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Alpine 06-27-2022 10:08 AM

PS, glad everything went well
PJ, grateful Roxy has a new loving home

least 06-27-2022 12:19 PM

PJ Roxy is gorgeous so glad you rescued her. :hug:

Hevyn 06-27-2022 06:15 PM

Never made it here today! Will read thoroughly tomorrow.
PJ - I love Roxy, and you for rescuing her. You'll be perfect together.
Love to the GP.

FBL 06-28-2022 02:10 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Jack16 06-28-2022 02:27 AM

Morning all

Phoenix - great to see the picture of Roxy! The joy of dogs
Palmer - really glad your son's move went well
CBS - glad you're feeling better

Today I'm grateful to be sober
Grateful that we had good weather yesterday for the scattering of my aunt's ashes
Grateful I was able to have a good conversation with my sister after seeing my dad (which is always tricky!)
Grateful for all that my aunt did for me and for others
Grateful to the nice bloke who came yesterday and collected a chair that was taking up space
Grateful for an event to look forward to this evening
Grateful for this thread

Love to all

Mags1 06-28-2022 03:27 AM

Grateful to be sober..always
Grateful my friend comes out of hospital today
Grateful to see the Grat Pack :grouphug:

Alpine 06-28-2022 04:08 AM

Grateful Mag's friend is getting out the hospital. Will she be having care at home?
Grateful I slept very well last night
Grateful we used the firepit last night, brought back lots of fun memories
Grateful to have seen lightning bugs last night. It has been decades since seeing those
Grateful to all of you

Numblady 06-28-2022 04:41 AM

CP, that totally makes sense. I find it much easier to not drink if I’m already doing something fun (though when I have no escape route some things can turn un-fun like my weekend with friends who all drank). It’s home alone wanting to feel some other kind of way than I do where the real battle is.
Free, haha this podcast is totally free and pretty awesome in my book. They do a bit of self promotion I guess but it’s all just for their other sobriety support. Home podcast. Something happened between the two co-hosts and after like 120 episodes they stopped making it anymore. I’m only on episode 27 so I have plenty to listen to before it ends.

Grateful to see the wonderful Mags! Loved seeing your avatar in the feed today.
Grateful to be on a combo work/personal trip and not be figuring out how I can drink how I want to without others noticing. So exhausting.
Grateful PS’ son’s move in went well.
Grateful for all the kind and uplifting posts. Gotta run!

ClearPath64 06-28-2022 05:15 AM

NL, which podcast are you referring to? I thought you were talking about the Annie Grace one, but it's still alive and kicking, at 500 episodes.

Grateful that my body feels good this morning after restarting my running routine yesterday.
Grateful for yet another cool morning.
Grateful a very vulnerable share from a young lady from the UK at my Zoom meeting last night. Grateful for the unexpected tears.
Grateful to see an uplifting FB post from my oldest daughter this morning. I love that she's awakening the activism within her and is unafraid to make a stand for what she believes in.
Eternally grateful for SR and all of the beautiful people here.

CBS62 06-28-2022 05:59 AM

CP I am glad you feel good after your run. I miss running but have to preserve my knees for tennis, so I bike and walk. I should get back in the pool this summer too.
Alpine I love lightening bugs too. They are threatened by mosquito treatments among other things.
Jack glad you had a good convo with your sister.
Turs. glad you enjoyed babysitting. I have missed out recently because my daughter has covid so I have to stay away. Hopefully, soon.
Fearless I hope your cruise is fun.

Grateful to be working from home today after being in the office yesterday for a long in person staff meeting. It was good to see everyone in the flesh though.
Grateful for a nice rainstorm yesterday that has cooled us off. I got caught in it while cycling but only the last 10 minutes.
Grateful for a good night's sleep.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful my garden is starting to produce cucumbers and tomatoes.
Grateful for SR and the GP.

Alpine 06-28-2022 06:17 AM

Alpine 06-28-2022 06:18 AM

Dang it I thought I had it figured out.

Alpine 06-28-2022 06:25 AM

PalmerSage 06-28-2022 06:27 AM

Coming through quickly as I'm already in the office - trying to get moving earlier, but my SR routine has really suffered!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful to be in the office, I appreciate it much more now that I'm teleworking so much.
Grateful my son is totally ignoring us, because that must mean he's having fun. ;)
Grateful to get a call from the assisted living facility, that a 2BR has opened up - now to get my dad's head in the game.
Grateful I'm being more direct when communicating with my brother.
Grateful I was able to get some much-needed rest yesterday, even if I wasn't all that productive.
Grateful to be sober.

Alpine 06-28-2022 06:34 AM

Riley running during a camping trip

Mags1 06-28-2022 06:38 AM

Yaaay. Riley is gorgeous ❤️

Alpine 06-28-2022 06:40 AM

Grateful to Mags and Venus for helping to learn how to post pictures.

Free2bme888 06-28-2022 07:14 AM

Cute Alpine, hope glad you slept.
Jack, hope your evening is great.
NL, the podcast is “Home podcast”? I’m slow
Hev, we missed you
PS, glad son is doing ok
Mags, how’s your hand/arm?
CP, sounds lovely

Free2bme888 06-28-2022 07:19 AM

Grateful got about 8 hours sleep last night, SOLID
Grateful for coffee
Grateful for a nice hike yesterday, pics on my class thread, or click my name for recent posts in August 2021 class
Grateful although some outside situations sting on my inside, I’m working on recognizing my reactions and the causes
Grateful for a later start to golf today, and seeing a friend from last year on the course
Grateful to start our trek to Alaska Friday, never been

Fearlessat50 06-28-2022 07:21 AM

Good morning gratters! I’m posting from my phone because lately I’m having trouble with my iPad so I can’t use the like button.
Alpine, Riley is so beautiful!
Mags, so great to see you :)
Grateful the fire near us was contained. Scary! Still smell the smoke
Grateful to get a handle on my PTSD when I got an email from Dads ex’s daughter about her mom declining and needing info and signatures
on legal documents about my heir status. Grateful to be able to offer a little bit of help
Grateful to get ready for cruise vacation. Grateful to calm my nerves and remember I can’t control everything and if flight gets cancelled we have a credit and won’t lose our money.
Grateful for our house sitter
Grateful for such a supportive work team

Alpine 06-28-2022 07:25 AM

Free, have fun in AK. We went there several years ago. It was spectacular
Thanks Fear!

Mags1 06-28-2022 08:05 AM

Thanks for the welcomes back. :)

Free2bme hand ok ‘ish’ , needs another op but that’s fine, thanks. :)

tursiops999 06-28-2022 08:43 AM

Grateful for a good night's sleep.
Grateful for the motivation to make soup yesterday.
Grateful for sunshine.

Hevyn 06-28-2022 10:22 AM

Jack - I'm glad things went well for you. I'm so happy we're no longer impeded by alcohol.
Alpine - What beautiful pictures of your baby Riley!
Palmer - Wonderful news that a place has opened up. Hoping Dad will be happy & relieved.
Free - 8 solid hours - I am jealous. :) I've never heard anyone say they didn't love AK.
Fearless - Hope nothing complicates the trip & you have a lovely getaway.
Grateful for bright sun & coolish temps.
Grateful I'm really sticking to my healthy eating. It has to happen this time.
Grateful to stop assuming the worst. (Mostly)
Grateful for this thread & all the stuff we say.

least 06-28-2022 04:14 PM

I visited my brother in Alaska for two glorious weeks about 20 some years ago, it's a beautiful state. :)

Love the pictures of Riley, what a cutie pie. :hug:

Mags1 06-28-2022 09:04 PM

Alpine - yes, she has a team caring for her.

Grateful for another sober day
Grateful for the rain this morning, the gardens need it.
Grateful for the Grat Pack :grouphug:

Britbird80 06-28-2022 10:22 PM


Grateful to awake early and refresed after a good nights rest.
Grateful to be making plans in my next step towards a career change.
Grateful for sunny weather again today.
Grateful to read all your posts.
have a great day all.

Jack16 06-29-2022 02:31 AM

Morning all

Coffee and post reading - it's good.

Alpine - I STILL haven't figured out how to post photos! So you're doing well
CBS - good work on the cucumbers and tomatoes. I only have a patio but I'm gonna get some tomato plants I think
Free - You're going to Alaska! I'm very jealous. It's been my dream ever since watching Northern Exposure in my teens. Don't know if anyone remembers that show. I loved it - still do.
Fearless - glad to hear you managed to not get too triggered by the email

Today I'm grateful for the talk I went to last night. The people I went with (who are lovely people) moaned quite a lot about how boring it was, but I found it really interesting. I realise it's because they'd all had a couple of drinks beforehand and were most likely just waiting for it to finish so they could get to the pub. Not judging - that was me for most of my life. But it was kinda nice to notice (in a slightly selfish way!)
Grateful for all of my friends
Grateful to be sober
Grateful to be doing work that I love
Grateful for another day living and breathing and an unwritten future

Have a good day all

Alpine 06-29-2022 03:10 AM

Mags, I am happy to hear that. Thanks
Jack, thanks. Yea, I am probably the least techy person you will ever meet. I do have pretty good people skills though. Computer/phone not so much.
My MIL bought us some fresh strawberries several days ago, way too much for us to eat so I am grateful I managed to find Mr. Alpine's and my food dehydrated amongst the boxes and dried them. So I am grateful for dried strawberries. I also dried her nectarines that were getting kind of old. This food dehydrator is pretty old, probably close to 30 years. Wow, did I just say that.
Grateful for a great night's sleep
Grateful my hip is kind of feeling better, not great , but better
Grateful to have done some sewing yesterday
Grateful for all of you

FBL 06-29-2022 04:09 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

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