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nova84 06-04-2017 02:13 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober and that it has been a much more pleasant day than the one I experienced 7 days ago. However I am grateful for last Sunday as it was one of the reasons that I decided to make positive change and embrace sobriety...without It, and all the experiences
which came before I would not be at this point...It and they were gifts 💜

Opivotal 06-04-2017 04:19 PM

Keep up the great work, Nova. :)

Congratulations on 7 days!

nova84 06-05-2017 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by Opivotal (Post 6485674)
Keep up the great work, Nova. :)

Congratulations on 7 days!

Thank you Opivotal x

nova84 06-05-2017 02:15 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober. I am immensely grateful to my psychotherapist for the last 2 years of was my final session. I am truly grateful for the opportunity therapy provided to work through traumatic past experiences, to heal and then to create a life which serves me 💜

nova84 06-06-2017 02:17 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober. I am grateful to my husband for cooking me a delicious meal tonight. I am grateful to my sobriety mentor for his text and offer of a check-in phone call (an offer I took up) 💜

nova84 06-07-2017 01:51 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜

I am grateful yet again to my husband for cooking dinner for the second night in a row!!! 💕

I am grateful to my gym class buddy who encourages me every Wednesday to make it to our HIIT class 🏋🏋🏋

nova84 06-08-2017 02:16 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜

For the 3rd time this week I am grateful to my husband for cooking dinner (nova84 falls off chair in shock) 💕

I am grateful that my working week has finished and that I have a long weekend which I am kicking off with a relaxing spa day tomorrow courtesy of my husband (my birthday present)...and another 💕

nova84 06-09-2017 02:57 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜

I am grateful for the pampering I received during today's spa day and I feel rejuvenated and revived 💆

I am grateful for today's action steps...very thought provoking 🤔

I am grateful to my sobriety 'mentor' for his emails, articles and tools 📨📩

I am grateful it's the weekend 🎉🎉🎉

nova84 06-10-2017 03:33 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for the two naps I took today...boy have I felt tired!!!! I am grateful that I am wanting to care for myself better...even small things like moisturising. I am grateful for SR, my 30 Day online sobriety programme and my sobriety mentor.

nova84 06-11-2017 12:28 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for the Christmas cruise my husband and I have booked for the end of the year. I am grateful for feeling fresh and clean having had a shower, washed my hair, moisturised and gotten into clean pj's ready for bed 😴

nova84 06-12-2017 02:18 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I got home early from work and had the evening to myself (no disrespect to my husband 😉). I am grateful for the compliments I have received recently about 'looking well'...could it be a coincidence that I haven't consumed alcohol for 2 weeks...I think not 😊

nova84 06-13-2017 02:23 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful to SR for the opportunities to support and encourage others and receive the same in kind. I am grateful for a clean and tidy home thanks to our weekly cleaning service...theres nothing better than walking through the door from work on a Tuesday 😊

nova84 06-14-2017 01:38 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for today's positive action steps. I am grateful to my husband for cooking a delicious meal. I am grateful that I woke up on time for work despite forgetting to set my alarm!!! I am grateful for the opportunity I had today to reflect on my professional practice.

nova84 06-15-2017 02:46 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for my 'lucky escape' and for the difficult lessons I have learnt from the experience. I am grateful that I was able to have my nails done (a little pampering is always something to be grateful for 😊 ).

nova84 06-16-2017 02:55 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that it is Friday 🎉🎉🎉

nova84 06-17-2017 03:00 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I woke up early this morning with energy and purpose. I am grateful for cool baths and has been hot hot hot today 🌞🌞🌞

nova84 06-18-2017 02:19 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for the time I spent relaxing in the park today, sitting in the shade reading and eating a picnic.

nova84 06-19-2017 03:17 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for air-conditioning in my car 🌞🌞🌞 I am grateful to my husband for doing the mountain of washing up. I am grateful that I have 2 days off work and that I have enjoyable things planned and which do not involve alcohol.

nova84 06-20-2017 01:11 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I acted in accordance with my core values and beliefs by remaining sober during a family day out where others were drinking alcohol. I am grateful for the shady roof top garden and the views of the city. I am grateful to my husband for coming to meet me after he finished work so that we could travel home together.

nova84 06-21-2017 02:40 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for a productive, reflective and positive day with my sobriety mentor...lots of walking, talking, iced coffees and meals.

nova84 06-22-2017 02:52 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for good friends.

nova84 06-23-2017 03:13 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that it is Friday and that I have a 3 day weekend 🎉🎉🎉 I am grateful to my husband for cooking dinner whilst I had a relaxing bath.

Opivotal 06-23-2017 04:11 PM

I'm so happy for you, Nova.

Great job on your sobriety! :You_Rock_

nova84 06-25-2017 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Opivotal (Post 6509841)
I'm so happy for you, Nova.

Great job on your sobriety! :You_Rock_

Ah thanks opivotal 😊 xxx

nova84 06-25-2017 02:28 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I was able to drive to the McDonalds drive thru on a Sunday evening because I hadn't been drinking 🍔🍟 I am grateful that my husband and I have started trying for a baby!!!! I am grateful that I was able to go for a run yesterday after slacking for too many weeks!

nova84 06-26-2017 01:06 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I was able to dedicate the whole day to completing a massive chunk of my promotion application paperwork (it is a mammoth document...35 pages!!!!) I am grateful to my husband for comforting me last night after a horrible dream...even if he did find the details of my nightmare funny!!!!

nova84 06-27-2017 02:01 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful for the rain and cool evening after the recent warm weather. I am grateful for the tickets I have been able to purchase for a comedienne I've wanted to see.

nova84 06-28-2017 12:45 PM

Today I am grateful that I am sober 💜 I am grateful that I can have an early night. I am grateful to my husband for cooking dinner. I am grateful for clean, freshly washed clothes.

Quit290117 06-28-2017 03:05 PM

Today I am grateful that I have not had a drink in 11 days.
I am grateful that I have a job.
I am grateful that I have a brilliant wife and I am grateful for my daughter who gave me a big hug and kiss before bed and told me she loved me. I am grateful for finding sober recovery.

nova84 06-29-2017 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Quit290117 (Post 6516689)
Today I am grateful that I have not had a drink in 11 days.
I am grateful that I have a job.
I am grateful that I have a brilliant wife and I am grateful for my daughter who gave me a big hug and kiss before bed and told me she loved me. I am grateful for finding sober recovery.

Congratulations on 11 days Quit 👍 wishing you well on the rest of your recovery journey x

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