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Dee74 10-03-2012 08:06 PM

No place to go but down.
that's what your addiction would like you to think...and give up and drink.

It's just fear.

The truth is there's still amazing avenues and opportunities open to you, no matter what happens on Friday...

I hope the worst doesn't happen Phoenix...but whatever happens, be ready for those're best served staying sober...& lean on us when you need to :)

It's really great to hear you're repairing things LH - that's fantastic :)


parkec100 10-03-2012 08:10 PM

Another day done. Sober. Not a particularly good day.

Good job everyone..lefthook, hope 22, drybuss, 8thpheonix, wwwg. All of you.

8th sometimes you do everything right, and life still puts you back a was one of those for my wife and i.
Tomorrow is a new day, as we end another day sober :-) !

BoozeFree 10-03-2012 08:34 PM

Long day today. I feel kinda anxious and I'm not sure why. Feeling emotions is making me uneasy bc I never really learned how to deal with any type of feelings, I've always been numb or hungover and cruise thru the days. Kinda feel like I'm trying to find somewhere to run or hide till it passes but I guess I just have to let it ride out. I will not drink over it tho, I've worked too hard these past 32 days to throw it away.

lefthook 10-03-2012 08:40 PM

Boozefree I have an odd suggestion that may help. I have been reading into anxiety and depression lately and I found sites that say fish oil supplements can help with anxiety, depression, sleep problems, etc. I've been taking em since I sobered up and I'm starting to feel less anxious, it could be from my body healing from the damage, but either way fish oil is extremely good for your heart anyway. There's really nothing to lose with it.

GottaWonder 10-03-2012 08:43 PM

Lefthook - I just wanted to congratulate you on getting the repairs working with the family. That's HUGE!!!!

To 8th, boozefree, parkec100 and anyone else having a bad day, breathe deep and power through, don't make it worse by starting over tomorrow.

lefthook 10-03-2012 08:46 PM

Thank you wonder!!

aschlong 10-03-2012 10:51 PM

I can't keep up with the messages, but the support was great to initially get me through the first few weeks! Thanks again. Things are getting so busy for me now, and the man I could have been is shouting to be heard - I don't think about alcohol which is a miracle and hope to God I can see the light xx

Jimuk 10-03-2012 11:21 PM

Morning all, hang in there drybus, you're doing great mate.

Mark120910, that's a great quote.

Have a great sober day guys. :-)

Day 33

LindyLoo1985 10-04-2012 01:28 AM

Hi everyone, not been on for a few days, so many posts to catch up on. I have taken some time to read through as I really think it helps to speak to you all as you understand more than anyone how I feel.

I agree with Drybuss; there is a lot of work to be done. I suffered from anxiety, depression and OCD in my teens; when I discovered drink it helped me but the hangovers became so bad and my anxiety and depression came back with a vengeance. This is what made me quit I have realised that alcohol was just a cover up and I am starting to realise I have underlying issues that I need to face.

WWG congrats on not stopping to buy alcohol. I have urges and I think of how far I have come and what I will feel like the next day and ask myself is it worth it. I try and get lost in a film or exercise a little (this puts the cravings at bay.) Its about focusing on something else but this can be so difficult.

I do feel like something is missing in my life still now and I cannot put my finger on it. I feel like I am just plodding through (although I must admit I do feel happier) its a strange feeling and I thought to myself the other day it was basically the same thing with alcohol just worse. I need to find my purpose in life and discover my passions.

So I am very proud to day I am on day 19 today, this has been my longest time without a drop of alcohol for 10 years. I am going for a meal with my sister tonight (who likes a drink) but she knows I have stopped and I have already checked they do non-alcoholic cocktails but this is a test for me, especially because I loved getting drunk with my sister. I have booked the table for 8 which gives me time for my cravings to pass after work and do some exercise.

I hope you are all doing well, thank you for being here and the quote is great, will add to my non drinking journal :) 'Eventually you will win. Why? Because in the end it's your choice. Your addiction doesn't have hands, a mouth, or disposable income.'

Have a great day everyone and sorry for the long post (making up for lost time) x

8thPhoenix 10-04-2012 03:31 AM

Didn't drink; stayed up very late helping my 4th grader's social studies project (an adobe house) look awesome. I'm very tired but a little less fight-or-flight than yesterday.

walkingwithgod 10-04-2012 04:27 AM

I want to apologize to all of you today. I lost it and gave up 10 days of sobriety for 4 beers. I hate myself, and not sure why it happened. We had the beers in the house, and I caved. Nothing happened other than having regrets, and now more regrets after drinking. I guess I have to leave the class. Good Luck and God Bless you all. I am a failure, but hopefully I can get it together in the October class.

drybuss 10-04-2012 04:35 AM

Like Lindyloo said, "I feel like somthings missing". That is true of me as well. I do know for myself anyway it's a God sized hole. I can't fill it with anything of this world. Nothing that doesn't fall victim to rust, decay or death anyway. I think the "higher power" does more than give strength. It fills the hole as well.

LindyLoo1985 10-04-2012 04:56 AM

Originally Posted by drybuss (Post 3608024)
Like Lindyloo said, "I feel like somthings missing". That is true of me as well. I do know for myself anyway it's a God sized hole. I can't fill it with anything of this world. Nothing that doesn't fall victim to rust, decay or death anyway. I think the "higher power" does more than give strength. It fills the hole as well.

Exactly, maybe thats it, we each need to find our passion or confront our fears; the things we were using alcohol to block

WWG You do not have to leave?? You should stick it out, remember that you stopped after 4 it could have been a lot worse x

walkingwithgod 10-04-2012 05:00 AM

I am not sure If I am allowed to stay if I screwed up? I think I have to join the next class. Does anyone know?

Jimuk 10-04-2012 05:06 AM

WWG, no harm done. Hop back up and carry on you're doing great. If you leave please come back and say hi. :-)

Jimuk 10-04-2012 05:08 AM

Of course you can stay :-)

parkec100 10-04-2012 05:08 AM

wwg...the rules are set in stone.... :-)
Youre part of this escaping.

Plus today should be a very good day for you. Mr. Valentine, yes you're fired.

walkingwithgod 10-04-2012 05:10 AM

Originally Posted by Jimuk (Post 3608051)
WWG, no harm done. Hop back up and carry on you're doing great. If you leave please come back and say hi. :-)

I am so mad at myself. I woke up today with no hangover, but really mad that I caved. I am not sure of the rules so if anyone knows if I have to leave please advise me if I need to join the October group.

jaz06 10-04-2012 05:16 AM

WWG, I joined the October group too, but nothing's going to keep me from checking in on our September family.

I'm right there with you, let's give it another go my friend.
Day 1...

soberjim 10-04-2012 05:32 AM

Hey Jaz..WWG... I am also right there with you..

Day 1. I am joining the October group later today... Determination! We can do it!


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