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Astro 12-17-2020 05:17 AM

Fearless, it makes me really happy to hear you speak so well of your father. My brothers don't have too many good things to say about our Dad, and he was somewhat estranged after our Mom passed away in the late 90's, almost a hermit. I still have so many good memories though, and was really pleased to see so many show up to his memorial service. I hope you find these days comforting, and that in time all your dreams will be good memories of him.

I did wrap up the job! Well for now until they have more for me to do, so I collected a nice paycheck and move on to the next one this afternoon, just a quick kitchen faucet replacement. Grateful to get these jobs accomplished so I can finish my Christmas shopping.

least 12-17-2020 01:11 PM

Grateful to see the dog-lump under the blanket when I woke up that was Billie. :) Grateful to wake up next to her every day. :)

Grateful to have the trash and recycle carts ready to put out to the curb when bro comes after work.

Daisybelle 12-17-2020 04:58 PM

Aly and don't forget you have a friend here over the water. xx

Grateful to be alive and sober.
Grateful to post on this thread.
Grateful to be indoors sat by the fire, listening to the rain and the wind, it's wild out there tonight.
Grateful that my little Lulu cat is indoors.
Grateful that I've washed my hair tonight, rather than leaving it till morning.
Grateful g.son had a class Christmas party this afternoon and grateful he enjoyed it, a little bit of normality.
Grateful for a phone call from my daughter.
Grateful Least has such a kind brother.
Grateful that Bekind's dad put the stamps on the envelopes.
Grateful for Fearless's fortitude.
Grateful Autumntree has an interview with V.A. Good luck, I shall have everything crossed for you.
Grateful for Astro's honest and down to earth posts.
Grateful for each and everyone of you. xxx

Daisybelle 12-17-2020 05:00 PM

Whoops, I missed a whole page of grats and now I'm too tired to continue.

Goodnight and lots of love to all of

Caramel 12-17-2020 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Daisybelle (Post 7558792)
Whoops, I missed a whole page of grats and now I'm too tired to continue.

Goodnight and lots of love to all of

Don't worry, Daisy - I feel the thread works best if each post stands alone, without gratitudes about everyone else's gratitudes :)

Grateful for my forebears.

Bekindalways 12-17-2020 05:24 PM

Good evening

I'm grateful for

getting lots of sleep today
talking to my brother and sister

AutumnTree 12-17-2020 07:29 PM

DB I also feel grateful that my cat is inside tonight. :)
grateful to have the opportunity to help a friend today. Grateful for a nice nap. Grateful for a general feeling of calm lately... It's not my norm and it's nice. Grateful for you all. Good night!

Fearlessat50 12-17-2020 09:09 PM

AutumnTree, yes the meeting did go well. I’m glad I shared about my Dads passing and could be there to support others wherever they are in this journey
Astro, I’m glad you have good memories of your Dad though I’m sorry your brothers didn’t. Having these good feelings really helps to bring peaceful closure
Grateful for a team zoom holiday party. Grateful there were other nondrinkers besides me
Grateful sonny boy tried a ham and cheese sandwich today and loved it. I know it sounds so basic but he is so picky. He’s getting better though
Grateful to catch up with a good friend

Astro 12-18-2020 05:06 AM

Grateful that I wrapped up my side jobs for a bit and have some time to finish my Christmas shopping. Grateful I was able to complete an extra task after I got done replacing a faucet for a client yesterday, they were really happy with my work.
Grateful that we're going to visit friends tomorrow who just arrived from WA to live in AZ.
Grateful that I'll get to spend some time with my lovely bride on our short road trip tomorrow.

Fearlessat50 12-18-2020 05:49 PM

Grateful Astro has finished up some work and gets to go on a road trip
Aly, I hope you are ok. Thinking of you
Grateful for my little space heater which arrived today. It is small but super powerful and I love it
Grateful for Amazon and all online stores and all the employees working their tails off.
Grateful for healthcare workers and first responders too
Grateful for a good meeting with the boss, and some good feedback on a project
Grateful to go with Mr F to pick up sonny boy from school.
Grateful for dim sum for dinner, courtesy of Trader Joe’s
Grateful I’m going to make the best of the regional lock down and go for a hike tomorrow in the beautiful weather. I get to go hiking with a friend across the bay on Sunday too
Grateful for all the natural beauty surrounding where I live
Grateful for the attitude of gratitude and how one small daily dose of it can make a huge difference in lifting us up

least 12-18-2020 07:28 PM

Grateful that Sonny Boy is trying new foods. :) I had one picky eater out of my four, and it was hard finding stuff she would eat willingly.

Grateful that Astro gets to take a little trip with his beloved. :)

Grateful beyond words to get my pkg today, after a week of waiting. Billie's two new baby blankies to replace her old raggedy blankie. :) She loved them both and now, can lie on one and be covered with the other. :) I am so tickled that she likes them and is enjoying them like she did with her old blankie. The old blankie belonged to one of my girls as a baby, then I gave it to our beagirl Riley to cover her when she was cold. It had been folded on a shelf in the den til one day Billie noticed it and indicated she was interested in it. I spread it out on the floor and she started pawing at it and then laid down on it. :) It's been over 5 yrs since she found Riley's blankie and it's had a lot of pawing. :)

Grateful for the little things in life that give me joy. :)

Astro 12-19-2020 05:55 AM

I'm sure Billie loves those blankets least!

Fearless, your outdoor excursions sound wonderful, I'm looking forward to a little desert trip today.

Grateful that I wrapped up my Christmas shopping yesterday and got all my gifts done.
Grateful that I'm not working today, I have a long shift at the stadium tomorrow.
Grateful for sober mornings at my laptop. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy my morning coffee? :D

AutumnTree 12-19-2020 10:44 AM

I'm grateful for my sobriety. It means that if I spend a Saturday lazing on the couch it's my choice, not because of a hangover!
I'm so so grateful that my former hospice colleagues got vaccinated this week - they have to go into patients' homes - hospice just doesn't work remotely! I'm grateful for all of the scientists who made the vaccine and the front line workers who are transporting it all over the country in the midst of a Christmas rush.
Grateful to video chat with my nephew this morning and that he's learning to say my name.
Have a beautiful Saturday my friends in the computer!

least 12-19-2020 06:19 PM

:) Here she is, lying on one and covered with the other. :) I am so grateful I am sober to take good care of her. :)

AutumnTree 12-19-2020 06:29 PM

Sweet girl Billie!!!

Bekindalways 12-19-2020 06:45 PM

Good evening all.

Autumn, I hadn't heard about hospice workers being at the front of the line for covid. I'm so relieved to hear this. I have thought that if my Dad got covid, I would just keep him home as I would rather he die here with me than in a hospital. I have vaguely wondered what hospice does in such a situation . . . . irk . . . I'm sorry this is a bit morbid but caring for an 85 year old during this pandemic makes me think this way. I assure you all that plan A is to stay isolated enough that he doesn't catch the virus!

I'm grateful for how good dinner tasted tonight.

Fearlessat50 12-19-2020 10:12 PM

AutumnTree, I hear you on the Sat mornings.
I’m glad the hospice workers are first in line for vaccination. Bekind, my dad was on hospice and the whole team, whether it was the nurse, social worker or chaplain, all visited regularly at the memory care place and were in full protective gear, which as we know isn’t always full proof. I think some assisted living places might be more restrictive, maybe even with hospice. The first place my dad had been at was like that. It was awful. He was so alone.
The hospice staff were so caring. But I knew in my Dads state of mind, the masks and face shields frightened or confused him. Once he didn’t recognize his nurse and he asked her “are you part of the resistance?” The nurse and I got a good laugh about that one. It’s wonderful you are there caring for your dad.
Least, Billie melts my heart. So glad she likes her blankies.
Grateful for the silliness of my cogs. They love their blankets too. Daisy sometimes sleeps on Mr F’s chest. Lol
Grateful to watch the Croods tonight with the boys
Grateful for a fun time and catching up with a friend
Grateful for our family in the computer

least 12-19-2020 10:49 PM

Grateful for Fearless's lovely cogs. :)

Grateful that Billie adapts to my odd schedule of staying up late and then sleeping late. She doesn't care, just as long as she's with me. :hug:

Astro 12-20-2020 02:39 AM

Grateful to take a short road trip to visit some friends who moved to AZ.
Grateful to work alongside a great furniture moving crew, they were a friendly bunch.
Grateful to repair a sofa and hang a TV for our friends.
Grateful we all got to enjoy a delicious cowboy steak dinner afterwards.

AutumnTree 12-20-2020 05:35 PM

Astro you sure stay busy, don't you?!? How wonderful! I love friends that are handy!
Fearless that made me laugh... The truth is I sometimes feel like part of the resistance lol. And BKA, I'd keep my dad home if that happened too. Hospice will come to you!
Grateful to get some little spike/spring things for my shoes to allow me to run in the snow and ice. Grateful to have delicious italian food from a local spot today. Grateful to have two interviews with the VA this week... Really hoping to get an offer. Grateful for all of you! Thinking of you, Aly!

Bekindalways 12-20-2020 07:22 PM

Good evening all,

I managed to work today on an important project that I have put off for two years. I get so energized when I jump in and do something rather than avoid it. Today a phone call and then a zoom meeting with my siblings made the afternoon fly. I was so jazzed up about the project. I'm also working on the idea that this effort might not produce what I want and that doesn't matter; just making the effort is enough . . . . "do the foot work and leave the rest to God" . . . . .for all of this I am grateful.

Fearlessat50 12-20-2020 08:19 PM

Astro, glad you are enjoying road trips and time with friends
AutumnTree, I will be thinking of you as you interview this week. Sending good vibes that you get an offer. The VA is a good place to work, I hear
Bekind, it’s nice you could work on a project. Plus a zoom meeting with your siblings
Grateful to see a close friend today. We went for a long bike ride then had lunch downtown. We thought it was ok that we sat outside socially distanced on a park bench to eat our lunch. But no, we were told to leave. Grateful we didn’t get a ticket! Grateful we were about finished eating our lunch when this happened. Grateful things won’t be as quite as restrictive next week when I go to TX. Crazy how different things are all around the world
Grateful to share tears and laughter over all the losses and events of this year. I am also glad I could be there for my friend when she had to put her beloved dog to sleep. The dog was 18 years old and she knew this was coming. Just didn’t think it would be today. You can never be prepared for loss no matter how much you think you are prepared.
Grateful for friendship, honest people, and kindness ❤️

Dee74 12-21-2020 01:13 AM

New thread time -please join us here :)


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