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Freedom1990 04-08-2009 01:27 PM

Well, I completely lost it today...
Truth be known, I'm failing 3 out of 4 college classes. Yesterday I emailed the lady who heads up student support services at the college as she has a PhD in addictions because I had no idea how to communicate to any of my instructors (ie, normies) what I have been going through.

Major surgery one week before this semester has done me in. I had the 'crazies' for a solid month after I was done with the pain pills. Now I still can't concentrate-can't remember squat. I finally hit the wall yesterday and realized the harder I've tried, the further I've fallen behind, and it's a catastrophe.

She called me today and I spent the entire time bawling on the phone. I'm scared, stressed to the max, and I can't do it anymore.

She's going to contact my instructors for me to see if I can get an incomplete in all my classes, which extends me another 6 months to get everything in. I told her I could get it all done by summer's end-I just can't get it done in 4 weeks. I know the one instructor clearly stated in her syllabus that no extensions would be given.

I've got to turn it over and leave it with God, but I'm still so scared. Vocational Rehabilitation pays for whatever Pell Grants don't cover, and I signed a contract with Vo-Rehab.

Please say a few prayers for me. I can't stop the tears from coming. No wonder I've been so fatigued. I'm just a frigging mess.

Seren 04-08-2009 01:39 PM

Oh, DeVon, I'm sorry to hear about all the stress and anxiety. I can empathize, not just sympathize. You are in my thoughts and prayers....remember, you and I can both turn over our academic stresses and know that there will be a higher authority who knows how our work and world should go!!

I'm sure something will be worked out for your benefit! Huge hugs!!!! HG

Freedom1990 04-08-2009 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by anvilhead (Post 2185485)
honey, i think you just need a break!!!! you don't take one class, you take take on one dog, you have are involved in meetings and service positions, and sponsorship, and multiple recovery forums and maybe just maybe you're spread just a little bit too thin?????? it's hard to scuba dive while climbing a mountain....sometimes we gotta take things one at a time!?

I know I need a break which is why I made the decision I was taking zero classes this summer.

I just started the treasurer position for my AA group, and it's a pud job, seriously. Took me 10 minutes to do the monthly financial report, 20 minutes yesterday to run to the bank to make a deposit and pay the hall's electric bill.

I'm down to one sponsee, who is currently avoiding me, and who I don't chase after either. :lmao

Last semester was 5 classes (my academic advisor automatically enrolls me since she heads up the degree program and knows what I have to take). I thought 4 would be easy. NOT!

As for the dogs, well I've had multiple dogs for so many years, it's a well-oiled machine around here. Most of the time I'm doing school work and they are sleeping. With one a week short of 16, one 15, one 14, and one 12 years old out of the group, well, they're not particularly raising hell you know. The greyhound sleeps at least 20 hours a day!

krhea75 04-08-2009 02:27 PM

Hang in there....

Freedom1990 04-08-2009 02:30 PM

I'm telling you, it was the surgery right beforehand, and I'm still healing from major surgery. I don't feel like I'm explaining myself very well. Sigh.

I know what it's like when I overload myself in too many areas. This is different. Does that make any sense? It's the combo of the surgery/still healing/wasn't up to par at semester's beginning/just went downhill from there. I'm home 95% of the time, so I have plenty of time to do the work for college. My brain is just not functioning correctly. Argh!

I give up. I'm heading for a nice hot shower. :)

dslalonde 04-08-2009 03:39 PM

you have so much to be proud of right now. Why not focus on your many accomplishments. if school is to be delayed, then it will. Calm down and focus.
Maybe you can complete 2 of 4 or maybe 3 of the 4 courses. Sit down and really evaluate how to fix this. You can do it.
Look at what you have accomplished so far!
surgery can take up to 6 mos to fully recover. Even if you think you are super human.
I would try to salvage the rest of the semester and then take the summer off. Or if available take the dropped classes during the summer.
Good luck

cece1960 04-08-2009 03:54 PM

I work in academia, and teach two classes in my "spare time"
I've been the one who is asking on behalf of a student, and also the instructor that sets the rules.
I can tell you that regardless of what the instructor stated, if the "Institution" has a policy on an incomplete grade, then your request is fair.
And if the request is supported by a "doc" at the institution, you can probably bet all of your dimes it will be considered.
If not...take it to the Dean of the school.

DeVon, I've seen people crash and burn on so many occasions, because they took on too much. Most instructors want to do what they can. If your grades are good, it speaks for itself.

Relax, trust the system, and bring out the big guns if it fails you (no pun intended :) )

You are doing the right thing in asking for help.

Good luck

bluebelle 04-08-2009 04:14 PM

I would think they'd probably give you the incomplete. Another options is a W. They might let you withdraw the classes without a grade. You can do that for a medical reason. I did that one year while I was in college. The W stays on your transcript, but I don't think it looks so awful if it happens just once.

Chino 04-08-2009 04:22 PM

Your mind is willing but it doesn't sound like your body is yet able, and I feel for you. Prayers on their way! Does it feel like you're at war with yourself?

Freedom1990 04-08-2009 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by cece1960 (Post 2185629)
I work in academia, and teach two classes in my "spare time"
I've been the one who is asking on behalf of a student, and also the instructor that sets the rules.
I can tell you that regardless of what the instructor stated, if the "Institution" has a policy on an incomplete grade, then your request is fair.
And if the request is supported by a "doc" at the institution, you can probably bet all of your dimes it will be considered.
If not...take it to the Dean of the school.

DeVon, I've seen people crash and burn on so many occasions, because they took on too much. Most instructors want to do what they can. If your grades are good, it speaks for itself.

Relax, trust the system, and bring out the big guns if it fails you (no pun intended :) )

You are doing the right thing in asking for help.

All they've got to do is look at my transcripts from the community college that I took classes from off and on over the years when I was raising my two girls. I transferred a 3.42 GPA (33 credits total). Last semester I did struggle with two classes, but with all 5 classes, I still ended up with a 3.22 GPA. I'm a good student!

I've been to the doctor several times, and he even sent me up for labwork including a thyroid panel because of this fatigue and inability to concentrate. Nothing showed on any of the labs, so he says it's just taking time to heal as he suspected.

I'm going to trust the process, and take it to whoever I need to take it to if any instructors are not willing.

Freedom1990 04-08-2009 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by Chino (Post 2185659)
Your mind is willing but it doesn't sound like your body is yet able, and I feel for you. Prayers on their way! Does it feel like you're at war with yourself?

In a way, it does feel like that. I've been so frustrated because I know what I'm capable of, but I'm just not up to par yet. :(

Ann 04-08-2009 06:03 PM

I'm rooting for you on this one, but I also feel you need a rest, a break, call it what you will, you just need some time for yourself.

When life sets obstacles in my way, I have learned it was sometimes God's way to make me slow down, or sometimes change paths.

I often refer to God's strangely wrapped gifts, and I have a feeling that this is one of them you are experiencing right now. It may not seem like it but what lies ahead is going to be good for your just wait and see.


gotahavfaith 04-08-2009 06:17 PM


I don't have any great advise, but you have helped me alot reading your posts. I just want you to know I am sending good thoughts and prayers and hugs and whatever else you need to you today. Hang in there, it will get better!!!!

:praying :ghug3 :c015:Good thoughts!!

Hammerhead 04-08-2009 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Ann (Post 2185754)
When life sets obstacles in my way, I have learned it was sometimes God's way to make me slow down, or sometimes change paths.

I often refer to God's strangely wrapped gifts, and I have a feeling that this is one of them you are experiencing right now. It may not seem like it but what lies ahead is going to be good for your just wait and see.


Ditto what Ann says... and in the meantime... stop and smell the roses and be good to yourself. :ghug3

BTW - have you considered Overachievers Anonymous? :)

itisatruth 04-08-2009 07:12 PM


Lots of good stuff on slowing down a bit and/or taking more time for yourself. Yourself meaning.....not school, not commitments, not anything 'cept you. Hugs -- you can do this; you will do this....when it's right for you.

Like Cece, I believe the school will be understanding. The reason for this: when I was in my last year of college, I was called in to speak to the dean of my department because I had had some problems keeping up. I even fell asleep once or twice in class. I was going through so much in my life at the time and I was literally exhausted -- work, kids, H., all-nighters, etc.

After telling my 'story' the dean sat back and smiled. She said something to the effect was so refreshing to hear of someone having REAL LIFE problems that were getting in the way rather than someone coming in and saying they couldn't do their report because their boyfriend broke up with them or they had a bad weekend.

My point is this: they can tell who really wants to be there. You do and it will show.


greeteachday 04-08-2009 07:13 PM

freedom, I'm so glad you contacted them to try to get the extensions...I really can't imagine them not helping you out with medical evidence that you are recovering from surgery. HP's got you covered too...No worries - please have a stress-free night! :hug:

nytepassion 04-08-2009 07:26 PM


No words .. just a big ol' cyber hug and lots of prayers.

I love ya,

MyJoey 04-08-2009 07:50 PM

Sending you hugs and support. Please slow down, I could never take on all that you are doing.

Serenity Bound 04-09-2009 06:48 AM

I remember a time when I was so overloaded and running in so many different directions, that I opened the car door too fast, I hit my face & broke a tooth. HP was trying to tell me, it was time to slow down, take care of me. I think that's just what is happening with you, Devon. Right now your body is still healing, perhaps healing a little slower than
you'd like. Slow down, sweetie, take care of yourself.

Praying that all will work out for you.


Impurrfect 04-09-2009 07:07 AM


Sweetie, you most definitely need a break. I know, for me, it's like admitting defeat when I keep pushing myself..and pushing, but I just can't get where I want to get because my mind and/or body rebels against my plans.

You know, if I had had major surgery, and was struggling right now, what you would tell me. We can see it, so clearly, when it is a friend, and we truly want them to take care of themselves. When it's US? We forget that we should be as kind to ourselves.

Take off the superwoman cape and let the dogs lay on it:) Take a deep breath, put the books away for today, and just take some DeVon time because you're worth it and you need it.

Hugs and prayers!


Callie 04-09-2009 08:23 AM

Freedom, sometimes we just need a break and to take the time to priorotize. I'm glad you are taking the time you need to do so.

I know sometimes I am going 100 mph with work, kids, practices, their school stuff. Up to a point I thrive on that, but there is a breaking point as well. I hope you get things resolved and can find some comfortable peace.

bluejay6 04-09-2009 09:28 AM

i'm so sorry for all those tears, freedom. made me sad to read your post.

i think the major surgery is a big part of what is happening right now. i have said for years that people underestimate the time it takes to recover from surgery....even a minor surgery...and i think the fatigue and fog is in large part related to the fact that your body was "cut open" and your organic whole person has been affected. surgery is essentially violent, when you think of it, and while we know it's for a good reason, the body just thinks it's been assaulted.

probably taking fewer classes after surgery, allowing even a year to return to normal energy and equilibrium, would have been a good idea, but you just didn't know the after-effects of the surgery would be so debilitating.

i would make a plea, based on medical condition, that you be allowed to receive incompletes. ask your doctor for a letter.

the tears are probably really good for you right now.


Freedom1990 04-09-2009 09:39 AM

Today I'm doing as little as possible. I think this is the first time I've let myself really feel the fatigue. I keep turning it over and hoping for a positive outcome on the incompletes. This is the first time in a long time I've really battled with fear.

I think I might even take a nap with the dogs this afternoon. I realized this morning that I was up and in the computer chair for hours on end about 2 weeks post op to start work on college classes. It's no wonder I've been slow in healing.

I appreciate everyone's kind words and prayers! I can't believe what a stubborn old bat I am sometimes. I've put the Superwoman cape away today. :)

We're supposed to have thunderstorms this afternoon. I love this time of year, just without the tornadoes if at all possible! :lmao

NeedingHelp7 04-09-2009 09:57 AM

Do you take a multi-vitamin every day Freedom?

wuzzled 04-09-2009 11:15 AM

Freedom -

I have read many of your posts and responses to others, both here and on another forum. I have always thought, what a strong person she is, so much wisdom and so much love for people (the dogs too, LOL). This lady really has it figured out and knows what she wants and what she needs to do to get there. You always have a plan.

You have overcome so many mountains, and you have accomplished so much. This is a small ant hill compared to other things you have conquered in your life. This too, you shall succeed! Hang in there, take care of yourself.

Enjoy the storms, no tornadoes predicted today!

(((((Hugs)))) and prayers!

Freedom1990 04-09-2009 05:11 PM

1 incomplete granted, and 1 flat out says no (and was the instructor I feared it would be). I'm still waiting to hear on the other two. :(

greeteachday 04-09-2009 05:20 PM

Well, if the no is indeed a no, the others will probably be yeses and you can simply focus all the energy that is not focused on resting and healing on that one class, right? 25% of the stress is better than 100% :)

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