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courage2 09-29-2014 04:29 AM

Grateful that I got up early to go to the Bronx and saw the sunrise.
Grateful for the gift last night of knowing it was time to listen.

grtgrandpa 09-29-2014 06:16 AM

a power greater than us restored us to sanity
A sponsee in Florida told me this morning that Sandy B. passed away sober in an AA meeting in Tampa last night.

He would have 50 years in recovery on Dec. 7, 2014. He was a fellow marine.

He was an in demand speaker and coined the drop the rock blurb in his talk in California in 1976.

He tried to 12th step me when I was drunk at a party in the mid 70s, and hugged me later in 86 when I stopped drinking alcohol.

My eyes are wet right now as I see him surrounded by all of our friends in Paradise. :bible

Cecilia44 09-29-2014 06:35 AM

Grateful today for a good night sleep last night.

Grateful that there are AAers out there with 50 years sobriety and that grtgrandpa got to know him.

Grateful for another lovely fall day here.

Grateful for my work.

Alysheba 09-29-2014 07:33 AM

Grateful the headache I woke with isn't from a hangover!

Grateful to see my therapist today. Grateful I have her.

Faith001 09-29-2014 12:43 PM

Always grateful for the wonderful community of SR, and especially the Grat pack.

Grateful for my children, by each of them following their truly unique & out of the ordinary paths, are teaching me so many things I wouldn't have otherwise learned. They're both fiercely independent; I know I'll always be important to them, but I'm learning to stay in the background & not give my opinion or advice unless asked for.

Grateful at this point in my life I'm realizing what a classic co-dependent I've been from childhood. I've let people treat me badly all my life, & have recently in this last year taken great steps to change that. Although extremely painful at times, I've let go of so many relationships that weren't working for me & put in place boundaries with the people who are still in my life. I know now I deserve to be treated well.

HeadLump 09-29-2014 01:55 PM

((((((grtgrandpa)))))) Huge, huge HeadLump hugs for you, my friend xxx

Soberpotamus 09-29-2014 02:07 PM

Grateful today for my home, health, family and the peace that is beginning to surround me.

Marcher13 09-29-2014 04:27 PM

Grateful that grtgrandpa had Sandy B in his life and that he carries on Sandy's good work.
Grateful for spring and warmth.
Grateful for every single sober day.

freein14 09-29-2014 10:42 PM

((((((Grtgrandpa))))))), Grateful for all those who have inspired others with their lives.

Grateful that today I will approach my work in a more positive light. Changing my thoughts about it should help to change my feelings about it.

grtgrandpa 09-30-2014 01:52 AM

Grateful that I have dropped some of my rocks, and that I belong and fit in here. :grouphug:

Gilmer 09-30-2014 02:49 AM

Grateful just to be alive. Had a near-miss on the road yesterday.

GentleSoul 09-30-2014 03:51 AM

Grateful for my sweet husband who is making me breakfast.

EternalQ 09-30-2014 03:58 AM

Grateful for Faith's post about codependency.
Grateful Grtgpa is on this side of the rainbow bridge.

Grateful for family.

Rusty Zipper 09-30-2014 04:25 AM

glad your ok gilm

grateful for those bumps, twists, turns and detours on lifes road

Gilmer 09-30-2014 04:28 AM

Thanks, Zip!

grtgrandpa 09-30-2014 05:43 AM

unconditional love

Originally Posted by EternalQ (Post 4927368)
Grateful for Faith's post about codependency.
Grateful Grtgpa is on this side of the rainbow bridge.

Grateful for family.

Thanks ((((((EQ))))))

My black miniature poodle Inga is on the other side of the rainbow bridge waiting for me. :a122:

courage2 09-30-2014 06:08 AM

Grateful that the business in the Bronx was surprisingly pleasant.
Grateful for all my friends on SR who hold on to my sanity when it gets too heavy and I set it down.

Gladiolus 09-30-2014 06:39 AM

Grateful for the understanding that if you keep doing the "right" thing, self confidence and pride will return.

Grateful that I have a glimpse of self confidence building back in me, even a little nonchalance. :lmao

HeadLump 09-30-2014 09:34 AM

(((((Gilmer))))) Grateful you're ok :hug:

Grateful for my Zumba class this morning

Grateful that the food shopping is done

Grateful that my partner is feeling better today

Marcher13 09-30-2014 04:36 PM

Grateful that Gilmer is OK.
Grateful for a cool change overnight.
Grateful that my booze savings let me buy a beautiful silk jersey t shirt from the ethical Eileen Fisher.

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