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wellwisher 05-11-2011 06:36 PM

Grateful for the detour on the interstate that got me onto the back roads.
Grateful for lilacs, cherry trees, dogwoods, apple trees and azaleas, all blooming at peak now.
Ended up going on Rte 40, which took me through the heart of farm country.

Grateful for the beautiful area I live in and thankful to own a home - something I thought would never happen for me.

Grateful for the memory of my brother, who crossed my mind quite frequently today. Grateful the memories have turned to the happier memories instead of my last memories.

Live life to the fullest, guys, it's all too friggin' short.....

Have a good night.....

frances2011 05-11-2011 07:07 PM

Grateful for these grats.
Good night

ItWillBeWorthIt 05-11-2011 07:08 PM

Grateful to stay out of other people’s drama and not create my own by drinking.

Grateful for a peaceful day, great super, and quite family time... now some me time, reading a great book.

Have a wonderful sleep everyone!

LaFemme 05-11-2011 07:59 PM

Grateful for podcasts...I belonged to a phenomenal church a few years backk and have never found one that can come I can watch on my iPad:)

Ranger 05-11-2011 08:32 PM

Grateful to learn it's a girl, she's gloriously average, and her Mom can finally feel her dancing around.

Grateful to be sober and present for this.

AmericanGirl 05-11-2011 08:34 PM

Grateful to work with people I respect. Grateful for my sweet dog. Good night!

CarolD 05-11-2011 08:38 PM

Grateful the first of the tasty red watermelns appeared...:yup:

Not our local Ga.'s months to early but the produce man said they were from Texas.....Yummy!

Night everyone...:wave:

eddie z. 05-11-2011 08:59 PM

Super-congratulations of quitting smoking, IO!! I went through that and it sucks, but you're past the worst for sure.

And Sneezy, I relate to the stuff about your dad. Mine seems to be developing some dementia and he gets so frustrated and escalated over the littlest things these days.

CArol, MMMmmmm....watermelon!!

GRateful for a helpful sort of mini phone session with my home therapist this morning. He knows me too well to let me get away with my usual M.O., even from a great distance.

And grateful for a "successful" lunch out with the group from the treatment center today. I accepted a challenge rather than playing it safe and it turned out pretty well. VEry encouraging.

Nighty-night, folks!
Love and hugs,
Eddie :brain

Mida 05-11-2011 10:24 PM

Grateful for feeling grateful throughout the day :)

Nite all!

newby1961 05-11-2011 11:15 PM

Grateful for my homegroup tonight and the service work I get to do.

Grateful for a very late supper

Nite Nite

Astro 05-12-2011 06:27 AM

Grateful for fresh rubber on the motorcycle, a new rear tire! :wild

IO Storm 05-12-2011 12:23 PM

Grateful today to do all our laundry. Some do not have clothing. Grateful to vacuum today. Some do not have a home...just plain grateful!

Sneezy 05-12-2011 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by IO Storm (Post 2965781)
Grateful today to do all our laundry. Some do not have clothing. Grateful to vacuum today. Some do not have a home...just plain grateful!

Love this, IO - really helps me think about the ways I've been blessed :hug:

Sneezy 05-12-2011 03:46 PM

I am so so grateful tonight ....

I thought I had really screwed something up at work and I've been worried about it for weeks now. Well, today, my prayers were answered. The problem went away ... POOF! (I'll spare you the long explanation - suffice it to say, someone with power changed their mind :) )


And thank you God, so so much for looking out for me. I won't make that mistake again!

ItWillBeWorthIt 05-12-2011 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Sneezy (Post 2965976)
I am so so grateful tonight ....

I thought I had really screwed something up at work and I've been worried about it for weeks now. Well, today, my prayers were answered. The problem went away ... POOF! (I'll spare you the long explanation - suffice it to say, someone with power changed their mind :) )


And thank you God, so so much for looking out for me. I won't make that mistake again!

This is great news Sneezy... I can feel your relief in your message.

least 05-12-2011 04:25 PM

Grateful for my comfy dog-hair-covered bed.:) Grateful to live in a safe place. Grateful for good neighbors.:)

frances2011 05-12-2011 05:27 PM

Honesty time people.

I had "the talk" with the husband. Told him that my truth is that alcohol is a problem for me and that I am now a non-drinker. Not just taking a break because of training for a race. He is completely normal about alcohol. He doesn't know about my shame and how my drinking was increasing.

He said: That sounds good. Do you want me to stop drinking? Because I will if that will help you.

Oh my goodness, I am so grateful for this good man.

Sneezy 05-12-2011 05:31 PM

Admire you for laying it on the table, Frances -

and what a great response from your guy! Happy for you both!

Mida 05-12-2011 05:38 PM

Grateful for the extra good vibes on here tonight...especially that things went well for Sneeze at work and Frances with hubby

Grateful for quiet peaceful evenings with the family

Grateful for gratitude

Nite all :)

Rusty Zipper 05-12-2011 06:08 PM

good news sneeze,

and wtg fran

grateful to finally get back on the road today,

went inland, and around some lakes, oh how beautiful it was, the sun shining,

windows open, and tunes cranked.

found a few good thing taboot...

grateful for that personality change

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