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YVRguy 02-06-2013 10:13 AM

Hi all

Took time this morning to get on and will try and be more consistent on posting. Drifting away from things is not a good idea for me.

Hang in there Hope , ughh moving is a tough one and from what people tell me ,who have gone through more than a few years sober, it gets better with time , sometimes quickly but often slowly.

SS I must have missed we threw in the towel for drinking the same day. This is my longest sober period of my adult life so lot of things to learn.

Hey Benice , good to see your post. Well I guess I made some progress and I always keep my trump card of I can leave any situation at any time if its creating a sense I can/will/might drink. I can leave , call my sponsor , a friend , whatever but its been strange I simply haven't had any desire for it. I don't make a habit of going to places like a club unless I have a non drinking reason to be there , like seeing a friends band. Kids are fine and trying to schedule my next visit soon seeing as the first one went well.

Anyway time to get ready to go to a meeting and wishing everyone a great 24

Ozarkcowboy 02-07-2013 03:28 AM

Good morning Septemberites,

Very busy with work and kids, which is a good thing for me.

Good to hear from everybody.

Dee74 02-07-2013 03:57 AM

all good thanks benice :)


benice 02-07-2013 06:30 AM

Good morning all! Glad to hear you are good busy Ozark!

Have a great day!

YVRguy 02-07-2013 10:22 AM

Hi all

Good to hear good things going on Ozark.

Good day Benice.

Wow , some sunny periods today which is a nice break from the overcast , rain , fog or drizzle regime week after week.

Wow crappy sleep last night with crazy dreams and ughh a using dream which was totally crazy ...haven't had one of these in a while but its just that , a dream thankfully. Kind of more like a nightmare in more than just the context of drinking. All in all no complaints as hmm wasn't long ago I had many days in a row with zero sleep and things were a living nightmare ...

Glad to be sober and must get my kids Valentines Day cards out the door today. Really enjoyed writing them a letter to go with the card. I hope I can visit them in May but will have to see how that works out.

Wishing everyone a great 24

soberbythesea 02-07-2013 07:53 PM

Hey all just checking in. Getting ready for the snow here, I have tomorrow off work which is nice and much needed.

Nice to see you again yvr! Congrats to you and SS on staying sober since 9/4.

My five month anniversary is coming up tomorrow, which, as usual, i have just now realized in popping on here. The longest I have ever made it sober in my adult life is just shy of eight months, so I am staying very vigilant.

Ozarkcowboy 02-08-2013 04:11 AM

Good morning to everyone!!!

Its Friday, WooHoo.

Woke up thinking it was Saturday, then realized not yet. YVR, I had a dream not very long ago in which I was drinking. Was not having a very good time and I was remorseful even during the dream. I sure felt "bummed" when I woke up. Did not take to long to put it behind me, just tried to forget about it. Sometimes I think of some of the things I did while drinking and get very down on myself. I try to dismiss those thoughts as I cannot change the past. By staying focused on the "now" I feel more encouraged.

Congrats to all those with long day counts, and those that are fighting the fight. Keep at it and don't let your guard down.

benice 02-08-2013 05:14 AM

Good morning and happy Friday to you too Ozark!

SBTS...good wishes to you and everyone else bracing for the snow! Thank goodness you are doing so well on your sobriety. I imagine it would be hard to run out in 3 feet of snow!

Have a great day!

hope22 02-08-2013 04:34 PM

Happy Friday All! Glad to hear everyone is doing well :) I've been busy getting my mom and I settled in her new place. Moving has been a huge relief, the stress of her living with my stepdad is gone. Thank goodness.

Ozark living in the "now" is a great philosophy to live by, personally that is one of the things I'm working on as a person. In the past I would worrie about way to many things that I couldn't change, like my past and worrie about things in the future that were out of my control. It drove me to drink a lot of the time, and I sure as heck don't want to live like that anymore!

SBTS - congratulations on your 5 months sober! :c011:

Have a great weekend all!

Ozarkcowboy 02-09-2013 02:33 AM

Good early morning to you,

My old acquaintance insomnia stopped in to see me about 2:00 today, still awake so I've had time to catch up here. Had an issue with one of the kids yesterday. I'm guessing that is part of it. Not that big a deal since I was a fairly rational, calm parent. That is opposed to a screaming/bubbering drunk. It was really pretty cool because my wife was ready to take someones head off and I had more of a calming effect. Not the way it has been in the past, sort of a role reversal. I believe all is well, but you never can really be sure, one of the joys of parenthood I suppose.

I'm so proud to hear about the milestones some of us have achieved and the true desire of all who post here to stay/get sober. This thread, (you folks) continues to be an inspiration to me daily. Would not be where I am today without you all.

SBTS please be safe and keep us updated on how you deal with your next storm.

Hope - Glad you are moved in and feel you're in a better place. Moving is a pain in the arse.

benice I wish you the best. You are a great support around here and your positive attitude is a big help to me.

Hope everybody has a fantastic weekend.

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breath more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours! “

Swedish Proverb -

well91 02-09-2013 03:08 AM

Good Morning everyone, how are you all doing?

What a change from last week. I almost gave in to it last Friday, I was ready to go back to the old days.
Thanks to my fellow September classmates I made it through.

Yesterday I had no thoughts about drinking at all, not one.

Now, I am looking forward to my 6 month milestone on the 2nd of March.

Ozarkowboy, wow, I would hate to have insomnia.
Since I have been sober I just love to sleep, I look forward to a long lie in on a Saturday and Sunday.

Today I would usually be going to the football.
We have an away match today to Kilmarnock and I would usually have a carry out for the train, go to the pub for a few pints before the game, then a few after and a bottle of wine and cans for home.
I have decided not to go, it is too expensive to get in and I know I would be tempted to drink.

The days of me being a rubber man are over.

Have a great and sober weekend everybody. :c011: :c011: :c011:

soberbythesea 02-09-2013 10:02 AM

Well, I too am already looking forward to 6 months. Going to get myself something nice for that one :)

We have dug out from under the storm and are doing fine. We "only" got 14 inches of snow, actually not that much when you consider those living right across the Sound from us got 3 ft +. We didn't lose power, which I'm shocked about, although other people in our town did.

Hope everyone is doing well today :)

elihoping 02-10-2013 03:17 AM

Hi guys, hope you're all having a good weekend. Just realised I'm 4 months sober today and wanted to thank everyone here. This site has been such a great support. xx

benice 02-11-2013 04:23 AM

Yea podium Monday! Eli, CONGRATS on 4 months! That's great!!!

My mom had surgery this weekend. She is doing well and I loved visiting with my sisters.

Have a great week friends!

elihoping 02-11-2013 07:50 AM

Thanks Benice. Hope you've a great week too!

Ozarkcowboy 02-11-2013 09:37 AM

Late podium Monday check-in here.

Eli, congrats to you, that is fantastic!!!

benice I'm glad your mom is doing ok and you were able to have a good time with your sisters.

Woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach bug, yuk.

Better now but I did have a great weekend. My family and I went on a nice hike yesterday, we all had a very good time.

benice 02-12-2013 06:17 AM

Good morning. Ozark, I'm glad you posted yesterday...but I was concerned in the morning when I didn't see you. I love that you are doing well and busy with your kids and becoming a better parent taboot! I do miss your morning check ins.

I guess most Septemberites are doing well and needing this thread less... I can't wait to get there.

Have a great day!

well91 02-12-2013 11:05 AM

It's quiet on here, I hope everyone is OK.

Well done Eli, 4 months is brilliant.

Stick with it Benice, I'm glad you had a good time with your sisters and hope your Mum will be OK.
I am so grateful for this forum and still need to come on here to have a wee blether.

Ozark, sorry to hear about the bug. Good to hear about your great weekend.
You are doing brilliantly mate.

Soberbythesea, that's some amount of snow.
Here in Scotland we don't get snow as bad as that, (not in the low lands anyway).

6 months is a brilliant target to go for, isn't it?
I am really looking forward to it and still cannot understand how I have stayed sober so long.
We can start a count down.
I have 17 days to go, you have 23 days. :c011:

Sober since 2nd September. I can drink if I want to, I just don't want to. :tyou

Ozarkcowboy 02-12-2013 01:26 PM

I am going to recommit to AM posting. Have been slacking in the mornings a lot lately. Sometimes I think that there are less and less of us who post very frequently and therefore it is ok if I do not as well. I tell myself that we all must be doing fine with our sobriety and just don't need Soberrecovery like we used to, and I'm thinking that in a positive way. I worry that the regulars on this thread may get tired of my usually brief comments. I still cannot type worth a flip and everyone should be happy about that briefness as I would then wonder if all wouldn't be asking if I ever shut up. Well.... I wouldn't if I could type faster.

I do come on here every day but often just read the posts. Always enjoy them and get some great perspectives each time.

6 months is a long time and I didn't realize it is approaching so soon. I do look at my sobriety as "one day at a time" and although I do not utilize AA I certainly would recommend it to anyone who is having a hard time. Any path to sobriety is a good one. The desire to be sober is an individuals choice and how they go about it is secondary to the desire itself. Without that desire you cannot succeed in my opinion.

So.... D-E-S-I-R-E to you all,

Now I'll SHUT-UP :c011:

Ozarkcowboy 02-12-2013 01:28 PM

Hey that was my "200th" post, woo hoo for me !!!!

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