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Soberintexas007 01-27-2015 08:58 PM

AH Drank Over the 2 Beer Limit Yesterday
My husband and I went to the casino last night.

The bad news is that he probably had 6 beers throughout the course of the night, which is well beyond the 2 beer limit we had.

The good news is that he did not become belligerent. Instead, he just sang loudly on the car ride home. The other good news is that there was no more beer in our apartment when we got home since that is something I no longer allow.

Oh well, what this further taught me is that I really do not have any control over his drinking. In a controlled environment such as dinner and movies, I can limit him to two, but eventually we do something in which I don't have that control.

maia1234 01-27-2015 09:05 PM

Jb- .you are going to eventually have to accept that u have no control over anything With him. He will just lie about it anyway. It will just drive you crazy.

Give him to your higher power and let him fall. That is the only control you have..

Sorry Jb !

Soberintexas007 01-27-2015 09:16 PM

We will see what happens, but I definitely will not encourage him to drink.

Eauchiche 01-27-2015 09:23 PM

I read a story a while back about a lady who only had ONE regular sized glass of wine per day, and that caused her to join AA. WHY??? She HAD to have it.

JustBreathe, your life is worth a lot more than monitoring what your mate puts into his body.

Keep coming back!!!

SeriousKarma 01-27-2015 09:38 PM

I'm sorry JB, this has got to be tough.

How are you holding up?

thousandwords53 01-27-2015 09:46 PM

We posted similar topics tonight. I have no real words if wisdom, just virtual hugs to you.

Santa 01-27-2015 10:31 PM

JB, by this point I'm surprised that you are surprised by this turn of events. There is really no good news here. I suggest you read through your old threads and see how your definition of what you will live with has shifted over time.

P.S. There never was a limit on drinking that "we had." There is only you trying to control how much alcohol an alcoholic ingests. That way lies madness.

Hawks 01-27-2015 10:44 PM

Have you considered asking him how he truly feels about the control you wish to impose?

Might help identify the problem with belligerence after a 6 pack.

I'm tipping he is none too happy about it and only has the wherewithal to defy you after some liquid courage.

Carlotta 01-27-2015 11:23 PM

Good food for thoughts

cynical one 01-27-2015 11:28 PM

Between the gambling and free booze...a casino doesn't seem to be the wisest place for someone trying to cut back on addictive behaviors and/or substances.

redatlanta 01-28-2015 03:50 AM

I'm afraid JB that what you see as control in a two beer limit is nothing more than AH choosing to fly right based on a vacation that he really wants to go on.

If this is how you "control" then you better start thinking of the next adventure and get it booked afterward before the gates of hell open and someone decides to make up the months of abiding by a two drink limit. Well actually - I'm pretty sure that will happen on the cruise anyway.

I hope you realize soon you have zero control in all of this.

CodeJob 01-28-2015 03:53 AM

Well he must have felt like a winner!

dandylion 01-28-2015 05:05 AM

JustBreathe....I think you are seeing where this is going. If I remember correctly, your plan was to buy some more time with him....? before the inevitable.
I think that these past weeks is slowly informing you of what is so hard to realize about our alcoholics.
LOL! This is what we call "experience". Experience is a tough teacher, alright, and it teaches us some of our most important lessons....oy, vey!

Right now, the Wolves are still at the edge of the a somewhat safe distance.
Now is the time that you have to be formulating a plan, in your mind, of what to do when they are finally at the door.

I, also, know how exhausting this is. I have been there.
The thing is, the disease is bigger than we are...and, it is also bigger than they are.
There is no room for compromise with his damn disease. There is no "peaceful co-existence". It is total abstainence and sobriety...or the disease wins.

I wish to God that there was another way.


mfanch 01-28-2015 05:20 AM

Yeah, the parent-child set up doesn't last long and only added to resentments for DH and me.

I wasn't going to change until *I* was ready. My DH "controlling" (lol) my drink was a joke.

brightdaysahead 01-28-2015 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by dandylion (Post 5166413)
There is no room for compromise with his damn disease. There is no "peaceful co-existence". It is total abstainence and sobriety...or the disease wins.

Well said. That's the truth. It's just what I needed to read. Thanks. :)

cookiesncream 01-28-2015 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by mfanch (Post 5166445)
Yeah, the parent-child set up doesn't last long and only added to resentments for DH and me.

I wasn't going to change until *I* was ready. My DH "controlling" (lol) my drink was a joke.

Totally agree 5 million percent. For my part this parent-child relationship that formed was VERY destructive. I haven't consumed alcohol in nearly a year but recovering from the destructive dynamics that ensued are going to take a LONG time to recover from.

That said JustBreathe. I was curious about when you posted. How can other respondents help you most right now with our responses?

ubntubnt 01-28-2015 06:17 AM

The two beer limit is a nonsense to the alcoholic and he will view it as some silly rule being imposed on him and to be taken mock seriously for as long as needs to until normal drinking can resume. In the interim, he will take advantage of any occasion he has to drink more when he thinks he may get away with it......"ah, it was my birthday", "ah, we are in a casino, sure everyone drinks there", "ah, we are having a great night out", "ah sure it was xmas", "ah, my favourite team were playing" and so on.....
Thats what us alcoholics do. You are fooling yourself with these boundaries and the only one caught up in them is you. He is just playing the game until normal service continues. For the alcoholic there is only drinking and total abstinence. You can spend as long as you want proving this statement to yourself.

Sungrl 01-28-2015 06:26 AM

Good Morning JB,

Oh well, what this further taught me is that I really do not have any control over his drinking. In a controlled environment such as dinner and movies, I can limit him to two, but eventually we do something in which I don't have that control.

I had to cut and paste this little part because as I read it I was thinking mad scientist and lab rat!

Let him do what he is going to do, I promise you will go insane. I never went to the extremes you are and I went bat **** crazy. I can only imagine how you feel

freetosmile 01-28-2015 06:38 AM

I'm going to say something that MIGHT **** you off- but that is not my intent. My intent is to offer a different perspective. So PLEASE don't think I'm judging or saying anything bad- because I'm not trying to do that.

It seems like you are holding this man hostage. I have seen that in a lot of your posts, it's always about "well he WANTED to do this, but I told him he couldn't, or he KNOWS I don't allow this or that".

I see that YOU are VERY CONTROLLING- EXTREMELY. I'm not saying you should put up with his alcoholism but maybe for the benefit of BOTH of need to loosen the noose.

JB, I am not trying to hurt your feelings, so I hope you take what you want and leave the rest.


Jupiters 01-28-2015 06:40 AM

2 beer limit at a casino? for an alcoholic?

*backs slowly out of thread*

hopeful4 01-28-2015 06:46 AM

And the line in the sand gets moved back again......

suki44883 01-28-2015 06:48 AM

This bears repeating. Thanks for the reminder, Carlotta.

Originally Posted by m1k3 (Post 4535980)
Just a little note here, this has been coming up a lot lately and I thought I would address something that just isn’t said in this forum that often.

Your alcoholic has the right to drink whether you like it or not.

As an adult they have the right to choose how they want to live their lives. Right now they are choosing to drink. To be honest it really isn’t your job to change them. Besides the fact that almost every one of us here got here because we thought we could change them, make them stop, love them into quitting with all the disastrous effects it had on our lives, it isn't our place to change them.

We simply don’t have the right to do that anymore than they have the right to change us and make us willing supporters, enablers or problem solvers for them.

You don’t have to cover for them, clean up after them, make their lives easier so that they can continue drinking but you don’t have the right to try and force them to change either.

Your friend,

FireSprite 01-28-2015 07:00 AM

JustBreathe - please re-read your post from 12/22/14 in the Alcoholism forum:

Originally Posted by Justbreathe1980 (Post 5089898)
So, before my husband and I went out to dinner tonight, he asked if he could have a beer. I told him no because of how he gets and the strain it puts on our relationship.

So, I was feeling all depressed and discouraged because I realize he is doing his sobriety for me and not himself, which just will not work.

I have been feeling down all night.

Then I came to this section, and the thought came to me that I need to go to more meetings, stay sober myself, and BOOM, I started to feel well again.

I am beginning to realize that if I just take care of myself and my own sobriety, I will make it through this and there is hope. In other words, I am hopeful because of my sobriety, and this hopeful mood is not tied to my husband's sobriety.

When I am strong and my husband sees me working on my own sobriety, there is some type of change in the dynamic of our relationship. I feel in control of myself because of have control of my own sobriety.

Still figuring all of this out....but I think it is getting better.

As a grown man, he DOES have the right to choose to drink, 2 beers or 50 or whatever he chooses. He has a right to deal with the consequences of his own decisions.

Have you thought of it in terms of allowing him the dignity of choosing sobriety for himself, for the right reasons?

meggem 01-28-2015 09:39 AM

Your world is going to come crashing down around you. I will be praying for you and hoping you take good care of yourself.

Carlotta 01-28-2015 10:43 AM

Whose idea was the two beers limit? Probably yours or if it was his it was to pacify you. Up to him, he would probably get blasted every other day.
One thing I would suggest is that you look up moderation and controlled drinking on SR. You will see that even when it is the alcoholic's own idea to control their own drinking, they fail miserably.

LexieCat 01-28-2015 10:56 AM

So it's "good news" that he drove home drunk and singing loudly with you in the car?

Whatever he does, isn't it best for you to arrange for your own transportation in the event he gets drunk? Isn't that the EXACT situation that resulted in your leaving him by the side of the road after he threatened to "snap your neck" back in November?

Stung 01-28-2015 01:04 PM

Hi JB,

As many others have posted, your husband does have the right to drink. But YOU, YOU have the right to leave. As I recall, you have a supportive family and parents that would happily accept you into their home.

Have you considered moving back in with them?

Sending you big hugs.

Soberintexas007 01-28-2015 02:02 PM

First off, my husband never drank and drove the other night. I was the sober driver. He was not belligerent that night, and he just sang songs on the drive home.

I am holding up well because there has been no belligerence in the past two months that he has been drinking. I only have some anxiety as to when the belligerence may come again.

What is keeping me sane at this time is there is no alcohol allowed in our apartment, which he has been respecting. If he does bring home alcohol, then he knows I will leave and go sleep at my parent's house. But I have a safe haven at my home. In the past few months, he has been only having a couple beers which has been fine. But due to being at a casino (and the booze is not free), he ended up having more while I was busy playing blackjack. Yes, it sucks that he had about 6 beers, but at least he was not belligerent.

This is a day by day thing. He knows that if he comes belligerent again after drinking too much, that I will leave and go sleep at my parent's house. That is the plan.

Thank you all for your feedback.

shil2587 01-28-2015 02:12 PM

I am glad that your home is a more peaceful place to be, I know how precious that is. But I am so sorry that he is still both drinking and drugging. I sincerely hope that you will find the strength to go to your parents if that is what you need. Looking back at your early posts, you have come so far in letting go. It takes such a lot of effort and time to not only deal with codependency but to also deal with your own alcoholism. You should be proud of the progress you have made!

Maybe the next step now is to work through in your head what a scenario would look like that would have you leave? Simply so it's less frightening when you have to actually do it. I found visualising walling out really helped me do it in a previous relationship. It took me a while, but it worked for me.

Carlotta 01-28-2015 02:16 PM

Yes, it sucks that he had about 6 beers, but at least he was not belligerent.
Why does it suck that he had 6 beers? He had a good time, did not drive and was not aggressive and you played blackjack and (hopefully) had a good time too at the casino.

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