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FBL 05-17-2022 05:28 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Fearlessat50 05-17-2022 06:29 AM

Numblady, glad you were able to have a good talk with your mom last night. I can’t imagine being a mom in the baby formula crisis
Alpine, the quilting project sounds awesome
Palmer, sorry to hear about that last college letter but grateful you and your son are getting closer to a decision. By the way, Mr F was an Eagle Scout back in the day 😊
Turps, thinking of you as you wean from sleep aids. I was addicted for years, both before, during and after my drinking period. I think it’s been about 4 years since I stopped taking something. I do drink a valerian tea at night and take melatonin which helps a lot for me. It was hard coming off the harder stuff. I just expected it would be a while for my body to adjust and eventually everything worked out
Grateful that if you are going to have a mental disorder now is a better time than any since so many are struggling with mental health issues. The pandemic brought this to light
Grateful sonny boy is much better. He is going to school today with an excuse from pe. He is not yet sleeping in his loft bed and is taking a break from karate. Does physical therapy this week.
Grateful for 25 years of wedding bliss! Grateful Mr F got me a beautiful silver bracelet
Grateful to out off any other plans for dinner since I’m still sick.
Grateful to be slowly on the mend

CBS62 05-17-2022 08:58 AM

PS glad you and your son are able to make a college decision now.
Alpine glad you had a nice rainstorm. We had one too so I did not have to water my vegetable garden.
Turs I am glad your CNS is calming down. Sometimes it takes the brain a while. Definitely the case for me, adjusting to no alcohol and benzos is way harder than I ever could have expected. Thinking of (((you))) as the 1 year of Mr. T approaches.
NL I am glad you got unexpected support from your mom.
Fearless Happy Anniversary! And I am glad you are feeling better.

Grateful for 17 months sober today.
Grateful for getting back in the habit of gratefulness.
Grateful the GF Blueberry muffins I made last night turned out so yummy.
Grateful for eating more food as I my mouth heals. Still no nuts, cookies, chips or crackers for a few more weeks. Ugh. But I have lost weight. Grati-whine territory here ;0)
Grateful I have only one more day of antibiotics.
Grateful for a good meeting with my boss.
Grateful for all of you!

Quitorelse 05-17-2022 09:17 AM

So grateful for 2 weeks sober and grateful I don't have to drink today!

tursiops999 05-17-2022 09:17 AM

Alpine, thank you -- I would love a hug and to sit and share the view!
PS, grateful your son's college plans are falling into place.
NL, glad you had a good talk with your mom. And proud of you for helping your daughter, by being open to the feedback from other parents. Not easy!
Grateful for my grief support group last night ... good group of folks who each lost a spouse. Grateful we share humor as well as comforting each other through sad moments.
Grateful to postpone my visit to my sisters for a couple months ... can get a much cheaper flight. Also realized, I'm tired and need to just plug into a simple daily routine for awhile.
Grateful for the courage to get on the scale and survey the damage. Time for Turs to eat some vegetables. :lmao

tursiops999 05-17-2022 09:24 AM

Gratitude, part 2.
Quitorelse, welcome to the Grat Pack! Well done on your two weeks -- I too am grateful that you (and I) don't have to drink today!!
Fearless, so glad sonny boy is feeling a bit better, and went to school. And happy anniversary!! Congratulations.
CBS, I was thinking about your 'boaty dizziness'. I know it's probably from a different cause (I have an inner ear disorder, Meniere's). But just wanted to say there is hope. I had boaty dizziness all of last year, but I seem to be in remission for the last 3-4 months. Nothing I tried made much difference, it just seemed to resolve one day. Although maybe my self-care eventually paid off (rest, exercise, and being in nature).

PalmerSage 05-18-2022 03:44 AM

NL, I'm so happy you had a supportive talk with your mom. It can be such a relief when we get ourselves worked up and it turns out to be nothing. :grouphug:
Turs, thinking of you and your grief support group, as well as your focus on self-care. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track.
CBS, huge congrats on 17 months sober! You just made me look at the calendar and I have a month anniversary today too. :)
Fearless, that's so cool that Mr. F was an Eagle Scout. That's the kind of thing that people still mention in their bios 40+ years later! Also glad that Sonny is doing well and focused on recovering.

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for a great new moisturizer that came in my monthly cosmetic samples.
Grateful to connect with a helpful elder care consultant. Does anyone know if it's normal for these companies to ask for a retainer fee?
Grateful we have a date for a family celebration for my son's HS graduation. Grateful he has friends coming over this weekend too.
Grateful my husband wakes up in a good mood.
Grateful the cleaning service is coming tomorrow - SO long overdue.
Grateful I've been focused on maintaining the dishes and laundry a little better this week.
Grateful that my two big meetings this week are both scheduled for today.
Grateful for telework, I only have to go into the office for part of the day.
Grateful to be sober.

Alpine 05-18-2022 04:05 AM

quick pop in
Grateful for the sunny skies
Grateful for Mr. Alpine and Riley
Grateful I am trying to pull myself out of my funk, feeling rather frustrated with a lot of things. Blah
Grateful for all of you

Numblady 05-18-2022 04:32 AM

(((Alpine))), so sorry for the funk and the frustration. You do so much for others, hoping you get extra support when you need it. And along those lines, here for you if you ever want to whine!
Quitorelse, love the name and glad you are here!
CBS, congrats on 17 months. Incredible! After my fits and starts I guess I have two months today. I am saying that less as an accomplishment and more as a piece of accountability because I have shied away from saying the date because somehow it seemed more fluid in case I wanted to sneak in another “vacation exception.” But I need to stop doing that!
Fearless, so glad to hear Sonny is so quickly on the mend. And that you are at least on the mend! Happy anniversary as well. Beautiful to make it to the silver anniversary and still call it bliss.
Palmer, I am unsure on the elder care consult thing. My guess is whether it’s standard or not they can probably find a market that will bear it. I hope it’s not too steep or that you can find another alternative if needed.
Turs, that is excellent about the “boaty dizziness” resolving. I remember you struggling with it. Glad that part of life got better.

Grateful to feel connected and dialed in at my job. I was floundering for a while, and I’m sure I’l feel like I’m floundering again. But yesterday I felt appreciated and needed and I really liked it.
Grateful my son’s friends weren’t on discord last night and he was actually so bored he had to talk to his old mom! And mess with me of course. And try to make me nervous by flinging a cat toy way too close to breakable things. But I consider that the love language of the 14 year old so it’s cool.
Grateful for my boss telling us Fridays we are closed at noon in June and July just to give people a bit more of a break. I know I won’t really be able to pull that off every week but even having permission to ditch out early a few times is nice.
Grateful I could give my boss a ride to and from our meeting yesterday because we live so close.
Grateful for a new day.

ClearPath64 05-18-2022 05:00 AM

Echoing NL's post (glad I refreshed my screen right before I started this post or I would have said the exact same thing), congrats on 25 years of married "bliss" Fearless! Such an accomplishment, and a testament to patience, compromise, maturity, etc, etc.
Speaking of patience, I wish you an unlimited supply as you deal with the teenage years NL. One of my biggest regrets with my kids is how I dealt with my middle daughter during this period. I had it too easy with her older sister and expected her to fall right in line. It all turned out okay in the end, but I certainly could have reduced the tension had I shown a little more understanding during this period. Way easier said than done, especially in hindsight.

Grateful for two action-packed, fun days with my granddaughter, but equally grateful that she is back home and I have some time to recalibrate. Grateful that we didn't have any major calamities, short of a 'boo boo' to her thumb and a minor coffee spill, all while trying to help her papa.
Grateful that my mind and body are continuing to heal after a six-month, six-pack a night mindless detour. Really feel like I am back on track again.
Grateful that my son made it home safely from Colorado after taking a short vacation with a group of his friends.
Grateful for all of the transparency and positivity here.

FBL 05-18-2022 05:52 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Fearlessat50 05-18-2022 06:49 AM

CBS, congrats on 17 months!
Quitorelse, welcome and congrats in 2 weeks!
Turps, glad you’ve got the grief group. So important
Palmer, speaking of moisturizer, I need to go to Marshalls to get some more
Numblady, discord seems to be the new way of connecting for teens. Sonny boy is on there often too
Grateful to be feeling well rested and getting my energy back. Though I am no where near 100%. Still brain fog and coughing. This too shall pass
Grateful for the support of my boss and her boss around what I need for self care and family care during this time
Grateful for a good therapy session yesterday
Grateful Kaiser has been great about scheduling appts and being in tough
Grateful I got a credit for the meditation course I signed up for since I had to miss last week and now tonight
Grateful for beautiful weather
Grateful the Japanese maple looks beautiful in the garden

Free2bme888 05-18-2022 06:56 AM

Grateful to see quit or else and CP
Grateful for just a few minutes here, and read all your posts
Grateful I helped boys in cub and boy scouts, I was a den leader for 8 years with 16 boys!
Grateful for strong coffee
Grateful for hummingbirds
Grateful for a car ride to another town today to look at wood, a woodworker who makes custom tables and benches with live edges

CBS62 05-18-2022 09:02 AM

Turs I sure hope my dizziness goes away someday. I have seen so many docs. They don't have an explanation. Although the Neuro. said it is my brain recalibrating after decades of alcohol. But I think the benzos are the cause of it too.
Alpine I hope you cab get out of your funk. I definitely get in a funk. For me I think it is a bad wave of PAWS that causes it. Gratefulness helps me.And exercise too.
NL I love it when I feel appreciated at work. Glad that happened for you.
CP64 that is the beauty of Grandparenting. Getting a break so you are fresh and ready for the next visit.
Fearless I hope you continue to improve and feel better. Was it Covid?
Free my husband has a woodworking business. He is the only one right now but may hire another person because his right hand man retired and he is very busy. A good problem to have.

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for a pretty day with less humidity.
Grateful for SR and the GP.

Britbird80 05-18-2022 01:45 PM

Welcome quitorelse.

Today I'm grateful that work is over, not the best of days but tomorrow is another day.
Grateful to get the paddling pool out for the first time this year.
Grateful to have my nails done.
Grateful for payrises
grateful to recognise a potential trigger and address it.
grateful to be sober 🙏

Mags1 05-18-2022 10:02 PM

Grateful to be sober
Grateful to be here with the Grat Pack :grouphug:

PalmerSage 05-19-2022 04:01 AM

Welcome quitorelse - love that username too!
Alpine, sending hugs as you cope with your funk. I can definitely relate.
CP, you've described the way I feel as an aunt to my young nieces and nephew - super fun but exhausting, and nice to give them back! :lmao
CBS, a woodworking business sounds so cool. Did he retire from another career, and now he's doing that?
Free, that's a huge commitment to scouts! I really appreciate the parents who keep things organized for the kids, it's definitely not easy.
Fearless, Marshalls has been low on my favorite brand and now I have a new brand to look for!
NL, I smiled when I read that you're feeling appreciated, it's been a long time coming, given your previous job. :grouphug: And congrats on 2 months!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful the cleaners are coming today. I hate getting ready, but love the results!
Grateful for a really helpful conversation with my younger son's guidance counselor. Grateful that she thinks he's capable of being challenged academically.
Grateful for an OK meeting with my big boss yesterday, his moods can be up and down and he was down - but I was able to connect with him anyway.
Grateful that a presentation I've been dreading seemed to go OK.
Grateful for some easier meetings planned for today.
Grateful for a flexible schedule.
Grateful to be sober.

Numblady 05-19-2022 04:02 AM

Mags, happy to see you!
Britbird, sorry about the bad day and glad you were able to address the trigger.
CP, thanks for the supportive words about the teen years. Not for the faint of heart to be sure!
Anyone have an update on least?

Grateful for air conditioning. So hot here.
Grateful to finally be getting a little bit more squared away for the summer.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful most weeks I get to be at home more than this week.
Grateful for my son being bored enough again last night to come harass his mom. Kind of!
Grateful for seeing some sweet letters on my daughter’s desk — to her grandparents.
Grateful for this beautiful time where everyone else is asleep and I’m at least partially awake.
Grateful for all of you.

FBL 05-19-2022 04:44 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Free2bme888 05-19-2022 08:02 AM

Grateful to a quick post here, actually slept in
Grateful for coffee
Grateful to visit garage door place, Wood worker for dining table and vanity and mantle,
Grateful husband got in nine holes of golf, my hand was hurting too badly
Grateful to get my six shifts posted to volunteer at the theater and balance them between trips, golf, and hiking
Grateful for all of you
Grateful we probably will buy those pieces of walnut and cherry and store them in out tiny condo

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