

Hi Guys.
Croissant, I had to look up that scene, funny!
Snoozy, in defence of psychiatrists, this woman is not one, nor a psychologist either. Buyer beware, I guess, when it comes to "unconventional" therapy, although she did talk it up well in the consultation.

Croissant, I will happily spend my refund towards a new sofa and love seat. My existing ones are now threadbare! I leave for Madrid on May 14, arrive May 15.

Not a dicky bird from my sis lately even tho I told her the night before about my performance, couldn't sleep, was nervous, and I sent her pics of me in costume after. I really think she's jealous. So silly, well, I think she's got her own struggles, and booze is one of them. I'm glad now, when I think of it, that I did share how hard it's been for me, leaving that behind. I'm proud of myself, as we all should be!

Leshar 04-25-2014 01:06 AM

Any of you guys know how to fill in an online job application?
I'm hopeless, have no idea. I applied for a patient simulation job, may have mentioned it before, and I have to complete an online form about my availability, willingness to put on a lovely patient gown (ha!) etc.
The doc opens in wordpad. I can fill in my personal details ok, but when I try to check certain boxes, well I can't.
I'd like to get the gig, it might be fun, (and i get a modest payment) but I'm stymied getting off my form.

Croissant 04-25-2014 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by Leshar (Post 4613120)
Any of you guys know how to fill in an online job application?
I'm hopeless, have no idea. I applied for a patient simulation job, may have mentioned it before, and I have to complete an online form about my availability, willingness to put on a lovely patient gown (ha!) etc.
The doc opens in wordpad. I can fill in my personal details ok, but when I try to check certain boxes, well I can't.
I'd like to get the gig, it might be fun, (and i get a modest payment) but I'm stymied getting off my form.

Leshar, if you are having probs with the form, I'd just contact them directly and ask if you can email the info to them. Are you using your iPad? I cannot upload sometimes when using my iPad on some job sites.

I love my iPad so much, I've never bothered to replace my laptop. If you only have your iPad and don't want to call them, can you login to a computer at your local library and try doing the application for there?

Dee74 04-25-2014 01:17 AM

WordPad is very limited.
You might need something like 'OpenOffice' Leshar - it's free.


Croissant 04-25-2014 01:57 AM

Hmm, I read Leshar's post as it was a problem with how the form was created by the organisation if it's automatically opening in Wordpad.

Not sure. My comments relate to iPad because from memory Leshar uses one and how opening documents and forms or trying to upload things has a seperate set of compatability issues sometimes. Not too many, but they are there.

Sometimes, there's just a plain glitch with the document or they don't realise the bugs from a user perspective, regardless if you are on an iPad or a P.C.

Dee74 04-25-2014 02:02 AM

you could be right Crois. I've no experience with Ipads at all.

If you're using an Ipad that may be a factor Leshar - Apple and Microsoft don't make it easy to use the others stuff.


Ladybug2 04-25-2014 05:00 AM

Hi everyone,

Tired this morning. Didn't fall asleep until 11 last night (late for me), got up around 3 times to use the potty, and then woke up at 6:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Wanted to sleep in a little today as Fridays are the one day of the week where we don't have to rush around in the mornings. Wish a nap later was an option, but not with an active 4 year old who hasn't napped since she was 2!!

What does everyone have planned for the weekend??

Dee74 04-25-2014 05:03 AM

Sleep for the moment LB :)

night all! :wave:


Ladybug2 04-25-2014 05:07 AM

Night, night, Dee :)

Croissant 04-25-2014 05:23 AM

Hi Ladybug, broken sleep...always frustrating. Even more so when you know you have to be "on" for a little one in the morning!

Nothing exciting for me....trying to conserve money while I am not working. A little frustrating.

I got a lot done this week, finalising paperwork, tax paperwork, wrote to child whose education I sponsor...sounds quite simple, but just getting on top of my own personal papers and getting back to a filing system feels like such an achievement! I used to be so pedantic about stuff like that before drinking...feels good to have the real me slowly come back.

Want to go the the movies too this weekend...was thinking about seeing
The Other Woman.


resolute50 04-25-2014 05:47 AM

Originally Posted by Ladybug2 (Post 4613386)
Hi everyone,

What does everyone have planned for the weekend??

It's going to rain here tomorrow and be quite cold.
I plan to do things inside the house to keep busy. I have a plumbing project I might take on.
Also have a rather large Reef tank that I need to pull some maintenance on.
Needs a water change and the water chemistry checked.

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