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honeypig 09-30-2016 10:09 AM

September 30
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Joy is a choice - but it isn't an easy choice. It is nearly a certainty that some of your expectations will not be met today. Choose joy anyway.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie


Every time I get worried about something, I say my prayers more.
- Jim Burns

Whether we grew up in religious families or not, most of us seek help from some Greater Power when we're faced with terrifying situations. Often it's at an unconscious level that we ask for extra help. But the fact that we do elicit strength from some source comforts us, and this enables us to walk through the experience that appears so daunting.

We never outgrow the need for strength and comfort. That's good news. It's too awesome to think that we need to know all now, to understand how every detail of living should unfold. It's quite enough to limit our focus on the details of the next 24 hours.

Let's be vigilant about our search for guidance and comfort. And let's not forget that we have to listen for the response. If our minds are filled with worrying, there will be no space for the answers to enter.

Praying for solutions or comfort or just a moment of peace will change my perspective today. When my perspective changes, so do my experiences.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-01-2016 02:11 PM

October 1
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

"Why?" is the most useless question in the universe. The only question with any meaning is "What?" Asking "Why is this happening?" can only dis-empower you. Asking "What do I want to make of this?" does exactly the opposite.
- Neale Donald Walsch

Inappropriate Behavior

Sometimes I slip back into old and familiar patterns and catch myself acting out and behaving inappropriately with others. It may be that I have allowed myself to become overwhelmed by my day-to-day activities. Worn and tired, I stray away from my spiritual path and forget to take a fearless moral inventory of my direction.

Suddenly my actions are not matching my moral compass... my true beliefs. Maybe I am gossiping to feel better about myself? Maybe I am being cruel to someone to feel in control when I am fearful? Maybe I am flirting in need of attention, hoping to show that I am still desirable to others? But this is my shadow self and it is a role that no longer suits me.

When I falter in my behavior, I can choose to change my inappropriate words or actions at any time. I can choose to change them during any moment of the day. I don't have to wait for tomorrow. I can stop myself now, apologize for my behavior, and then choose to begin to make a living amends to all those affected by my inappropriate words or actions.

Dear God, help me to be true in all of my relationships. Help me to forgive myself when I falter and others to forgive me for my slips.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-02-2016 09:35 AM

October 2

It's hard to be hateful when you're being grateful.
- Heard in a meeting

To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.
- G. Wilhelm Leibniz

To desire personal happiness is normal and healthy. Most of our plans, choices, and dreams about the present and future regarding jobs, relationships, and hoped-for achievements are geared to make us happy. It's never wrong to want happiness; however, to receive it at someone else's expense or to selfishly steal it from another will result in sorrow. And our greatest happiness will visit us when we least expect it - when we are attentively seeing to another's happiness.

Doing for others - perhaps shopping for a friend who is ill or aged, maybe offering child care to an overworked parent, or cooking a surprise meal for a lonely neighbor - will never fail to heighten our own pleasure.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-03-2016 12:30 PM

October 3
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another. *
- Colossians 3:12

The Real Me

Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.
― Heath L. Buckmaster.

I love this quote because, for me, recovery is about “recovering” me. I had lost myself under my ego, fears, anger, hopelessness, and pain. I used to think I was a bad person and that was just who I was. I used to think I was not deserving of love and that was just my unalterable state of being. This quote reminds me that the me that I had always hoped to be, exists. Not only does that person exist, but he exists in me!

Recovery has helped me become more myself. When I am self-aware and connected to my Higher Power, I am myself. I am not afraid, or angry, or hopeless. I am loving, accepting, and forgiving. I like the color blue, Chinese food, playing with my dog, and watching old black-and-white movies. Before recovery, I did not know any of that. My favorite color was whatever another person wanted it to be. I ate whatever someone told me to eat. And I did what I thought would make other people happy.

At some point in my life of living with the effects of the disease of alcoholism, I made certain choices for myself that I thought would protect me. And I consequently lost myself. Recovery helps me reach through all that to the person I am underneath and brings that person out into the light. When I am working my program, I am a person that laughs wholeheartedly, loves deeply, accepts fully, and lives with focus on my Higher Power. I will be always grateful to the program for helping me find myself.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-04-2016 09:23 AM

October 4
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Today I can be grateful for the opportunities that come to me under the guise of problems I don’t know how to solve or manage. They are the very opportunities that help me stay committed to my program and my Higher Power. That gives me the help I now know that I need all day long, every day, for the rest of my life. - Heard in a meeting


I look in the mirror through the eyes of the child that was me.
- Judy Collins

The child within each of us is fragile, but very much alive, and she interprets our experiences before we are even conscious of them. It is our child who may fear new places, unfamiliar people, and strange situations. Our child needs nurturing, the kind she may not have received in the past. We can take her hand, coax her along, let her know she won't be abandoned. No new place, unfamiliar person, or strange situation need overwhelm her.

It's quite amazing the strength that comes to us when we nurture ourselves, when we acknowledge the scared child within and hold that child making him or her secure. We face nothing alone. Together, we can face anything.

I will take care of my inner child today and I won't abandon that child to face alone any of the experiences the day may bring.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-05-2016 12:10 PM

October 5
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

No matter the difficulty, no matter how unique we may feel, somewhere nearby are men and women with similar stories who have found help, comfort, and hope through recovery in Al-Anon.
- Heard in a meeting

Let Go

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
- Lao Tzu

Recently I have been in circumstances where I feel taken advantage of and my boundaries have been violated by my loved one. I reached out in the program and contacted my sponsor and some friends. Now, though I know what the next right thing to do is, I am afraid of the reactions of my loved one when I establish my boundaries.

Thankfully, a friend reminded me that I do not really know how my loved one will react. More importantly, it is none of my business. I need to stay in my own hula hoop. When I establish my boundaries with my loved one, I will first pray “Please God, help me set aside what I think I know about You, my world, and myself so that I may know You, my world, and myself.” With this, I hope to invite my Higher Power in to help let go of my fears and let me become closer to my Higher Power’s ideal for me.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-06-2016 10:13 AM

October 6
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Today, begin to look on all things with love, appreciation and open-mindedness.
- A Course in Miracles

Turning an Adversity into Opportunity is Possible

We didn't escape problems just because we came to a Twelve Step program. Problems still exist, whether it's a car that won't run, a neighbor who complains, a spiteful co-worker, or a family member who drinks or uses other drugs.

The difference is that now we can keep these situations in perspective. No problem means the end of our world. Before, even the smallest of problems sometimes devastated us.

Through listening to old-timers, we are beginning to realize that every situation offers us a unique opportunity to respond in more thoughtful, loving ways. Without this program, we might never have learned that having problems is the path to the growth and serenity we all seek. Now we turn to God for guidance, and through our trust in God we see the problem transformed into an opportunity. To acknowledge life as being filled with opportunity rather than problems is a tiny shift in perspective that gives us huge rewards.

I will look for my opportunities today. My Higher Power will show me how to handle them. My reward will be growth.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-07-2016 11:48 AM

October 7
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

None of us is perfect, and that's OK. Life is not about perfection or a quest for perfection. Life is about enjoying what we have for as long as we have it.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie


Sometimes I can be oblivious to what is really going on inside of me until I have some type of revelation.
Overwhelmed by too many commitments, struggling with issues regarding my self-esteem, worn, tired, straying from my spiritual path, it is as if my Higher Power suddenly throws someone directly in my way who says the exact words I need to hear, or gives me exactly what I need in my life to have a moment of clarity that brings my true world back into focus.

When I hear something said that resounds in my soul, I must listen to it. When I see something done that sets off a distant bell of understanding, I mustn't ignore it. These moments of enlightenment are precious. They reveal the truth and lead me back onto my spiritual path.

Dear God, help me to listen when you speak to me. Help me to watch when you show me. Help me to follow your path when I have lost my way.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-08-2016 07:28 AM

October 8
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Serenity is not about the end of pain. It’s about my ability to flourish peacefully no matter what life brings my way.
- Heard in a meeting


Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
- Dorothy Bernard

No one of us is always courageous. With trepidation we embark on many journeys. Fear is dispelled each time we rely on our inner strength and trust that our lives are in good hands.

Self-talk is powerful and will prepare us to meet whatever lies ahead today. Self-talk is like prayer and quiets our fears, making it possible to give our full attention to the events transpiring. Self-talk, when positive, cultivates a healthy self-image, one that offers security, even in the face of disaster. We all carry on a dialogue with ourselves much of the time. Taking charge of the messages - making sure they enhance our personal well being - is an option always available to us.

No situation is more than we can handle. Whatever courage or strength is needed is as close as our willingness to go within, to commune with ourselves.

I must own my fears before I can let them go. Courage follows closely on their departing footsteps.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

biminiblue 10-08-2016 09:38 AM

I wish I could "Thanks" this one ten thousand times.

You are the best, hp. Hah, I bet you didn't think about the whole "HP" thing when you signed up.

Or did you? :)

honeypig 10-08-2016 09:59 AM

No, biminiblue, I didn't think about the "HP" thing and was actually rather mortified when I realized that that was how people would abbreviate my name, but I didn't want to change it. A lot of folks make me lower case "hp" so there is no confusion in the posts as to who we are talking with/about.

"Honeypig" is just a pet name for the extremely handsome and lovable basset hound you see as my avatar (real name Ned), and I use it as a screen name b/c it doesn't tend to be something that is already taken (don't you hate when you're trying to sign up for a forum and you're on your 55th choice for a name b/c everything else has already been used?). I do have to say, there was a forum for runners that I was on where there was a "Spiderpig", and I liked that quite a lot, too.

And I'm glad you found today's post useful!

LexieCat 10-08-2016 10:28 AM

Spiderpig's from The Simpsons, right? I must be one of the few people on the planet who've seen only a handful of episodes, but my kids had me watching the thing about "Spiderpig."

Wow, you gave your doggie's REAL NAME. I hope he doesn't get spammed or stalked by some psycho bitch. :)

honeypig 10-08-2016 11:00 AM

Lexie, bassets are magical creatures that are immune from spammers, stalkers and all other manner of ill-intentioned beings. I can attest that the ears of a basset have amazing healing powers and can even heal a broken heart when flopped across one's chest.

However, the ears must be attached to the basset's head and he/she must use those powers willingly; I wouldn't want to see people start hunting bassets for their ears in the same way sharks are hunted for their fins or rhinos for their horns.

And here's a bit of entertainment that I stumbled across the other day:

And Lexie? I am willing to bet I've seen less Simpsons than you, as in NO episodes...I had no clue where Spiderpig came from, so thank you for enlightening me!

LexieCat 10-08-2016 11:28 AM


Just realized it's from The Simpson's MOVIE.

Oh, and them's SERIOUS beach-lovin' hounds.

biminiblue 10-08-2016 11:39 AM

Basset ears. Magical.


honeypig 10-09-2016 06:51 AM

October 9
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
- Anonymous


The most useless day of all is that in which we have not laughed.
- Sebastian R. N. Champort

We are told that laughter is sunshine filling a room. And where there is laughter, there also is life. They say that people who laugh a lot live longer than do the sour-faced. When we laugh together, gratitude comes more easily, companionship thrives, and all praise is sincere. Laughter brings us joy that cannot be bought. Such joy is with us throughout each day. To hoard joy, to hide it away deep within us away from others, will make us lonely misers. We cannot buy or trade for joy, but we can give or receive it as a gift.

Laughter's joy celebrates the moment we are living right now. It is a gift we must share, or it will wither and die. Shared, it grows and thrives, and always returns to us when we need it most.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-10-2016 11:40 AM

October 10
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

. . . time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions. Refrain, therefore, awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters.
- Plato


Believe that your life is worth living and your belief will help create that fact.
- William James

I struggle at times with low self-esteem. It’s very tricky to realize when it is low self-esteem that I am indulging through my behavior. I often fool myself into believing that it’s altruism or strength or protectiveness of another person when I act on my low self esteem.

It sounds strange now, when I am not in the moment, but I can so easily go from setting a boundary to giving into another’s demands and believing that is for the greater good. I think “is it really important for me to set this boundary?” or “why rock the boat? Things are tolerable now, and they could get worse if I say something.” Or the most popular one for me is “I can handle this better than they could handle me setting the boundary so I’ll just take it upon myself. I’m the stronger one so I’ll make the sacrifice.”

In my moment of fear or panic, all of those thoughts pop into my head and they actually make sense at the time. But the truth is, it is just fear and my lack of self-worth that prompts me to respond in those ways. But I am worth it. I am worthy of setting boundaries. I am worthy of rocking the boat. I am worthy of asking for and receiving help and not having to carry others’ burdens. I did not know this in the past. But now I do and I try to remind myself often.

Thankfully, I am on a path to recovery today. I am not, by any means, perfect at realizing when my low self-esteem is the basis for my actions, but I am better than I was. And when in doubt, I have a great Sponsor and a wonderful fellowship to which I turn for compassion, understanding, and guidance.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-11-2016 12:11 PM

October 11
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

If a man happens to find himself . . . he has a mansion which he can inhabit with dignity all the days of his life.
- James Michener

Giving to Others

Yesterday I was speaking to a friend who had been in a very bad place emotionally. He had been struggling with old behaviors, old relationships, residue of the past clinging to each of his thoughts and actions. I was just about to share my experience of how giving back to others had always relieved my burdens when he said, "I've decided to volunteer at my friend's hospice. I think if I give back to others it will help." I smiled to myself, and we went on to talk about the joys of helping others.

Oftentimes, so caught up in my own life's troubles, my own problems, I forget that there are those around me suffering much more serious fates. Being of service, being the light in someone else's day, and putting my own problems aside to share my strength, hope and experience with others reminds me to be grateful and how much I have to give to those in need.

Dear God, remind me to be present for those in need. Help me to put my own troubles aside and share my strength, faith and hope.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-12-2016 10:59 AM

October 12
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Worry is rust upon the blade.
- Henry Ward Beecher


The Earth was made round so that we could not see what lies ahead of us.
– R. Keith Gill

It is so often that I find myself concentrating very hard on developing a sixth sense with which I would be able to know the future before it happens. I am so often afraid of the future – afraid that I will not be cared for, afraid that I’ll be alone, afraid I will suffer – that I try to find a way to know what will happen so that I can “fix” it before it happens. The truth is, even if I knew what would happen, I couldn’t fix it because I can’t know what the far-reaching effects of any decision will be.

Now, I am still afraid the future. But the difference is, in recovery I am able to accept my fear and make the conscious decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power and trust that all will be well.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

honeypig 10-13-2016 01:11 PM

October 13
This is posted from the "Today's Hope" site of Alanon.

​When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
​- Marcus Aurelius


A person shows their true self by how much they need other people.
- Anonymous

What giving we have discovered in our Fellowship! From the very first meeting, we received an outstretched hand that offered us help. People gave freely and asked nothing in return. We, who had known so much taking, could hardly believe what we experienced. It just didn't seem real.

The reality is no put-on. There is a spirit of selfless fellowship in our Program. But the truth is that those who are giving are also keeping. The gem they are holding onto is their recovery. Only those who give away what they have found can keep it.

Every time we share with another human being, we add something to our spiritual bank account, allowing us to draw on it when extra demands are made upon our courage. In the measure in which we share our burdens, they become lighter.

Imagine people saving their lives by giving them away! Oh, that I can only be so selfish.

Daily share from the forum can be found here: Today's Sharing - Today's Hope

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