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Fubarcdn 07-11-2009 06:51 AM

Good morning class.
Mrs Fub is back so I will be busy with the honey do list today. One of the things I have to do is plant new plants on the balcony. garden. Plants should not need to be watered every day even if it is hot and sunny. :)

ViciousCycle 07-11-2009 01:25 PM

I am officially done with this College Algebra course!!!!!!!!!! My final grade was a 94.3...........I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad it is over. Thanks for putting up with my whining!

jsml1234 07-11-2009 02:34 PM

Strong work VC!
Keep at it. You heard the old saying, "How do you eat an elephant?--one bite ate a time"

Your Mother and I are so proud of you...

Fubarcdn 07-11-2009 04:56 PM

Good job VC.

School's out for summer.

ViciousCycle 07-11-2009 08:55 PM

Thanks guys! http://mamaliberty.files.wordpress.c...eved_woman.jpg


Fubarcdn 07-12-2009 08:48 AM

Noce picture VC. I, for one am glad you finally posted your real picture. I didn't think the sub teacher was the real you. :)We can't even get elephant in Toronto JS. Must be a Texan dich. Probably roadkill. :c032:

You might be a redneck if all your kids are named after Dallas Cowboy football players.

ViciousCycle 07-12-2009 12:12 PM

That's not me silly. But I will share one. This is from my last photo shoot. Please keep this all under your hat........

KindBird 07-12-2009 08:57 PM

Way to go VC - wow did we know you could do it but you .......



hugs to all of you!!!

Fubarcdn 07-13-2009 04:45 AM

Good morning friends.
Wow VC. Smart, good looking, and funny. You got it all going on girl. You are all that and a bag of chips which I am not allowed to eat on the 16 week challenge. :)
Now I will start my day with green tea and wheat germ with a sprinkling of alfalfa sprouts.

ViciousCycle 07-13-2009 05:55 AM

LOL....good morning all.

Today that huge project kicks off in my work is supposed to last for a few years!!!!!! Job security I guess. They are starting on one of the worst roads....lots of traffic and lots of underground phone lines. Big ones. Fiber.....stress!!

Saw a beautiful sunrise this morning....the whole sky was a bright orange. It only lasted a few moments so I am glad I caught it.

I am off....have a good day my peeps.

Fubarcdn 07-14-2009 04:12 AM

Good morning class.
Starting today I am going to revisit my plan and start working on my tolerance again. I haven't been doing well at this and it is affecting my moods.
I just wish there weren't so many people and things that annoyed the living hell out of me.:)

ViciousCycle 07-14-2009 05:35 AM

LOL Fub.......I know what you mean.......I am out on the roads alot.....yesterday sent me over the edge. Some people are in total denial that anyone else besides themselves are even out there.......very frustrating. Then I made the mistake of going into Walmart in the middle of the day...........ugh.....I could not wait to get home. Sometimes it's just not safe out there!!!!!! HA!

That said, here I go out into it again........:scared:

KindBird 07-14-2009 07:33 AM

Quick good morning - not much to report..

Tolerance - good stuff and for me always can use some work there..

Hot days in Northern CA - things growing like crazy in the garden.

Working more these days - feels good.

hugs to all of you!!!

ViciousCycle 07-14-2009 02:04 PM

Nice to hear from you garden is kicking some butt too! Been eating broccoli, kale and tomatoes already. My peppers don't look too happy. Maybe they don't like their neighbors?

Busy but beautiful day out today. Just perfect. Tonight is #2 golf lesson.....with a hottie. He's young enough to be my son.....or grandson! LOL........getting old, getting old. Where am I and who are you people?:rotfxko

Fubarcdn 07-15-2009 04:31 AM

Nice to hear from you too KB. Don't talk about gardens. I am still in the dog house for not watering the plants when the missus was away. Next time she can hire someone.

Hope the job is going well and you haven't been hit by one of those rude drivers yet. They should be giving you danger pay.
If it was me I would have been fired for smashing someones windshield with the line detection wand or whatever you call it.

ViciousCycle 07-15-2009 06:25 PM

I tell ya......I am on the road all day and it is so scary. Everyone is on their phone or looking down texting.........serious. Did I tell you guys my Interstate story? If so please read through and ignore.......I was on the side of the highway, pulled way over with all my trucks fancy flashers on......God's grace I looked up and I see this RV coming straight for me, the driver had a map up in front of his face.............!!!!!!!!!! I did not know what to do.......layed on the horn.......and he pulled the map down and I saw the panic in his eyes.......he swerved and missed me by.........a foot? I had no time to move and nowhere to scary is that? Was there an angel there or what???????????
I would not be talking to you guys! Done because someone was reading a map???????? WOW!

Sorry for the long-winded thing.......guess I have no homework to attend to! :c032:

ViciousCycle 07-15-2009 06:29 PM


I know you are around JSM, plz post.........I care about you and want to know if you are ok.........I know...I am weird.........same goes KB.......and ALL that just come to look!! We are all in this mess together!!!!!!!!


Fubarcdn 07-16-2009 04:18 AM

Yes Mike please do give us a little blurb to let us know how things are with you and your world travelling passport carrying kids. :)
It would be good to hear from Massey too so if you are reading give us an update. You can only spend so much time sitting in the seats of a new Malibu, smelling the leather, and dreaming about the good old days.
I spent most of yesterday with my buddy that also quit drinking. Now his wife is on his case about eating ice cream everyday. He said if she is going to nag me everyday I might as well drink then quickly added I would if I were doing this for her but I am quitting for me. He is coming up to 3 years sober. We drink non alcohol beers with no side effects so that is not a problem. It was good to see that he could think through the situation and come to the right conclusion. It gives me hope that I will be able to do the same if I end up with a wife that still nags. I don't think I will but you never know.
If I do I may run off and join the circus. The old man with the six pack abs. :) :c031:

jsml1234 07-16-2009 05:49 AM

Hey class,
all's well down here in the heart of The Lone Star state.
I come everyday to see what's up with the class... er what's left of our class.
Been working a lot the last couple of weeks, we've combined all the ICU's under one management team and the schedule has been jacked-up. Working more hrs/$ but, haven't had more than one night off at any given stretch, they've been split up... not really a good excuse for my lack of posting though.
Glad to hear your Angels were alert enough to save you from the map reading RV driver VC.
My son never did find his passport, but he said his bedroom has never been cleaner-he took it apart up looking for it. His mother will try to get a duplicate... he also lost his Canadian resident card too.
Time to get some zzzz, enjoy your day classmates.

KindBird 07-16-2009 01:33 PM

Hey everyone..

Have been thinking that I am not sure if I belong here any more because I don't feel real true to my own sobriety right now.. You all know that I have had occasional wine, and realized a few days ago that the real clear headed good feeling I had when I was drinking nothing - nadda - zilch - is not there any all the time any more... I think I am blurring my life again with wine... I really have had this on my mind since 7/11 which would have been 6 mos for me.. So even though I am "sober" - and not drinking like I was prior to Jan 11, 2009 - I am drinking in a way that is blurring my life and I guess I really want to stop completely again..

Then I got into our forum and read through the last few days and gee - I like all of you so much and feel like I really have shared something with all of you.. SO I am kind of a flunky from the class, and I am really working on what to do next - and I think I might end up becoming a member of the class of July (if there is one) AND stay around here.. I think I made a decision last January that it is taking me some tries to really come around to carrying out..

Long winded today! Actually realized that some alcohol (a little, occasional - all that stuff) actually makes me a little depressed - and that is not something I have had to deal with in my life.. SO I want back the fresh feelings in my body, mind, soul that I got in January when I started a few month journey of no alcohol at all - followed by 4 months of occasional wine - which never got really bad but is sure not making my life any better.

Enough.. Enough.. :abce:

hugs to all of you! KB

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