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ForestRunner 01-23-2014 11:04 PM

Great job, everyone! Day 25 for forestrunner here. Finally got gym access at my new building and logged 4.2 miles on the treadmill today. Fashizzle! Now just need to do it again ( like, more than once a month :). Cravings seem far away now, but I don't want to get complacent so I plan on reading up on RR and AVRT in the coming weeks to keep the toolbox fresh.

JustSarah 01-23-2014 11:20 PM

Morning everyone - day 3 today - sweated like crazy last night in my sleep - still just want to stay in bed and hide all day but I have the kids today - still feeling delicate - eugh

Well done irelander - you must feel so much better for talking to your dad :)

Hope everyone else is ok :)

Sulu1 01-24-2014 12:31 AM

Day 4 for me, decent sleep again. Feeling quite anxious this morning but that should hopefully go away when I get to work.

Have a good day all

IreLander 01-24-2014 04:26 AM

Day 3 here and feelin good. Had VIVID dreams last night, WHOA! good ones though. no cravings, though mind still wanders to old ways of thinking. keep it up everyone!

Odelle 01-24-2014 05:08 AM

AV high alert warning: Friday night drink fest! If you are like me, it has been years (decades) of mental conditioning to unwind beginning Friday night. Plan your evening so that if and when the AV infiltrates your thoughts, you are ready! Just my thought this morning, better safe than sorry. Have a safe and sober Friday all and I'll check back in this evening!

Imabuleva 01-24-2014 05:45 AM

Day 5. What a difference a week makes :)

I woke up early this morning to get to work early so I can be prepared for that first meeting.

halfvictory 01-24-2014 05:50 AM

completed day 23, now onto day 24 and the final weekend of January. Can't say I don't feel great but my AV, which has been somewhat dormant, started to peck at me last night. Started to feel anxious. Need to just squash that.

ArcticSA 01-24-2014 06:08 AM

Day 16
Interview today! Which would not be happening if I was still in boozy nightmare world...

Aellyce 01-24-2014 06:08 AM

18 days here. I still get cravings sometimes, eg. yesterday I had a massive one but cured it with food :) Otherwise feeling great! The best part for me right now is that my anxiety (which was one of the worst side effects of drinking for me) dropped down to the basement, I think I totally forgot how it it to exist without the constant worry and paranoia. This is my biggest motivation to keep going right now, I really enjoy my mind in this calmer state.

Odelle and others - I don't have conventional work schedules and sometimes I would prefer to be a bit more regular in this sense, but in the context of weekend challenge I feel lucky because my drinking habit never followed the days of the week, so it's not a trigger now. But all the best to everyone who struggles more on weekends, stay strong!!

adee 01-24-2014 06:55 AM

Sarah - I thought I would never stop sweating - I would have to change my clothes several times each night, but it did finally end. Maybe around day 5 for me.

Good luck on your interview arctic!

Great job on another day everyone.

Start of day 26. Very grateful I didn't join my husband in his wine last night.

SnoozyQ 01-24-2014 07:14 AM

Good luck with your interview Arctic ;-)

Conrats to those of you who have got through January and the newbies .

You are doing great guys xxx

Night all xx

Marymacsmith 01-24-2014 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by ArcticSA (Post 4428570)
Day 16
Interview today! Which would not be happening if I was still in boozy nightmare world...

Congratulations, and good luck Arctic.Let us know how it goes.

ArcticSA 01-24-2014 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by Marymacsmith (Post 4428819)
Congratulations, and good luck Arctic.Let us know how it goes.

It went really good I think! Which, once again, would NOT have happened if I was drinking and was overly anxious and paranoid and sickly looking.
Thank you God!

Marymacsmith 01-24-2014 09:01 AM

Good to hear, Arctic. All the more motivation to stay sober.

jra55 01-24-2014 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by ArcticSA (Post 4428822)
It went really good I think! Which, once again, would NOT have happened if I was drinking and was overly anxious and paranoid and sickly looking.
Thank you God!

Great job Arctic!

SoberMarathon 01-24-2014 11:16 AM

Just another sober Friday night at home. These are easy for me now. Since July, I've 'turned off the taps' at home. I used to without question drink beer and often wine EVERY Friday night. Those days are long over for me now...once you get through the first month of Fridays, it just feels natural not drinking. It's still the social events that I struggle with, but will get there, eventually. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

startingnew2 01-24-2014 11:37 AM

Posting late today. Mid way through day 7. Yay! Feel great. Tonight is my big drinking night usually but lucky for me we aren't going out and there is no alcohol in my house. Onward to my next week. Very excited to keep on this wagon train.

Zeepa 01-24-2014 11:38 AM

well done everyone :) been busy for the past few days, but at day 24 now :)

Emkay 01-24-2014 11:50 AM

Whew, behind 100 posts! Everyone is doing so well. On day 3, sweating is great progress. Learning how to be honest with ourselves and with our families is progress. Getting through social situations without a drink is progress. Job interview? FANTASTIC!

It was a bit of a challenging week at work and at home and internally, so my addiction popped up, of course. I was on my way home from an evening class last night and had the strongest urge to go the the bar across the street (I live across the street from a bar & grill) and order a huge burger and a beer. Now, I had no plans to actually do that, but I was surprised by how strong it was. A late night is probably a huge trigger for me, and I hadn't thought about it or prepared for it since it's only once a month or so. It was certainly a HALT moment. On this occasion, I thought through it and how much I would regret it, but the craving was still there. I then focused on the drink and asked myself why I wanted it so much, and it seemed to focus on the lemon in the beer. I re- imagined the burger with a mineral water with a slice of lemon and viola~no craving for beer! I was thirsty, hungry, tired, and a bit angry.

Now I'm off to the bathtub to claim 45 minutes of silence before the weekend kicks in. I've got some kid- chauffeuring and entertaining to do, but my big plan this week end is to turn my junk room into my workout room and turn my creepy dirt basement into a seedling hatchery. I'm already suffering from cabin fever and I still have 2 months to go!

gimliman 01-24-2014 11:53 AM

16 days today! Can't remember when I've gone so long without booze. Probably 30 years. Now if I could just kick this nasty flu...:cries3:

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