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NewChapterJan18 05-20-2020 06:41 AM

Grateful for SR and the lovely people here. It gives such comfort to know that this place is always here for inspiration, support and kindness :grouphug:
Grateful I'll get to see my horse this evening.
Grateful for the lovely sunshine today.
Grateful for the slice of chocolate cake I had with my lunch, even though the scales tomorrow won't be!

Grateful PS submitted a lingering deliverable - well done! I'm so happy that you are enjoying your new job. Happy also to hear about your elder son's motivation spike, long may it continue.
Grateful NL's daughter got to splash some cash on some plushies! LOL So grateful that your camping trip will be going ahead also, how wonderful!
Grateful for Sunpengwn's lovely descriptions of pre-dawn rising and walks.
Grateful Least and Billie missed the rain!
Grateful for you, dear Aly :grouphug:
Grateful RZ got some paperwork done, always a relief. Breakfast sounds good!
Grateful Hev bought some nice flowers for the balcony - flowers do wonders for the mood! We have some yellow roses on our kitchen table at the moment and they make me smile every time I see them.
Grateful for Courage.
Grateful Abraxas is here with us and discovering the real you, a true gift of sobriety.
Grateful to see Daisy, sending hugs :grouhug: I love that you are making clothes for your grand daughter's LOL dolls, how sweet.
Grateful Mags is enjoying fish and chips. Grateful for you, too, friend!
Grateful for FBL.
Grateful Buttermarsh has checked in - enjoy being snuggled up!

Take care all :grouphug:

sunpengwn 05-20-2020 07:51 AM

Grateful for the sunrise and walks along the beach....
Grateful for Peace of mind during my walk...
Grateful for the Serenity Prayer...
Grateful for just being here....
Grateful for knowing I am only Human...

Hevyn 05-20-2020 02:43 PM

Magsie - I'm so jealous of your fish & chips. :yup:
Numb - How great that the camping thing is going to work out. :)
Daisy - How big are the dolls? School uniforms out of socks - good grief.
PS - Thanks for the reminder that there are silver linings - easy to forget.
Grateful for Zip having an appetite & eating a bit. :hug:
Grateful for a sweet, sunny day.
Grateful for all the great shopping in our new area.
Grateful to be one day closer to some sort of normalcy.

courage2 05-20-2020 09:11 PM

Grateful for no morning zoom

abraxas69 05-20-2020 11:56 PM

Grateful to be here.
Grateful to start another day sober.
Grateful for the motivation I'm starting to rediscover.
Grateful for being truly grateful.

Mags1 05-21-2020 01:30 AM

Grateful it’s not raining so Mr. Mags can cut the grass.
Grateful NCJan shares her horse stories with us.
Grateful for all of you. :danse1b:

NewChapterJan18 05-21-2020 02:25 AM

Morning lovely gratters!
Grateful for the beautiful sunshine and clear blue skies outside my window, a balm for the soul.
Grateful that I got up early and went for a 5km run this morning (something I haven't done since this pandemic / restrictions kicked off 2 months ago).
Grateful to have a plan.
Grateful to have enjoyed a wonderful riding session with my sweet horse last night, he was so good.
Grateful for my home and my loving husband.
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful for all of you! :grouphug:

Grateful for Sunpengwn's descriptions of sunrise beach walks. I grew up by the beach and I miss it so much.
Grateful Hev gets to avail of good shopping options in the new locale.
Grateful Courage had a Zoom free morning!
Grateful Abraxas is finding motivation - we're so happy that you are here with us.
Grateful for Mags dancing emoji that made me LOL! Grateful also that Mr. Mags got to cut the grass. I'm so happy you enjoy / don't mind me sharing my horse stories here, I am a little obsessed with my sweet boy I must admit so I am glad it isn't irritating! Thank you for being so kind :grouphug:

Hugs and light to all :grouphug:

FBL 05-21-2020 03:43 AM

Grateful that my Mom is celebrating her 83rd Birthday today!

Grateful for another day sober.

PalmerSage 05-21-2020 04:35 AM

Grateful for coffee!
Grateful that my older son had a great evening with my husband last night.
Grateful for a decent night's sleep.
Grateful to be free of my previous job.
Grateful that my family remains healthy and financial secure.
Grateful that my stubborn dog allowed me to bathe her yesterday!
Grateful for technology and the internet.
Grateful to have time for quiet reflection in the morning (enjoying it while it lasts!)
Grateful to be sober, and for everyone on SR. :)

Numblady 05-21-2020 05:15 AM

Grateful FBL’s mom is celebrating her birthday!
Grateful RZ was able to eat some breakfast.
Grateful for my ridiculous big cat who is currently trying to eat our bedspread. Ok maybe not eat but he chews on it like crazy. Glad we don’t have nice things!
Grateful our house is very lived-in and I’ve just given up on our floors. So it doesn’t bother me hardly when people spill stuff!
Grateful for a few moments to post.
grateful for all of you!!

sunpengwn 05-21-2020 06:27 AM

Grateful for the fog this morning...
Grateful for my coffee I am to go get after my posting...
Grateful for today...
Grateful for SR..
Grateful for the quietness...
Grateful for walks in the fog along the beach...
Grateful for my siamese cat who is almost 18yrs old...
Grateful for my tan Husky who is such a teddy bear...and about 6 yrs old.....
Grateful for all of you today...
Grateful for all the catus plants that are in bloom right now...

ardy 05-21-2020 06:39 AM

Good morning God hope you are well up there....
have heard China is now on to a second wave..... can't they just wave their hand from
so far away... I went past our state fair grounds today May 21 2020... so silent dark
and with so many State Patrol in cars around the grounds.. God we really did have such
fun so long ago didn't we.. please God.. help a Lady Clown with so many tears...

Rusty Zipper 05-21-2020 09:39 AM

happy birthday mrs fbl!

grateful for a coupla flapjacks this morning

Fearlessat50 05-21-2020 11:40 AM

Grateful for my fake tan. Loving Jergens body glow stuff
Grateful to see Ardy. It’s been a long while and hope you are well, friend
Grateful abraxas has joined
Grateful Hev is enjoying the new shopping area
Grateful for Aly. Hope you are hanging in there love
Grateful for Mags fish and chips. I think I’ll have to order some take out at the pub! Without the beer of course
Grateful RZ mention of perseverance
Grafteful for Sunpeng, Daisy and NL’s discussion of nature and beauty. I have been up early too and hearing birds singing earlier and more fervently than ever. Perhaps less air pollution is causing this wonderful effect
Grateful NL’s son got through the math test
Grateful NCJ had a party for hubby

Grateful to spend much time here after a few days of missing out. Have not been feeling well. Plus the days are still blurring together. I pour myself into all sorts of extra projects at work and around the house and trying to control everything and be productive because underneath it all I am anxious and fearful. Grateful to stop and pause, recognize what I’m doing and how it is hurting me, and spend some time relaxing and meditating.
Grateful for a good session with therapist
Grateful to order self help books on the role of shame, guilt from my past and how it creates anxiety, perfectionism and contributed to my past alcoholism. Grateful for insight and awareness
Grateful for my t-shirt that arrived that says Heavily meditated
Grateful for some other mail order packages for things I don’t need like blouses from Venus catalogue. Lol. I have no where to wear them at the moment
Grateful To stop the online shopping and save money. Day five of no purchases!
Grateful my article for work got published
Grateful to think about integrity and authenticity and there’s many political games I don’t have to be a part in at work if I don’t want to.
Grateful for gradual reopening across the country. Slower progress is being made in my small county but progress nonetheless
Grateful to plan a trip to visit a far away girlfriend for a small outside gathering this weekend, even though I know I probably shouldn’t. Grateful to plan another get together so sonny boy can go for a bike ride with his BFF. Will be his first face to face encounter since mid March
Grateful I did not receive a call in the middle of the night last night that my dad fell again. He’s fallen three times since his move but is ok and settling in
Grateful for a supportive manager at the mortgage lender office who is giving me assurance that despite delays it will all work out
Grateful for each of you and for always being here

courage2 05-21-2020 11:58 AM

Very grateful for the uptick in Rusty's eating, and that FBL's mom is having a birthday! :)

Grateful for the people who were ahead of me in sobriety who gave me tools I will use today.

Hevyn 05-21-2020 02:55 PM

NewChapter - I love hearing about your horse. I've never had an opportunity to be around them much, but sure would love to.
Happy 83rd to Mama FBL :yup:
Fearless - I hope you begin to feel better. Strange days indeed.
Zip - Hurray for flapjacks - great choice. :)
Ardy - Grateful to see you.
Grateful for bright sun, flowers, birdsong - all the stuff of Spring.
Grateful to have lost a couple lbs. 20 to go. ;)
Grateful to hear about all your pets. :)

Austerities 05-21-2020 10:08 PM

Grateful for bright sunshine, clean water and clear air.

Mags1 05-21-2020 10:51 PM

Grateful for all our pets and the comfort and love they bestow on us. ❤️
Grateful for all of you and your daily life stories. ❤️
Grateful for sober days, I can’t believe how I am to be sober, never ever thought it would happen. :)

abraxas69 05-21-2020 11:42 PM

Grateful for being sober.
Grateful it's not going to be so hot today.
Grateful for my wonderful children.
Grateful to know (and understand) that Rome wasn't built in a day.
Grateful for the morning coffee.

FBL 05-22-2020 04:09 AM

Grateful for another day sober.

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