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MyJoey 04-08-2009 07:50 PM

Sending you hugs and support. Please slow down, I could never take on all that you are doing.

Serenity Bound 04-09-2009 06:48 AM

I remember a time when I was so overloaded and running in so many different directions, that I opened the car door too fast, I hit my face & broke a tooth. HP was trying to tell me, it was time to slow down, take care of me. I think that's just what is happening with you, Devon. Right now your body is still healing, perhaps healing a little slower than
you'd like. Slow down, sweetie, take care of yourself.

Praying that all will work out for you.


Impurrfect 04-09-2009 07:07 AM


Sweetie, you most definitely need a break. I know, for me, it's like admitting defeat when I keep pushing myself..and pushing, but I just can't get where I want to get because my mind and/or body rebels against my plans.

You know, if I had had major surgery, and was struggling right now, what you would tell me. We can see it, so clearly, when it is a friend, and we truly want them to take care of themselves. When it's US? We forget that we should be as kind to ourselves.

Take off the superwoman cape and let the dogs lay on it:) Take a deep breath, put the books away for today, and just take some DeVon time because you're worth it and you need it.

Hugs and prayers!


Callie 04-09-2009 08:23 AM

Freedom, sometimes we just need a break and to take the time to priorotize. I'm glad you are taking the time you need to do so.

I know sometimes I am going 100 mph with work, kids, practices, their school stuff. Up to a point I thrive on that, but there is a breaking point as well. I hope you get things resolved and can find some comfortable peace.

bluejay6 04-09-2009 09:28 AM

i'm so sorry for all those tears, freedom. made me sad to read your post.

i think the major surgery is a big part of what is happening right now. i have said for years that people underestimate the time it takes to recover from surgery....even a minor surgery...and i think the fatigue and fog is in large part related to the fact that your body was "cut open" and your organic whole person has been affected. surgery is essentially violent, when you think of it, and while we know it's for a good reason, the body just thinks it's been assaulted.

probably taking fewer classes after surgery, allowing even a year to return to normal energy and equilibrium, would have been a good idea, but you just didn't know the after-effects of the surgery would be so debilitating.

i would make a plea, based on medical condition, that you be allowed to receive incompletes. ask your doctor for a letter.

the tears are probably really good for you right now.


Freedom1990 04-09-2009 09:39 AM

Today I'm doing as little as possible. I think this is the first time I've let myself really feel the fatigue. I keep turning it over and hoping for a positive outcome on the incompletes. This is the first time in a long time I've really battled with fear.

I think I might even take a nap with the dogs this afternoon. I realized this morning that I was up and in the computer chair for hours on end about 2 weeks post op to start work on college classes. It's no wonder I've been slow in healing.

I appreciate everyone's kind words and prayers! I can't believe what a stubborn old bat I am sometimes. I've put the Superwoman cape away today. :)

We're supposed to have thunderstorms this afternoon. I love this time of year, just without the tornadoes if at all possible! :lmao

NeedingHelp7 04-09-2009 09:57 AM

Do you take a multi-vitamin every day Freedom?

wuzzled 04-09-2009 11:15 AM

Freedom -

I have read many of your posts and responses to others, both here and on another forum. I have always thought, what a strong person she is, so much wisdom and so much love for people (the dogs too, LOL). This lady really has it figured out and knows what she wants and what she needs to do to get there. You always have a plan.

You have overcome so many mountains, and you have accomplished so much. This is a small ant hill compared to other things you have conquered in your life. This too, you shall succeed! Hang in there, take care of yourself.

Enjoy the storms, no tornadoes predicted today!

(((((Hugs)))) and prayers!

Freedom1990 04-09-2009 05:11 PM

1 incomplete granted, and 1 flat out says no (and was the instructor I feared it would be). I'm still waiting to hear on the other two. :(

greeteachday 04-09-2009 05:20 PM

Well, if the no is indeed a no, the others will probably be yeses and you can simply focus all the energy that is not focused on resting and healing on that one class, right? 25% of the stress is better than 100% :)

Freedom1990 04-09-2009 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by greeteachday (Post 2187136)
Well, if the no is indeed a no, the others will probably be yeses and you can simply focus all the energy that is not focused on resting and healing on that one class, right? 25% of the stress is better than 100% :)

I'll take 25% over 100% on stress any day! :)

Serenity Bound 04-09-2009 06:34 PM

I hope you took advantage & had a nap today. Gotta be good to yourself.

25% sounds real good, I'll be praying for that outcome for you.


cece1960 04-09-2009 06:54 PM

If you can't bend the one, can you withdrawal?
A "W' is OK in cases like this.
I would STILL report the instructor.

Freedom1990 04-09-2009 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by cece1960 (Post 2187228)
If you can't bend the one, can you withdrawal?
A "W' is OK in cases like this.
I would STILL report the instructor.

I have the option of an emergency withdrawal. I looked over the college's policies and I can't find anywhere that it states the instructor's decision can be contested.

The problem is this class is my ICD-9-CM Coding class, which is the one I need the incomplete in the worst. All my future classes are advanced coding classes, plus the practicums and a few others. I've put a ton of work into this class already. If worse comes to worse, I guess I'll go that way and retake the class. I'm not sure how that will affect future Pell Grants though as that is my main source of funding for school.

Impurrfect 04-09-2009 11:57 PM


:a049: to your instructor.

Get some rest, then write down the questions you have (only if you're like me and forget, once you get on the phone) and call whoever you need to, to find out what you need to know. In the meantime, keep taking care of you and get somer est.

Hugs and prayers!


greeteachday 04-10-2009 08:12 AM

A letter to the dean of students with the facts and the medical documentation could go a long way, IMO and costs nothing. You are speaking from the voice of reason and logic and fairness...this professor is not. It is a no brainer to anyone who doesn't say the answer is no because I said so.

Irrational people who lack compassion and who try to play power games just because they can really annoy me. :chairshot

Freedom1990 04-10-2009 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by greeteachday (Post 2187762)
A letter to the dean of students with the facts and the medical documentation could go a long way, IMO and costs nothing. You are speaking from the voice of reason and logic and fairness...this professor is not. It is a no brainer to anyone who doesn't say the answer is no because I said so.

Irrational people who lack compassion and who try to play power games just because they can really annoy me. :chairshot

I am going to get my ducks in a row for the dean of students. The instructor is still not budging this morning, though she's willing to open a test back up that I had missed, which will help. I'm concerned about the final, so I did ask some questions to get a better feel of what's expected.

All other classes are on the shelf (still waiting to hear back from 2 instructors) and I'm going to work in the coding class today, with lots of breaks. I just don't have the oomph to do a whole lot.

cece1960 04-10-2009 08:37 AM

Sounds like a good plan. As you can tell by my previous posts, I agree with Greet.

Your Pell grant shouldn't be affected by one "W" although the financial aid office could set your mind at ease on that one (every case is different)

I does sound like you are getting closer to a solution.
Wishing you the best of outcomes :)

Freedom1990 04-10-2009 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by cece1960 (Post 2187790)
Sounds like a good plan. As you can tell by my previous posts, I agree with Greet.

Your Pell grant shouldn't be affected by one "W" although the financial aid office could set your mind at ease on that one (every case is different)

I does sound like you are getting closer to a solution.
Wishing you the best of outcomes :)

Thanks Cece. What I don't seem to be getting through to this one stubborn instructor is I am not retaining anything. I've even sat and typed up copious notes on the guidelines for coding in each chapter, and have a pretty good sized binder done on that already.

It's not just the physical fatigue. The good thing is all tests are open book till I get to the finals. Then I have those proctored up at the adult education center here in town so I don't have to drive the 40 miles to campus.

I'll get through this, and am just shaving it down to 5 minutes at a time right now. :)

What is that saying? "Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it."

Seren 04-10-2009 09:34 AM



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