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Numblady 10-30-2022 04:33 AM

Free, that pic! Guess we posted at the same time but wowsa. Love that glow.
Turs, I think you were out of the country when I realized we missed Dumpling Day this year. Thank goodness you are celebrating on other days as am I.
Imvalentine glad the meeting has stuck with you in a good way!
least, so glad you are getting good care and healing up.
Hi to everyone else!

Grateful I slept better last night. A bit of worrying because my son was on a sleepover and was out with the friend’s family — but able to mostly let it go.
Grateful that I was able to get up earlier as a result. Waking up at 7:30 really threw my morning for a loop, although it felt good at the time.
Grateful the fall-back night is on its way. Grateful there is no part of me that looks at this as a way to party more.
Grateful I made some progress on my divorce decree. It’s taking me longer to do than I thought it would and definitely making me wish my legal team had done more to help me, but I can still feel some relief in making progress on what I want.
Grateful for a good meeting yesterday and hearing the story of someone I met and have really enjoyed knowing. As always, I got something out of it and laughed several belly laughs.
Grateful for the realization that part of what may be my path and help me to be of service to others is to recognize and honor those times when I need to get into the cocoon and just be kind to myself.
Grateful for all of you.

Numblady 10-30-2022 04:35 AM

Hi Free! We posted at the same time again. Hope you get that coffee — stat! :)

lmvalentine 10-30-2022 05:20 AM

I am grateful for another Sunday sober. No more hangover and dread of tomorrow. No counting the minutes until the drive through opens at the liquor store. No wondering if people will see me and tell my family. There is a tattletale clerk at the closest one who gossiped.

Grateful my son is wrapping up a job. Grateful I have the courage to tell him when I知 not available to babysit due to meetings around AA. I called in sick before!

Grateful to be here and especially grateful for everyone here today.

PalmerSage 10-30-2022 05:23 AM

Free, that is an AMAZING photo! But 4 degrees is completely unacceptable. ;)
CBS, those are such great thoughts about why living on the ocean isn't a good idea. I may have to rethink my future plans and get on Airbnb - or take a page from Turs's arrangement, close but on higher, safer ground.
NL, I'm so happy the work on the divorce is progressing, even though it must be frustrating to have to do so much! And thanks for the comment about Dumpling Day, love that tradition (I have some TJ chicken soup dumplings in the freezer that may have to do...)
Least, how wonderful about reuniting with sweet Billie.
Hev, I'm so very sorry about your friend too. :grouphug:

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful I got so much done around the house yesterday, without pushing myself past the brink.
Grateful my younger son had a good day, and that the two of us were able to spend time together last night. NOT grateful to discover how disgusting his bathroom was, OMG. :scared:
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful for my comfortable bed, and clean sheets.
Grateful that fall's beauty keeps coming, with no signs of stopping!
Grateful for Instagram home decor rabbit holes.
Grateful for morning quiet.
Grateful to be sober.

Hevyn 10-30-2022 06:34 AM

Free - The dark chocolate is supposedly good for us, right? (I've seen Reese's cups with potato chips in them.)
Imvalentine - Oh, those dreaded Mondays. I never want to forget how horrific it was to wake up & face the music.
Numb - You're doing an admirable job of getting through a hard time in your life.
Palmer - Fall seems to be lingering here, too - & colors more vibrant than predicted.
Grateful we won't have an army of children visiting tomorrow night. When I was a kid we'd have over 100 come to the door. $$$$
Grateful for the approach of the holidays. I'm not going to overdo it this year. However, I say that every year. :rolleyes2
Grateful for the decision to have meatless dinners a couple times a week.
Grateful to be leaving for the Christmas Tree Shop & Ollie's Bargain Outlet. :09: Later, GP.:grouphug:

Alpine 10-30-2022 07:04 AM

Grateful for my sobriety
Grateful for our short little bike ride around one of the small Finger Lakes yesterday and we also got to see an otter. Yes an otter.
Grateful for some beautiful days recently
Grateful I get one more day with Mr. A before he goes out town
Grateful for my homemade street tacos
Grateful for Riley pup and Mr. A

Fearlessat50 10-30-2022 07:29 AM

Grateful to check in and see all of you and read a few of your posts. Gotta catch up as it’s been several days
Grateful for a fun and empowering work retreat last week. Haven’t seen Some of my team mates since prepandemic and met several new employees. Grateful for team building and inspirational speakers
Grateful I was caught up at work and didn’t fall behind. Did a little work at night and early in the morning before the days activities
Grateful to have time to prepare for a podcast interview next week though I’m pretty nervous
Grateful for a good time with a girlfriend staying overnight at a glamping place before a race yesterday. Not sure how I pulled it off but I had one of my best running times ever
Grateful to get home late yesterday and see my boys and cogs. Missed them
Grateful to have time today to get things done, go to store, and prepare some side dishes for a Halloween party later.
Grateful for all of you!

tursiops999 10-30-2022 10:06 AM

Grateful for a massage yesterday ... it was abbreviated because I completely forgot I had booked it, and realized at the last minute, getting there late. Oh well, 45 minutes still felt good.
Grateful for time with my kids and grandson yesterday.
Grateful for a good night's sleep.
Grateful for a quiet place to live.
Grateful for my garden.
Grateful for sunshine today.

Canadian Koala 10-31-2022 02:26 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean today ☼

Numblady 10-31-2022 04:28 AM

Fearless, glad you are back. Sounds like a busy time and a cool experience with the race!

Grateful for my personal hotspot as the router is kaput. It busted while the kids were here and my kid was exhausted from a sleepover. So that went over pretty well ;). Anyhow, grateful I should get a new one by Tuesday and that we’ll be out doing Halloween stuff tonight anyway.
Grateful Halloween is no longer a reason to drink extra. I mean, it’s not a reason to drink, period but I definitely remember feeling at liberty to just drink tons because the guys would take the kids around the neighborhood and the moms would stay back at our friends’ house and hand out candy. And in my case try to drink my weight in wine.
Grateful we will get to see these friends. I have missed them.
Grateful I was able to survive a lot of rage and work with son to facilitate at least a bit of homework. Not nearly all he should have done but under the conditions a definite win.
Grateful I at least told his dad what I needed (for him to help with homework and not just give a list of what needs to be done, which is not the hard part). I don’t know that it registered but I at least got it out.
Grateful for grace from another dad when I accidentally sent a frustrated text message intended for my (soon to be) ex to him. Oh well! Not much I can do now.
Grateful to catch up with a dance mom I haven’t seen in a while.
Grateful today I made the coffee without it getting all messed up. Not sure what I did yesterday but the grounds were everywhere. Note that of COURSE I drank it anyway because I am dedicated to my caffeine!
Grateful for all of you.

FBL 10-31-2022 04:45 AM

Grateful for a brand new week of sober adventures.

Grateful for another day sober.

Alpine 10-31-2022 05:33 AM

Grateful for my sobriety
Grateful (even though I will miss him a lot) I was able to get Mr. A to the airport by around 415 am. :e044:
Grateful Riley pup let me take a nap when I got back from the airport
Grateful for our trip to the antique shops yesterday with Mr. A and his Mom
Grateful for a beautiful day
Grateful for all of you

Fearlessat50 10-31-2022 06:39 AM

Alpine, I’m glad you’ve got Riley to keep you company while Mr A is gone
Numblady that must have been embarrassing about the text. 😂
Grateful to have gone back to sleep after waking at 2:30 and sleeping very well the rest of the night. Had a very strange dream that of course I don’t remember everything about now. Something about my bike not working, needing to be out back together which my boss tried to do. But that didn’t work so I rode off on a skateboard made from the bike parts? with a coworker I’ve never seen or met
Grateful my foot and knee feel better. I pushed myself in the race Sat and had some pain
Grateful for a bbq at a friends yesterday and none of the girls drank any alcohol at all. There were just three of us girls but still, these are usually drinkers. So that was nice. Grateful I didn’t play into the drama when one of the moms started going on about how everyone else gets it wrong with parenting and of course she is the one truly great parent. Lol
Grateful to start White Lotus season 2
Grateful a coworker is helping me with my podcast prep this morning

Free2bme888 10-31-2022 07:50 AM

Grateful for all of you
Grateful I FINALLY SLEPT, about 9.5 hours
Grateful for my annual Dr appointment today
Grateful for the sunshine and landscape here, Alpines pics help me so much on her thread
Turs, I put V8 accidentally in my coffee, maybe a tablespoon before I realized red doesn’t make coffee creamy looking.
Grateful I’m able to drink that coffee anyway
Grateful for the short but meaningful stop here

Lots of Love,


tursiops999 10-31-2022 12:25 PM

Grateful for a tearful zoom with a friend from grief group yesterday ... I needed someone who could understand that after 17 months, I still have days when I just want Mr. T to come back.
Grateful that I finally motivated to do something Halloween-ish last night, and (after going to 4 stores) finally found a pumpkin that I could carve (nothing like last minute shopping for holiday decor).
Grateful that tonight is Halloween so I can give away all this candy that calls to me constantly (and I, of course, answer that call!)
Grateful for this GP.

Hevyn 10-31-2022 02:52 PM

Will have to catch up tomorrow - never made it today. :) Love to all.

CBS62 11-01-2022 04:51 AM

Good morning. I played hooky for a few days. Just super busy with work, my mother's estate but really no good excuse to not just pop in. Anyway, glad to be back.

Turs I am glad you were able to share with a friend. I can totally understand you still wanting your husband back. That is how I feel about my mom and my brother. I started reading a book "The Wild Edge of Sorrow". I can't remember who recommended it. Was it you? It is very good.
Free I am glad you got some good sleep. I hope your annual went well.
Fearless I like White Lotus too. I am going to wait until there are a few episodes available so I can binge. ;0)
Alpine it is great that you have such a sweet companion in Riley.
NL I had to laugh when you said you "tried to drink your weight in wine". Sounds like me back in the day. What was I thinking dumping all that wine down my throat?
Hev I am trying to eat more vegetarian too. Better for me and the earth. But I still eat meat more than I should.
Zura, Mags and least I hope you are well.

Grateful for my half calf oat milk latte.
Grateful I am trying a new therapist today.
Grateful I have finished emptying out our office downtown. Turned in the keys yesterday. What a relief. It was a lot of work! Now I need to go check out the coworking space. Maybe after I get my covid booster.
Grateful I am going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. I wonder what will happen when we fall back Sunday? I have been going to bed around 10 and getting up at 6. That is early for me. In my drinking days it was midnight or later and stay in bed as long as possible. It is so nice to have time to get personal stuff done before work and not have hangxiety.
Grateful I heard the owls this morning.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for SR and the GP!

FBL 11-01-2022 05:18 AM

Grateful for a nice visit with Fran and her relatives from Honduras yesterday.

Grateful for a whole week of beautiful fall weather.

Grateful for another day sober.

lmvalentine 11-01-2022 05:25 AM

I am very grateful it is small pension payday. I have errands and bills to spend it on.
I知 glad I didn稚 have to run Gkids around trick or treating. I had a peaceful quiet evening as nobody comes out in this neighborhood sadly.
I知 starting a new embroidery project and am grateful I was able to find what I did in my storage shed. It is a mess as my kids packed while I was in the hospital from my last bender. They both dropped everything to help. I also salvaged Christmas stitching so I will be busy.
I知 grateful there were no police calls and hoping 18 year old Gson is not in dire straits. He blew off helping my daughter take the 2 little ones out last night. He went to a party instead. Job interview at 10:00 this morning and he is not home of course. Consequences are a part of life he is not interested in.
I知 happy to not have that Halloween hangover. I remember dragging myself into work half dead in the old days. I知 grateful I知 alive as the disease progressed for years.

Free2bme888 11-01-2022 06:26 AM

Grateful for connection to those who understand, it’s so important. I had a great connection with former leader on SR Ann. My daughter is forever ruined by drugs, and she’s not who she was. Woke up to a nasty text. 😟
Grateful for coffee
Grateful my annual exam went well, but their scale was four pounds off (lesser). My jeans don’t lie.
Grateful to see a surgeon In an hour about bunion surgery. Please PM me if you have good or bad experiences with that.
Grateful slept about 7 hours last night
Grateful to try and golf later
Grateful for first shingles shot yesterday

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