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dancook99 08-17-2016 05:43 AM

Grateful for:

hundredth post
restraint with food, knowing when to stop and its never too late to throw it away
i am allowed to earn a bit more money

dancook99 08-18-2016 02:28 AM

greatful for
my fan
lying on the floor
my tv
bohemian night
barefoot walking
brother and I are on better terms
physio is going well
got a referral to cbt
things are much better than 8 months ago

Opivotal 08-18-2016 04:44 AM

Happy to hear things are getting better, Dan. :)

dancook99 08-19-2016 02:02 PM

I am grateful for

peace and quiet in park
waking and sleeping routines
playing playstation for an hour today
i am getting more organised
knowing things will continue to get better if i keep it up

dancook99 08-20-2016 12:52 AM

Grateful for:

waking at 8am
coffee with luke today
maija finished her piano parts
gigs are stacking up at last
i overcame some nostalgia about drinking last night. I "played the tape through"
"all you need is love!"

dancook99 08-22-2016 03:04 AM

today i am grateful for going to park for a tea, achieving little things, that i was sociable on saturday night, that i am coming back to life again.

dancook99 08-22-2016 06:32 AM

i am grateful i understand more about pain than i did yesterday

dancook99 08-22-2016 06:32 AM

grateful that my brother takes initiative when there is a problem

dancook99 08-24-2016 12:09 PM

grateful i dont critisise myself anymore, im a good person and dont deserve it

Opivotal 08-24-2016 12:18 PM

That's a "big" one dan!

We're pretty hard on ourselves, nice to see you're being kinder to yourself. :)

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:42 AM

yep for every percieved fault there are tens of things that we do that amend for it, but the negative bias ignores that

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:43 AM

Glad that I opened my post this morning

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:44 AM

Grateful to be able to have a clearout of junk

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:45 AM

Grateful to have restarted swimming, and at a gentle pace

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:46 AM

Grateful to be rid of the weights, i never enjoyed doing them

dancook99 08-25-2016 02:47 AM

Grateful i can make some money selling unwanted cds dvds and books

dancook99 08-30-2016 07:27 AM

Grateful i guessed my password first time
the good weather drying my clothes out
having curry with friend tonight
playing doom with brother
xbox 360 is ready to go
room is being tidied
for a couple of nice conversations in pub
i was able to listen to a friend express her problems
phone calls to rachel

dancook99 08-30-2016 07:33 AM

grateful i didnt miss my physio appointment twice when i thought i had!

dancook99 08-30-2016 07:33 AM

grateful my reckless days are over and i survived. i wish others to have the same luck i did

dancook99 08-30-2016 07:36 AM

grateful to be able to relax, cut out over stimulation from my life. To refresh my tired mind.

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