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transformyself 12-21-2010 10:02 AM

boundaries red flags and homocidal tendencies
Ok well I've ignored red flags again, to the point where I am in a professional business relationship with a lunatic who blameshifts, rages and accuses me of doing exactly what she does. It's crazy making stuff. I keep overlooking it, keep trying to just be a good friend, a good partner, but this is the last straw.

yesterday we were talking about a video project for our newspaper and I told her, this will take longer than you think, and she freaked out on me, like she always does, when she thinks I'm trying to belittle her.

Any indication that I am trying to tell her something she already knows and she has these meltdowns-says I'm treating her like a child. It's impossible to do business with her because he personal issues get in the way.

I need to be very careful. I need to print out her latest emails and remember, every day, that she is not a friend to me. Not to be trusted. This is my fault, I have seen red flags, seen how she treats everyone else and discounted it

She sent me a long email detailing all of her resentments, and it is JUST ******* LIKE AH. She thinks things about me that are horrible, twist everything around to make her the victim.

She sent me an email today detailing every conversation we've had in the last few months when I confided in her about my AH, how bad I feel at times for my kids, all sorts of personal stuff. Literally made bullet points about everything I've said to her! And threw them all back at me as if there is something wrong with me.

Realistically, she is the single most selfish narcisstic person I know. She interrupts people when they talk, rages at me when I try to tell her something she already knows and accuses me of treating her like a child. It's bizarre and I usually just turn away from it--otherwise known as living in denial--and try to go on with my day.

I'm so angry. Stunned. I had no idea she was taking such good notes, to spit my personal problems back at me like this. She has called me every day since I met her and talked about her life, her boyfriend, called me hysterical from a hotel room when her boyfriend broke up with her. I've talked her down from so many hysterical situations.

i had no idea she was this narcissistic. I feel betrayed, but need to take action to protect myself. I know myself and I will forgive and try to forget but I need to end this right now.

I don't know if she is an A or drug addict but this feels exactly like it did when I was living with AH- she blameshifts and accuses me of doing what she is doing. It's crazy making ****.
thanks for letting me rant. I really feel violated and attacked and am worried about my finances now.

HoopNinja 12-21-2010 10:16 AM

transformie--sorry about this. I had a looney tune like this who turned on me so fast it made my head spin (all because I finally answered the phone after she had called my work phone and cell phone about 20 times in 10 minutes and told her I was working and would she please stop calling because I needed to get work done).

She sounds like a twin to the person you are talking about. Sent me a long email making herself out to be the best friend on the planet and it is her fault because she expects people to treat her the same way she treats them. I always wondered if she figured out the reason she has notfriends is because no one wants to be around her. I cut her slack because I knew she is an ACoA and many of her behaviors were due to that--but she chose not to seek treatment.

I was able to just walk away. Did not even feel guilty about it. You are in a different situation since your are tied together in the business. Anyway you can find someone else to replace her?

Phoenixthebird 12-21-2010 10:42 AM

transformie, the first thing that popped into my head......was to be thankful you're not married to her!

Seriously, though, I suggest you contact SCORE, mentors to America's small business, is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and
helping small business start, grow and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).


Lotus2009 12-21-2010 10:43 AM

So sorry to hear that there is yet another business partner that is not working out, Transform. Don't have any wise words, just wanted to say I know what it feels like when you think you can trust someone as a friend and then they turn around and stab you in the back, using what you had told them in confidence against you. If she wasn't your business partner, I'd say let it go and move forward without her, but unfortunately that's not that easy if you are in business together :(

BIG HUGS... I know you will figure out a way to deal with this!!!

wicked 12-21-2010 10:45 AM

her behavior sounds bizarre, transform.
it must be so difficult to deal with someone like this. i mean, you wait for the next bomb to drop on you.
i wonder if she has a personality disorder. yes, narcissistic or borderline.
i think there is a web site called "out of the fog".
FOG - Fear Obligation and Guilt you feel when dealing with her.
Typically, they think everyone else is wrong and will not get treatment. If they do seek treatment, it is a long and arduous task, with a lot of failures.

Keep your life to yourself, as you see, she will use it against you.
What a shame transform, I hope you can replace her some way.


wicked 12-21-2010 10:50 AM

phoenix, that is a fantastic idea!
try them (score) transform, they are experienced business people and maybe they can give you some strrategies to make this work.


transformyself 12-21-2010 11:00 AM

Thanks Hoopie.

I've been by her side numerous times when she's gloated in "doing the right thing now so we can f#$& them up later." so I'm working on not worrying about her possible retaliation. I am on deadline, of course, for the January issue of our paper so this is bad timing, but truthfully, she can't do anything else to me. I'll shovel driveways or do whatever I need to do. I won't fight with her anymore, no way.

transformyself 12-21-2010 11:05 AM

Thanks everyone. I will check out SCORE as I'm working on forming a non profit.

Typically, they think everyone else is wrong and will not get treatment. If they do seek treatment, it is a long and arduous task, with a lot of failures.
Yes, this describes her. She is also prone to giant fits, she has yelled, I WILL KILL YOU at me and others when they do something she doesn't like.
Both of her parents are attorneys, and her father is a RA, so I know she has ACOA issues.

I'm trying very hard to let this go, but I also need to keep in the front of my mind that she is not my friend and to not let her in any way back into my life.

Happy Cashier Lady, all the way.

transformyself 12-21-2010 11:06 AM

OMG look at this! This is her all the way!

By Mayo Clinic staff

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

* Believing that you're better than others
* Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
* Exaggerating your achievements or talents
* Expecting constant praise and admiration
* Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
* Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
* Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
* Taking advantage of others
* Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
* Being jealous of others
* Believing that others are jealous of you
* Trouble keeping healthy relationships
* Setting unrealistic goals
* Being easily hurt and rejected
* Having a fragile self-esteem
* Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don't value themselves more than they value others.

When you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don't receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — the best car, athletic club, medical care or social circles, for instance.

But underneath all this behavior often lies a fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.

wicked 12-21-2010 11:12 AM

I know, it's scary how close it is to how you described her in the first post.

a non-profit? very cool transform. very cool.

i am excited for you lakota woman.


keep your cool around this crazy woman, because there is no reasoning there. none.
i am sorry you are dealing with another nutso.
but you are dealing well.
keep your dignity and let her do her crazy alone.


Phoenixthebird 12-21-2010 11:34 AM

transformyself, you wrote "Thanks everyone. I will check out SCORE as I'm working on forming a non profit." I just want to clarify SCORE, itself, is a non-profit organization to help small business owners. That means they offer their services to you free to your small business. Your small business doesn't need to be a non-profit. They work off of federal grants.


Babyblue 12-21-2010 12:02 PM

Wow she is so unprofessional.

What she did borders on filing a grievence of some type.

Very uncool.

Don't even try to diagnose or figure her out. She is nuts.

transformyself 12-21-2010 06:06 PM

thanks again everyone. I am really struggling with this. I question myself so much, she sent me a few emails after I told her I was done communicating with her on a personal level, telling me she loved me and I"m misconstruing what she said, that she was just mad.

I will not allow myself to be sucked back into this. , which we usually said to each other anyway, but to me it's another huge red flag. I'm sad, but observing myself and my impulses, which are to just try to patch things up with her. That whole try to figure out who is crazy and who is not thing is a real hook for me. But I think I've learned my lesson, thank you.

In the past, she has been able to look at her behavior, but only after horrible fighting, screaming and meltdown. I'm not her freaking therapist!

Live 12-21-2010 06:14 PM

I am sorry Transform. I had a so-called friend go nutso on me a while back and when I was done with the whole thing over it..she said "but I only said all that the one time."

duh. so? what you are allowed 3 strikes before you are out? Nope. Below belt hits and personal blows are just telling me where you are at, how you think and what I can expect and why on earth would you expect to be able to get a free pass for treating someone so badly?

Someone wants to tell me they hate me? okay..go on then and find someone you like.

You are not crazy to choose not to allow someone to treat you poorly no matter what. I've no idea what to do in a business situation other than re-draw the circles, keep it business only and look for a plan B.

Learn2Live 12-21-2010 06:50 PM

Yeah, not sure if you remember but my boss was a toxic psycho bitch. I suffered in that job way too long and it took months before I began to go back to my normal self. I am still not 100% recovered from it. I got to the point where I realized that asking "Why?" was keeping me mired in her toxic bull$hit and as soon as I was able I ran like hell. I still wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, going through those scenarios in my head again. The only other people I have known who are like that are alcoholics and addicts but I remember Anvil saying even straight people can be a$$holes. I'm done with toxic people. Never ever again. I will starve before I put myself thru that again.

Hang tough Transformy. Sorry you're going thru this but glad you can see it now. Love ya'.

wicked 12-21-2010 06:58 PM

oh yeah, this is psychological at its worse.
you can suffer from PTSD after long exposure to someone like this.
transform, gird your loins and learn how to deal with a NPD.
you will have to put a shield around yourself.
damn, i wish you werent dealing with this.
remember is not you, it is her.
repeat that as often as necessary.
it is not me, it is her.


transformyself 12-22-2010 05:27 AM

this is totally freaking me out
So I've spent the night researching narcissism, something I've never done before. This link
How to Cope with a Narcissist? - HealthyPlace

is right on and I definatly see my business partner in these descriptions, but to my horror, I see shades of myself as well.

I like to think I've changed the things detailed in these reports, and I'm honestly in no way pathological or unaware or as "bad" as these descriptions, (or am I in denial?!?) but the behavior I revert to when in a PTSD melt down can fall under these guidelines as well.

Great. Fantastic. I think I'll take the kids sledding and pray out on the great big hill.

transformyself 12-22-2010 05:28 AM

And what would I do without you guys? Beth and L2L are always there for me, every time. Thank you.

wicked 12-22-2010 05:39 AM

you are my lakota woman. (i hope you dont mind that, if you do, i will stop)
anyway, when in a ptsd meltdown all kinds of bad behavior is expected, your amyglydia is in control. so yes, some actions will look like NPD. You are trying to treat your PTSD, she will not likely ever seek help for her personality disorder.
She does not and will not ever see her flaws, you are digging them up, exposing them to sunlight and watching them shrivel up and disappear.
Keep doing the next right thing, one step at a time.
Learn to protect yourself from her until you can make a change, and you will.
I have all faith in you doing what you need to take care of yourself.


Thumper 12-22-2010 06:44 AM

ditto to wicked --- and if you were really narcissistic you wouldn't see yourself at all in that description and you would certainly not be doing any recovery work. Narcissism is a personality disorder, not bad coping mechanisms.

transformyself 12-22-2010 07:29 AM

Beth you can call me whatever you want.:) Just don't call me late to dinner.

Well you guys know tons more about this stuff than I do. And probably know more about myself than I do as I come here, barf things out and then go back to my struggling life. I should read through some of my old posts. Hell I should steal them (from myself I guess) for my memoir.

See?!? Grandiose thinking!

Damn. Well, I've researched, and been diagnosed PTSD, but knew nothing about the narcissist traits except what I read last night. It was scary. I have been feeling quite anxious and frightened a lot lately anyway about a number of things but this stuff with the business partner is exhausting. She literally calls me every day with updates on her life, which is fine, that's what friends are for. She takes things I say so out of context, gets so worked up if she thinks I'm "talking down to her." Here, here is part of one of her oh so lengthy emails:

a lot of times, I say things like "I'm going to kill you!!" in a tone and manner that is not literal and understood by everyone but you.
Riiiigghhht. Everyone but me.

The next excerpt is her response when I tried to illustrate what a complete control freak she is, so much so that she interrupts me, tries to answer questions for others, and recently told me she would have to couch me on how to talk to a new potential partner. She's totally misconstrued the whole thing. I never said a word to her about it, didn't get mad at the time at all, didn't fly off the handle. None of it. She made this up. She's ******* crazy and as long as I try to understand it, or communicate about it with her, I will be too.

Please understand when I said, "I'm going to need to coach you on how to communicate with him" you misunderstood me, got mad and never gave me to opportunity to clarify. I can name several other times that this has occured (like when I say I'm going to kill you--I also say that to the computer and Darrell and Honi and my Mother--they never take it literally and understand the figurative nature of the phrase which is that you are frustrating me and making my life a little more difficult). This is what I mean by me eating **** and smiling. this is what I mean by you flying off the handle and me tip toeing around you and not explaining things or speaking /communicating with you as much. I never know when you might flip out on me for saying something that I never meant to be offensive or bossy--
This is insane! Thank god I've had others around at times to witness her melt downs and demands, otherwise I would doubt myself even more.

She flipped out on me at the beginning of October, literally screamed at me while I was driving because i took a wrong turn. We had traveled out of state and I didn't know where I was. I reacted badly because she had been insane for hours--accusing me of stealing her lighter, raging about all sorts of things.

We had a knock down drag out at that point after she screamed at me. I stopped the car, got out and opened her door and told her to get out. She did not. I said, "that's it. You and I are going to have it out right her and right now until you shut the **** up. You have to stop treating me this way."

She then had a huge meltdown, screaming at me because she said she felt like my "slave," and I was "grandstanding, " while she stood on the sidelines holding my briefcase. She still brings this up when I push her to STFU and act like a grown up. She has giant melt downs.

This was when i spoke at the Capitol in Madison. Now,in the context of narcissism, it all seems to make sense. I hated speaking in front of thousands of people, it was so stressful. I had told her months before to write up her own speakers bio so she could speak as well about business, but she said hers wouldn't be as good as mine and never wrote it up, never submitted it to the hosting organization so she could be a speaker. She tried to get me to write it for her but I am getting sick of her doing that-calling me and saying, "I need you to look up and text me the phone number for this," or " I need you to do that."

God! She is a nightmare! I have just tried to deal with her.

And since I sent her my last email telling her she needs a good mirror and it's not my job anymore and we will only have a professional relationship, she has texted me, called me begin all sweet. **** her.

But it is the list, that bullet point list of every part of my life I have confided in her about over the last two months that is the last straw for me. What a fantastic score keeper, it's amazing she remembered them all like that. She regurgitated it all back to me framed as me raging at her? It's so bizarre. Really? I called her weeping because I feel like a bad mom, and somehow that's raging at her.

I really need to disengage. Thank you all for listening, for letting me process. I hvae some expericne with this from AH so I know that once I get enough evidence, it's essential I turn away, stop trying to engage and just accept she is dangerous to my mental health..

yes. Take the kids sledding. Do more Christmas shopping. Thank the heavens for another day..

Phoenixthebird 12-22-2010 07:40 AM

transformyself, remember "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Often times mental illness is one of the only illnesses that will not tell the sufferer they are sick.


transformyself 12-22-2010 07:51 AM

Yes, pheonix, I know, I already feel bad enough about it. Now I have to sort out how to end my professional relationship with her because there's no way I'm going to continue working with her. There is no seperation of personal and professional with her, all though she'll swear there is.

Bolina 12-22-2010 07:56 AM

Reading old posts (or past pages in a journal) is always a great start to setting boundaries, transform. I find it easier to see patterns that way and a bit of distance often makes things that were irrelevant at the time increase in importance.

wicked 12-22-2010 08:13 AM

(like when I say I'm going to kill you--I also say that to the computer and Darrell and Honi and my Mother--they never take it literally and understand the figurative nature of the phrase which is that you are frustrating me and making my life a little more difficult)
okay, this is insanity. you are frustrating her and making her life difficult because you dont like to hear "i'm going to kill you."?
just because others put up with it, that does not mean you do transform.
i can't imagine in any professional capacity one person threatening to kill another.
and the way i grew up (and maybe you too) this is a definite threat./
it is not cute or funny or something to deal with because Honi and mother deal with it,
it is disturbing and scary.
please do not share anything else personal with her.
please call me if you need to cry or talk about something you are hurting over.
since i am not involved professionally with you, and I live a little bit away from you, I am safe. I understand your anxiety and angst dealing with this woman.
NPD's do not have friends. They take prisoners, and torture them. You see this.
You are a good mother having a difficult time right now. It will pass and you will learn.
Every day is another chance to do the right thing.


LaTeeDa 12-22-2010 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by transformyself (Post 2804136)
I definatly see my business partner in these descriptions, but to my horror, I see shades of myself as well.

This is powerful stuff.

I mentioned earlier this year that I was doing shadow work. It was so powerful that I put it down for several months, and you have just reminded me that it may be time to pick it up again. So, thank you for that.

Acknowledging the shadow is one of the most difficult things I've done so far. Naming, admitting, and accepting the shadow is terrifying. Yet, at the same time it is one of the most empowering processes I've ever embarked on. I truly believe that if we can accept and own our shadow, it loses it's power over us. Not only that, but we can then tap into the power it does have, and "transform" ;) it in ways we never imagined.

We all have a shadow. Having one does not make you a narcissist, or any other label. It makes you human.


transformyself 12-22-2010 09:39 AM

Oiy. Heavens to Betsy. And all sorts of other exhausted exclamations.

I have many other examples like the "No one else has a problem with me telling them I'll kill them, only you," situation. I hope I don't have to post them as well to receive validation, but I might. I think I"m still in shock. And denial. I'm pretty wierded out in general.

Beth, I'm so grateful for your wisdom. Send me your number and I'll call all right. You may regret it. Thank you for your offer to support me. Thank you.

okay, this is insanity. you are frustrating her and making her life difficult because you dont like to hear "i'm going to kill you."?
just because others put up with it, that does not mean you do transform.
NPD's do not have friends. They take prisoners, and torture them. You see this.
You are a good mother having a difficult time right now. It will pass and you will learn.
Every day is another chance to do the right thing.
I don't want to think this about her, she only has one friend and I've never met her, but apparently she's ok with being told I'm going to kill you.

Are these folks especially charismatic? She's very beautiful physically, is a personal trainer too and runs thousands of miles a day, brags about it every day.

Regardless of any of this-a diagnosis, or wth is wrong with her-I have to make and keep a strong boundary. I love our paper and want it to succeed. If only I could put this emotional crap aside. She's already annouced that's what she's doing, I just have to keep from playing the psycho role like I did with AH. He would appear so calm and cool in public while I was so angry I could hardly be in the room with him. Everyone saw it. That's how I feel about her now.

We're launching a new website in January and are being videotaped tomorrow evening for that, introducing ourselves as co-owners and welcoming people to the new website .That'll be fun.

transformyself 12-22-2010 09:42 AM

We all have a shadow. Having one does not make you a narcissist, or any other label. It makes you human.
I hope you're right about this LDT. Fortunately, I know your word is good. You've proved that to me over the past year.

wicked 12-22-2010 10:27 AM

Are these folks especially charismatic? She's very beautiful physically, is a personal trainer too and runs thousands of miles a day, brags about it every day.

Yep, I read about being charismatic too. they are presidents of fortune 500 companies. channeled in the right way they can be very very productive.
hmmm, maybe look at her as a money making machine. cant argue with a machine.

and, yes, LTD is good at this. i owe her some money for therapy. hehehehehe


TakingCharge999 12-22-2010 12:22 PM

I also owe LTD money. And many others LOL

I suggest buying one of these

I am using it at the moment. At least you can get arm tone. The red one is "medium tension" but there is also "stronger tension". I might need that in the future :lmao

Toxic people at work can really help increase your strength. Here they recommend it for men but I found its OK for me, of course you can try diff tensions and see which one feels best :D

Isolating each finger so it can be exercised individually, the patented Gripmaster strengthens hands, wrist, and forearm with spring-loaded piston technology while ensuring the palm doesn't slip from a molded grip. This model offers medium tension (seven pounds per finger) and is recommended for men. Sturdy and highly durable, the Gripmaster easily fits in pocket or purse, enabling hand exercise anytime, anywhere.
A few daily workouts with the Gripmaster Pro and you'll enjoy better control of a baseball/softball bat, tennis racquet, or golf club, with each finger working in seamless unity with the others. You'll also find a ton of other uses for the Gripmaster Pro, including playing guitar or violin, rock climbing, bowling, target shooting, martial arts, yoga, or even relieving stress while clicking a mouse or gaming for hours on end.

Exercising with the Gripmaster is the most efficient and effective way to maintain the health and conditioning of the hand. It's the ideal way to maintain the suppleness and flexibility of the hand to prevent injury. Each finger of the hand is powered by a completely separate system of muscles and tendons located in the hand, wrist, and forearm. The ability to control the ball or control the bat, racquet, or club all starts with the hands. Your hand is really five separate systems which work in seamless unity. The only way to develop superior strength, endurance, and coordination in your hands is to challenge and develop each finger individually. Once you exercise with Gripmaster you'll notice a difference almost immediately.

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