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veryready 03-10-2013 09:23 AM

18 Inches of snow yesterday. Going out to shovel before it turns to mashed potatoes if you know what I mean. Have a good day.

ForMeForThem 03-10-2013 10:45 AM

We got about 5 inches on Friday and the kids ended up with a snow day. My son and I spent a couple hours shoveling - wet, heavy snow - good exercise and fresh air. It felt good. Today - 50 degrees and perfect snow man making snow.

veryready 03-10-2013 11:27 AM

Just came in to get more coffee. Yep, this time of the year the shoveling takes forever. So HEAVY. We call this good snow man snow.

Sazzle 03-10-2013 12:47 PM

It's Mothering Sunday here and I've just cooked a lamb roast for 9 close family. My Mum was thoroughly spoiled and they have all just left contented with leftovers, leaving me to tackle the kitchen and get an early night.

It started to snow earlier but it's nowhere near at the settling stage. Bitterly cold out there though.

S x

Marine28 03-10-2013 09:08 PM

4 months today. :-)

Sazzle 03-11-2013 02:03 AM

Marine, congratulations on 4 months! 🎉

ForMeForThem 03-11-2013 04:44 AM

Congrats Marine on 4 months and to you too Sazzle from last week (I think I missed that).

ForMeForThem 03-11-2013 04:46 AM

The 21 day meditation challenge started today for whoever was interested when we posted about it awhile back. Check your email for the link.

I just did mine - Om Bhavam *****....

Dee74 03-11-2013 05:03 AM

way to go marine


Marine28 03-11-2013 05:48 AM

FMFT - you beat me to the reminder! :-). I did the free meditation challenge last time around and it well worth it. Plus you get all sorts of daily inspiration and tips as well! It really helps!!

phoebe64 03-11-2013 09:46 AM

Congrats Marine!

Hi everyone! Been busy. we had a snow day Friday too. We will be in school until July if we have any more! Not really, but so far, June 21.

I have lost a few pounds that seem to be staying off. Hopefully I can keep going in that direction!

Dealing with some school issues with my ds, my younger child. 3rd grade. He is chatty and silly and it is not improving. he may have adhd. So, we are doing some work on that. Forms, appointments. I am trying to not hate his teacher, but she is pretty negative with him. so he feels very yelled at and as if she hates him, and he has said so. he is a sweet boy and anxious and this is making him so down. I worry he is even depressed. :( So, I am involving anyone I can to keep an eye on the situation in the classroom while we figure out long term solutions. he needs to get through the grade with his self esteem intact.

Still doing well, sober, eating right, reading a lot, sticking to my exercise, most of the time. ;)

Sisterella 03-13-2013 03:03 PM

Hey guys ! Just checking in! Congrats Marine !! That is SO awesome. Very proud of you!

Rochele ... so sorry about your son. I understand. We have always had issues with our youngest (now in 6th grade). It's even harder when you work at the school he attends. He was diagnosed with ADD and even though we have been very anti-medication I can tell you that it has helped him. It doesn't drug him out at all, it just helps him settle down and concentrate during school hours. Funny thing is he SWEARS it doesn't do anything to him, but his teachers will tell you differently!

Personally it's been a hell of a couple of weeks. Feel like it's been a full moon for days now. I think I am fighting a round of severe anxiety ... again... trying to conquer the reason WHY I drank.

Thankfully no snow days here... LOL! Well... It's snowing flowers across the street, but that's about it. See video here, if you look close you can see the flowers dropping off the trees. Sorry for the Blair Witch quality of the clip.

VIDEO0003 | Facebook

Hope you guys are doing well!

Sazzle 03-14-2013 12:05 AM

Hi all. Having a really challenging time work wise. There are lots of rumours flying out regarding a restructure and a few colleagues are behaving childishly trying to put other people's roles down to make theirs look more important. Sober Sazzle can see through this BS and not rising to the bait. More centred each day at work even though this is probably one of the most toxic environments I've ever been in.

I've seen a job that I am going to go for as it really feels like time to be doing something positive.

Looking forward to this weekend as I'm rambling for the first time! One of my attempts at finding healthy, social activities to do at the weekends.

Take care

S x

Sisterella 03-14-2013 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Sazzle (Post 3861362)
I've seen a job that I am going to go for as it really feels like time to be doing something positive.

I used to refer to that as "taking control of my own destiny" when ever we would have re-orgs.... Best of luck to you and kudos on taking the high road during the entire fiasco!

veryready 03-14-2013 01:44 PM

Checking in on day 131. Doing well. Getting ready for spring break. Will probably take a trip with the fam. Haven't traveled since I stopped drinking. Last year we went to Disney and did it with a hangover. Easy to think a few would be OK, but I think I know better. Won't be leaving until next week and then may be gone for 2 weeks. I'll check in before we go.

I remember when I wasn't sure if I should count the day I stopped, or count until midnight even though I stopped drinking before midnight, etc. Don't really worry about that so much anymore. Whatever the sobertime calculator tells me is fine with me.

Oh big news, new running shoes today. Pretty exciting.

Sazzle 03-14-2013 04:06 PM

Thanks Sisterella. I feel so centred, it's like watching TV. all the drama going on in front of me but not affecting me.

VeryReady, congrats on your 131 days. I can't believe we have triple figures now. Remember when it was single digits?!

Disneyland will be great.

S x

Marine28 03-14-2013 05:36 PM

VR - congrats. Have fun in Disney. Sazzle - hang in there with work stuff. It will all work out. Been through a few of these and it does look different through sober eyes. Sis, FMFT, Dee, Rochelle and anyone else I forgot---the weekend is almost here! Have a good one!

Dee74 03-14-2013 05:54 PM

you too Marine and everyone


ForMeForThem 03-15-2013 04:44 AM

Veryready-Congrats, 131 days, wow! I remember last summer we went away for a week and I didn't drink at all, I remember thinking after a week I had beat it and said ahhh, it's finally over...Until a day later I decided since I could obviously control myself it would be ok to have one to relax and went right back to my old habits until November. This time when vacations come around, I'm planning and am so looking forward to it really being over. Enjoy your vacation sober and present, you are doing just great!

Sazzle - work drama sucks. There's always a fair share flying around in my workplace. Good for you for rising above it, those that matter will see that and respect you for it.

Marine - have a great weekend too. Mine will be low key. Tonight a talent show at the elementary school. I wonder what the hit song will be this year? Every year there is that one song that at least 10-15 acts will do. My prediction is Gundham Style, if you haven't heard it, google the video, you just don't know what you're missing ;)

Sis - love the snowing flowers video, it looks beautiful down there.

Rochele-I feel for you with your son. I think I've mentioned before that I have similar issues with my middle son. They all have their own unique qualities that make them special and sometimes those just don't fit with the conventional wisdom at school :( Follow your instincts and you'll do what's right for him.

Nomis and Junebug- if you're reading - I was thinking of you - hope you're doing well.

Dee- Hi! I don't want to leave you out.

As for me - doing well. This weekend besides the talent show tonight, we have double header soccer games Sat. and cooking corned beef and cabbage on Sunday for St. Patty's Day.

Dee74 03-15-2013 04:51 AM

thanks FMFT :)

I'm off to bed - have a great day everyone :)


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