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Rusty Zipper 06-22-2010 03:43 AM


Why do towels and facecloths have tags that don't come off?
so one can know what side had been used the most?

pop, get Bam a freak'n cay already will ya!

lauren 06-22-2010 05:40 AM

My whine for today..well yesterday really...

My neighbor and friend for alot of years always pops in
for a coffee whenever, this doesn't bother me a bit as I
will always take time for these times.

However she rarely will ask me over as she seems to always
be pressed for time. Low and behold she did see me gardening
and asked me to come for a coffee. I did, after an hour we were still
chatting or I was listening to be more on the truth side, she got
up picked up the cups took them into the house and started back
on her backyard painting.

My whine is that I felt dismissed or really told to go
didn't sit well and I was a little I just left.

Ok I feel better, it just had to come out..


Fandy 06-22-2010 08:17 AM

Bam, do not use the *S* word.....get the cat, Dad will relent once he sees it...i used to drag animals home all the time, no one ever got booted out...

FIRST, go the Petsmart and get the supplies, covered litterbox is less mess.....get a small rug to go underneath it to catch the crumbs...(you can easily pick it up and shake it out or into the trash...get a container for the grocery bags that you will pick the poop up looks nice and neat, a scooper, good quality food wet and dry...and a little cuddle- cup, toys.....put everything in you room if possible so it's not an issue for the local vet for shots...and no one will say boo!

no whines today so far, will check back later.

least 06-22-2010 09:00 AM

hey, what are the kids going to do without you?
Don't know, don't care!!

Had a safe trip up there and back home, had a good visit with my rescue friend and her wonderful bf. My dogs all had a good visit and were on their best behavior (they always are well behaved)

I'm sure you've all heard these expressions: "happy as a clam" and "happy as a lark"... well, clams and larks got nothin' on me! I'm the happiest person in the world right now. Little foster dog is no longer my foster dog... he's MY dog!!:) Yes, as in, FOREVER AND EVER! My friend's bf is going to pay the adoption fee for me to adopt him!! He's MINE MINE MINE for the rest of his life and all the tummy rubs I can give!

And not only is he MY forever doggie... I had a brainstorm yesterday as to how I can afford the additional expenses... by quitting smoking! That will give me the extra money I need for third doggie AND be good for my health! Sounds like a win/win all the way around!

So I'm happier than I deserve to be and lovin' every second of it! Woo hoo!! Three wonderful doggies! :scoregood

Going to the county office today to get his license! Yee haa!! Happy happy happy.

Bam, I agree with Fandy. Just get the cutest kitty you can find and dad will come to love it. And, as my counselor used to tell me: "it's easier to get forgiveness than permission." ;)

Ann 06-22-2010 11:15 AM

It's raining cats and dogs here...where I live and on WA both :lmao

Congrats to Least on the new adoption, and Bam, don't forget a kitty bed.

I missed my morning whine here, but have an Aisle 6 whine to share.

Got my groceries early today. There were two checkouts with about 4 people lined up with mega groceries and a busy busy checkout lady...and the other the Express checkout for 8 items or less, no one in line and a checkout lady doing absolutely nothing.

So I went to the Express and said that I had a cart full but since there was no one in line and hardly anyone in the store, I asked if I could checkout there...a fair question I think.

She huffed and puffed and sighed and grabbed her cold pack (okay, so I exaggerate a little) and finally said okay.

When I was done, groceries bagged and at the point of paying her, someone else got in line behind me, looked at her and she looked at him and I saw them both ROLL THEIR EYES!!! :rolleyes:

The nerve, don`t they know who I AM!!! :react

I KNEW you all would ùnderstand.

Toronto68 06-22-2010 11:24 AM

Lauren, that sounds bizarre, is that the way she is, to lose consciousness of the fact that you were there and that there needed to be a segue to the next step in the day?

I have a friend I am limiting my visits with (almost down to zero). She wouldn't hold me in focus and constantly fiddle with her work Blackberry. Would also repeat stories she had already told me and occasionally mentioned things to me that I had already told her. Gave me that "do you want me there or not" feeling. It could be her alcohol use.

least 06-22-2010 01:17 PM

It could be her alcohol use.
So very glad that's not me anymore.:)

Fandy 06-22-2010 01:40 PM

The vet has pronounced Sammy is an excellent dog in good health...he weighs 13# and should not gain weight....he is clean on the inside too...(he got his anal glands *squeezed*)....he is going back next week for teeth cleaning.

glad to hear you are keeping the baby Least, he will be so happy with you...and quitting smoking is a win/win for both of you!

PS, i use 1800petmeds, they give tons of coupons and have great prices...i just got a savings of $25.00 for shopping 2X this month....everything is much cheaper there and NO tax in my state.

i have to go and take sammy for a "run" before it rains..... we need to hunt for giant river rocks, my garden looks good and we are planning another one on the side of the house....the deer were hanging out in the back yard today eating the leaves.....the cats like that action.

OZboy 06-22-2010 03:11 PM

[QUOTE=Ann;2632765]It's raining cats and dogs here=QUOTE]

..don't step into a poodle..:lmao

..Least,please check out ""..

'eyem 14days smoke free..Ozy..

Ann 06-22-2010 03:23 PM

Congrats on the smoke free time, Oz. :c011:

least 06-22-2010 04:51 PM

Just now getting ready to feed the dogs and realized that I haven't eaten all day!! Easy to forget cause I've been walking on air all day and not thinking about such mundane things as proper nutrition...;)

Oh yeah, no highway whines from me as it was an easy drive. So easy I can do it again if necessary.

I DO have a worthy whine today: it's too freakin' HOT!! In the upper 80s and supposed to be worse tomorrow...:wild Many thanks to my neighbor for installing my two window a/c units. At least it's a bit cooler now, even tho it's not the whole house. If I put a fan in the bathroom window pulling the air out it will pull the cooler air into the bathroom, which is very hot since it's a west-facing window and gets the afternoon sun and heat.

Well, gotta feed the dogs... they're whining and begging me for supper so I'll go make them happy.

Fandy 06-22-2010 05:05 PM

it's a dew point of 63 here in steamy stinky jersey and it will be 93 tomorrow....i Love AC!!! i do not like to be hot at all..we got some rain and now its MORE humid....i bought some plants that were 1/2 price, even a bromiliad with a gorgeous deep red bloom....I planted it in this bright yellow planter that was in my *garbage* stash...(junk i bring home from work because it is too "good" to toss out).

i want to suck down a frozen vodka and cranberry/ is that kind of weather...but then i could not move and who would take care of Sammy and the cats?

Fandy 06-22-2010 05:08 PM

Quitting smoking is just as hard as quitting drinking for me....but i managed that too.

Ann 06-22-2010 05:26 PM

This works out well, you all don't like the heat and I am a winter whiner, Oz is opposite seasons, so I think we have it covered.

I love summer, it's light out for a long time, the evenings are still and lovely, the birds all head to bed and a gentle breeze floats in my window. I don't need air conditioning because there is always a nice breeze off the water and it's wonderful for sleeping.

Well, that wasn't exactly a whine, but I'm just loving summer.

OZboy 06-22-2010 05:58 PM

Oz weather..don't click your heels..:c029:

Rusty Zipper 06-22-2010 06:04 PM


Don't know, don't care!!
at'a girl!

happy, your happy!

some real Thunder Ka-Boomers going on right now,

duck zip!

queeny, and did miss checkout person go, Tut-Hugh?

dont forget your queeny badge the next time,

i think they might remember you from all the aisle 5 stunts!

Bamboozle 06-22-2010 06:46 PM

It's a girl!

I don't know what to name her. I was thinking Mindy? IDK.

I was worried at first...she ran and hid from everyone. After about an hour...she was a little less scared...came out...and I got her to play with some yarn.

Now she's laying on my shoulder, leaning up against the chair while I type with one hand so I don't disturb her.

Ann 06-22-2010 06:59 PM

Awwwww, she's beauuuutiful. Look at her lovely colouring on her paws and ears.

I'm doing the happy dance for you...since you are preoccupied hugging this little princess. Princess!!! That's a good name!!

Or Princess Mindy? Or Mindy, Princess of Whines?

I just love her and am so happy you got her. Big hugs to you father for caving. :D

Ann 06-22-2010 07:01 PM

Oh...some codie advice. Let her stay close to you but give her her private space too, a bed in a quiet corner or something like that, and let her choose. She'll be scared for a while, so lots of love is in order.

HumbleBee 06-22-2010 07:04 PM

Bam, congratulations, it's a girl!!!

Soooooooooooooooooooo adorable!

Watch her for a couple of days and see if her personality sparks a name even though Mindi is very cute.

I'm so happy for you.

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