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Sobersunshine 02-02-2013 06:24 PM

Thanks, Benice. Yes, I wonder too when people disappear if they've slipped or what happened. I am doing very well. Not to sound like I'm bragging or anything, I've had struggles and down days for sure, but overall I love sobriety and I hope my success so far can encourage others. If I can do it, I'm sure anyone can. I wasn't the worst case ever, but I was pretty bad! Hadn't lost everything, but I know I would have, and then I'm sure I would've wound up dead. Thanks again, SR, and Dee for being agreat moderator! Even though I haven't posted for a while, this site was an absolute Godend for those first two months. When I wasn't at work or at a meeting, I was here.

PP, welcome! Sorry you're having a rough time. It will pass. You wouldn't want to ruin all that sobriety now! If you're in AA, do some AA stuff like reading the Big Book. If you're in another program, do some of those program's suggestions. If you're not in any formal program, or even if you are, keep posting here! I don't know how much traffic this site gets nowadays, so of you don't hear much om people here, maybe start a new thread so you'll get more responses. I will be thinking of you tonight and I'll check back to see how you are doing. Be strong!

well91 02-03-2013 02:19 AM

Thanks everyone for the support, I have made it to Sunday Morning.

The booze in the shed is not tempting me Ozark, I only drank spirits with a beer, I do know if I have a beer I would have a wine (a bottle), then I would go through the spirits one by one.
I know I can't have one drink or it would start.
I was feeling a little depressed on Friday I think that was the problem, I must stay positive.

Thanks again for the support, you don't know how much it helps, I am not in AA.

:c011: :c011: :ring :ring :tyou

benice 02-03-2013 07:20 AM

Congrats Well!

I went to an auction fund raiser last night and with the ticket price you get open bar. i STAYED WITH LEMON WATER! Even when the waiter asked "Red or white?" I said no thank you. Even when my friend was about to fill my empty glass with red I said no thank you. I AM going to be on the podium....

Sobersunshine 02-03-2013 09:14 AM

Good job Well and Benice! How are you doing PP?

soberbythesea 02-03-2013 09:45 AM

Hi all! Getting ready for a crazy Sunday afternoon of sporting events, we are going to a hockey game before watching the Super Bowl at our friends' house. I haven't seen these friends since I quit drinking because they are really heavy drinkers, but I know I will be ok to go over there in this setting today -- it will be lots of people just eating and watching the game, so there won't be any crazy drinking games or anything going on! Plus my husband will be with me.

Seems like everyone is doing great facing down temptation, rock on!

well91 02-03-2013 12:00 PM

Sunday night here in Scotland and I am still sober, Thank you all, it is strange what this old brain can tell you.

Friday at work I began to think: OK, I have been off the drink since 2nd September, I can have a wee bottle of wine and a few cans tonight like I used to.

Friday night and the thoughts were still there and I was really struggling.

Thanks to coming on here and reading some of your posts (good one Ozark), I made myself busy and did not give in.

It really does make a difference coming on here and posting your feelings, it is as if you are sitting, sharing stories with your pals.

Well done Benice, good going, that must have been tough.

Sobersunshine, that was a great post.
I know sometimes when I come on and say I've been sober for 151 days or whatever and some people are really struggling I feel as if I am somehow bragging but I really want people to know how hard it has been to stop.

Soberbythesea, it sounds as if you are in for a day of temptation but you sound positive, good luck, you can do it.

Ozarkcowboy, thanks for the post reminding me of the wonderful times when I was drinking.
I needed that to get my head straight again.

I will see you all tomorrow on the podium. :day6 :ring :tyou

walkingwithgod 02-03-2013 01:53 PM

Hi folks I been posting on the on the 30 days and one yaer and under. I always forget to post here, but you are all doing well. Today will be tough to not drink and watch the game.

Ozarkcowboy 02-04-2013 03:31 AM

Super podium Monday.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I will have to catch up later.

Have a good one today.

benice 02-04-2013 05:50 AM

Happy Monday! I am very glad to be on the podium today! Have a great day...

soberbythesea 02-04-2013 06:13 PM

Hi all,

Happy podium day. It's been such a long day I can't quite believe it's still Monday. I did homework on the morning train, worked 9-5, did a bit more homework, and then went to a SMART Recovery meeting. The meeting was actually something for school, too; for my alcoholism and chemical dependency class, we were assigned to observe two recovery meetings of our choice. Although I was there just to listen, in my capacity as a social work student rather than my capacity as an addict, I found myself thinking that a lot of the stuff they teach is stuff I have been doing on my own without knowing it. Basically, redirecting your thoughts and beliefs about drinking to help manage urges. It is a very SMART approach indeed and, not to knock AA, but this makes more sense intuitively to me than the AA approach. If I ever felt the need for more support again besides SR, I would go back.

Well I am typing all this from the train and I still have a half hour before home... I'm exhausted, time to go read some celeb gossip or something. Catch you all later :)

Dee74 02-04-2013 07:36 PM

Happy Pod day all :)


Ozarkcowboy 02-05-2013 03:22 AM

Good mornig all,

Everyone make it a great day.

Nice to hear from you Dee, I hope you are doing well.

benice 02-05-2013 06:32 AM

Good morning friends. It's awfully quiet here...hope everyone is doing well!

well91 02-05-2013 10:00 AM

Hello everybody.

I should have posted yesterday, another podium Monday, whoo hoo (or should it be phew, phew).

After really struggling on Friday, I am glad I made it through the weekend.
Even although I have been sober since 2nd September, the old monster can still creep up on you and try to con you into taking a drink.

Stay strong, I will be looking back to some of the older posts for inspiration.


Ozarkcowboy 02-05-2013 07:03 PM

Good for you Well91, benice. I'm sure there are more of us out there, just busy and what not.

Not much activity around here the last couple of days.

Kind of discouraging, like my typing lessons. Slowly but surely its coming along but I feel like I will never get it down. Want to resort back to my lightning speed "hunt and peck".

Trying to stay positive and patient. Thats all I can do. With everything in life.

Best to all....

YVRguy 02-05-2013 08:06 PM

Hi all

Guess I have been one of the quiet ones in the group but remain drink free from September 4th.

I have been doing a lot of meetings and writing on step 4 fears and relationships as I do my first step 5 next Tuesday. I have written down a lot of what happened and what my part was in it. I kind of see I did the best I could manage given how unwell I was , so I am not going down a rat hole of guilt , shame and remorse. Its been more a revelation of how I can be today and the awareness of what was and what happened , why and how I can use some simple concepts and connections to not have to live at the feet of King Alcohol and the 4 Horseman again.

Been trying to be helpful where I can and do the things I need to as well. I still remain depressed in general so some days I really struggle to get motivated but somehow seem to find enough to get me to a meeting or some progress on step work so that helps. I will start a new regime later this week as suggested to hopefully turn the tide on this depression. I do know I have felt worse , much worse so I am grateful I have been spared feeling not only depressed but run through from a binge.

I have been very scatter brained at time and there are a lot of dates this time of year for unhappy occasions in my life , deaths in the family and the like. This time of year has been a challenge for a long time but glad in 2013 its is faced sober

I attended a funeral recently and really felt not one interest in a drink at all. The thought of going to get a bottle or got to a bar simply does not seem to come up much in my thoughts so I feel lucky for a daily reprieve from the obsession I know lurks waiting within me. Went to a friends music gig at a bar and was happy with a Coke and was comfortable with it. No climbing the walls just enjoyed the music and seeing my friend do what he loves.

I will try and post a bit more often and glad others are still enjoying sobriety

hope22 02-05-2013 08:12 PM

Hi All,

I have a lot of posts to catch up on :) Moving went fine finally have internet access or should I say the time to check it. Honestly not doing well emotionally its been a rollercoaster ride. I'm trying to take care of me, and family. Its hard.

Hope your all doing well!!

Hugs, Hope.

Sobersunshine 02-05-2013 09:58 PM

Congrats YVR! September 4 is my sobriety date too!

elihoping 02-06-2013 02:18 AM

Hi guys,

Haven't posted in a while, I just had a really hectic week and didn't get time. Hope you're all doing well! I've been trying to catch up with all the posts.

Hope - I’m delighted that you’re hearing went well. It must have been a strange experience. Well done on staying sober.

Sobersunshine, lovely to hear from you. Sounds like things are going really well for you!

Anyway, back to reading some more posts. Chat to you all later xx

benice 02-06-2013 05:44 AM

It is so nice to hear from you all!

Ozark, you don’t sound like yourself…posting last night and not this morning. Hope you are successful at maintaining that positive and patient outlook! And I didn’t know you are taking typing lessons :) Stay strong my friend…

Glad you were on the podium too Well. Congrats on conquering the AV at every test! I know from experience that is SOOOO hard even when you rack up several days. Keep up the good work and thanks for all of your posts…

YVR, good to see you post and big kudos for keeping the September 4 date!!! A friend’s gig at a bar scene??? Now that’s progress!!! Hope all is well with your kids and such…Keep up the great work!

Hope, I’m glad the move went ok, and I hope you have some time to take care of yourself. The emotional rollercoaster is a tough ride, but hang on and don’t let go. Take a few minutes when you can to try to find positive thoughts and outlooks. I think that that is way harder than it sounds!!!

Hi Sobersunshine! And the same kudos to you for maintaining that September 4 date! You are an inspiration. Thank you for staying in touch and for all of your encouragement…

Eli, it sure is good to see you check in. I’m sorry to hear about your week…well, hectic may be good OR bad. So here’s hoping that it was a GOOD hectic week and that none of it caused your AV to get ugly…

It sure is good to see you posting again Dee. I hope you are feeling well!

Have a great day!:tyou

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