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Delizadee 04-16-2016 07:56 PM

:hug: I really hope tomorrow is a better day for you my friend.

sleepie 04-16-2016 07:56 PM

It's hot up there.

Delizadee 04-16-2016 07:59 PM

Maintenance drinking. That's about all my drinking amounted to in 2016. I was so good at maintenance drinking that the only way people could tell was if they found my stash.

Absolutely no denial in my head that I cannot drink. Period. Ever again. Drunk once and straight back to physical dependence.

sleepie 04-16-2016 08:05 PM

That's a bad place to be Deliza. Physical dependence is what scared me off for good.

Cow 04-16-2016 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by sleepie (Post 5908951)
You still sweaty Cow?

Tired of me bein' up your bum yet?

You gonna give me a sore bottom, like Liza has! I actual many times had the sore bottom syndrome, Liza. I mean, you poops out enough poisons and you exit gonna start getting burny.

I not constant sweaty now, I flashing on and off, which EVEN WORSE, cuz it like fire swelling from inside you one minute, then terrible chills next minute. Make impossible to sleep... cover on, cover off, cover on, cover off, cover ...well you get point.

I was at pretty large level of maintenance drinking, so it was get pretty scary.

sleepie 04-16-2016 08:39 PM

A little something for Cow:

A flight of guyliner:

TigerLili 04-16-2016 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Delizadee (Post 5908934)
Pros to drinking:
Everything stops for a second and nothing else matters.

For one. Damn. Moment in time.

SO not worth it. :headbange

Oh me too. Just to switch off the worry, fear and anxiety for a short time seems to make all the downside worth it, but I know it's not. so sucks.

TigerLili 04-16-2016 08:44 PM

Cow I have peri-menopause too and it's stupid. I hear you on the medication side-effects too. It's a fact of life that some people can't find a med that works for them without unmanageable side effects.

Delizadee 04-16-2016 08:49 PM

I am :lmao

You guys are too funny.

Cow you got the sweats and I got the paranoid mania going on... everything is making me jumpy and I keep thinking someone's here. Then jumping Jacks and running in place and some mad cackling.

I think I'm going to clean the house for a while. I feel mad.

I'm not happy we're going through this... but I sure am glad I'm not alone. :hug:

The hide and go seek sweaty covers game hasn't hit me yet. Stay strong Cow.

Cow 04-16-2016 09:03 PM

You too, Liza.

High TLili, :hug: yeah, I think I done with the med game. They just go into the trash, and I has go almost psychotic on some of them.

Oh Sleepies, you chucklehead. But really? No Dave Navarro, Jared Leto or Jack Sparrow. Come on now.

sleepie 04-16-2016 09:13 PM

LOL I picked the funny ones. Dave Navarro's too girly! His eyebrows are way too shaped.

lets' go off the beaten path a little.

Dragon Layer:

And Retro:

Croutie 04-16-2016 09:13 PM

I had wine tonight. Very depressed
Sending Best wishes for you all..think I'll take a little break

sleepie 04-16-2016 09:13 PM

I'm picking Dragon Layer for you Cow.

sleepie 04-16-2016 09:14 PM

Croutie no now stay here. Don't go away sad and lonely.

Cow 04-16-2016 09:19 PM

Croutie, is no judgement here, excepting for who has best guyliner!

We here when you wish to talk about it. :hug: We appreciate you honesty. You will turn it around.

Dee74 04-16-2016 09:21 PM

Stick around Croutie. We don't shoot our wounded :)


Delizadee 04-16-2016 09:25 PM

Croutie please don't go. Cereally. We do not give up on one another in SR. I'm same as you my friend. Tomorrow is a new day to hop the fence? :)

Jsbodhi 04-16-2016 10:29 PM

Hi everyone- thinking of you xoxo

Jsbodhi 04-16-2016 10:51 PM

Cons of my binge drinking

Blackout for hours
Very promiscuous- Have sex with men that are losers ( I'm promiscuous sober too- but the quality of men is much better)
Spend money.
Smoke a ton of cigs.
Hangovers so bad just existing is torture.
Miss work and have to lie to clients about why deadlines aren't completed.
Late to appointments because still drunk in the morning and can't drive.
Cheat on boyfriends if I have one.
Really bad stomach.
Send out really nasty or emotional texts.
Weight gain.
Binge one night a week- which leads to 4 nights a week, and will very quickly be every night if I don't keep it in check.
Can barely pay attention in class the next day.
Feel like a weak loser.
Insomnia for days.
Eat horribly during hangover.
Don't eat all day so I can drink and catch a buzz.
Sleep in my clothes, lights on, possible to leave oven or something on.
Burns from cooking and other injuries.
Mystery cuts and bruises everywhere.
Lose things.
Making promises I have no intention of keeping.


Go from 60-0 in minutes- relax
I write better papers for school- sad but true; I get better grades on my drunken papers I edit in the morning.
Better dancer ;) ( so I think)
Stop worrying for a while

My ex boyfriend took a video of me in a blackout- very scary.

Delizadee 04-16-2016 10:59 PM

You covered lots of cons that I missed. Oops ;)
How ya doing this week Js?

The clients ones all applied for me too, back before I shot my own reputation dead on the water.

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