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stone 02-05-2007 09:38 AM

I know what you mean Paul, Nuudawns sig applies to him actually, he talks a lot about pain and other stuff that has a Buddhist type philosophy behind it, ie the importance of the present moment.

gypsytears 02-05-2007 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by stonerat (Post 1198918)
Hi Gypsy, well done on finishing your outpatient program :)
The earliest appt. I can get is March 17 which is a dissappointment to me really, I can't go on treating the clinic as some sort of cut off point, I need to do it now.

Thanks stonerat... I feel pretty good about getting through it myself :). I hope you can get started with your stopping sometime soon. Day 83 here for me !!!

stone 02-06-2007 02:22 PM

Wow, well done Gypsy, keep strong hon. :)

Well, my grandads funeral... I didn't drink for 4 days before hand and had only 3 pints of lager during the wake, I didn't make a fool of myself or upset my mum by being a drunken fool. I am proud of myself for this little victory and if I had let my mum down in front of her relatives I would have been devastated.
I was able to support her and talk to relatives I have never met in a reasonably OK manner. I did well in fact.
Today was about my grandad and my mum and I didn't blow it.
I am not religious but I thank god, (I cry out to god when in pain so..) I also met some really nice people who I am related to but have never met.
At the end of the night, me and my mum didn't want half of the guests to leave.
On a high really. :)

Tazman53 02-06-2007 02:33 PM

Well done stonerat...... just out of curiosity why did you pick that moniker?

stone 02-06-2007 02:52 PM

It is a secret Taz.

gypsytears 02-07-2007 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by stonerat (Post 1200923)
It is a secret Taz.

Any chance of you sharing? If not... just don't drink today :).

Tazman53 02-07-2007 12:57 PM

I have a feeling it has something to do with a music group or a song, but that is just me grasping at straws!!

Nuudawn 02-07-2007 01:12 PM

Doesn't look like Stone wants to spill ; )

Re: Power of Now...ya know, I guess I better pick that up again. Someone sent that to me...from Paris actually. A wonderful woman I met on a "quit smoking" forum (we've lost touch tho) who took the trouble to ship it to all the way over here in Canada. I read it a few years ago...I think I best pick it up again..since I didn't know my signature was from the darn book.

stone 02-07-2007 02:22 PM

Stonerat started as something slightly different that is an anagram of my real name.

Nuudawn, I didn't mean your sig came from the book itself, just that it was very applicable to the stuff he talks about. Oh, I didn't drink today btw. :)

paulmh 02-08-2007 02:42 AM

Well done you. Keep stringing them days together.

stone 02-08-2007 05:42 AM

Thanks Paul :)

I won't be drinking today either. It is snowing here, I hope it sticks :acch:

Yesterday my mum told me she was proud of me for the way I handled being her escort to her dad's funeral and for doing what I am doing, that felt so good to hear. I am used to feeling ashamed all the time.
Today I am just in 'one day at a time' mode, not thinking too much about things and taking it easy on myself.

paulmh 02-08-2007 06:08 AM

For years and years I kept trying to "quit drinking forever" - you know how it goes. Finally found out the only drink I can avoid is the next one, and the only day I can do it is today. Let the future take care of itself!

Have a good one!

gypsytears 02-08-2007 07:04 AM

Enjoy watching the snow fall stonerat. Better there than here ;). I'm so rooting for your sobriety... it's nice to check in here and see that you're not drinking today. Keep that up :).

stone 02-08-2007 07:33 AM

Thanks Gypsy, the snow isn't sticking :( boo.
I feel like crap today really apathetic, but right now just not drinking is enough. That and not going over past pain in my mind.

stone 02-08-2007 09:33 AM

I read someones sig the other day, I think it was 'When all else fails, go to bed.' :)
I think I will do that today, I will listen to an audiobook and sleep when I can.
I have been reading the forum all day today, so glad this place exists and thanks for the support everyone.

manchester paul 02-08-2007 10:04 AM

hi stonerat..

after the day i've had i reckon i too will be having an early night,not needed or wanted a drink tho...

glad i found this forum some helpful reading to be found



ay100 02-08-2007 10:11 AM

Whenever I feel the urge to drink I immediately make myself busy if all else fails I go to bed. Before I sleep I always thank God that I got through another day sober.

stone 02-09-2007 01:18 AM

Hi MP and AY :)

Well I didn't drink yesterday and I wont be drinking today. This is the only way I can deal with it right now, one day at a time.
I woke up at 8 AM this morning feeling pretty good, I get monumental hangovers and I love waking up feeling good.
I had a weird dream last night about carrying my cat through Liverpool, it seemed to go on for hours and I was lost as is usual for my dreams but it was very important I kept hold of cat lol.

gypsytears 02-09-2007 01:28 PM

Hi stonerat :). Great that you're not drinking today or yesterday. I hope that you'll be adding a tomorrow and a next to that was well.

Weird dream there dude! Thanks for sharing ;).

GlassPrisoner 02-09-2007 01:43 PM

Hey Stonerat.

Kubrick & Spielburg could have made some epics out of my dreams !

Vivid and or drinking dreams are common.

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