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bettterlife4me 02-10-2011 07:01 AM

Good morning everyone!

Today I am grateful
  • That I have heat since it's 11 degrees below zero:c029:
  • For hot coffee and a hot shower
  • That I received my 12 step book I ordered
  • For another day of sobriety :)

CarolD 02-10-2011 07:17 AM

Yes my recovery required many changes but I still prefer
sleeping in 2 parts ...:laughing:
I usually go to bed around 3 a.m. to watch TV ..drift off to sleep.

Up again by 8...breakfast on Yogert and a nap later..
Long stretches of sleep never have suited me well.

Grateful to say I've apparently never been harmed by this weird sleeping.
Ive done it long before alcohol was involved.

Good morning everyone...:a122:

newby1961 02-10-2011 07:22 AM

Grateful that the fire whoever started in our dumpster last night didn't catch on to the bldg I live in.
Grateful I had no problem calling 911 for help
Have a tackeling Thursday:c029:

LaFemme 02-10-2011 07:34 AM

Whoa Newby...grateful you are OK!

I'm going to go read your post later AG...I have stabilized my financial woes but still need a plan to dig myself out of the hole I got myself into!

Grateul the dogs waited until 4:00 am to wake me up. Ironically I slept more (ie passed out) before, now that I sleep lightly the dogs have no qualms about waking me at all hours of the night so they can go outside and gaze at the stars...rotten buggers:)

Grateful I had a fun night out with friends last night...I had a Virgin Pina Colada which is as gross as I remembered it to I was able to enjoy the moment and not be thinking about getting home to a bottle of wine I could drink fast. Grateful I stopped at my favorite art store on the way to the dinner and had a geeky conversation about grounds and support.

AG, here is the painting and a shot of it in the studio for scale. I titled it "American Girl" because the girl in the portrait is the daughter of one of our servicemen in Afghanistan. My friend is a professional photographer and worked at an event for service members kids and she took the photo...I was struck by the intensity of her expression. I find it fascinating that people always want smiley portraits of me kids are these fascinating, complex, wild creatures and that's how they should be portrayed. OK...I'll shut up now...enjoy!



Fandy 02-10-2011 07:41 AM

yes, Chloe we must have been separated at birth..twins indeed....

when i was drinking daily, my fasting glucose and A1C levels just kept creeping up and up, no matter they are back in the VERY normal range without all those empty sugar wine calories and my energy level is much better too!

very grateful that I am acting sensibly!

Fandy 02-10-2011 07:43 AM

L eF...BEEEYOOOTIFYL!!! love it! thanks for sharing, my thanks button is not working?

Zencat 02-10-2011 08:44 AM

For my medical treatments, especially for the psych meds.
The clarity that has come with being clean/sober.

AmericanGirl 02-10-2011 10:45 AM

lafemme, what an arresting painting! lovely!

fandy, that's awesome about your mortgage payments. I'm hoping in not too long I'll be able to have a mortgage. :)

Grateful to have gotten some "deep play" in this morning Even if it means I'm behind on everything else, including getting my morning grat posted in actual morning!

Have a great day everyone!

ItWillBeWorthIt 02-10-2011 11:49 AM

Grateful to be finding ways to deal with my anxiety in a positive way. Grateful to be really looking forward to this Spring. Grateful for patience.

Rusty Zipper 02-11-2011 02:43 AM

mor'n GP


i dont know where i'm headed today,

though i do know where i aint going back to

Reubena 02-11-2011 02:48 AM

Good morning grat crew,

Grateful today the temps are getting a little warmer. Yday when I was driving the kids to school it was -1F. Extended outlook shows that by Thurs it should be in the 50s. ***** :)

Sneezy 02-11-2011 02:57 AM

Morning all :)

LaF, I love the AG painting - you are very talented!

Newby, I'm also glad you're okay!

Grateful this morning for all of my blessings - a warm home, a good job that I like and that pays the bills and a bit more, a family I love including my sweet dog, my health, hot coffee and SR in the morning :)

Have a great Friday, GP! :scoregood :grouphug: :bbj:

lyddie 02-11-2011 03:45 AM

I feel hopeful, positive and joyful this morning. And for that, I am extremely grateful.

Fandy 02-11-2011 04:07 AM

Itwillbe; I can completey identify with dealing with anxiety in a positive is a new habit i try to practice too.

grateful that i am up and prepared for my busy friday at work. i can do this....because I am sober...i have deadlines at work and am the sober, fantastic employee that was hired for my ability to do just what i am doing today....i will take the pat on the head from my deans and thanks to God that I am back in my top form for my game.

i am grateful that I did the sensible healthy decision in stopping drinking..and I did not throw away a career/salary that others would give their thumbs to have my options.

i am blessed. I am using the brains I have and I am humble because I know what alcohol did to me.

on a lighter note...I am grateful for lots of strong coffee and home-made walnut danish I bought from the church ladies and hid in my freezer last month....I am grateful that the dog spit up his water on the tile floor (not the couch) and I saw it before i slipped and fell on my buttismo.

later, guys, have a fantastic day and i'll be back later for more grats.

least 02-11-2011 05:21 AM

LaFemme, you are truly talented. Love the girl's expression, both in the photo and your painting. Love your work!:hug:

THis morning I am grateful to have slept in a bit and wasn't woken up way too early by this illness. Grateful for another sober awakening, feeling good, despite being sick.:) Grateful beyond words that sobriety is my 'normal' now.:) I love it!!:)

bettterlife4me 02-11-2011 05:57 AM

LeF - your work is incredible! Thanks for sharing.

Today I am grateful
  • Temps are supposed to warm up this weekend and melt the stinkin snow :)
  • Temps are supposed to get into the 70s next week :)
  • Boss called yesterday and told me I get a raise :)
  • Today I have 70 days of sobriety :)

least 02-11-2011 06:12 AM

Today I have 70 days of sobriety

AmericanGirl 02-11-2011 06:20 AM

Good morning!

Congratulations on your 70 days and your raise, betterlife!

Today I'm grateful that it's Friday and that means Saturday and Sunday are banging down the door. I'm grateful that I'm healthy. I'm incredibly grateful that I almost always sleep through the night now that I'm sober.

LaFemme 02-11-2011 06:43 AM

Morning all! Glad you liked my painting;)

Today I am grateful that yesterday is over and that it is Friday. I am grateful I am going to make it a short day.

I am jealous of Fandys homemade walnut Danish...I am crossing my fingers that Magnolias has lemon poppy seed muffins this morning.

Xoxo, LaFemme

Chloe03 02-11-2011 07:36 AM

Today, I'm grateful that I didn't cuss my brother out when we spoke last night! (Ever get the feeling that a person is intentionally baiting you into an argument?) :kickbutt It felt good to deal with my emotions with out flipping out.

I'm grateful that I'm sober so I don't have to subject myself to the "Cupid's Revenge" party my gf is throwing! Nobody needs a buzz kill (aka Chloe) to be there when the drinks and the tears are flowing. I'm way too happy right now to indulge in a pity fest with my single friends.

I'm grateful for the extremely vain moment I had on the bathroom scale this morning! Finally.....the last 10 extra pounds are slowing melting away. :notworthy

LaFemme: Thanks for posting the pics! :)'re one talented lady! Absolutely Amazing!!!

flutter: CONGRATS on 784 days! I've read a bunch of your posts on other threads. And just wanted you to know that you've inspired me so much. :hug:

Betterlife4me: CONGRATS on 70 days sober!!

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