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lorelei 09-20-2013 04:10 AM

thanks madbird xxx

rochele, poor you, get well soon xxx :a194::ValA002:

FishnHippy 09-20-2013 04:11 AM

The last day that I drank I woke up with a bad hangover and to the sound of my neighbor mowing his yard. And I thought he is just going to have to mow around me because I ain't moving. So here I am day 12

lorelei 09-20-2013 04:13 AM


you are funny fishy one

phoebe64 09-20-2013 04:14 AM

Ah, going back to posts from after i went to bed. So much resonating.

"I never got that bad." Yeah, no, not me. Not blackout drunk, but wild fights when I was younger, in my marriage, surrounding my own unhappiness, but fuled by wine(and beer on his part). And, well, diabetes and pickled my liver a bit. Amazingly the liver tests have been good even in my relapses. I think out fo control diabetes and being very overweight was also stressing it, so I am lucky I fixed those two issues and have good tests now.

So, no DUIs, no homelessnes, no divorces, but that mommy sipping her wine every evening took a great toll on my health. I am sure I have had a fall or two as well, where I had an minor injury, but back in the days when everyone binged on alcohol and we thought those were funny stories. In our 20's. Ugh. I am sure I blamed such stumbles on something else. The curb, the nail sticking out of the step(well, that one maybe really was going to happen either way), etc... Was it as benign as we think? Maybe for some of us.

Hooped. Right there with ya buddy. Ugh. I can smell my hubby from across the room too. I just find it so annoying, when I am sober. I want nothing to do with him once he has a few. That is not going to be good in the long run, but we will cross that bridge when I am solidy sober with a leg to stand on.

I feel different this time. I hope I am, and I hope it lasts. But when I think of drinking now, I quickly replace the thought with how I will feel in the morning and think, nah. Not worth that. It doesn't agree with me, and I move on. I had my "fun", I know what it is, and what it does to me. Been there, done that, got the Tshirt. Time to move on. I hope that feeling lasts.

phoebe64 09-20-2013 04:16 AM

Fishinhippy, good one! I have to ask, really?

ChrisBen 09-20-2013 04:25 AM

Out of five sib's I'm the only one never to receive a DUI. One of my brothers got multiple. I just got tired of the control alcohol had over my life. I'm on day 9 and like you said Rochele, I can tell its different this time. Mentally, somehow I'm in a much stronger place. I'm fighting a lot of daily mood dips, but keep telling myself drinking won't fix that, and at least I'm not depressed because I'm hungover, or ashamed because I drank to much. Hope everyone has a great Friday and stays strong for another sober weekend!

lorelei 09-20-2013 04:26 AM

that's great Chrisben, jus got to let your body & mind heal a bit now, don't go back to day one without a fight, keep strong x

phoebe64 09-20-2013 04:30 AM

I used to fret about what to say to the crowd we have that drinks so much. I have a plan, already. I can be honest and say, it just doesn'y agree with me anymore. No thanks. And it is the truth. I have medicines I avoid, because they make me jittery, like decongestants. and I hate taking them. Really, I hate the way I feel at 4am after drinking alcohol, even if I do not get very drunk. 3 glasses of a red wine do it to me now. I hate the way it makes me feel. The feeling is delayed, that is the ruse. A little good for a lot of bad. Nah. No more. Not worth all the lost time.

I just need to hold onto that. Keep thinking that.

Deleteda 09-20-2013 04:35 AM

Hi all, day 12 sober here and still doing well. Have got one night out this weekend so am prepared for any temptations creeping in (and the next day which can almost be worse!) Hope everybody has a sober and clean weekend X

FishnHippy 09-20-2013 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by rochele (Post 4191368)
Fishinhippy, good one! I have to ask, really?


FishnHippy 09-20-2013 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by FishnHippy (Post 4191419)


I didn't fall down or nothing I was just tired coming back to the house in decide to lay down take a little nap

fifth 09-20-2013 05:03 AM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 4191158)
what do you do to get through them fifth?


I concentrate on something I have to do, something that I would have already prepared when I wake up.

FishnHippy 09-20-2013 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by FishnHippy (Post 4191363)
The last day that I drank I woke up with a bad hangover and to the sound of my neighbor mowing his yard. And I thought he is just going to have to mow around me because I ain't moving. So here I am day 12

Okay so I don't sound so bad on the weekends I stay at the lake in an RV community and we all run around drinking and having a good time we had a big party for somebody and on the way back I decided the picnic table in my friends backyard looks comfortable so I set down and fell asleep. I am worried about this weekend because they're supposed to throw me a big party Sunday and supposedly my buddy bought me a keg of my favorite IPA but I'm going to have to turn it down

happyhour 09-20-2013 05:23 AM

hi all, i haven't checked in to "class" since beginning of september, i should have been - because i decided to drink last friday, and of course throw in saturday as a bonus day, and as a special parting gift i was given a remorseful, self loathing, nauseous day on sunday.

but, here i am with 5 days. i pray everyone has a sober weekend.

this addiction is humbling me, but i think that is what i need, to be broken.

thanks for all the posts and support.

Renarde 09-20-2013 05:25 AM

Good morning all! Such great discussion. It's going to be a busy day for me - I will check in this afternoon. Hoping everyone has a successful day!

gatorgirl67 09-20-2013 05:38 AM

Hi Happyhour, keep focusing on the good!! Great job on the 5 days!! Keep it up and keep close here for help!!

Kaneda8888 09-20-2013 05:52 AM

Well, it's Zzzz time here and I am glad to make it through a Friday night. Enjoy your day and night everyone.

Stay strong, stay calm, stay sober....

lorelei 09-20-2013 05:54 AM

Well done Kaned & good night x

Keep going happy!

Uninvited 09-20-2013 05:58 AM

Morning all. I will get through this weekend just fine. I signed up as a volunteer for one of those fundraising/charity walks tomorrow. I guess they are going to have me stand somewhere in the course and give directions so people don't get lost. It's supposed to be a beautiful day so I'm really looking forward to it. Only downside is I gotta be there by 7am. But hey I get a free tshirt and get to help a good cause.

lorelei 09-20-2013 06:03 AM

Thats really good UI well done volunteering hope its a great day x

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