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CarolD 01-20-2011 03:39 AM

Just checking in...sober and happy...:)

Hope everyone is doing well

Ladyfierce 01-20-2011 03:32 PM

I'm on day 5. It's going good, but I know the weekend is my weak spot. I get bored and lonely on the weekends, so I'm scheduling some stuff to do and mentally preparing.

Dee74 01-20-2011 03:44 PM

We're always here too ladyf - even on weekends :)

Perpetual 01-21-2011 10:49 AM

almost at 2 weeks. In a few days. My toughest times are after work. I have my own cheers...its hard not going in there to say hi to friends and flirt with the waitresses. Its an odd spot to know I don't have enough control to go watch a football game with friends.

I have had some I really want my pint of beer and french onion soup. But I don't give in, and the craving passes.

I am in AA and going to meetings 4 times a week. While I am as agnostic as they come, it has been a fulfilling experience.

Anyways, life is good. I love being sober :)

least 01-21-2011 06:44 PM

Reddy, altho I 'did' AA in early recovery I don't often go now. What has been an invaluable help in getting and staying sober was/is my weekly sessions with my addiction counselor.:) I've been seeing her for three years now and she is a real treasure. Is that available to you? I've found her helpful in all areas of my life, not just staying sober. It's not a group support thing, just me and her, but it's a good feeling to know that every Tuesday I can vent to her and get support and feedback.:)

Perpetual 01-24-2011 12:33 PM

Last day in my first two weeks of sobriety. :)

least 01-24-2011 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Perpetual (Post 2842453)
Last day in my first two weeks of sobriety. :)

:scoregood :a122: Way to go!!:) Now you can frequent the THirty days and under thread for a bit, then move to the ninety days and under thread. ANd there's more after than too! We've got all the bases covered here.;) You never have to be alone.

CarolD 01-24-2011 01:49 PM

Perpetual....Congratulations... ......:cheer

RoseSalud 01-24-2011 02:31 PM

Back again ;)

Hey all - it is so encouraging to hear everyone feeling better...happy and healthy! A few months ago I relapsed after 6 months of sobriety (I totally saw it coming and did nothing to stop it). Worst two months ever :(

I kept going to meetings off and on, but lying about my sobriety date - it was a horrible feeling. I'm trying to be licensed in a certain profession, and they are requiring a year sobriety beforehand; so that's why I continued to lie...but I was miserable inside, and couldn't stay sober (secrets do keep us sick!), and just felt awful. I never thought I'd have that feeling again...ugh.
This last weekend I rented a hotel room and just drank all day - I wanted to die. I'm glad I didn't!

BUT the good news is that I finally fessed up today - told the licensing board, and am headed to a meeting this evening to tell everyone the truth. It is SUCH a relief to not have to live in a lie, and such a relief to know that I am going to get well.

I'm nervous - I mean I never thought I'd fall off the wagon, and wonder if I can stay sober - but I'm not giving up!!

So it's great, in a way, to see you all's to day 1 :)

Dee74 01-24-2011 02:33 PM

congratulations perpetual :)


rhainnon34 01-24-2011 04:05 PM

2nd day, feeling the itch but not much. I know I won't drink.

RoseSalud 01-24-2011 07:54 PM

Nice work Perpetual!! Meetings are fulfilling for sure - like filling that void (well for me) and feelings of being different from everyone. It's such a relief to walk into a room of people that 'get' you...

I had a great meeting this evening - went right after work cause I couldn't trust myself to wait until a later one. And guess who was chosen to go up to the podum first?! Me :) I was so nervous, my voice shaking, but once I got up there I felt Ok, and felt soooo light after I spilled my guts - I was nervous/anxious going in, and elated/calm once I left.

So now my first night sober in a while, I'm looking forward to waking up tomorrow a with a bit more energy, and self-worth, than all those hungover mornings before.

Just wanted to check in - thanks for listening!

CarolD 01-24-2011 09:30 PM

rhainnon34....:wave:...Welcome to our Yes! you can crew

Hope your de tox continues to run smoothly
Please do check in with us..:yup:

CarolD 01-24-2011 09:33 PM


Welcome back to sR and the beginning of your new recovery.
I'm so thrilled for you....forward is the correct direction...:yup:

RoseSalud 01-26-2011 09:16 AM

Morning! Had a great meeting last night: I had signed up to chair this meeting last month, and missed it because I was in relapse-mode. So I made an apology...lots of tears...and just felt so much relief - and warmth afterwards. I met some great women and got numbers.

This morning I got up and actually made it to the gym to walk on the treadmill - I'm still feeling off, but the endorphins help. Here's to day 3!!

Much love and hugs to everyone :)

CarolD 01-26-2011 10:09 AM

My home group is very careing ..we provide
a box of tissues on each table...:)

And of course....I use SR to supplement my local AA
it's always a good place for me to learn and share.

least 01-26-2011 10:52 AM

Welcome (back) Rainnon and Rose.:) Always good to see new or old faces on the "yes you can!" thread.:)

Dee74 01-26-2011 12:54 PM

Welcome back Rose :)


RoseSalud 01-27-2011 10:55 AM

Checking in on Day 4 -

SO irritable this morning; I would have laughed about it if I wasn't so pissy ;)
Feeling better physically though, and had a great meeting last night. Met a woman who told me about a yoga class (free) for people in recovery - so that is going to be fun! Feeling like I'm getting back on track; I know that life in sobriety is full and wonderful and vibrant...I had that before and I can get it again! It's good motivation..but I have to take is slow, and not expect to be happy and healthy NOW. Immediate gratification is obviously my downfall, as I'm sure it is w/ most of us!

Hugs to everyone, hope all is well

Creekryder 01-27-2011 11:13 AM

Day 4 for me as well. Can't remember how many day 4's I've had, but it doesn't really matter. There is now only one Day 4...right now.

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