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Hooped 01-26-2014 07:29 AM

One of my very best and closest friends turned 65 today
Not really a major event, but still makes me question things and the directions to take.
We used to cavort about.. him and me (old folks talk I know)
Several years ago I explained to him how I could no longer drink.
He spent the next half hour trying to convince me that he never ever saw a problem.
Time really goes quick, too quick.
Love the jewelry btw.
Wishing you all a happy , peaceful , day.

Tallia 01-26-2014 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by rochele (Post 4430805)
Trying to do more jewelry. Might try to sell some, do a craft show or revitalize an Etsy shop I tried once before. Keeps me busy. Just whipped this up. First try at this design.

Beautiful x

Tallia 01-26-2014 07:57 AM

Talking about accents was watching tom Jones on the voice UK last night my accent is very similar to his he was born only a few miles from where I am he can carry it off women have less luck lol think Catherine zeta Jones acceptance speech in the tony awards oh dear not good at all.

Busy weekend hairdressers yesterday the normal hairdresser I go to has left new one give a lovely cut but blew dry my hair straight ha!! I was born with curly hair for a reason lol not a good look for me.

Felt down this morning but swimming has lifted that getting back into it felt good over taking a man in the swimming lane :-)
Oh and got chatted up he asked if my name was alison probably the worst chat up line ever due to the woman hubs wanted to date was called alison nevertheless it did make me feel good.

Hope you all having a lovely Sunday x

Hooped 01-26-2014 08:03 AM

Major thing I remember about Tom Jones concerts is the ladies throwing their panties on the stage?

Hooped 01-26-2014 08:04 AM

ha ha...he sure as heck wouldnt want mine

Tallia 01-26-2014 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Hooped (Post 4432455)
Major thing I remember about Tom Jones concerts is the ladies throwing their panties on the stage?

He got booed off stage in local theatre before he it the big time lol local gossip

Hooped 01-26-2014 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Tallia (Post 4432482)
He got booed off stage in local theatre before he it the big time lol local gossip

Ha ha thats funny..I just remember him from Ed Sullivan
He was on before Topo Gigio

Hooped 01-26-2014 08:29 AM

Whats New Pussycat? Whoa oh oh OH

phoebe64 01-26-2014 08:54 AM

LOL, I think my mother liked Tom Jones. I never noticed Catherine Zeta Jones to have a thick or unpleasant accent at all. I find her easy to understand. Maybe she lapses in and out of it, as I am sure she tones it down for roles?

LillianGish 01-26-2014 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by Nuway2fly (Post 4431352)
Unfortunately, I can imagine, Lillian. :( While women have come a long way in this country, there is still a very long way to go. Would I be off base if I assume that your coworker has less experience at your company than you do? Even if that's not the case, this makes me angry, too. I get very disappointed in the human species sometimes. And no, this isn't a rant against men. It's our society and culture, and it's not necessarily a good thing for men, either. They have daughters and wives and mothers, and a sense of fairness, too.

Good for you. For the reasons you cited, you'll need to wait and see how things play out for a while. But deciding to move on is the big decision. I wish you all success.

Yes, you do need some fun! Can you do a family outing during the girls' spring break? Or maybe a long weekend around President's Day? Make some plans so you'll have something to look forward to.

Nuway, thank you for this. It was nice to be heard and to know you get it. Your words were very comforting. I hope my daughters live in a better employment environment.

And it's been an awakening since see how long I put up with stuff. One more reason to hate alcohol.

You're so right about being careful. That, I can do. :)

You read my mind on the vacation plans. I talked to my sister a few days ago about spring break and summer plans. Woo Hoo!! President's Day is DISNEYLAND!!! My co-worker is getting a suite at a nearby luxury hotel - and our four girls are going to have their own room and hit the Happiest Place on Earth first thing in the morning!!

Anyway, thank you for post. Big hugs.

LillianGish 01-26-2014 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by Hooped (Post 4432501)
Whats New Pussycat? Whoa oh oh OH

He's been singing that weird song since 1965....that's almost 50 years. Think he's tired of it by now?

I love Catherine Zeta Jones' accent. Beautiful to me. :)

Mentium ~ worried about you. How's it going?

She said the new me is "boring" being that I don't drink anymore.
Well, here's my two cents. I've spent the last five months hanging around drinkers, while they are drinking. I now see what idiots people turn into when they drink. It's boring to watch them too. I mean, at first it's amusing to see them make fools of themselves, but that wears off pretty quickly.

The conversation is pretty awful to try and engage in because it's entirely built around acting kind of dumb, and laughing about it. Too much is said but it doesn't have much meaning. It's like that old Seinfeld show - it's a show about nothing.

I have enjoyed people who don't drink. The conversation can be very enjoyable. We actually do things together instead of just sitting in front of each other watching them get drunk. That's boring to me now too.

If a significant portion of your life is devoted to drinking, you find people doing the same. When that ceases to be what you have in common....well, there you go. You've grown, they haven't. It happens.

phoebe64 01-26-2014 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by LillianGish (Post 4432805)
Nuway, thank you for this. It was nice to be heard and to know you get it. Your words were very comforting. I hope my daughters live in a better employment environment.

And it's been an awakening since see how long I put up with stuff. One more reason to hate alcohol.

You're so right about being careful. That, I can do. :)

You read my mind on the vacation plans. I talked to my sister a few days ago about spring break and summer plans. Woo Hoo!! President's Day is DISNEYLAND!!! My co-worker is getting a suite at a nearby luxury hotel - and our four girls are going to have their own room and hit the Happiest Place on Earth first thing in the morning!!

Anyway, thank you for post. Big hugs.

Hey, Lillian, I did not reply to your glass ceiling post because my field was predominantly women. I am a PT. So, I was working in a female environment at all of my jobs, with a guy here or there working with us. All of my "bosses" have been women, including two private practices owned by women. I was able to be a profit sharing associate at my last job. Though, in general, my salary was 65% of my husbands. And I made people able to function! Not sure if that is anything to do with it being a majority female population, or how female salaries compare to male salaries in my field.

I am sorry you are dealing with that, and to literally have to feed your knowledge to a man at a meeting is just unimagineable to me. Crazy! I hope you find something better, or the changes create some positive change for you.

Renarde 01-26-2014 12:28 PM

Going 100 mph - yesterday tutored the kids, ran at gym, 5 hrs homework, came home and had family time. Today got up, cleaned house, hosted guests, took kiddo bowling, doing laundry, homework. Tomorrow lab and more study, then on Tuesday work all day. Kiddo has a fever (again!!!) of 99. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything.

I am thinking of everyone and hoping the weekend is going well. Sobriety is keeping me really busy.

Nuway2fly 01-26-2014 03:22 PM

Thanks, Lillian, for letting me know my post meant something to you. :hug:

And Disneyland! Yea! That should be such fun for you gals and your girls. :) Really glad you have that to look forward to.

Br00ksie 01-26-2014 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Hooped (Post 4432501)
Whats New Pussycat? Whoa oh oh OH

What's new huh??

What is a Tom Jones?

Just kidding! I am kidding!! I don't listen to him, but I know who he is. :biglaugh:

Feel free to virtually give me the finger! :theyareon

Re: not drinking around drinkers. I haven't been around drinking much but when I was, no one cared that I wasn't drinking. Diesel, Maybe the person who called you boring felt conscious about their own drinking?

I have an acquaintance who drinks a lot and used to invite me to stuff, but has not invited me to one thing now that she knows I don't drink. I noticed, but am more relieved than sad about it. She has a drinking problem that her industry/profession supports/masks and usually I had to drink around her just to be able to tolerate her ignorance anyway!! :gaah

I'm going to a friends happy hour on Tuesday. The title of the evite was "because we haven't seen each other in a while" I haven't seen people in a long time and want to show my face and say hi and reconnect with some people. Social graces type thing. We shall see how it goes!

Kaneda8888 01-26-2014 04:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Good morning all from sunny and hot Melbourne !

Whew I made it well, most of me did. My back is very upset with me now ;) It was only 3 days but quite tiring as we started at 5:30am and didn't finish until 10pm at night or so. It is difficult to summarize the whole experience. I learnt many new meditations, techniques and teachings. It was great to escape the city and breath fresh air as well ! I never thought air could taste so good ! I guess the main point of appreciation was being able to solely focus on spiritual development 24/7 without interruption. Oh and the not talking rule (which was form evening until lunch time) was very nice. As an introvert, it was kinda heaven as I didnt have to make small talk :) As my brain gradually absorbs everything in a coherent manner, I will be able to share more I hope.

I will try to catch up with your posts. My love and wishes of well being to all.

Here is a pic I did though it sort of flattens the hills and didnt do justice to the sea in the background:

phoebe64 01-26-2014 07:01 PM

Welcome home, K. Glad you enjoyed your retreat.

I am watching the Grammys, without wine. Imagine! Really enjoyed Pink's vocals. Ringo was nostalgic. Lots more to go.

Brooksie, I thought of you when Beyonce opened the show. I know you are a big fan! It was a bit racey for the kids. :dee

FishnHippy 01-26-2014 08:11 PM

Hey Hey I'm back with good news I made it without a drink it was a little rough a few times but made it. I had such a good time... will catch up later

Dee74 01-26-2014 08:12 PM

Thats really great news Fishn :)


FishnHippy 01-26-2014 08:18 PM

What's sad is I realized that my mother is a 70 year old alcoholic with early onset Alzheimer's disease she got lost a couple different times on the boat makes me sad but we had a great visit. And of course she doesn't think she has a problem with alcohol

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