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Gofish 12-24-2010 06:25 PM

Happy holidays!!! And may the God of your choice bless you!

KC1 12-25-2010 01:15 PM

Hi everyone. Merry Christmas!

I appreciate everyone's concern about me and I apologize for not checking in every so often. Since I went back to work, things have been pretty hectic and a friend's family has "adopted me" a few nights a week and on Sundays, which are my hardest days.

Right now, I am down in the Caribbean where my husband and I spent the last 11 Christmas/New Year's holidays. This year, we were coming for three weeks for my 50th birthday, which was last week. Well, I decided to come anyway. A friend came with me for the first 3 days and I have been here alone since. Another friend is coming on New Year's Day and staying for a week and we go home together. It has been very strange being here without my husband, and especially here alone. I never noticed before that there are very few, if any, single travelers around here. I have just been hanging around the apartment all day, and am going to Christmas Dinner where we always go. I had Christmas Eve dinner last night alone and it was okay. Strange, but okay.

I wish I could say that I have not been drinking, but that would be a lie. I have been drinking, and I have periods where I stop for weeks at a time. I seem to be moderating fine, which is good.

Anyway, I will try to stay in touch on a regular basis. January 12th will be 6 months since my husband was killed. Hard to believe.

Again, have a great Holiday.


ANEWAUGUST 12-26-2010 06:44 PM


It is so nice to "see" you here.

I hope you are able to enjoy your time in the Carribean, although, I am sure it is a bittersweet time.

I like your new aviator, it honors the memory of an obviously wonderful husband.

KC1 12-26-2010 06:48 PM

He was one of a kind. I miss him more than words can express. Thank God for wonderful friends we met here over the years. They have been "my rock".
Happy New Year to you all, and I know you will see me back here for real in January. I have a new goal for the New Year. Just gotta get there.


bdiddy5522 12-27-2010 07:05 AM

Zebra, thank you for the kind words. And I can sure relate to what you are saying about the August group. Honestly, it is the people here that encouraged me to tell my family about my problem and try AA. Without all of you, I may never have done that and who knows where I would be right now. So a heartfelt "thank you" to you all.

Zebra, thank you for checking in. I can't imagine the feelings you are having down there without your husband. I applaud you for going. I know that was not an easy decision. Stay strong, and know that we are all here for you when you need us.

Happy Monday everyone. I am back to work and ready to rock it this week.

Dee74 12-27-2010 03:55 PM

good to see you KC. I wish you all the best in 2011.
I hope you can check in more too - this place is a great support in living a sober life :)


Zebra1275 12-27-2010 05:23 PM

Ditto what everyone else has said, good to see you checking in KC.

bdiddy5522 12-29-2010 07:50 AM

Good morning everyone. How is everyone doing? Ready to tackle 2011?

I got up early this morning and hit the gym. I have been going for the past couple weeks.... trying to get a jump start to my 2011 resolutions. It feels good to get some physical activity. And St. Lucia is coming up in March, so I have to get in beach shape. haha.

Just checking in, wanted to say hi. Hope all is well with everyone. And happy early new Year.

Zebra1275 12-29-2010 09:00 AM

bdiddy, good for you for hitting the gym. I'm doing some goal setting for 2011 and some physical fitness goal will be a part of that. I got a heart rate monitor for Christmas that I plan to use as I hope to run some 10k's this year. Hopefully, I'll stick with it. As most of you know I go to the YMCA, it's amazing how crowded that place is in January, a lot of people with New Year's resolutions. Six weeks later it's back to normal.

bdiddy5522 12-29-2010 09:40 AM

Yeah Zebra, gym's get nuts for the month of January. Oh how quickly people's resolutions change. Kind of a lot like AA. Many people come, but few stay. Just goes to show how hard "change" really is, even if it is a healthier lifestyle.

ANEWAUGUST 12-30-2010 09:37 AM

Hello All,

I have been sick, but, am feeling better after sleeping for almost 24 hours.

Zebra, the gym is always filled with the people trying to get in shape and honor the New Years resolutions in January. Sometimes, it is that way in the rooms of AA, with many resolving to change in the new year.

You guys are making me resolve to hit the gym more often. I just need to get back in my regular excercise routine.

Dee74 12-30-2010 11:49 AM

Sorry you've been ill Anew - hope you're feeling better :)


Zebra1275 12-30-2010 02:00 PM

ANEW - "Sometimes, it is that way in the rooms of AA, with many resolving to change in the new year".

I haven't been going to AA for a full year so I don't know if this is typical of a New Year's resolution thing or not. But I've been to couple of AA meetings in the past 2 weeks where one of the people there was visably drunk. It's a good reminder of what I don't want to look like. In a way seeing someone in that state at an AA meeting has more power to keep me sober than anything anybody says.

Zebra1275 12-31-2010 01:25 PM

Happy Sober New Year to the August 2009 group!

Dee74 12-31-2010 02:20 PM

Happy New Year everyone - may this year be the best yet for you all :)


Zebra1275 12-31-2010 03:32 PM

Same to you Dee!

ANEWAUGUST 12-31-2010 04:20 PM

Happy New Year to everyone!

bdiddy5522 12-31-2010 06:19 PM

Happy new year friends. Not sure if you have been watching the national news, but the Midwest (us in South Dakota) are getting pounded with a three day blizzard. We have gotten at least 10 inches of snow in two days, and wind and sub zero temps. My family and I managed to get out to my parents house a few miles out of town in the country and get snowed in out here. Just having a nice, quiet New Years Eve. Watching movies, drinking tonic water. :)

I haven't stayed over night at my parents house in seven years. Since we live in the same town, there really isn't a need to. But I thought it sounded like fun, and it will be neat waking up in my parents house in the morning to my Dad's fresh caramel rolls! :)

Have a blessed 2011 my friends. Nothing but well wishes as we all work for another year of sobriety. I love you all.


ANEWAUGUST 01-01-2011 05:00 AM


There certainly has been some extreme weather all over the country these past few weeks. Glad you made it to your parents safe and sound.

Fresh caramel rolls, yummmm, now, thats the way to start a New Year!

We had a rather quiet New Years Eve. I still wasn't feeling the best, so, I went back to bed to read for awhile and feel asleep. Hubby got to play golf yesterday afternoon and his good friend Mich (Michelob Light) was keeping him company. My daughter had a friend over to spend the night. A nice way to end the year.

ANEWAUGUST 01-02-2011 05:09 AM

Finally, some sunshine here!! I feel my spirits lifting.

Hoping everyones first Sunday in the new year is a great one.

Zebra and Purple Cat, I was pulling for Michigan State yesterday.

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