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Lara 07-22-2012 05:53 AM

Liar, Liar, Range Rover on fire!!
I joined SR when ‘the love of my life’ – H - after 15 or so years of a very close friendship, which became intimate about 7 years ago – screamed at me a few weeks ago to ‘get the hell out of my life’. H became addicted to cocaine in 2007. Admitted himself into rehab in 2011 – and has been in ‘recovery’ for almost a year.
I have only been a member of SR for a few weeks but what a journey so far - a spiritual journey and a journey of truth. For the first time in so many years, the smoky veil, which I wore so tightly around my eyes, is being lifted and I can see clearly again.
I cringe when I read back on my posts. Full of lies and secrets. I realise the past 5 years with H have been a lie. Through the incredible support of SR members and the brutal sharing of truths – I woke up this morning, ready for the first time, to share my story. The real story. I did not intend to lie in my earlier threads; “We love each other unconditionally’; ’H was such an incredible support to me’; ’I am not that co-dependent’; ’I never enabled him’; ‘I have never been an addict’; ’I have always put my 4 year old first’! I was in such deep denial I could not see the truth.
Yes, when I first met H he was an incredible friend. What drew me too him, when our relationship evolved into an intimate one, was when my darling, beautiful 23 year old brother and his girlfriend were killed in a car crash in 2003. My world collapsed. Our dad had only died a year before (Dad was an alcoholic) and I believed things couldn’t get worse. H was there for me and my family. He made the dark days lighter. He was always full of life. With a magnetic energy, and a charm, and smile which would fill the room. The women adored him – and this was part of the attraction I suppose. I was flattered that H wanted ME. Our relationship was intense, loving, sexual, but bound by friendship I always felt safe and ‘in control’. We played together, laughed together, supported each other intellectually and emotionally. We understood each other. His dad too was an alcoholic. I was in love. H was in love – with ME!
Then within a week in 2007 H’s dad died. His best friend was killed in a crash and the wheels came off. An alcoholic binge led to cocaine. He was hooked from the start. And over five years I watched this beautiful man lose his grip. Lose himself. Only now I look back and ask myself “who was watching me? I was losing myself’. I stayed. I supported. I begged him to go into rehab. I look back on those years now. During his active addiction he was not my friend. He did not love me. He loved cocaine. He loved women who loved cocaine. Yet I stayed. I would allow him to pick me up in his Range Rover, wired out of his mind, driving at over 180km/hour. Where was I??? Sitting next to him praying the airbags would work if needs be!! Can you ‘f…ing’ believe a ‘sensible’ girl like ME would allow this? I sounded like an addict myself. The voice in my head saying “this is the last time I will allow H to drive. Next time I will say NO’. Thank God there was a next time and a next time… My mum had already lost a son – and here I was – prepared to die for my H?? And here is the SICK part – sicker than anything – is I had a little boy at home waiting for me!!! (I would travel to H’s country every 2/3 weeks on business – and so leave my son with my family at home). The Angels were on my side – I never died in that Range Rover. My son never had to grow up wondering what had happened to his mum. The police never had to contact my family with the words “your daughter was found dead in the mangled wreck of a Range Rover, with cocaine and bottles of champagne strewn around”. Not yet! Not unless I get serious help!
I was always there to pick up the pieces. Literally pick H up out of his own excrement. Picked up his unconscious body, undress the urine soaked clothes, bathe him, and watch him sleep, praying to God his heart would not stop. (You might be all wondering why I did not get him into hospital – but where H lives (and where my business is) is an island off Africa – and no medical care or rehab – have to fly to South Africa for support). Where was I?? Hooked, addicted to the world of H. I put him first. I put H above all else. I lost myself completely. I became his shadow. I too became an addict. I became addicted to the life style. I never touched cocaine – but definitely drank far more than necessary. I stopped sleeping. I would go on wild benders with H. How I never collapsed from exhaustion I don’t know. He was on a chemical high – I just managed to keep going – don’t know how? Fear, nerves, believing if I was right alongside him he would not die of an overdose – who knows! I was hooked! H became my escape from my own life, my own grief, my own mortality.
My life became a secret. I was ashamed. I never told my family the truth. And I am very close to my family. When H finally went into rehab the relief was enormous. I could sleep at night. I believed that all would be okay. I never saw my ‘role’ in any of this. I never considered ME and the damage to ME. And who I really was. I ate, drank and slept H. He was constantly on my mind. I would promise myself that I would never put myself in a compromising position again – but there I was, AGAIN in his car, AGAIN in his bed having unprotected sex – not wanting to believe that his cocaine addiction meant sexual betrayal and who knows what else. I risked my health and my life OVER and OVER again.
Not until a few weeks ago when he walked out of my life, I believed he was in recovery. I realise now that he gave me the greatest gift by breaking the ‘bonds’. If you had to ask me a few weeks ago ‘How are things with H’? I would smile and say “Brilliant, he is doing so well – we talk about a future together – I am feeling so positive”. What a load of ‘SH*T’!!! I am slowly unravelling the past few months in my mind. Honestly looking at all the moments of doubt, fear, anxiety. The first few months of H’s recovery were truly good. I recognised H again. We talked openly and freely. I could see all the good work of rehab. I felt good. But the past 6 or so weeks were not good. No friendship at all. No watching sunsets or going for walks (we live in the most beautiful place, with white beaches, palm tree, baobabs and turquoise seas). He’s always too tired. And where am I? Sitting right next to him. Saying to myself “tomorrow will be okay. There will be another sunset tomorrow”.
Even the love making – what ‘love’. The tenderness has gone. There is no morning kiss. I can’t remember when he last touched my cheek. Through SR I suspect (I KNOW) he has relapsed and is in active addiction again. I had every intention of supporting him like I did in the past. But now, only because of SR do I realise I am as damaged as him. That there is no way I can possible support him – I can’t even support myself. I did not fathom how the disease of addiction runs through my veins as strongly as H’s! I just don’t absorb chemical substances – I just throw myself into his presence – and absorb the addiction through my very being.
And now here is MY truth. I am LARA. I deserve to be happy. I am a good person. I love too much. I will learn new skills to cope as an adult. I will put my son first. I will love H forever in my heart. But I will say goodbye to H forever. Thank you God and all the angels for watching over me these dark years and bringing me home.

Learn2Live 07-22-2012 06:01 AM

Lara, what an amazing post!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I needed to read every word.

Kindeyes 07-22-2012 06:13 AM

Powerful post. It literally gave me chills. It took a lot of courage to write that and the self empowerment was palpable!

You are not alone, Lara. Many of us have been totally lost in our own addiction to the addict. You DO deserve to be happy. You DO deserve to be in a relationship with a man who partners with you in a healthy manner. You took a big step forward today.

gentle hugs and much love

neferkamichael 07-22-2012 06:16 AM

Lara, you are FANTASTIC. :egypt:

Mitten2012 07-22-2012 06:29 AM

Thank you for sharing, I know so many, myself included can relate to your battles and have fought similar ones. Stay strong!

Krystal32 07-22-2012 07:12 AM

What an inspiring and powerful post, thank you for this Lara!!

laurie6781 07-22-2012 07:35 AM

Thank you so much for sharing Lara.

Now, every time the 'doubts' creep in, and unfortunately they will, come read this post. It will bring you back to your 'real' reality.

With this 'awakening' comes growth from now on! You go girl!!!!!! As personal face to face support you might want to try some Alanon meetings, both here at home and in the country you visit for business, so that when you are having those 'moments' you can get some face to face encouragement also.

We, of course, are open 24/7, lol

Love and hugs,

SuzyMarie 07-22-2012 08:34 AM

Lara, Thank you so much for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes. You have very eloquently put into words what so many of us here have experienced. Your honesty and self examination are beautiful. I needed to read this today!

Lara 07-22-2012 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by SuzyMarie (Post 3499836)
Lara, Thank you so much for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes. You have very eloquently put into words what so many of us here have experienced. Your honesty and self examination are beautiful. I needed to read this today!

Hi SuzyMarie and everyone else... thank you for your support.

outtolunch 07-22-2012 09:14 AM

Is this addicted guy the father of your 4 year old?

For us here in the states, 180 Km is about 112 mph. How quickly this child could have lost his mother.

Lara 07-22-2012 09:21 AM

Hi Ottolunch - no he is not the father..... I was married years ago...and would you believe I had a 'one night stand' with my ex husband.... but I hence a beautiful boy. I thought twice about posting 'Liar, liar Range Rover on fire' as I am so ashamed. H eventually did crash the car - wrote it off! I have not been in 'that situation' for a long time - and will never put myself there again - but it was frightening how involved I became in all of H's addiction. I could have lost everything.

Sunshine2 07-22-2012 09:32 AM

I have tears in my eyes for your brutal honesty, Lara. It takes guts to be that honest with yourself and then sharing it with others. I am sure your post will help many others who are still in denial.

You have made a wonderful breakthough. I wish you lots of happiness from now on.

SuzyMarie 07-22-2012 10:10 AM

Please don't feel ashamed. You are so not alone and shaming yourself is very defeating. It took b*lls to share what you did. Keep moving forward.....

oooopps 07-22-2012 11:09 AM

I love reading about people's strength. Especially knowing how broken down they once were. It's like building muscles... you have to tear the muscles down and be in pain for a while before they come back stronger. Thank you for sharing.

PrayingMama 07-22-2012 11:17 AM

Wow. Amazing honesty. Brutal, beautiful, brilliant.

Your son is truly blessed to have you as his mother. Thank God he still has you.

FindingErica 07-22-2012 12:43 PM

Wonderful, Lara! Very powerful and brave to share all that. Don't live in the shame of the past. We all have addicts in our lives and have spent time caught in the madness one way or the other. It's not what happened in your past but how you go forward in your future that truly counts.

Jody675 07-22-2012 01:46 PM

Lara what an amazing moment for you, and i hope you are feeling the strength of your own words. now to make sure you live everyone of them, and don't look back. you and your son deserve true love from someone who is worthy of you. i hope you never again have to feel value only when someone "chooses you". you should be getting that value from within. good luck and great post!

supportforme 07-22-2012 09:55 PM

Thanks Lara. Wonderful Post. You should be proud of yourself. Your post was exactly what I needed tonight. Thank you.

Lara 07-22-2012 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by PrayingMama (Post 3500003)
Wow. Amazing honesty. Brutal, beautiful, brilliant.

Your son is truly blessed to have you as his mother. Thank God he still has you.

Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!!!!! I am meant to be starting my working Monday, and here I am with tears rolling down my cheeks!

crazybabie 07-22-2012 11:26 PM

Lara, Amazing post doesn't it feel good when you do the work and find parts of yourself? You have come a long ways since you joined great job...

lisasneeze 07-22-2012 11:50 PM

Lara, you deserve EVERY happiness! The hardest thing for me was leaving my addict. I had to learn to love myself again and I was searching for that in a man that didn't even love himself.

The most powerful tool you will ever have is loving yourself and with that comes being able to walk away when you need to and nurture yourself when you need to. Keep empowering yourself and believing in yourself, you lose that a lot when you are dealing with addicts and someone needs to love you, YOU need to be there for yourself and love you most of all!

Learn2Live 07-23-2012 05:44 AM

After reading another post here on SR, and coming back to this one where you share so much self-reflection, I've realized something that is helping me, that is lessening the pain in my heart a little. I hope you don't mind I share.

I was in a relationship with an alcoholic addict who was trying to get clean and sober without any program. He blames everyone else for everything that happens in his life. He cannot look at himself. Whenever I would try to talk to him about us or our life together, he would either not respond or say something like, "I'm a POS," or beat himself up verbally. We never got anywhere, nothing really changed, I didn't know what else to do, and so I just retreated into my own world.

Thank you, Lara, for sharing yourself and your self-reflections and self-honesty here.

Lara 07-23-2012 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by Learn2Live (Post 3500857)
After reading another post here on SR, and coming back to this one where you share so much self-reflection, I've realized something that is helping me, that is lessening the pain in my heart a little. I hope you don't mind I share.

I was in a relationship with an alcoholic addict who was trying to get clean and sober without any program. He blames everyone else for everything that happens in his life. He cannot look at himself. Whenever I would try to talk to him about us or our life together, he would either not respond or say something like, "I'm a POS," or beat himself up verbally. We never got anywhere, nothing really changed, I didn't know what else to do, and so I just retreated into my own world.

Thank you, Lara, for sharing yourself and your self-reflections and self-honesty here.

Hi Learn2Live... thank you for your comments.... I am still at the beginning of a long journey - but can honestly say that if it were not for SR - I would still be in that Range Rover (literally and figuratively). I find it so frightening as you say, how we withdraw and retreat into our own worlds - and become as damaged as the addict - whom we are trying to 'rescue'. Is it the self reflection which is lessening the pain in your heart?? From reading other members posts - it seems the only time there is an inkling of a chance of a relationship working is if the addict is truly prepared to work at recovery - I really believed H was doing that - only from joining SR do I realise he is a long, long way from any form of recovery.... you are in my thought Learn2Live!

EnglishGarden 07-23-2012 12:48 PM

I agree with Laurie's post about about "the doubts" which will come "creeping in."

I didn't want to comment on that when first reading your post,Lara, because you were in a strong place and your words from that place are useful to many here.

But my experience, personal and from observation, is that there will still be a part of you ready to bargain, a part of you watching for that "inkling of a chance" that your addict will make a turnaround in the upcoming months and do the right thing, get his program on track, come to you with sincere amends and a request for another chance, dive into counseling or service work, and look really really good.

For that reason, I suggest you today go no contact for a minimum one year and two would be better. If you feel yourself unwilling to do this--if that suggestion brings forth strong feelings of protest in you--then you are easy prey for his addiction over the coming months and your family is again at risk.

There is no reason to continue contact.

Learn2Live 07-23-2012 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Lara (Post 3501043)
Hi Learn2Live... thank you for your comments.... I am still at the beginning of a long journey - but can honestly say that if it were not for SR - I would still be in that Range Rover (literally and figuratively). I find it so frightening as you say, how we withdraw and retreat into our own worlds - and become as damaged as the addict - whom we are trying to 'rescue'. Is it the self reflection which is lessening the pain in your heart?? From reading other members posts - it seems the only time there is an inkling of a chance of a relationship working is if the addict is truly prepared to work at recovery - I really believed H was doing that - only from joining SR do I realise he is a long, long way from any form of recovery.... you are in my thought Learn2Live!

What lessened the pain in my heart was your honesty with yourself and your sharing that here. It made me realize that AXBF does not do this. But I do. Being on the receiving end of AXBF's blame for the dissolution of this relationship has damn near killed me. I have been blaming myself and wracking my brains going over the last 2 and a half years trying to figure out what I did wrong, what else I could have done, what I should not have said, how I caused this, how I should have fixed this. And have felt as though my heart has been torn in two. As if a breakup of a long-term relationship is not hard enough as it is! But when I read your post, I thought about all the work you had to do to get yourself to this point and how honest you were being with yourself. And I thought how he has never done any of this. He just runs roughshod over people, never taking a moment to self-reflect, never considering how what he does HURTS other people, even his children, and all he can do is blame everyone and everything else for the hurt HE causes. He never thinks about the consequences of his actions. And here I was blaming ME.

Lara 07-24-2012 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by EnglishGarden (Post 3501470)
But my experience, personal and from observation, is that there will still be a part of you ready to bargain, a part of you watching for that "inkling of a chance" that your addict will make a turnaround in the upcoming months and do the right thing, get his program on track, come to you with sincere amends and a request for another chance, dive into counseling or service work, and look really really good.

For that reason, I suggest you today go no contact for a minimum one year and two would be better. If you feel yourself unwilling to do this--if that suggestion brings forth strong feelings of protest in you--then you are easy prey for his addiction over the coming months and your family is again at risk.

There is no reason to continue contact.

Hi Englishgarden... thank you for your input.... your words did bring about an initial feeling of protest - I need to be very very careful. I have already begun the 'no contact'!!!!!!! Thank you for all your advice! I am listening... and keeping a piece of paper with me with your words (and others) to remind myself of where I have come, where I am going, and the potential to 'relapse' myself!

Lara 07-24-2012 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by Learn2Live (Post 3501487)
What lessened the pain in my heart was your honesty with yourself and your sharing that here. It made me realize that AXBF does not do this. But I do. .

Hey Learn2Live - you are so strong - but it seems there is still so much pain. I write as though I am cool and confident. I know what I need to do - cut H completely out of my life - but words are easy - its' now putting it into practice!!! But my heart is still broken - and I miss H terribly!!!! I miss my friend! (I know he has not been my 'friend' in many weeks/ months) - but I miss the friend I use to know!
Be gentle with yourself Learn2Live!!!!

Lara 07-25-2012 06:13 AM

Originally Posted by EnglishGarden (Post 3501470)
There is no reason to continue contact.

Englishgarden I always respect your posts. You write with wisdom and clarity. 'Every' part of me knows what you say is correct. But what is the 'every part'. My intellect? I don't know. Because my heart is screaming at me to pick up the phone. Call him. I KNOW during his active addiction he is NOT my friend. He can't possibly be. But when he is not on drugs, after rehab - BEFORE he became addicted - he was / is my friend. And I miss him so so much! I miss the good things. I feel I am abandoning him. I feel I am betraying him. All my promises - that I would never desert him. What am I doing now? I am deserting him!!!!!

Is there no way around this one??? What if I set boundaries and stick to them? I am desperately trying to not walk away - isn't there another way???? There are too many memories. To much life shared together..... I have lost all the men I love most in my life.... I don't want to lose H.

outtolunch 07-25-2012 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by Lara (Post 3503992)

And I miss him so so much! I miss the good things. I feel I am abandoning him. I feel I am betraying him. All my promises - that I would never desert him. What am I doing now? I am deserting him!!!!!

Is there no way around this one??? What if I set boundaries and stick to them? I am desperately trying to not walk away - isn't there another way???? There are too many memories. To much life shared together..... I have lost all the men I love most in my life.... I don't want to lose H.

If I recall, he broke it off with you for whatever reasons he had. Respecting his wishes is not abandonment or betrayal.

Would some grief counseling help you accept this?

bobcat2000 07-25-2012 07:42 AM

Hi Lara,

Great post but I have some concerns for you (and I apologise for being so open but we all need to learn from others)and I hope you have dealt with them:
Unprotected sex:
have you had HIV tests done? Have you informed any other partners that you may have been with that you have had unprotected sex? If not do so immediatly - it could save your life!
Are you dealing with this? You must as lack of sleep will make you go mental. It drove me near insanity.
Do not go down here again. From your post you have an "addictive" personality coupled to CD. Please for you and your son's sake do not be tempted.

Otherwise I am so incredibly proud of your post, it is an insperation and I hope you will heal completly and get to normality. You have the strength to live a great life and I pray you get the love from someone who puts you and your son first above any chemical!

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