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Bamboozle 06-24-2010 03:55 PM

Thanks, D.

least 06-24-2010 05:59 PM

If she is sick....she sure does have a lot of energy.
I'm no vet but I'd think if she were really sick she'd not be running around energetically. The appt is only two days away, she'll be fine I'm sure. If she were really sick I believe you'd notice a difference from her playful self.

No whines tonight, mild temps, all is well... except for being really b!tchy... and not only that, but no one else home to be b!tchy to!! :lmao And I won't take it out on the dogs, it's not their fault I'm a nicotine addict. Besides, I'm doing this for them, not to them.:)

They're all three lying on the floor, my den is such a peaceful place because of them.

Rusty Zipper 06-24-2010 06:20 PM

Mrs C,

dont forget from Tradition Four

Rule #6+2

"Dont Take Your Whines Too Damm Serious"

heatsink glue aint for dentures SD, it's computer gunk, got some, and it only cost $2.99

didn't think any thing for a computer cost that little!

people said it rained in town today, whre the hell was i?

nice new avi aunt dee

nice bunch you have there least

Bamboozle 06-24-2010 06:38 PM

I know I'm worrying too much...that's what I do.

This one's going to be a trouble maker...she's already jumping into the entertainment center.

AtlasMcGee 06-24-2010 07:57 PM

I've been dealing with lonely & tired BIG time these last few days. I missed a meeting tonight, couldn't find it & I am alone at home now ( I wish I had a dog!). I talked to my ex just a little bit ago & I don't necessarily miss that relationship, it definitely wouldn't have worked in my recent sobriety, but I miss the idea of having someone--just to watch a movie with & cuddle...I know I know, may be TMI, but it's bothering me. I was wondering what some of ya'll did in earlyish sobriety to cope with such feelings & I just wanted to whine about how much it sucks! haha, thanks!

least 06-24-2010 08:51 PM

what some of ya'll did in earlyish sobriety to cope with such feelings

( I wish I had a dog!)

The idea of having a dog (or cat) is not unreasonable. They do provide love and devotion to us, no matter if we're drinking or sober. They love us no matter what. When I was newly sober I threw myself into my dogs, caring for them, walking them regularly, and making sure they were fed on time and the right way, not just throwing dog food in their dishes.

If you got a dog or cat from a shelter you'd have someone to love and care for, and in the case of a dog, someone to exercise with every day. Plus you'd be giving a needed loving home to a lonely dog or cat.:)

Or if you can't get your own dog or cat right now, why not volunteer at a shelter, or a soup kitchen, or some other group or place where you could make a difference to another living being.:)

And there's nothing better to make you feel blessed than to see how bad some have it. :hug:

OZboy 06-24-2010 08:54 PM

This makes quitting drinking look easy...

..4 meye nu x smokin'

HumbleBee 06-24-2010 09:00 PM

Least, those doggie harnesses look hot. Do they come off?

And how'd you get them to all lay so close together like that?

Atlas, I've known alot of people who stayed occupied with relationships in early recovery, but it was a distraction, a preoccupation, and it never allowed them to get to the crux of their issues.

It can get lonely at times and I know it's cliche, but I was so much happier knowing that I felt lonely because I was literally alone than feeling lonely while sitting next to a person who was so totally wrong for me (and I for him).

Try to take advantage of this time to get to know yourself again. There's plenty of time to develop healthier relationships and those will be based on this work that you do on yourself.

Having a pet helps too. If a dog is too much, how 'bout a cat?

OZboy 06-24-2010 09:36 PM

..before I 'log-off'...

"In memory.."

AtlasMcGee 06-24-2010 09:55 PM

Thanks least & humblebee. I've been volunteering a little bit, I could make more of an effort too though. I've also been doing service work in AA & I am looking for a new job. I really like the idea of being "happier knowing that I felt lonely because I was literally alone than feeling lonely while sitting next to a person who was so totally wrong for me (and I for him)" -- that's exactly right. It will be worth it too. I have much to do, I just need to do rather than sit & worry--bad habit of mine. Cats are cool, but I am extremely allergic & as soon as I get my own place I am adopting a dog :), can't wait. I went from having a roommate with a dog for about 4 years to moving back with my parents with no dog & I miss the good company.

Thanks so much, it's good & necessary to keep things in perspective.

SarahDoll 06-25-2010 12:41 AM

Have been having insomnia issues lately. It is officially 1:39AM...I always feel like if I can't sleep, the next day is shot to heck. Grumble. Stupid anxiety monsters under my bed.

Rusty Zipper 06-25-2010 02:30 AM

way too funny ozy,

that cigman on the left looks a little PO'd, ya think!

Bamboozle 06-25-2010 03:48 AM

Pets are great when you're lonely.

Isis slept in my bed last night. She wanted I picked her up. Whatever she wants.

Mom asked how I avoided squishing her. I just slept close to the wall.

I wish today was Saturday. I'm holding her now...she's very affectionate.

Fandy 06-25-2010 04:32 AM

I was too busy to open up the laptop last took me forever to water the gardens because we got absolutely not one drop of rained everywhere around me, but not here....

Bam IDK the home conditions of Isis, but it is common for the kits to pick up parasites from mom's milk...especially if mom has been hunting and eating critters....the Pook had worms when I first got him, and ear mites...(mama is a farm cat and hunts), I treated him easily.....also Sammy had a bit of bloddy mucosa in an early BM...i treated him with a broad spectrum de-wormer as he had spent a month in a boarding kennel before I adopted him....(he had just been nuetered and no one wanted him marking in their house).....

If Isis were truly serious sick, she would be lethargic and not eating....and cats REALLY DO hold it a long time...when I forst brought Sammy into the house, my litterbox was not used for over 24 hours....I kept checking and everyone was too worked up to Pee.

I have a full day or work whines i will post later.

least 06-25-2010 04:37 AM

Least, those doggie harnesses look hot. Do they come off?

And how'd you get them to all lay so close together like that?
Yeah, they come off but I never take them off as their tags are on it. No, they're not hot, at least the dogs never show any sign of discomfort. They lay together cause they get along so well.:) Plus it's a small room so they can't lie down too far away from each other.

The other benefit to wearing harnesses is that they all have their own seat restraint in the car - an 18" leash on the seat belt and attached to their harnesses. Keeps 'em safe in the car but can't be used with collars. Everyone in my car wears a seat belt, even the dogs!

Bam, I'm with you on the never wanting to be separated from my little furbabies.:) Last night I was sitting next to my new boy on my bed, petting him and telling him how great his life is going to be now that he's my forever dog... and he started licking my hand, over and over, for the first time really. And he looked at me... just looked at me with a gaze that showed his love and his happiness at being here.:)

I tell ya, I just melted. Got tears in my eyes and so much happiness in my heart. Made my nicotine cravings go away just like that!

Atlas, I'm glad to hear you'll have your own doggie to love and be loved by. And you'll be giving a lonely dog a loving home, which is what every dog deserves.

I have a busy morning planned but the rest of the day is mine. Sorry I have no whines this morning but I'm still on cloud nine from him licking me last night...

lauren 06-25-2010 06:15 AM

My whine for today is that I'm jealous of Least and her
I've always had dogs, I lost the two I had one year apart
from each other.
It made me afraid to commit again.
I do go to the humane society site and look and look and
talk myself out of it.
Thank you least for making me take another look at my
reasons for not doing so. At first I thought it was great not
to deal with dog hair,dog walks, feeding, vets and so forth.
I see the happiness that I'm missing and need that bond of
unconditional love.
It may take me a little time but I want this particular whine to
make me move forward in a positive manner.
I just love the love that emanates from those that have these
little ones to make us more than we are with care and giving
for them and to oneself.


Fandy 06-25-2010 07:06 AM

hey lauren;

I recently adopted a rescue dog last month....I went to Petfinder, plugged in my zipcode and what type of dog I was interested in.....I had many choices..but took a 4 year old Pomeranian....(Maybe Ann will repost his picture, it was on a previous thread)?....Sammy now leads the life of luxury and is considered a "rock star" in my neighborhood....he is a wonderful companion pet with a great personality.

it took me 4 years after I had to put down my Akita (who was also a rescue), but I am NOT sorry I did this....Sammy keeps me responsible and I certainly am getting more exercise. i also have 3 cats and it is indeed the "house of hair"....BTW, rubber dishwashing gloves or lab gloves are one of the best ways to remove pet hair, you can easily grab into the corners of furniture.

try luck

Hevyn 06-25-2010 10:35 AM

Hi Lauren. I know what you mean - feeling that you're missing out by not having a dog (or cat!) I've been annoyed with my two because I'm trying to clean for houseguests & they are in my way - barking at the vacuum cleaner, following me from room to room. I know if they weren't here it would be too quiet & peaceful. Still, it would be nice if they'd take a vacation day so I could get this stuff done. :willy

I always think I'm a good housekeeper, staying on top of things quite well. Then when guests are coming I see I'm no Martha Stewart after all. I'm ashamed to see how neglected this place is.

Tip of the day: Never try to peel super glue off your fingers after it's dried.

Fandy 06-25-2010 10:56 AM

why would you have superglue on your fingers????...nail polish remover works well to melt it.

there are many missing whiners today and this week....teach, ann, others????

Hevyn 06-25-2010 11:32 AM

Was trying to replace a piece of moulding without using nails. :redface:

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