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bettterlife4me 02-27-2011 01:25 PM

Hi everyone ~

Kevin - congrats on 8 weeks +:c031:

Penny - congrats for getting through the "I want a drink so bad I can taste it" the other night. Those nights suck. BUT - you did it!!! YAY!

# 1 - so good to "see" you! Glad you popped in.

Welcome Solly - lots of encouragement and support on the SR boards.

Had a great weekend. A friend who has been sober for 8 yrs visited and we had so much fun! We've been best friends for 30 years, but this was the first time we spent just the two of us sober. What a concept lol

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :)

LeadHatter 02-28-2011 04:13 AM

Well yes 8 weeks 2 days today the full blown drinker [mr x] next door is now claiming to be 2days dry.

He has knocked FOUR times already and it is only 12:15. I have given him a spare mobile phone as i am fed up with him knocking round asking to use my phone kevin

Dee74 02-28-2011 02:18 PM

I've gotten myself in those kinds of situations before advice is decide on your boundaries in this relationship now....and stick to them.

It won't be easy - it may even get a little uncomfortable...but believe me you'll be glad you did.


YouAreNumberOne 02-28-2011 03:23 PM

Hi <90's!

Just quickly dropping in before I go to work this morning. Hello Solly - lots of support here.

Stay strong everyone - no drinking today!

Rosco. :)

Life=Fun; Alcohol=Devastation.

LeadHatter 03-01-2011 06:38 AM

Well here i am - i guess challenges will come sober (as they will drunk)

I have come back from a and e today keeping someone i know company in the ambulance after they self harmed with a meat cleaver. The Feeling to drink does feel stronger now i feel stressed and uncertain but ill not give in

kevin (sober since 2/1/2010)

LeadHatter 03-01-2011 09:55 AM

dee i have been trying to help this man out but hes ill mentally v ill - i will be attempting to set boundaries. tonight for example i intend on not allowing or answering the door come what may

Dee74 03-01-2011 02:13 PM

It sounds to me like this bloke needs a lot more care and attention than you're able or qualified to give Kevin....

I would be working very hard to put some safe distance and detachment in this relationship if I was you.


LeadHatter 03-01-2011 02:17 PM

Well its in hand for now (im not answering the door today) tomorrow who knows......


LeadHatter 03-02-2011 01:30 AM

Well today i will be mostly(thats a fast show catchphrase for any uk readers) following your advice Dee setting a boundary and keeping to it. Yesterday i slept well and there was no knock at the door from my neighbour.

Today my boundary is my door and i am not opening it-come hell or high water. Thanks for your help Dee.

I will consider reading that book today on co-dependency but honestly id like a return to normality since my mental health has suffered so will be taking further strides to redress the balance-i mean my mental health has SERIOUSLY taken a dip(im ok now so long as i keep that boundary set i will improve i am sure no panic i will just have to wait half an hour then go for a walk if i feel stressed because he knocks on my door)

I have considered playing some music directly into my ears aswell if i start having a panic attack if he knocks

LeadHatter 03-02-2011 01:22 PM

Rather out of my depth with this one-ive still not read that book of yours Dee maybe i should but since friday (i.e 5 days ago) much of my world has been my neigbour and me adapting around my reactions to him and either stuff he has done or stuff i have done with him.

So today i set a boundary of not opening the door-

Next time i think my boundaries will need to be more inclusive i.e. i am going to have nothing whatsoever to do with this person, their friends or family today nor open my door to him.

I got a text message [to my phone hark!!!!em] from his ex gf today-decided to call her since she had left messages on my voicemail. She wanted me to pass a message onto him. Against my gut i have thusfar held out and not yet passed it on.

Subsequent to this i have noticed another voicemail message ostensibly from a different person also to my phone [sigh]. Then again as i was on the phone to my family i had yet a THIRD person calling about him.

I will be sitting on my hands today and not communicating with any of his friends or family. I guess its experience

pennywistle 03-02-2011 09:47 PM

Hi everyone.
I've been hiding since my relapse on 2/26. I've been dealing with a lot of psychodrama from someone whose been acting almost identical to a certain 'brat pack' celebrity whose making the headlines right now.
I am also having a lot of PTSD symptoms.
I am feeling guilt for calling an old Aa sponsor the morning after my relapse and her taking me to a couple of mtgs this week and still just not 'feeling' it there, still. I am also questioning whether I am truly an alcoholic, or a binge drinker.
Also, with a previous post I made about my experiences at the mtgs and some of the very derisive, bitter comments I received, I felt like leaving SR altogether. So, that's what's going on with Penny.

Dee74 03-02-2011 09:56 PM

Hi Penny

I'm sorry to hear you relapsed.

I'm sorry if some comments upset you too. You can always PM me or Anna or Carol if you feel comments are too harsh and we'll always look at it.

I hope you can find your way out of the psychodrama situation and get back to focusing on your recovery.


pennywistle 03-02-2011 10:08 PM

Thank you Dee. That's good to know. I think the worst part of it is over.

YouAreNumberOne 03-03-2011 01:02 AM

Hello Penny

All the best to you - lots of strength coming your way and keep posting if you can.

Life=Fun; Alcohol=Devastation.

LeadHatter 03-03-2011 12:22 PM

Penny i hope it wasn't me! I dont think so, i have tried either to be supportive or say nowt if someone was on about something i don't get slash understand slash whatever.

Your gonna do what your gonna do all the same i guess, but without you posting it seems like i am the only one here with .......... well pressing stuff. Your posts here add value to me, im only sorry that i have not been able to help more luvvie

Dee, what can i say-brother:>

Rosco well i could babble on and be friendly but i feel a bit self-conscious owing to the fact i have lost the plot rather this last weekie or so (6 days actually).

I do hope everyone is well.

Relapses are common Penny are they not-do you want to allow some words typed over a keypad stop u getting well?

Kevin [good day today] blegh:D

Wishing u well Penny

LeadHatter 03-03-2011 02:45 PM

Had a good day today with good kind family people including my 1year old nephew (bless im hes a bonnie wee laddie.

There was almost a fallout but although my sister in my mind said something a wee tiny bit nasty i can forgive her since it must have been a royal asspain dealing with mysel over the years.

Regarding my local stresspoints it seems possible if not likely i have been overreacting somewhat but thats what drinking will do in time hey-it'll send thy wee lads and lassies insane in the membrane.

I'm appreciating my fake Scottish impression typing above if i'm the only one.

Rock on Dee - where is everyone

Dee74 03-03-2011 02:49 PM

watching too much Billy Connolly, K? :D LOL


LeadHatter 03-03-2011 03:18 PM

Oh my massivefricking gawd just discovered there is something called Codependents Anonymous. According to wikipedia "Codependence is described as a disease that originates in dysfunctional families where children learn to overcompensate for their parents' disorders and develop an excessive sensitivity to others' needs."

im off for a coffee i know im an alkie[recovering dry] hence dramatic but this feels like something critical i have overlooked thusfar. i sort of thought being codependant was being a freckup and being like all needy

#bang 1 - the notion of being addicted to a human being [outside of love]
# bang 2 - Codependence is described as a disease that originates in dysfunctional families where children learn to overcompensate for their parents' disorders and develop an excessive sensitivity to others' needs.

i really hope this is as a revealing discovery as it feels-thanks

dee im going for a coffee our kid ok-i might not be back until tomorrow since im going to gestate on this stuff you have helped me find ok mucker

Dee74 03-03-2011 03:51 PM

ruminate well, Kevin - enjoy the coffee :)


SwanSong 03-03-2011 06:49 PM

Hey 90's I thought I would pop in to and say hi.

Kevin, I think I read above you hit 8 weeks? Conrats!

Penny I saw your post as well, I hope you are doing ok. I know what you mean, after I relapsed back in 08' I *totally* was not feeling AA when I tried to go back....looking back at that experience now it seems to me that my pride was getting in the way- that's just me, you know the story- I've thought many times 'if only I could go back and do it all over again I would have stayed...' of course, I can't do it over again and just have to accept that I couldn't get this sobriety thing last time and hope I can put more effort into it this time around....if AA helps for you, I hope you keep going until you start feeling it again! I think it's really cool that you have a sponsor willing to come pick you up! :) I got several texts the other day from people in AA cuz they didn't see me for 2 days, my old thinking would have been that I'm an adult and can handle my own life, now I try to view it as hey, isn't it nice that people actually care about me? Penny I really hope you hang in there and stick with us!

BetterLife4Me glad to see you are still here as well...and everyone else here that I missed, keep up the good work!

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