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Alysheba 09-29-2021 07:03 PM

Welcome Back, Dear Hevyn!!! 💗

Mags1 09-29-2021 09:50 PM

Welcome back Hev, we’ve missed you :hug:

Grateful Least is going back to her docs :hug:
Grateful for being sober. Life is easier when sober, even when the going gets tough sometimes.
Grateful for SR and all the Grat Pack :grouphug:

FBL 09-30-2021 03:32 AM

Grateful for all of you.

Grateful for another day sober.

Canadian Koala 09-30-2021 03:38 AM

Grateful to be sober and clean this morning ☼

Have a good day Graters :wavey:

Numblady 09-30-2021 04:11 AM

Least, grateful you are still sober but hoping you can get some relief soon. Grateful to hear you have Billie doing Cytopoint. Our new doggo is very itchy. She’s taking apoquel in pills for now so I don’t have to drag her into vet (it was not a smooth process, to say the least!) but we may need to move to cytopoint if this doesn’t keep working.

Grateful Hev has moved and is back.
Grateful Turs has support. I don’t know where i would be without this particular therapist I’ve found. I’m so grateful to have found the support I needed.
Grateful today is a big deadline in the big project and things will hopefully calm a bit (though certainly not entirely)
Grateful I at least told my husband I thought he had a problematic relationship with alcohol, even if I stopped shy of saying more of the things I really think and kind of want to say.
Grateful we hired someone else who can keep working on this project that is taking all my oxygen in work and life.
Grateful for all the lessons learned, including pushing the brakes with my boss if she wants us to take on another new big thing (in her defense I wanted to take this thing on too and did not appreciate what a nightmare it would be).
Grateful to join my daughter and her dance troupe at the women’s march this weekend.
Grateful for an unbroken night of sleep.
Grateful for all of you.

PalmerSage 09-30-2021 04:42 AM

Thanks to everyone who posted about dog itchiness - I need to get my dogs to the vet, they need some relief.
NL, I'm happy you were able to give your husband some real talk about his drinking. It must be so frustrating to deal with that every single day - like a dark cloud over your family. :grouphug:
Hevyn, SO happy you're back!!!

Grateful for coffee.
Grateful I finally sent a document to my boss - I've been overthinking it like crazy, and I have so many other deliverables to focus on.
Grateful to remind myself that I don't need to feel guilty for asking people to do their job, which is partially to provide me with useful feedback.
Grateful for a beautiful view out the window.
Grateful that I'm only tired and have a cold (hopefully just a cold), and I'm not also hungover, as I was for so many years.
Grateful for telework, especially when I'm tired and/or not feeling great.
Grateful to recognize all the progress my older son has made, considering his struggles early in life. He has come SO far.
Grateful for a light meeting day, because I have so much "real" work to do. ;)
Grateful to be sober.

lmvalentine 09-30-2021 05:52 AM

I’m grateful I slept well and have fed the birds and squirrels before they wake up.
I’m grateful I didn’t lose my cool with landlady yesterday.
Grateful I’m not hungover with added alcohol anxiety to deal with landlady.
Grateful for cooler sweater weather.
I’m grateful for all of you.

Fearlessat50 09-30-2021 06:39 AM

Grateful least has her brother, daughter and Billie for support. Hope the doctor can come up with something better for pain
Grateful that my lack of sleep is not due to a hangover. Work has been a little nerve wracking. I’ve had more meetings lately and they are different types of meetings outside my comfort zone. Plus I am trying to expand services to one of my clients and this is so not my area!
Grateful for my cogs cozied up by the fireplace
Grateful for my spidey sense about not clicking on suspicious emails. I was one of those on IT’s crap list for being phished. Now I know more
Grateful for self motivation so I can hopefully knock out all my work today and relax tomorrow
Grateful to be invited by friends to the coast this weekend. Sonny boy is excited

Fearlessat50 09-30-2021 06:40 AM

Hi Hev!

CBS62 09-30-2021 10:23 AM

Least I hope you get relief today from the doc.
Welcome Back Hev!
Turs the paddle boarding sounds amazing!
NL good for you going to the Women's March.
Palmer I hope you feel better.
IMV I love sweater weather.
Fearless have a great time at the coast. I am longing for that as well. Haven't been since May.

Grateful that my daughter is here cleaning.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful it is my Friday. I work M-Th.
Grateful for all the great shows that are streaming. Most nights we watch a few episodes and it helps me to escape from my intrusive thoughts and manage my health anxiety.
Grateful that I am playing tennis tonight and in the morning. It had s been a while.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

tursiops999 09-30-2021 08:34 PM

Grateful for another awesome paddle this morning.
Grateful for a walk with a new friend.
Grateful for my grief support group meeting this evening.
For those with itchy dogs, a suggestion -- have them checked for mites. My brother's dog had horrible itchiness and skin outbreaks for several years until they figured out it was mites. Now she's a happy, itch-free dog after treatment.
Grateful for your forbearance of me posting at night instead of morning. Some mornings I just lose the plot. :lmao

Mags1 09-30-2021 09:11 PM

Tursiops, it’s always morning somewhere. :)

Grateful to read all your inspiring Grats
Grateful for a nice cuppa coffee
Grateful for SR and all the Grat Pack :grouphug:

FBL 10-01-2021 02:49 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

Daisybelle 10-01-2021 05:26 AM

Grateful to wake up this morning.
Grateful to feel well.
Grateful for my family and all I have.
Grateful to deposit my g.son off safely to school.
Grateful to get some grocery shopping done and grateful to put it away ( my least favourite task)
Grateful for the tip of putting tea bags in football boots to stop them smelling like cat pee, I bought some peppermint tea bags and stuffed them in my g.son's boots. So far, so good.
Grateful for home made veggie soup.
Grateful for a quiet life.
Grateful to be here with all of you xx

Fearlessat50 10-01-2021 06:35 AM

((((Mags))) always good to see you whatever time of day
Daisy, tea bags for cat pee! Wow! Good to know
Grateful to have a little reminder of my dad. The family room has high ceilings with tall windows, and where I sit early in the morning I can see this bright little star in the sky. It is in the same spot where I once saw a shooting star the week or so before he passed. The star is aligned above the little alter under the window where I keep my dads ashes and pictures.
Grateful for Friday and that I was able to accomplish my work goals yesterday so I can breeze through today
Grateful for the support of my boss. I led a difficult team meeting yesterday in her absence.
Grateful for the school principal’s message to parents about devious licks and other Tiktok challenges kids are being exposed to, the consequences for partaking and the importance of discussing peer pressure, immoral and irresponsible behavior. Grateful though one of my sons school mates has done one of these challenges, sonny boy is not that kind of kid
Grateful to have had a great night sleep
Grateful for coffee

CBS62 10-01-2021 03:46 PM

Late grats today.

Grateful for my life.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for lunch with some friends today.
Grateful that I played tennis this morning.
Grateful for SR and all of you.

Alysheba 10-01-2021 04:46 PM

Grateful for a laid back day today, mostly. I think the day after I get my 31 Botox injections for my migraines, I'm a bit sluggish and had a kind of restful day. Tomorrow I have some errands to run. I really want to run over to the Ross we have here. We have a Marshalls, but it's kind of a drive and they're doing road construction all over.
We also have a TJ Maxx across the street kind of. I'm looking for stuff that I usually get at the beauty supply store. I don't know how Ross, etc., get a hold of Joico and other professional products and make up. It's cheaper and sometimes really good quality.
I need to check out new makeup too. I used to never leave the house without my face and now I don't seem to care anymore. This is me, take it or leave it. I really kind of feel that way sometimes. :lol: But I love makeup. I used to use powders, Pur Minerals, (I love them) too, but they get too cakey under my eyes and and lines I may have (thank you for the few lines my Botox shots get rid of). My skin has become so dry as I age. Like my Irish Grandma. So I guess I'll have to use something creamier but it has to be light. I hate feeling like I have pancake makeup on. Now I wear much less makeup than I did when I was younger. I still really like those magnetic false eyelashes. Next time I have a reason (wink,wink) I'm going to wear those. :lol: Oh I need a big new, stiff loofa too. My eyelashes are so light, all the Nordic blood I have that I really should wear mascara every day, of course, I don't. :c015: I probably need to put some color on my hair. It's been a while. My mom could do it too. Her mom did Al Capone's mom's hair! My ex hairdresser sister refuses to answer any message I leave her about doing my hair. When push comes to shove I'm glad. I am really trying to break all ties with her. I know someone else who is really good. Heaven forbid one should try to salvage a family relationship. No More, No More.
Have a great day all. Love to all. :grouphug:

Hevyn 10-01-2021 05:47 PM

Grateful for all the welcome backs. It'll take me a few days to get my groove back. :yup:
Grateful to see daylight, sort of.
Grateful for the love & concern we show each other here.
Grateful I didn't think of drinking once during the stressful parts of moving. I know now that all it does is hold us back & keep us down.
Grateful for crisp fall weather.
Love to all.

Mags1 10-01-2021 10:07 PM

Grateful for all your wonderful posts!
Grateful a Saturday morning doesn’t mean hungover anymore.
Grateful for SR, and all who reside in her! :grouphug:

Daisybelle 10-02-2021 01:33 AM

Fearless, lol, apparently Nike and Adidas ( I hope I can name them here) football boots are renowned for smelling like cat pee after a while, something to do with the glue they use. I googled and a lot of people recommended stuffing tea bags or cat litter overnight into the boots to absorb the smell. Cat litter is too messy so I bought peppermint teabags, lol. It seems to be working anyway :)

Aly, I barely wear make up any more either, some morning I don't think I even look in the mirror. Wearing a mask all the time makes it pointless to put lipstick on, so most of the time I'm bare faced. I've gone lazy with myself, I need to make more of an effort.

Grateful to wake up sober and well this morning.
Grateful to have slept well.
Grateful that I was the only one up in the house for a couple of hours.
Grateful for my kitties.
Grateful that Mr D.B is home today.
Grateful for morning coffee.
Grateful for my tumble dryer.
Grateful for you all. xx

Numblady 10-02-2021 04:29 AM

Grateful to find a post of Palmer’s from a couple days ago that mentions overthinking. I have been thinking a lot lately about how sometimes the people who complain about overthinking really kind of underthink things. The nuance, the steps from point A to point B, the potential pitfalls, etc. I am done with feeling bad for overthinking. In some ways, it’s part of my job as a lawyer. Ok, rant over … for now.
Grateful Aly is setting boundaries with hairdresser/family. Sounds rough. But how cool about your mom doing Al Capone’s mom’s hair.
Grateful to have passed one very major milestone in our huge project.
Grateful the forecast looks pretty good for the women’s march.
Grateful Fearless is also learning about phishing. We don’t actually have an IT department, and I’ve grown increasingly worried about potential vulnerabilities. But of course have no technical skills to address. Hopefully our CEO will approve some consultant expenses (pretty pricey). I even had a dream that someone was working on my computer and THEY opened a spoof email. And I was like, there goes our whole business.
Grateful we don’t have major plans on the agenda this weekend. Too much hustle and bustle even for me lately.
Grateful for a wonderful day yesterday. Even though I had a brutal headache I guess from staying up until midnight the night before for the big deadline, I did meet my old friends for coffee. It was very soul nourishing. Then, came home for a bit and worked a tiny amount and rode my e-bike to meet my boss and colleague for lunch. We sat outside. the weather was beautiful. And later I took a small nap. Grateful I didn’t try to get all the work done I probably needed to because I physically need a break. Grateful we went to our friends’ house for dinner. I kind of really wanted to drink and just feel some tuning-out of the stress but of course it passed, and I had a really nice time. They are normies, though of course husband drank a whole lot.
Grateful to have the presence and support of this group.
Grateful to be sober.

Alysheba 10-02-2021 07:43 AM

Grateful for all of you and your kindness. Daisy, how wonderful to see you and of course our dear Hev. I'm hoping the unpacking and getting settled is going well. So grateful to see you two again.
Grateful for a message from my friend StellaBlu. I have not heard from her for a while and it was great to hear from her.
Sending prayers and love to our dear Least. :hug:
Have a great day all. :grouphug:

Fearlessat50 10-02-2021 07:44 AM

Grateful for Aly’s ruminations about makeup 😊
Grateful Hev didn’t think about drinking once during that stressful move
Numblady, I could not agree more as far as the over/underthinking. I am an over thinker too. But this is not always bad. It’s often given a bad rap. My job requires I keep both the big picture and the details in mind. I have to balance what details are important. Learning this comes with experience. Some under-thinkers miss this balance and the details
Least, thinking of you and hoping you are doing ok
Grateful to be going for a run soon
Grateful for Sanjay Gupta’s book on staying sharp
Grateful sonny boy has karate today
Grateful to be going to the beach with friends and enjoying BBQ at their campsite later

CBS62 10-02-2021 08:52 AM

I listed my grats and forgot to submit. So here goes again....

Grateful for:

My sobriety.
The Benzo Buddies site. It is similar to this one for people giving up Benzos. There are a lot of people over there with similar PAWS symptoms to mine. I did take prescribed Benzos over the years occasionally. In early Sobriety I was prescribed Librium and Ativan for withdrawal. Now I regret taking it.
Seeing my granddaughter this afternoon.
Decent sleep last night.
Another pretty day, though we need rain.
SR and all of you.

Birkie 10-02-2021 09:30 AM

Grateful for another day.
Grateful for being able to sleep in and wake up feeling good.
Grateful for a chance to reflect and recognize all the relationships I've been blessed with.

Hevyn 10-02-2021 05:24 PM

I am definitely an over-thinker too. Sometimes it pays off. I wish I wouldn't reach back in time to overthink occurrences of the past, though. That helps no one.
Hiya, Birkie - what a pretty avatar. :)
Aly - always great to see you, too. :hug:
Grateful the pile of stuff to put away grows smaller.
Grateful for sugar free ice cream (yet the calories remain :irked:).
Grateful for new places to shop & a zoo nearby.
Grateful for autumn.

Mags1 10-02-2021 11:16 PM

Grateful for a sober Sunday morning
Grateful for peace of mind
Grateful for my cuppa coffee.
Grateful for all of you and your meaningful Grats. :grouphug:

FBL 10-03-2021 04:05 AM

Grateful to remember Rusty Zipper with a special Al Lewis Halloween avi.

Grateful for the extra warm fall weather lately.

Grateful for another day sober.

Numblady 10-03-2021 06:07 AM

Grateful to see Birkie.
Grateful FBL is honoring dear RZ with avi.
Grateful I slept quite late. Not really conducive to the early workout I was theoretically going to do. But oh well.
Grateful we have a friend coming over today and I’m using it as an excuse to pretend it’s dumpling day today instead of last Sunday. :)
Grateful to have gone to the rally yesterday. The dance group had coordinated shirts and hats. It was powerful seeing a group of young ladies like them showing up and out (also they had a video that went kind of viral earlier this fall so lots of photo ops from people attending). Heard some kind of boring trite speakers and some really powerful speakers. Some of the most powerful words were from the people 19 and under. There was a 12 year old with oratory skills that far surpass most adults. Super inspiring.
Grateful I could take my son to the coop grocery store last night. He’s still a vegetarian so wanted to show him some of the things they had. I am grateful not only for the store and the trip but that I had the ability to drive after Saturday night dinner.
Grateful I bought myself a nice Klean Kanteen water bottle. I keep buying nice bottles for the kids but finally let myself get one!
Grateful I haven’t looked at work email once this weekend (though I may not be grateful when I do finally open it!).
Grateful for validation and support here.
Grateful for sober sleep, even if I’m not feeling 100% physically for some reason.

CBS62 10-03-2021 06:49 AM

Welcome Birkie.
Least I hope you get some relief at the doctor tomorrow. I am so sorry you are feeling so much pain.

Grateful for:

A wonderful time babysitting my granddaughter last night.
My sobriety.
Rain is coming this week.
Sober Sunday.
SR and all the grat packers.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 07:40 PM.